Published: 2008-06-30 16:08:56 +0000 UTC; Views: 292; Favourites: 0; Downloads: 0
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Blue roses make me think of Saya and Diva. lol.
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Comments: 16
Shyion [2008-07-07 10:09:36 +0000 UTC]
blood + is
I do believe a blue rose signifies mystery?
good job. ed
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Sheishido In reply to Shyion [2008-07-07 10:20:15 +0000 UTC]
Thank you!
And yes, I believe it signifies mystery and intrigue. That and overcoming obstacles to be with your true love. Romantic, huh!
I love blood+!!
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Shyion In reply to Sheishido [2008-07-08 03:28:51 +0000 UTC]
yeah, thats really romantic
this is kinda off topic but do you know what the pink and red rose means? I know the yellow rose signifies friendship, but I donno about the red and pink ones.
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Sheishido In reply to Shyion [2008-07-08 05:58:47 +0000 UTC]
I don't mind you going off topic. *we're still talking about roses anyway* lol!!
Where Red roses are love and romance. Blue roses would be more of a forbidden romance type thing because it's usually reflected where someone can't be with the person they love or it took alot of sacrifice to be with the person they love. *+mystery too* I guess it fit Saya and Diva perfectly, huh.
Pink are appreciation, adoration, or admiration.
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Shyion In reply to Sheishido [2008-07-14 12:18:53 +0000 UTC]
True, true~
wow. 0_0
you sure do know alot about this! You could write a book on this stuff. xDD
neh, do you know what the black rose means? [does it mean death, by any chance?]
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Sheishido In reply to Shyion [2008-07-14 23:58:47 +0000 UTC]
I love flowers in general.. my actual favorite is the lotus blossom.. they're gorgeous, too bad I don't have access to them. lol!
From what I remember.. black roses don't really exist... they're chemically altered to look black. *spray and stuff like that* It was actually just a name given to a really dark red rose... one so dark it was close enough to black for it to be called so.
Yeah.. it usually signifies death *or "you're going to die"*... mostly by vengeance. I'd say it's more of a silent threat... lol. It's not the kinda flower you'd want to give someone you care about.
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Shyion In reply to Sheishido [2008-08-21 14:31:07 +0000 UTC]
really!? I've got some growing in my back garden! xDD
ne, do you live in a cold-ish part of the US? [is the lotus affected by the temperature? @_@]
ish so scary! -goes into a corner and sobs-
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Sheishido In reply to Shyion [2008-08-24 03:54:18 +0000 UTC]
I'm jealous of you! Your lotus blossoms are probably gorgeous, aren't they! I live in a super rainy state.. lol.. it's only warm in summer but the rest of the year it's cold, dark, and rainy.
Did someone give you a black rose?!!! >_<
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Shyion In reply to Sheishido [2008-08-24 11:39:52 +0000 UTC]
I'd say yes, but Im afraid that would make you even more jealous >_<
Are you serious? Super rainy? I'd kill to live in a place like that! Its soo hot here T_T Then again, we dont really have summer/winter/spring/autum here.. xD
ehh.. A vertual one T_T
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Sheishido In reply to Shyion [2008-08-27 00:58:59 +0000 UTC]
I'm already jealous, so it's too late! LOL!!
Yup.. it's super rainy here.. the only time we don't have rain or it's not cold is july-sept.. and even then one or two days of rain will sneak in randomly.. lol..
Our seasons look the way they should.. but with loads of rain.. lol.. I used to love it when I first moved here.. but after 5 years of it, I'm not in love with it as much. lol!!
=o Do you know the person that sent you the virtual one?? Maybe they don't know what it stands for?
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Shyion In reply to Sheishido [2008-09-06 01:37:07 +0000 UTC]
I suppose your imune-ish to the cold around your area then?
lol! 5 years?! No wonder!
ahh, it was one of my friends. she said, "Ive sent you a little present via email. If you can figure out what it means, tell me." and then she gave off a little evil crackle and walked away
probably did it as a joke. xD
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Sheishido In reply to Shyion [2008-09-14 08:54:49 +0000 UTC]
I'm not immune to the cold yet.. lol.. but it doesn't bother me as much ^_^
Yeah, it sounds like your friend just meant it as a joke.. lol.. but it's still a meanish kinda joke xD
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Shyion In reply to Sheishido [2008-09-20 01:36:41 +0000 UTC]
xDDD lol
ahh, I see~ Im super sensitive to the cold xD [about 22-37 degrees C where I live]
yesh, but I dont really mind. Seems shes sending it around to lotsa other people too xD
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Sheishido In reply to Shyion [2008-09-28 10:09:09 +0000 UTC]
oooh in that case, it doesnt seem serious.. maybe she IS just playin little jokes. LOL.
i love the cold.. its the heat that kills me xD
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Shyion In reply to Sheishido [2008-09-30 06:57:55 +0000 UTC]
hahah~ dont worry ^_^
it was
lol! I hate the heat, and I kinda like the cold[has never experianced a temp less than 10 degrees C before xDD]
but I love the rain! [just as long as Im indoors when it happens]
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Sheishido In reply to Shyion [2008-10-08 08:03:37 +0000 UTC]
I like it cold too, but I got used to the super warm summer that just passed.. for some reason it's colder than normal.. and the cold is making my teeth hurt *cries*
I love it best when it rains with me indoors too haha
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