Robokapu — TSoMaI 4
Published: 2013-11-28 20:02:48 +0000 UTC; Views: 695; Favourites: 4; Downloads: 0
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Description Chapter 4: Thievery and romance

Sora walk across a path near the cliffs and arrive at the mansion itself. It looks big and famous for the folks of Melée Island... and inside it is the Idol of Many Hands, just waiting to be swiped.
Well, the boy got to get by one obstacle in front of him first: a bunch of bloodthirsty poodles tied to a pet near the entrance. They look vicious and will be hard to get by.
Sora remembered what Mad Monty suggested; that he should drug them or something. The boy also remembers what Squidward said that the illegal yellow flowers shouldn't be put on food. So he took out the meat he took from the bar earlier, put the yellow flowers into the meat, then throw the thing before waiting.
Sure enough the poodles begin biting into the thing like mad, tossing one to the said poodle happily. The dogs, after eating, go back to eating... then they begin to get a little woozy before they fell to the ground and lay still, much to Sora's alarm.
"Oh crud, I think I killed them." Sora said in terror.

These dogs are not really dead,
they are just sleeping.

"Thank you, Mr. Announcer." Sora remark to whoever just gave out the notice(me, Robokapu). At least the dogs aren't dead so the kid slip over to the door and knock on it. No answer came so the kid try for the handle... and open the door. Obviously it was unlocked.
Sora goes into the mansion. The lobby looks like your usual one with curtains, portraits, columns, rugs, a bookshelf, etc. Everything that the governor herself has, it's in here.
Now to find that idol, Sora open a door by a vase and goes in there. Unknown to him though, a familiar green haired came out of the shadows smile sinisterly while remarking,
"Looks like a job for sheriff Yuki Terumi." The sheriff knew that the boy would come here eventually, so Hazama follow his enemy into the door.
Soon a big struggle happens as Hazama try to punch Sora, who dodge quickly. The boy, who rush out of the room, grabs a vase and rush back in, using it to hit the man over the head. Some rhino appears but the kid hypnotized them to get it to attack Hazama.
Hazama attack again, causing him to miss as he hit the wall with a yell. Sora rush to a security console and reach for something making the sheriff cry out, "NO! NOT THE RED BUTTON!!!" Sora presses the red button.
A big explosion occurred causing more stuff to handle while the console exploded as were the windows with several shards hitting Hazama who scream as he jump at Sora, causing the two to fall down a steep incline, fighting with each other. The fighters hit bottom where the boy find himself looking at a yak so ugly, even I don't have the courage describe it here, except to say that it got some ugly wax lips. That thing is preventing Sora and Hazama from getting up.
As Hazama try to choke Sora, the boy try to push and pull the yak off to no prevail. He get get a staple remover before punching his enemy right off. Sora got up and use the staple remover on the yak, causing the staples to come out of the yak in the progress (don't ask).
Hazama meanwhile hit Sora from behind, sending him through the yak and right through the wall back into the lobby, causing a portrait of a man to get knocked off the wall in the progress, making some sort of ramp to the new hole. The boy got up a bit before going to the bookshelf, taking out the Manual of Weird Style, going through it. How weird stuff it holds.
Sora head back to the hole that he was blasted through while remarking, "I must be out of my mind", before doing a commando roll like move up the portrait of some duck and through the hole itself. The boy knock into Hazama, sending the man to the ground. Sora grab the yak sized and slobber covered wax lips as he quickly run.
Sora dodge a weapon thrown by Hazama causing it to hit a lever in the wall. Suddenly munching noises are heard as the kid turn and yelp in alarm upon seeing some brown hairy animals across the floor.
"Gah!!" Sora exclaim in alarm. The boy, seeing a can of gopher repellent, grab the thing as he use it to take out a gopher, then another and the whole horde coming down on some steps. The hero rush up the stairs to avoid Hazama. A funny little guy is at the top of the stairs though Sora use the gopher repellent to get rid of him (or at least made him run off laughing).
There it is, the Idol of Many Hands inside a display. Sora smile as he said, "Whoa, cool." One problem, the case itself is locked up with a heavy duty padlock. And no key in sight. "Oh crud!"
Sora said that because Hazama, who is still fighting with the gophers, is chasing him. Quickly, the boy grab a chair and threw it at his opponent sending him to the floor. Sora rush over to a pair of doors nearby and goes through it, returning to the lobby before locking the said door.
"Well, I got away from him." Sora remark as he find himself at the top of some stairs that has a plush red carpet on him. "He should be out for a while. I got to get a file, maybe I could use it to get the statue."
Sora leaves the mansion, figuring that Hazama would be too busy to chase him right now...


