Published: 2009-02-12 02:52:17 +0000 UTC; Views: 12456; Favourites: 215; Downloads: 281
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"I WANT TO BE A SPACESHIP #1"8" x 10", Acrylic on wood panel, February 11, 2009
The complete title: "I want to be a spaceship so I can fly the hell out of here!"
What I think about very often, and certainly something that inspired and influenced this work, is my daydreams of somehow escaping this life for a better, more fulfilling one. This is why I want to be a Spaceship.
Silly thought? True … Would I dream as much as I do if I were content with life as it is? Is contentment the object of life? Happiness? Or are we here to suffer and like it? These questions are examples of why religion was invented. Life is so disagreeable that people had to invent justifications for the savage conditions of survival. Thus, religions were born. Religion is slowly becoming obsolete. Too much science exists for many people to have faith in God and deities who control every flake of dandruff falling from our heads. The replacement is technology, and in effect, the computer chip is the new God. And when we become computers, (which we already are, "Bio-Computers") we will become like God.
What does this have to do with my painting? Not much, … well … except this; The only way I will ever actually become a spaceship is to augment my physical body with technology enough to sustain my life long enough to reach a time in which space travel exists. I can then transform myself into a spaceship using nanobot technology, or whatever else is invented. THEN, I could actually BE a spaceship and get the hell off this rock! However, by that time, I may find life pleasant enough, and find myself having power enough, (which is what I lack now, and one BIG reason I am dissatisfied) to be happy and satisfied with myself … because by then I would have reinvented myself AS God! … WOO-HOO!
So, this painting is indeed a little piece of a daydream. Symbolic, metaphorical, and allegorical of my dreams. You might say this is "my religion" This is my hope for an existence beyond this short life span. In my hopeful opinion, this can all be made real by extending this life rather than believing the dogma of an afterlife like that proposed in many religions.
These ideas are probably getting under the skins of those who still believe in Christ, Allah, Buddha or whatever God. However, I DO TOO!!! I'm hedging my bet! So please don't bother sending me any letters about how Jesus is the only thing that is going to save me because if he will, he already has! I am not atheistic, though perhaps I fall into the definition of agnostic. That is simply because I DO NOT KNOW. I can't seem to have "blind faith" in these things.
But who cares? I hope it's true that Jesus loves me because there sure aren't many others!
I know for sure that I look into a mirror and see something that I have been led to believe is "me". What this "me" "is", IS what I am confused about. There are too many definitions that seem to be in conflict with one another. I am most certainly in the dark about what this mass of water, guts, blood, bone, goop and puss is doing blubbering and blundering around on this ball of dirt. What is the point? Just to consume living material and crap it out to feed a new generation of living material and eventually die myself and be eaten and decompose for the sake of ongoing living and dead existence only!? To continue to procreate and evolve for the sake of evolution and existence?
Well, I don't know, and this is getting boring so THANK GOD I can dream! So far, that seems the most worthwhile thing I do … Just keep dreaming.
More soon - RSC - 2/11/2009
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Comments: 80
Daianyr [2014-11-27 22:08:47 +0000 UTC]
When I see your painting (if I have done a good reading), it reminds me more of the one, showing Lovecraft amongst all creatures of the Cthuluh's myth.
It is very similar.
And yeah, keep dreaming: it is always worth
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Quaddles-Roost [2012-07-31 08:39:47 +0000 UTC]
I`ve featured this in my latest journal [link]
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coruskating [2012-07-28 03:09:04 +0000 UTC]
P.S. As cats of 9 (or more) lives, experience-webbed identity skeletons and cocoons of idiosyncrasies are traversing the pluriverse toward new lagoons of amenable, synergic, perhaps dream-brought to reality embodied existences, I recall the quote of Oliver Wendel Holmes: "The great thing in this world is not so much where you stand, as in what direction you are moving." The world of your imagination, and consequently a hefty portion of your reality, is well capped by these elaborations of augmented continuity and provide the Direction defining You, one which is synergic to those of some Others, a personal though also socially fortifiable religion of its own kind. Dream on... to summon happily, illuminably inhabitable realities not yet born. Thence is the highest Art.
