Published: 2011-04-28 23:04:39 +0000 UTC; Views: 11136; Favourites: 500; Downloads: 142
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Cumbermaster! Dedicated to ~robbicide since I would never even have thought of drawing this without himMy Cumbermaster is a sassy one.
Oh oh oh, I should probably add: I don’t actually want Cumberbatch on the show. Weeeeeell, a cameo maybe but definitely not as something as large as the Master.
It’s just one of those fandom concepts that I love because it’s fun to play with but that I think should stay in fandom, if that makes sense?
Texture from ~lostandtaken
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Comments: 100
mangafreak128 [2014-05-31 17:33:17 +0000 UTC]
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NymphedoraRavenwood [2014-05-14 00:26:32 +0000 UTC]
This is to happen! I can't even think about how awesome this would be!
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SOates253 [2013-10-28 00:01:39 +0000 UTC]
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alainaisreading [2013-10-11 17:29:58 +0000 UTC]
Cumberbatch should be the Master! It would be hilarious!
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Time-Moose [2013-02-05 07:58:34 +0000 UTC]
I can so here Ben saying, "I like it when you use my name. <3"
And it sounds smexy. >////<
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Windyfur [2012-06-22 03:15:10 +0000 UTC]
I need a ginger!Benny!Master in my life. Simm!Master was sort of a psychotic manchild, and I want a new one that's a little more subtle.
Also, EYEBROWS. Because in Sherlock they are GLARINGLY apparent, while poor Matt hasn't got any at all.
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Glow-Stick-Empire [2012-04-01 01:59:46 +0000 UTC]
I'm surprised you don't like the idea actually occurring on the show. When I heard he was rumored to play the part (is it actually confirmed? I can never tell...) I squeed harder than when I first saw the cast list for the Hobbit.
I think if he does get the part he'd have to be like you presented him here. If any of Sherlock carries over it'd be hard to look past the whole "Sherlock vs. The Doctor" aspect.
Anyway, gorgeous piece. First panel makes me giggle an unnatural amount.
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cheszilla [2011-06-17 04:11:27 +0000 UTC]
I can see why Cumberbatch was 1st choice for the Doctor. But I still luuuurrve Matt Smith.
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LadyLunaTheLunatic [2011-05-25 01:59:08 +0000 UTC]
THANK YOU MASTER! I shall obay you and your eyebrows forever!
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yamiswift [2011-05-18 12:07:52 +0000 UTC]
hahahaha! oh this is wonderful! XD Rude AND ginger!
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ljscribbles [2011-05-14 18:20:23 +0000 UTC]
Oh my god, this is utterly terrifying. I love it.
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AllyKat42 [2011-05-06 12:54:54 +0000 UTC]
That is, quite possibly, the most fantastical thing I've ever seen. If Moffat did that I think I'd never be able to watch anything other than DW and Sherlock, just because of the pure epicness shinning over everything else on TV.
(You got Benny's eye color wrong. Well, sort of wrong. Depends on the lighting, but most of the time it's really pale blue/grey, and only occasionally is it an incredibly see through green. Like old sea glass. Other than that, perfectly accurate.)
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SirLemoncurd In reply to AllyKat42 [2011-05-06 13:29:48 +0000 UTC]
thank you!
I made his eyes bright green on purpose! Felt it added to the character's creepyness. As in: it's not Benny, it's The Master.
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aberry89 [2011-05-06 05:51:39 +0000 UTC]
If that ever happend, I would have to hunt down Stephen Moffit..... and give him a million hugs!!!!!
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carpenoctem09 [2011-05-04 01:05:09 +0000 UTC]
I approve, the lack of Smith's eyebrows and his over handsomely face have always been an issue of complaint for me
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LadyLunaTheLunatic In reply to carpenoctem09 [2011-05-25 02:00:14 +0000 UTC]
here here...and his epic forehead.....
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carpenoctem09 In reply to LadyLunaTheLunatic [2011-05-25 03:26:13 +0000 UTC]
Yes, it should be a Tardis, really...
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LadyLunaTheLunatic In reply to carpenoctem09 [2011-05-26 03:40:49 +0000 UTC]
XD thats the best reply i could of hoped for!
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Lilylily7000 [2011-05-03 23:26:49 +0000 UTC]
This needs to be canon. IT MUST BE!