Sora, hoping that Squidward may got a file, return to the prison and find the octopuss still in his cell. The boy goes up to him, asking, "Hey Squidward, got a file?"
"Ha, I wish! I would've been out of here by now if I did!" Squidward snap at Sora in annoyance. "All I got is the carrot cake that my mom send me and I hate it! If you get me something to deal with the rats though, whose taste is turning to tree, you can have the thing."
Sora pause then hand over the gopher repellent, since it won't make any different what this thing does to any pest. The boy said, "Here you go."
"Hey thanks! This could work on those rats! Have the cake!"
Squidward hands over a small, hard square cake to Sora who yelp in alarm. That thing is heavy, no wonder the octopuss won't eat it! The boy, going outside, drop it onto the ground in alarm causing a cake to make a clink noise.
'Wait, 'clink noise'? Cakes don't do that!', thought Sora, picking the thing back up, rip it apart quickly. Sure enough, there's a file hidden inside the thing! Ironically, Squidward was too dense to even look inside the cake for this thing. Well, his loss is Sora's gain as the boy rush back to the mansion.


Sora return to the mansion as he head back to the hole, remarking, "I got the file now so..." The boy quickly did another commando roll back into the hole.
Hazama, recovered from the chair being tossed at him before, was waiting for Sora as he slash at him via his sword. The wannabe pirate scream at a high enough pitch to temporarily disorient the man then disarms him. The boy then rush up to a shredder and put the manual inside, shredding the thing and turning it into confetti.
Good thing too as some clown appear shooting like mad with his guns. Sora gave the confetti to him as the clown toss the confetti into the air playfully and shot at the stuff. The boy barely dodge the next attack by Hazama who ran into the clown causing the two to hit the wall and start fighting.
Sora, thinking quickly, toss the wax lips into the fire causing fire to spread out like mad. With that distracting Hazama, the boy ran up the stairs to get to the idol. One problem: the hypnotized rhino is back, blocking the way. Sora use the files on its toenails to cause the animal to roar and rush down the stairs like mad.
Sora now work the file on the padlock on the display case as he hear a commotion of screaming, gun firing and such coming from the downstairs. Soon, the young pirate open the case and take the idol, hiding it in his shirt. Victory was his!
Or it should have been; Hazama has finally caught up with him, punching at the boy who dodge each of his attacks as he rush towards the doors but the angry man caught Sora by surprise as he hit him in the chin causing the hero right htrough the doors window, back into the lobby.
Sora fell down the stairs, landing on the ground floor (thank goodness those things were carpeted). The boy got up and said in relief, "Well, close but I got the idol now."
"Hold it right there!" Hazama's voice yell out as the doors opened up and the angry man come out. "I am not done with you yet!" The boy yelp as the sheriff goes down the stairs.
"Well, well, think you could leave with the Idol of Many Hands, eh? You think I am idiot to know what you are not doing!"
"Come on, let me explain." Sora said in concern. Not good, the boy is tired out from all the fighting and now this guy got him where he wants the wannabe pirate.
"So can I!" Hazama snap at Sora as he stop in front of his enemy. "First off, you poisoned the governor's dogs..."
"They are just sleeping! Didn't you hear the notice earlier?!"
"Broke into her home..."
"The door was unlocked!" Sora protests in annoyance. "What, you left it opened so you could ambush me?"
"...and make off with one of her most valuable pieces of art!" Hazama snap at Sora, ignoring the boy's protest. This doesn't look good, the sheriff is either going to lock the boy up or kill him and this guy looks like he's eager for the latter!
"Hey come on, this isn't what it looks like, really!"
"Oh really? Perhaps you like to explain your side of the story! I would love to hear it... and when I said 'love', I mean I don't."
"It... belongs to the museum!" Sora said to Hazama a bit nervously.
"Ha, right, like I am going to fall for that!" Hazama laugh at Sora evilly. It appears that all is over for our pirate hero...
"Mr. Terumi? What is going on down here?" A female voice said from the top of the stairs. Sora and Hazama turn and saw a woman there, walking down. She is a 16 year old woman with a long red hair and blue eyes. Her name is Bloom, the governor of Melée Island.
