Published: 2006-12-15 00:55:20 +0000 UTC; Views: 11632; Favourites: 164; Downloads: 191
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Full Title: 'HARVEST OF OUR DEAD FATHERS DREAMS'size 18" x 18" Acrylic on canvas. Completed in Los Angeles, November 2006
This is another in my series of paintings 'MESSAGES FROM A TINY UNIVERSE' These will eventually become not only a series of paintings, but illustrations for a book I'm in the process of making.
Below I've inserted some written ideas, somewhat inarticulate, that lead to this piece.
This particular idea, a 'sub-idea' or chapter in the larger story of the 'TINY UNIVERSE' is my painted narrative of the how the machines evolve to a point where they are able to harvest the 'dreams' or the essence of the minds of the people who originally invented and 'made' them.
It's an old story now, The old "machines take over" scenario. However, I believe it is a very real possibility. To me it seems inevitable, one way or another.
I plan to elaborate my ideas in the form of an illustrated book. These are the illustrations for that book. In story form I am expressing my thoughts, (and fears) that once we have brought our computers to a point where they can build and evolve by themselves, (this within 20 years?) they would naturally at some time become 'self aware'. Not long there after they will become much superior in all ways to us.
Eventually comparing mankind to it's creations will be as an insect is to us. With perhaps an underdeveloped state of conscience, (by human standards) would we not seem to be 'in the way' of the evolution of the machine life forms that we set in motion? At that point they would feel autonomous as they would be many generations past the time when we had a hand in their creation. The way of their evolution would be IN THEIR HANDS. This is superior to us.
Sans the concept of God, what makes an intelligent machine any different than us? Think about it. Your brain works along the same lines as a computer. Only rather than metal parts, we are biological.
We find it easy to conceive of 'other kinds' of living organisms when we dream of extra terrestrial life. What is so different about flesh and metal? Are we both not made of the same atomic 'stuff'?
So, perhaps the machines ARE our natural predecessors, as the mammals were to the reptiles. Only the thing that served up our extinction might not be a meteor darkening the sun, but our own inventive nature.
There is another road this might take. If WE decide to augment ourselves with our inventions, (as we do now with eye glasses and hearing aids) perhaps we will MERGE with the machines. Perhaps we will become the computers and the biological will meld with the mechanical.
That's another part of this story which I intend to explore with pictures and words.
... My words above cover this painting. Below are some other unarticulated parts to the story taking form if you care to read further;
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Beginnings of the 'TINY UNIVERSE' story
We exist in an exquisite dance of symbiosis with our mother planet. Upon us lives many parasites, and on them, many more. There are tiny worlds of parasites, and upon them more, and upon them, and on and on, ad infinitum … endlessly more miniscule. It’s a chain of life that we seldom think upon. In a solitary cell lives trillions of living things.
Eventually, we arrive at the level of molecules and atoms. These tiny worlds are only theoretical to most of us.
Consider the possibility of a chain of inner universes reaching forever into smaller and smaller spaces. Think of the definition of small. No matter how small something is, something else can be smaller. It has always been my belief that there are worlds that we have not discovered living within the materials which comprise the tiniest of structures.
Here, all things are not only possible, but bound to be, because in the infinitesimal nature of these up and own universes, all things happen in the literal sense.
It is one thing to look upon the stars in the “outer” universe and attempt to consider the vastness and incalculable measure of infinity. I believe that same vastness exists within us. We simply have not discovered it yet.
There's another side to this. If these infinite small universe's exist, then so it must go in the other direction as well.
I have faith that life of many kinds exist everywhere. Intelligence that we can not comprehend and life so plentiful that every being that your imagination can conjure indeed must exist. (Or perhaps, by thinking of it, you cause it to exist?), This, in my opinion is a “godlike” quality that we possess, and perhaps the point of these words.
Because I believe that life is so extensive that anything I can think of will exist, I am sure that all things do exist.
We are all walking, talking universes. And in that way, perhaps we fit one definition of God. Let this definition of God be a sentient being who is a vessel for life other than itself. We are like Gods to the beings that walk on the smaller worlds within us, where they are also like Gods to the universes within them.