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coruskating [2012-07-28 02:55:18 +0000 UTC]
My knee-jerk response to the title (before reading the elaboration) was 'don't worry, you already are'. As I have it in my tome still in the works, mind is not circumscribed by the cranium, and the brain is only an antenna. In any event that bubble of self-identity of memory and experience you are used to as 'you', naturally need not be the resting 'locus' of your consciousness. To borrow from myself again, that 'giant mainframe in the sky' sustaining one's identity need not be any place spacio-temporally comprehensible. While agnostics do not know, philosophers as myself know the transcendental being outside very possibility of merely sapient knowledge, conditioned by the matter-of-factly inputs, bandwidths and faculties. No need to reinvent Kant here, to realize that that sacred thirst for purposefulness and meaning, so wonderfully scaled to sensibility by the existentialists, is enough to seek a happier continuity in say a new and perhaps moldable and upgradeable carapace. Smile. Will to power, which Nietzsche and others rightly accentuate as the essential or fundamental human need in one's strife for happiness -- that ability to make IT (what ever may seem to be desirable) So, is what more or less intensely drives most personalities. Even Stoics, who are hell bent on self-control and serene contentment in any environment are fundamentally in pursuit of power to find adequate balance and equanimity in any predicament. My more earthly friends, much like the Stoics of 2.5 thousand years ago, and akin to your imagination, find much solace if not quiet happiness in relying on a nice set of wheels where, should things get to be unbearable, they could place their necessaries and get the hell out of this desert (so. cal. in our case - smile). Very much like the stoic committing a suicide. Control of circumstances to one' advantage is what we want, availing means of locomotion is what we crave... The key is... Who and how is doing the driving. How much of yourself does one leave behind and What transmuted self will be augmented to drive or fly away from our barren rocks is very much the gist of some of my musings... As always, wonderful art and most satisfying narrative!
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graudon7507 [2011-10-14 22:03:49 +0000 UTC]
i can vind myself in what you say.I also want a spaceship to just go out there and explore on my own.What do you think about this one?[link] Just wanted to show you.
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graudon7507 [2011-10-14 22:01:38 +0000 UTC]
I really can find myself in what you said i wanna have a spaceship too to go out there and just explore.What do you think about this one?[link] wanted to show you.
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BalduranDeArnise [2011-05-28 20:50:40 +0000 UTC]
I'm not very good with words so i'll keep it short - I share your sentiment. I wish i could escape life, or at the very least humanity and biology as a whole by becoming a space-faring machine.
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Caprini [2009-08-18 21:21:04 +0000 UTC]
Why would I want an eternal reward or a better future, when I so deeply need a change NOW.
Amazing work. Written and visual.
Thnx for sharing.
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Ancient--One [2009-08-09 08:33:50 +0000 UTC]
"Would I dream as much as I do if I were content with life as it is?"
Question, would you not only Dream, also create, if your life were content even on a Much Higher level of existence?
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Ancient--One [2009-08-09 08:30:54 +0000 UTC]
Oh my...
You are missing the link... It's sooooooooo easy... You Already really know.
You fear the illusions... allow your ego to destroy one, giving you another equally shallow illusion in it's place, and you choose to reinforce it...
You are looking at it from that view...
You can take the leap into knowing and soar or dwell in ...
No... Wrong direction. Look at it , possibly, as "Why we are here?"... First, try to view eternity and infinity at the same time. Understand, existence exists. Taking from the obvious simple things, you Should know....
No, I apologize. Most deeply and sincerely.
I forgot... I thought for Far too long that I was a "Human" also... I had forgotten. It is a Precious lesson to learn.
It changes Everything.
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HOULY1970 [2009-06-10 20:34:18 +0000 UTC]
I think they should get started on the colonization of the moon ... At least then wanna be space tourists will have somewhere other than the International space station to visit .. then even we would have a chance at getting off this rock too !!!
