Published: 2007-03-30 03:08:38 +0000 UTC; Views: 6493; Favourites: 146; Downloads: 87
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And now, the final piece for the murderers series for now.The monster from the city I call home, who picked up one of his victims from a club I frequent. For me, it doesn't get closer to home than this and I still remember the newscasts on the television when he was arrested and his trial. But the world seemed bigger to me then and the horrifyingly depraved acts of this human monster seemed so far away.
This one I tried like 4 times to draw him in a more traditional way. I wanted to paint something sympathetic given he was one of the few to seem genuinely sorry for his crimes. After stumbling upon a color photograph of one of his gutted victims I decided to chose a less sympathetic and more surreal way to illustrate this killer.
There are a number of symbolic elements in the way this piece is done. Please let me know what you see or interpret. I could just as easily give them to you, but I'd rather an honest and unbiased perception.
And thanks to my number one fan, whose imput always helps my work be its best, and also helped me with the teeth manip, which looked pretty bad at first. Thanks! Without you, it would have looked pretty silly.
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Comments: 42
PulsarQuasar88 [2022-11-19 07:42:59 +0000 UTC]
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photo-riju [2012-12-03 03:14:40 +0000 UTC]
theyre all sick as hell and sure , we dont want them among us, but i sometimes think thereΒ΄s much more sadness and pain to a serial killers mind than weΒ΄d like to admit. Or maybe i just dont believe in pure 100% evil.
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disfiguredhamster [2010-04-21 23:33:57 +0000 UTC]
have you seen the film "Dahmer"? I thought Jeffrey was a sick fuck until I saw it, its shows a rather disturbingly sad side of him. I cried a little, But it still doesn't change the fact that hes a sick fuck. XD
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thedemonseyes In reply to disfiguredhamster [2010-06-12 18:25:26 +0000 UTC]
watch raising jeffret dahmer its kinda from the dads point of view he feels saddened that he didnt see the signs
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DavesShadow [2009-09-13 09:40:00 +0000 UTC]
Haunting. This is one of your best. I think if you know Dahmer's story, the piece will speak for itself. As a serial killer geek, I can read a thousand things into this painting. But I don't think we have that kind of time.
I was 17 when all that shit in Milwaukee hit the news, and I can remember how crazy it all seemed. I had family from your neck of the woods visiting at the time, and they were tripping out. The same when Bundy was executed. Craziness I couldn't really appriciate at the time.
Now, as an adult, like you said in your comment, the magnitude of the darkness and evil of these men really sinks in.
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bedpan3 [2008-10-23 20:58:50 +0000 UTC]
whenever I'm in Milwaukee I look for chocolate factories
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daddy-likes-men11 [2008-06-16 21:19:22 +0000 UTC]
Amazing. I respect you so much for making this
You have so much talent.
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ElectroSveis [2008-06-01 11:29:08 +0000 UTC]
Wow, you used the fridge! Right? <3 Where he lay the parts of his victims, a head among other stuff. I love how you show only his eyes; people said he was a good looking man, and eyes usually are the prettiest part = )
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u-stole-all-nicks [2008-05-01 12:35:13 +0000 UTC]
why am I not surprised to find another work like... well... this!
It's amazing, but I'm not going to leave a long comment, because I would be repeating myself and many people who commented before me. Exceptional.
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Rendermemute [2007-08-19 18:10:58 +0000 UTC]
the fridge is a freakish contrast in comparison to his brooding gaze, very well done.
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Nazi-Mutt [2007-06-16 05:17:11 +0000 UTC]
ah. my favest cannibal dahmer. Jeffery dahmer right?
anyway. I love that fridge. (its a fridge right) with the teeth looking stuff. so wonderfully potrayed.
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God-of-Static [2007-06-10 04:28:50 +0000 UTC]
I see a fridge thats not all the way there, caked in blood, but you also make it seem like a part of him with the way you placed everything.
I really enjoyed your murderers series. The real thing is scarier than Hannibal Lecter or Jason Voorhees.
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TheTrashCaretaker [2007-05-21 01:31:43 +0000 UTC]
What a awesome series! This really is some of your finest work here. Way to go man!
Nice creepy angle to take Dahmer on.
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SullysWiccanOrgy [2007-05-20 21:09:37 +0000 UTC]
Your specific placing of the teeth connects both sections, despite their distinctly different colours! I really like the surrealism here, but feel Jeff's dabbling in cannibalism is too overly emphasized.. I find his fetishism and overall personality far more interesting.
The Polaroid bottom segment's a neat addition.. Hearkening to his own grisly photo collection, yes?
This is artistically and tastefully gruesome, without being exploitive. An effective use of subtle symbolism gives it depth and sophistication. I'll stop dorkranting now and just hand you a gold star. (:
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gerardtorbitt [2007-05-15 15:42:41 +0000 UTC]
That pic is ace, don't know if i can see anything subliminal, but its a really strikingly laid out piece. Simple, yet stark.
I recently read a book called 'The Shrine Of Jeffrey Dahmer', it doesnt just tell u about the crimes, but more challenges your morals n beliefs. It makes you reconsider what you think right and wrong are. Great book yo.
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DeadNGoneAlready [2007-04-18 01:08:23 +0000 UTC]
great work. i like how Dahmer's eyes appear to be that of a regular person... then you see the fridge and then you realize the true monster behind those eyes. im from milwaukee too. my freinds grandpa was a policeman who worked on the Dahmer case. he cut his leg on a nail in the floorboards at the Dahmer house...pretty damn creepy if ya ask me i wouldnt want to spill blood there *shivers*. well neways this is a pretty amazing piece as is your whole gallery!!!=]
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camila-croft [2007-04-05 06:47:12 +0000 UTC]
From the whole series, this one has to be my favourite!