The vastness which exists in “existence” is far beyond my ability to understand. I’m just making this up. I make everything up. Only lies are interesting. And besides, that’s all you usually get anyway.
Everything I am is made up. The older I get, the less I know about everything. However, I do see that a lot more “everything” exists than I once had seen. Is this wisdom, or the growing knowledge of my infinite foolishness? I’m not sure.
However, I do believe in the power of belief. That is, if you believe something, then you can make it happen. Or it does happen. Or it has already happened. This I have seen many times. Things thought impossible have been made “real” by those who believe. So, believe what you will, and it will somehow become so. However, be careful of what you choose to believe. There are always “strings attached”
Maybe that’s how things work. If you care to ponder it. Maybe belief, (faith), is what makes us GOD like. We can create our own worlds by what we believe our world to be. What you believe is the world you get. If you believe in micro-organisms, then they will exist.
All my latest work is available directly through me in print form. I create extremely high quality Giclee prints on canvas. I have these stretched and mounted by a professional framer. I then paint the sides, embellish the surface, (each uniquely) I sign and number the series and paint the Giclee with 2 coats of varnish. My retail price (Galleries) is between $200.00 & $350.00 depending upon the size. Any DA member can get a discount up to 30%.
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Comments: 43
kohlsen [2016-02-29 13:07:10 +0000 UTC]
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Shinobiownzor [2013-07-10 09:19:10 +0000 UTC]
oh nevrmnd i didnt read the second main paragraph above, it explains all that i was wondering
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Shinobiownzor [2013-07-10 09:14:44 +0000 UTC]
if you would, please respond to this question, as i am very interested in this subject: how do you personally get in tune with the tiny universes, the microbial life, etc? what are some of your tactics, exercises, games?
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Shinobiownzor [2013-07-10 09:13:01 +0000 UTC]
the made up lettering you have created is FANTASTIC! how did you come up with that?
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graudon7507 [2011-10-14 22:23:57 +0000 UTC]
I think if i knew you persenaly we could have been very good friend everything what you said is what i think about sometimes thank for your awesome paintings man.
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RichardTheRough [2010-10-23 10:23:47 +0000 UTC]
Modern Surrealism. Great great piece man, well done. Faved and featured [link]
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CrystalFrontier [2010-09-11 06:45:41 +0000 UTC]
Wow, amazing work and very interesting discussion to accompany it. It is what I often think about too - the limits of the macro and the micro - are there any? Whats to stop it from going on forever, in either direction??
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2snails1shell [2010-06-08 20:08:07 +0000 UTC]
...i designed a character similar to your fishies there decades back, great piece!
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ValliantEffort [2009-12-14 16:39:49 +0000 UTC]
Well done! Funny and enigmatic. I like the thought balloons with no thoughts in them, since their dreams have been stolen.
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Word-worth-1000-pics [2007-09-12 03:32:18 +0000 UTC]
This deviation has been chosen as a feature of the week
on *Word-worth-1000-pics which is a community project
promoting artists on dA.
It has been found from the word of the week : "AWARENESS " (& aware)
To know how it works: [link]
F.A.Q. : [link]
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gagatka27 [2007-04-06 08:25:30 +0000 UTC]
damn - there's a lot going on here - it's gonna take me a while to take a closer look
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Doublepaperbag [2007-01-16 01:45:28 +0000 UTC]
This is awesome, and I would agree with you about the whole machines taking over our thought thing, had I not been introduced to the fact that the world is going to end in the december of 2012.
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AbCat [2006-12-18 19:03:21 +0000 UTC]
Fish as un-infalted balloons. Walking hand-grenades. And a robotic, War of the Worlds invader, controlled by a goldfish. Amazing!
But my favourite part of all this is the worried expression on the fish in the top right.
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anti-glamour [2006-12-18 09:30:06 +0000 UTC]
You take the things which occuppy my brain after I fuel it with magic mushrooms and nitrous oxide, and you paint them. It's amazing. I always try to document what I see and end up with misshapen doodles which bear no resemblance to the creatures in my head. Were you on such substances when you conceived of such critters? Do you have a "me" portal like in being john malkovich, which you enter and witness the contents of my mind? own up.
much flattery and appreciation.