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monstah [2009-04-30 19:45:41 +0000 UTC]
The description is a work of art as intricate as the painting. And I share that dream.
Do you have a picture of what would be this more fullfilling life for you? Cause I have no idea what is mine.
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shaq-fu-yung [2009-03-06 20:33:38 +0000 UTC]
I think you are a spaceship... perhaps you wish to be the ground?
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Tellaine [2009-02-17 10:45:17 +0000 UTC]
great work! i love the picture and also your comment to it...
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Mousey42 [2009-02-16 22:33:59 +0000 UTC]
The way you think reminds me of me, at the moment. I know your much more experienced; you've had so much longer to think it through and I'll probably get over it, but for the moment - you remind me of me..
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Wild-Magic-Girl [2009-02-15 18:48:41 +0000 UTC]
the concept and the painting are both wonderful.
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RSConnett In reply to hazznofriends [2009-02-16 21:58:04 +0000 UTC]
Thanks! That's probably as close to being God as I'm going to get for a long while
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hazznofriends In reply to RSConnett [2009-02-19 04:40:02 +0000 UTC]
ha mm, love your work man, how can i get a hold of one of your pieces?
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jadedRoach [2009-02-14 01:46:06 +0000 UTC]
i'm so glad i deviant watch you. i love your work.
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glasermark [2009-02-14 00:42:50 +0000 UTC]
the sphere's remind me of the thousands of flashing orb like UFOs seen thousands every year. what to make of them?
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madbaumer37 [2009-02-13 17:57:39 +0000 UTC]
i adore your work. anytime i see a new painting by you it brightens my day.
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RSConnett In reply to madbaumer37 [2009-02-16 21:56:23 +0000 UTC]
If I can do that, I have done something important! Thank you for saying so!
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razzell2 [2009-02-13 03:59:53 +0000 UTC]
What does this have to do with my painting? Not much, … well … except this; The only way I will ever actually become a spaceship is to augment my physical body with technology enough to sustain my life long enough to reach a time in which space travel exists. I can then transform myself into a spaceship using nanobot technology, or whatever else is invented. THEN, I could actually BE a spaceship and get the hell off this rock! However, by that time, I may find life pleasant enough, and find myself having power enough, (which is what I lack now, and one BIG reason I am dissatisfied) to be happy and satisfied with myself … because by then I would have reinvented myself AS God! … WOO-HOO!
What? I just think its a pretty cool picture!!
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razzell2 In reply to razzell2 [2009-02-13 04:02:57 +0000 UTC]
lol....The old god complex eh? Very thoughtful. Deep. I think I understand what your saying, and that makes me batty too. lol
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Durandal-Thoth In reply to Durandal-Thoth [2009-02-13 08:34:23 +0000 UTC]
Also, you might want to read this: [link]
Some interesting stuff in there.
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tiamat9 [2009-02-13 00:23:58 +0000 UTC]
Superbly detailed and colored. Great stylization as always. The eyes are exquisitely rendered. Your imagination is truly unique.
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Silkeyn [2009-02-13 00:06:49 +0000 UTC]
To be purely content is to be inanimate. If you were a god, you might not have any desire to exert your godly powers (if any), or do anything at all.
Also, though athiesm is called a "lack of faith", descibing it as such is false; athiests are absolutely certain that gods do not exist. They have "faith" that gods don't exist, despite the lack of evidence either way.
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RSConnett In reply to Silkeyn [2009-02-16 21:52:17 +0000 UTC]
I never assumed I would be totally content. My bad ... That though never crossed my mind. To be totally content would be to have zero motivation ... yes?
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Silkeyn In reply to RSConnett [2009-02-16 23:00:11 +0000 UTC]
Yep. You'd have no desire for anything; not even self-preservation. It's probibly something that happens to anyone who's lived long enough; immortality sounds nice when you have a mortal lifespan, but after a few centuries, life could get a bit tiresome.
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RealityUnfiltered [2009-02-12 21:44:03 +0000 UTC]
I heard something about our future selves being lightships, that are alive... i have drawn similar things, and i think they are real, and are in the future.....
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