"Ah, Governor Bloom, glad you are here to see this. I caught this girly hoodlum trying to take off with your idol. Made some wild claim that it belong to a museum."
Bloom, reaching the two, stop upon doing so. Sora did not say or do anything to support his story. All he could do is...  stare at the Bloom herself.
To Sora and Hazama's surprise, Bloom said, "Yes, that is correct, it does. I called for him to pick it up."
"What, huh?" Hazama ask in surprise and confusion. That came from out of nowhere!
"You heard me, Terumi. But here's another question: how did he get into this place while you were supposed to be on guard?"
"Errr, well, to tell you the truth..."
Bloom sighs as she wave a hand to dismiss Hazama while saying, "Go away, Yuki Terumi. I will take care of this."
"Grrr." Hazama snarl angrily and in disbelief. As the sheriff heads off, he said to Sora while passing by, "I will deal with you later." With that, the boy and Bloom watch him as he leaves the place.
"Sorry about mister Terumi, he is, as you say, new to the island. I am Bloom. Governor Bloom, to be precise."
Sora look dumbstruck... or actually lovestruck. He has heard of Bloom before in the stories and the election poster, but never saw her this close. This woman  is the most beautiful person he has never met! It's no wonder how the pirates like Ashura would fall for her!
"So my idol belong in a museum, yes no?" Bloom ask Sora in amusement making the boy blush red at this.
"Well..." Sora begins to say looking a bit embarrassed, not knowing what to say. The boy has trouble talking with women, especially the beautiful ones like Bloom.
"No need to worry, mister Sora. I know why you were here. Trust me, you aren't the first person to try stealing my idol. I am impressed though, you have made it this far where many has failed."
"Merlin send a word to me of your arrival, I was eager to meet you ever since I have heard your interesting name. Tell me, Sora, why do you wish to be a pirate? Don't look like one to me. Your face is too..." Bloom then smile at Sora getting closer to him, causing him to blush. "... cute."
"Grlypt." Sora said in alarm. This cause Bloom to frown a bit, as if she was expecting more from this guy than that.
"Okay. Looks like you're not in the mood for the chit-chat, yes no? I guess you got other thing, more exciting, to do. I guess I won't take much of your time, mister Sora."
With that, Bloom walk past Sora and head upstairs. The boy look a bit a worried. This woman is beautifull... and he is letting her out of his life!
"Bgglw! Mfrnkf? Dmnkly..." Sora said in distress trying to figure out what to say. Of course, the boy sigh deeply as Bloom leaves the room, closing the door on her way out. Talking normally again, Sora said, "Great, I really wish I could talk to women like her..."
Sora felt the weight of the idol in his pocket, he got it now but the thing no longer cheer the boy up. Forcefully, Sora heads over to the door and open it... and front a leering Hazama waiting for him outside.
"Going somewhere, Zola?" sherif ask Sora in amusement, getting the boy's name wrong on purpose once more.
"Look, Mr. Terumi, no offense but you're in the way of the doorway." Sora said with a tired sigh. "I got to put this idol in my safe deposit box for now."
"Oh, really? Well, allow me to tell you what safe locker to put that thing in... in Davy Jones's locker! Ha ha ha ha!"
"Sherif, we can still make up and be pals, you know. I mean, it's not too late to do so."
"True, and it's also not too late for me to get rid of you once and for all and get to the bar for the happy hour." Hazama remarked as he took a knife out and pointed it at Sora's neck. "Your sword...NOW!"
"Oh ouh." Sora said in alarm. This doesn't look too good for the our hero...


A while later, Sora groans as he is now on the pier tied to the idol. The poor boy got bruised and beaten down by Hazama who is determined to take him out of the picture once and for all. Speaking of which, the green haired man himself is nearby, about to 'see him off'.
"Your adventure ends he, my little friend. All your troublemaking days on Melée Island are now over." Hazama snap at Sora evilly as he turn away for the moment. "I got big plans for the governor... big ones." The sheriff turn back to the bruised kid as he continue, "And I do not want any would-be pirate like you to ruin them! Anyway, so long, Mr. Zero, or Sayonara, or whatever you are called."
With that, Hazama kick the idol right off the pier and into the water. Sora only have time to yelp as he get dragged into the ocean. The sheriff watch for a moment as a few bubbles raise. Hazama smirk evilly.
"Looks like this day got better today." Hazama said evilly as he leaves the scene. Now that Sora is gone, no one can stop his plans now...


