Robokapu — Count Spicerkula

#duckula #lawrence #baby5 #ratchetandclanklawrence #jackspicer
Published: 2015-10-31 16:06:20 +0000 UTC; Views: 681; Favourites: 9; Downloads: 1
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There's some scary organs which looked like some twisted mind had fused evil creatures together. An invisible man begans to play them while the camera moves up, showing a scary castle at top of a mountain. As the camera zooms closer, a swarm of bats block the view.

"Castle Spicerkula", a mysterious storyteller's voice began, "home for many centuries to a dreadful dynasty of vicious vampire people - The Counts of Spicerkula!"

Now somebody shoots a sharp wooden stake to a heart. Then somebody is exposed to a sunlight which turns him into dust.

"Legend has it that these foul beings can be destroyed by a stake through the heart, or exposure to sunlight. This does not suffice however, for they may be brought back to life by means

of a secret rite that can be performed once a century when the moon is in the eighth house of Aquarius."

Two persons, a robot butler Lawrence and human maid Baby 5, are performing this ritual with a coffin and syntegram. Lawrence is reading a book (Resurrection for dummies)...

Lawrence: Bat's wingblood.

Baby 5: I'll get it!

The maid, however, takes accidently a ketchup bottle instead. Lawrence pours it into the coffin.

"The latest reincarnation did not run according to plan..."

Lawrence notices the mistake too late.

Baby 5: Oooh!

A lot of lights appear from the coffin. It could have been seen outside the castle; it looked like a sort of fireworks.

Off-screen singer: In the heart of Transylvan-ia,

In the Vampire Hall of Fame-yeah,

There's not a vampire zanier than...

Storyeller: SPICERKULA!

Off-screen singer: He won't bite beast or man,

'Cos he's a vegetari-an.

Spicer took out a carrot from his coat, ready to eat it, but instead the vegetable scared him off by trying to bite him.(Aagh!)

And things never run to plan for...

Spicer and his servants are tied to a sofa and kicked off of a ship. Instead of water, they hit a solid ground which broke the sofa to piece.

Storyteller: SPICERKULA!

Spicer and many other people ran away from a bull on a one wheeled bicycle.

Off-screen singer: If you're looking for some fun,

You can always count upon,

The wild and wacky one they call,

Spicer is playing his harmonica, dancing funny. Lawrence puts an end to it by grabbing the instrument (Like there wasn't enough embarrassments for him already).

Storyteller: SPICERKULA!

Spicer: Hey, hey, hey! COUNT Spicerkula!

Heh, heh, heh!

(From me: Happy Halloween 2015, everyone! Sleep well, if you're that lucky...)

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Comments: 4

RuvellKhaosArt [2016-04-18 03:14:15 +0000 UTC]

Really creative work! Good job on the colors!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Robokapu In reply to RuvellKhaosArt [2016-04-21 20:11:14 +0000 UTC]

Thank you, this actually one of my favorites.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

RuvellKhaosArt In reply to Robokapu [2016-04-21 21:30:06 +0000 UTC]

A pleasure ! Keep  up  the  good  work !  

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Robokapu In reply to RuvellKhaosArt [2016-04-25 13:09:30 +0000 UTC]

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