Yeah Master, just rub it in will you?...the innuendo was purposeful and can be taken either way ;D
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ZaraZabuza [2011-05-03 16:48:33 +0000 UTC]
oooh. I liek the idear of a GINGER Master.. just to rub it off on Doctor.. but Benedict properly isnt cought out for Master.. who knows..
I still wanna se some more John Simm Master <3 maybe a rubbish Beard master again
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LadyLunaTheLunatic In reply to ZaraZabuza [2011-05-25 02:00:57 +0000 UTC]
i want the rubbish beard back! i hate the wife replacement!
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ZaraZabuza In reply to LadyLunaTheLunatic [2011-05-25 10:58:11 +0000 UTC]
me 2... D: I hate Lusy D: if they do bring back the master bring back the beared,, think of all teh FUN they can have with jokes... liek 11 non eksisten eyebrows... I can see them but im slow I just realised what they ment 3 weeks ago... they are hard to spot
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LadyLunaTheLunatic In reply to ZaraZabuza [2011-05-26 02:45:31 +0000 UTC]
i've always commented on his eyebrows.. he has none!
11th : Oh no the rubbish bread again?
Master : You just jealous that i have hair on my face! *face points*
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ZaraZabuza In reply to LadyLunaTheLunatic [2011-05-26 21:07:32 +0000 UTC]
hhahaha... well I first realised it in the new season.. after a whoel season with nr 11... im slow
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LadyLunaTheLunatic In reply to ZaraZabuza [2011-05-30 01:50:52 +0000 UTC]
meh his face always buged me... and His mummbling... the "hereiamtalkingveryfastandimportantONLYoverawisppernotmakeingANYsenceuntilsuddenlyI AM YELLING AT YOU!"
I like him now.....even if his eyebrows gives me nightmares
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ZaraZabuza In reply to LadyLunaTheLunatic [2011-05-31 09:32:28 +0000 UTC]
hahahha...... the angels gave me nightmares..
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LadyLunaTheLunatic In reply to ZaraZabuza [2011-06-01 01:37:08 +0000 UTC]
You see the Angels don't scare me a bit. Like .... ok you blink your dead... but they kill you by liveing you to death (Ok last season made them a bit more scary but still) and I STILL don't know why they don't just take a slegehammer to its head! have someone wtach it as you jackhammer its head off!
Nooo the Vashta Nerada scare the PISS out of me! fucking shadows that EAT YOUR FLESH! Not fun... Not fun at ALLL!
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ZaraZabuza In reply to LadyLunaTheLunatic [2011-06-01 20:06:01 +0000 UTC]
they make me giggle.... "hey, who turn off the light?" oooh!! remember the brain of evil.. 3 doc. the docs face scares me in that episode...
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LadyLunaTheLunatic In reply to ZaraZabuza [2011-06-06 14:37:19 +0000 UTC]
Explain "remember the brain of evil.. 3 doc. the docs face scares me in that episode..." part its not ringing bells
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ZaraZabuza In reply to LadyLunaTheLunatic [2011-06-07 06:41:50 +0000 UTC]
oooh... well its and old black and white episode with the. 3docs one hears stops and Master saves him.. but he make one of his Weird creepy faces... D: (the doctor)
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LadyLunaTheLunatic In reply to ZaraZabuza [2011-06-11 00:04:48 +0000 UTC]
.................... find me the name of this ep........ i must have it... I MUST SEE HIS RAPE FACE!
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ZaraZabuza In reply to LadyLunaTheLunatic [2011-06-13 08:50:23 +0000 UTC]
"the mind of evil"
its in 6 parts.. black and white one of my fav eps
. liek the atlantis one
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LadyLunaTheLunatic In reply to ZaraZabuza [2011-06-15 01:33:10 +0000 UTC]
OH YEAH!!! I WAnted t see that one... (isstelzingitrightnowz)
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LadyLunaTheLunatic In reply to ZaraZabuza [2011-06-15 17:36:56 +0000 UTC]
still on the stelzing it stage D: its hard to get wtf
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LadyLunaTheLunatic In reply to ZaraZabuza [2011-06-21 01:55:12 +0000 UTC]
Nope! can't get it anywhere! @$%^&! lets see if its on netflix!
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