Hazama may has intelligence about a few things, except for one info about Sora that he didn't know: the boy's ability to hold his breath under water for 10 minutes! There are some stuff, knives, cleavers, whatever in the sand itself. Sora himself is tied to the idol that is nearby.
Sora wait until he is certain that Hazama is gone, then he pick up the idol and pocket it. Of course, the weight of the thing kept him from swimming. Luckily there is a ladder nearby so the boy walks over to it as fast as he could, since he doesn't know how much air he himself has left.
While looking at the swords, Sora realizes that Hazama took his keyblade. Now how he is gonna challenge Martel? Suddenly, while thinking the lost weapon, it came back to Soras hand.
'Great! I never need another sword now!' Sora thought.
Sora climb onto the pier and shook himself dry while gasping for air. That was a bit climb and craziness he himself has gone through.
"Well, wasn't hard as I thought it would be." Sora said in relief as he look in the direction of the Scum Bar. "Now then, I got to gave this stupid idol to the muppet pirates and..."
"You are alive!" A familiar voice is heard making Sora turn around. It's Bloom and she's at the end of the pier! What is she doing here?
"Wow, you can talk after all! And here I thought you hate me."
"Hey, why are you here?" Sora ask with a frown. "Came to finish me off?"
"No, I came to save you, silly." Bloom explains to Sora, surprising him. "The truth is, I didn't order Terumi to threw you down here. When I saw him dragging you away, I came as fast as I could."
"Wait, you came to save me? I thought you hated me."
"Well, our first meeting WAS a little awkward. You were having trouble in completing simple sentences. Then again, so do most of my citizens."
"But I am not a citizen of this island at all." Sora said, ashamed of himself as he turn away. This woman is too beautiful and here the boy is: heart full of love. "I mean, I am a drifter, a nobody, a pirate who wants to be a real one." Sora sigh as continues to look away from Bloom as he ask, "I mean, who would even find out... or care at all if you'd let me drown?"
"I would have cared." Bloom said gently. For the first time ever (in this fanmake), Sora's heart has thumb loudly. The girl care for him... and maybe, just maybe..."
Sora turn to smile lovingly at Bloom as he said, "Oh, Governor..."
"Oh Sora...." Bloom said lovingly as she walk closer to the kid as romantic music begins to play. The two were walking closer to each other as this happen. The mysterious magic of love was in the air of Caribbean at that moment...
"Oh, Bloom!"
"Oh Sora!"
"Love muffing!" Sora said as he got closer to his new found love.
"Sugar boots!" Bloom said with a happy sigh as she got even closer to Sora. Looks like the big romantic moment is almost here.
"Honey pumpkin!"
"Plunder bunny!"
Soon Sora and Bloom were almost close to each other. The big moment will soon come as the boy said, "Kiss me, Bloom!"
Suddenly without warning, Bloom turn away and push Sora a bit in worry as she said, "No! We must not!"
"Huh, what?"
"No, not here, at least where people can see us."
"Oh why not? Are you ashamed of me?" Sora ask worry. What did he do that made Bloom suddenly not want to kiss him here and not on this pier?
Bloom sigh as she explain, "No, it isn't that. The thing is... many of these pirates has made their advances toward me for a long time. It was wonderful at first but then it became annoying. To avoid hurting their feelings, I told them all that my father made me promise never to fall in love with a pirate. If anyone were to see us together like this... they know I was lying. I don't want my people to lose faith in me."
"Oh, I see.. well, we could go to your place. I mean, no one could catch us there, right?"
"That sounds like a wonderful idea. But finish your trials first, yes? I do not wish for you to be... busy."
Bloom smiles happily as she walk away in an interesting way from the scene, heading back to her mansion. Sora look after her longingly. The boy is so close to being with Bloom... only for that chance to be taken away, even if it was temporarily.
"But..." Sora pause then he said, "All of the sudden, I feel like I got to finish the trials... quickly."
The boy, idol in his pocket, head off quickly on a big determination to finish the trials off and be with Bloom.
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Comments: 2

Krocken [2013-11-28 20:15:29 +0000 UTC]

Nice work

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Robokapu In reply to Krocken [2013-11-29 12:01:10 +0000 UTC]

Thank you ^^

👍: 0 ⏩: 0