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harold-of-the-rocks [2006-12-17 06:33:29 +0000 UTC]
i think isaac asimov said that as soon as humans invent a machine capable of inventing a machine more complicated than itself, we are doomed. However, I believe that the evolution of machines is different than the evolution of mammals from reptiles. I view the planet's future as more of a scenario from Vonneguts book Galapagos, in which humans have devolved brains and bodies, because humans are obviously too advanced for their own good. Im not sure the world is capable of handling much more machinery.
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BloodyBabyBlue [2006-12-17 01:21:52 +0000 UTC]
What I really like in this picture are the human faces on the ground, sleeping like the featuses in machine wombs in the Matrix. The machines, though, remind me a bit too much of Jeff Soto's work.
I've been lately thinking about the threats we have in today's world, a lot. I understand the fear for machines and them taking over the mankind, but I don't think it's a real threat. Yeah, it creeps me when I think about all machine parts, microchips and prothesis we will be built with in the future. But the thing I'm worried about most is the state of our environment, and that's the real threat, and, simply put, we are all going to suffer and die in our own shit (not talking about the brown stuff coming out of our arse) if we don't change the way were living and consuming. It's not the machines or terrorism or whatever that we should be most afraid of, but the global warming and oil running out from the insides of our planet (only planet so far!). Species are going to die very soon because they can't survive this sudden global warming, and because everything affects everything, every single little flap of a butterfly, it's all going to be a big fucked up mess. It's inevitable and we can't stop things from going wrong any more, but we can still slow them down and buy some time thinking about better solutions than just consuming, raping and destroying our planet.
Sorry, this was not supposed to be an attack towards you, and definately I don't mean to say I don't support your idea! The story you have is a classic, it's always intrigued me, and good stories need to be told. And I like your style. I just felt like saying this all aloud, hope you don't mind it was your gallery it needed to happen. Haha
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mochajava98 [2006-12-16 04:39:21 +0000 UTC]
I see the absolute growth in your work. I know you do to!! This piece speaks volumes about you. I love it and wanna see more. Especially your book when it comes out!!
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cowgirl-from-hell [2006-12-15 21:48:27 +0000 UTC]
its a scary idea indeed, and a realy well painted one too!! awesome work as always.
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hridaya [2006-12-15 21:37:18 +0000 UTC]
i didn't read all the stuff, this is a very interesting piece. you do cartoons now?
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Nerdo-sez-bo [2006-12-15 15:57:00 +0000 UTC]
A book? Fantastic. The painting is wonderful, shame I've already ordered one of your prints for christmas. I'd get this too.
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SalHunter [2006-12-15 10:56:06 +0000 UTC]
A fantastic concept ... really makes me think and jump between the perspectives of being both a child and a parent!
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ERDYART [2006-12-15 10:27:18 +0000 UTC]
yeh that is some really good philosophy and art youv'e got going. Can't wait to get that book ........
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YouInventedMe [2006-12-15 09:39:20 +0000 UTC]
always amazing
but maybe my favorite so far
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UlisesGirl [2006-12-15 05:13:08 +0000 UTC]
I don't know how many times I've told you this, but man... your work is so wicked awesome.
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LawrenceDeDark [2006-12-15 04:42:35 +0000 UTC]
I have to take some time to absorb all this... hurry on the book man!
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tiamat9 [2006-12-15 04:03:05 +0000 UTC]
Wow...I love the concept and designs. The detailing and colors are fantastic. Great atmosphere and fine sense of movement. As always, your compositions are inspirational and totally unique. Incredible imagery.
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Chelovek [2006-12-15 03:57:33 +0000 UTC]
Thats so great that you are painting. I have this energy building up in me to paint also. I wish to do this. This semester is over and im going for my fine arts degree. Ive come to understand that this is a serious choice, not just a fuck around one. Once I take my art to a new level, i think ill have some interesting concepts just like yours.
Great work.
Tell me, why fish like scenes?
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liljeska [2006-12-15 01:31:09 +0000 UTC]
wow this is amazing! i also love the thorough description/ concept idea that goes along with it. great work
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Dr-Twistid [2006-12-15 01:26:33 +0000 UTC]
excellent work as always
your imagination is awesome
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