In my opinion, by only showing his eyes and giving the frigde a good part of the pic was a great decision. Also the colors you chose. The olive green/sepia and the saturated orange are excellent, because it gives a misterious look to the killer and a strange feeling when looking to the fridge (looks like flesh).
The lack of blood is also a very strong point here and in Gein's. I'm a great fan of horror and bloody stuff, but theses days these things are so over-exposed (by unreal and real world) that (in my opinion ) blood is not as shocking and well used in movies/pics as it used to be.
So, by showing just a bit of it make us curious and afraid of what is inside the fridge, kinda like "I wanna look but I'm too scared to open it!" and, once again, it gives the door a "flesh" appearance. And above it all, it's frighten.
I like the series, but I gotta say that the composition of most of them looked a bit too common for me. I know that there's always a different thing to represent the crimes (like the clown killer with a balloon) in every picture. However, this one and Ed Gein's were the ones which called my attention the most due to the relation shown of them and their crimes in such an elegant and new way! Only showing his eyes was also a great choice.
I'm a graphic design fan, so it might be one of the reasons why I love this pic so much . Excellent work Mister!!!
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thehotmageaeris [2007-03-31 04:33:01 +0000 UTC]
It looks like a door, with a face on it. O.O
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ScabbedAngel In reply to thehotmageaeris [2007-03-31 18:35:32 +0000 UTC]
Well. in a way it is. It's a door to a fridge that has teeth, it opens like a mouth symbolizing his cannibalism.
Glad you like Miss Mageaeris..
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thehotmageaeris In reply to ScabbedAngel [2007-03-31 22:14:31 +0000 UTC]
Woohoo! I was right, in a way! lol, And I'm glad you draw, mister scabbedangel!
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ScabbedAngel In reply to krepe [2007-03-31 18:42:41 +0000 UTC]
Lousy murdering fridge!
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TheGhostInTheMachine [2007-03-30 16:22:42 +0000 UTC]
lovely the way that you draw teh reallistic form of his face
either too the ink of blood, but is a little.. introspective
anyways, is pretty.
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CraigInATin [2007-03-30 15:53:49 +0000 UTC]
I'd love to take stab at this who interpretation thing...but I'm really stumped.
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ScabbedAngel In reply to CraigInATin [2007-03-31 18:37:57 +0000 UTC]
"To take a stab at..."
Ba dum ching!
I couldn't resist...
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jx1-f [2007-03-30 14:55:06 +0000 UTC]
the realism is outstanding. o_O so impressed with this work. great job man ^^!!!
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kranaatti [2007-03-30 13:54:28 +0000 UTC]
Yayyyy Dahmer!
And the infamous fridge. Very cool. And not cool. And cool.
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dinamzz [2007-03-30 09:54:35 +0000 UTC]
indeed i agree with your comment. i think this 'unsympathetic' view is best. nice work. i love your series.
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happymonkeyshoes [2007-03-30 09:20:54 +0000 UTC]
This has been such a good series. I think ya should compile them into a book with info!!
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radiationboyy [2007-03-30 09:08:40 +0000 UTC]
Geez - living in the same city as Dahmer...is there still some sort of..."legacy" left behind? I mean, do you still find people talking about him there?
I'll be dead honest with you here. You've got me stuck for words. Not in a bad way, but with the different approach on the subject, you've left me with questions about whether or not I'm seeing what you were intending.
First off - the middle section actually reminded me of a colour field abstract expressionist piece (with the middle section) but then I saw that it might have been a fridge...which would make alot of sense. Alternatively, it may even be a big "phat" graffiti "S"...but thats me digging too far I guess
What I did settle on in the end is that you've created a sense of division between the actual murderer (the half face) and what he had actually done (the bloodied fridge) - and the colours add to that. Even the fact that you've only given us half his face suggests to me that we didn't "see" him for all he was.
You said that you wanted to portray him sympathetically but you changed your mind slightly after seeing the photo. (I think I saw that one too...it was by a bath if I remember) However, in the end, I think theres still a sense of sympathy in how you've separated the man from his actions - perhaps he was at conflict with himself.
Its packed with feeling and its executed very well - a fitting end for the series...for now (as you say!)
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Crudity [2007-03-30 06:09:02 +0000 UTC]
As always, great work. I love that even though I prefer your linearts but still, the dirtyness. huhuhuh. Nice. Hope that you won't meet any murderer any time soon
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Shamonan [2007-03-30 05:53:42 +0000 UTC]
Dahmer was a true walking horror. I like how the focus of this picture is on his infamous fridge. What's really shocking, in addition to the Satanic shrine and 'zombies' Dahmer tried to make, is the fact that police were an inch from capturing him after picking up one of his escaped victims. They left the boy to be killed, possibly because of homophobia, but I'm sure you already know that. It's really sad that the boy was too drugged to be coherent enough to escape when rescue was so near.
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KurtBelcher1 [2007-03-30 05:41:14 +0000 UTC]
Wonderful work. What else are you working on?
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prayerofthehopeless [2007-03-30 04:55:48 +0000 UTC]
I think I see a face and a knife...
And lots of blood?
....Too tired to think too hard.
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entropiCCycles [2007-03-30 03:14:19 +0000 UTC]
Very nice work!
I'm not that good at interpretation, but this looks very cool.
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