ritam โ€” Neon Gargoyles Evangelion

Published: 2005-05-16 10:40:04 +0000 UTC; Views: 31175; Favourites: 429; Downloads: 1324
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Description NOTE: I'm posting this pic into my Scrapbook for the moment only because I prefer to let the next deviation space for the Eva and Fiore Book Two Cover and script. When I'll have them both finished, I'll also ste this up into the deviation gallery...besides, I wanna work a little more on it when I'll have more time.

Well guys...this really TORE ME APART!!!! XP I finally did it, but it was a massacre! You know when you feel an insiration so sudden and strong that you can't ignore it? Well, that's what happened to me when I made this piece! And please, don't ask me to draw a Full Figure of the Winged Evangelion if you don't want make me die! >___< It was hard enough just to copy this from the reference pic i choose [link]

I know there is a very light tone while the original pic have dark ones, and some details are changed...let's say I tryied to Interpretate it (I'm a lier, it's just that I was too lazy to draw all the rest! )
Still hope you enjoy it.

I'll enter this pic in this month MGC [link] (I'm lucky i had the sketch ready, or I would have never managed to finish it in time)
Made with mixed technique: Pantone and water pencils

Neon Genesis Evangelion ยฉ GAINAX/Project EVA
Characters design ยฉ me
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Comments: 85

superkudo64 [2012-11-11 19:24:55 +0000 UTC]

Damn that's good.

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ritam In reply to superkudo64 [2012-11-11 20:33:17 +0000 UTC]

Why thank you! ^^

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Mephistodin [2011-12-29 05:47:07 +0000 UTC]

Take any movie/anime and replace it's characters with gargoyles and just try and tell me that it won't be 100x cooler.

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Noble-Maiden [2011-09-17 01:45:32 +0000 UTC]

Cool. I like the pose of Nash.

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ritam In reply to Noble-Maiden [2011-09-21 10:58:35 +0000 UTC]

Thank you, but of course the pose was taken from the original Evangelion pic ^^

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Sabby1300 [2011-06-16 15:00:27 +0000 UTC]

Now that's something you don't see every day, lmao.

Indeed, they all look all badass....but you know at least one of them's a total cry baby.

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AJTalon [2010-11-28 01:34:46 +0000 UTC]

Weird crossover but well drawn.

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ritam In reply to AJTalon [2010-11-28 23:40:26 +0000 UTC]

Eheh I think you're right, it's a Weird crossover!

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AJTalon In reply to ritam [2010-11-29 03:47:17 +0000 UTC]

Does it have any backstory to it?

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ritam In reply to AJTalon [2010-11-29 21:15:50 +0000 UTC]


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Threvlin [2010-10-10 07:07:37 +0000 UTC]

Not sure why I didn't find this on DA the first time I saw it and fave it. That glaring error on my part has been dealt with. Fantastic work, I love the idea and execution a lot.

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Mephistodin [2010-10-01 18:47:44 +0000 UTC]

Rule 777, Everything's better with gargoyles, (or there should be this rule >_>)

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eccentricass [2010-06-29 12:41:25 +0000 UTC]

Wow this is great!!

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ketulu [2010-05-26 22:06:28 +0000 UTC]

ahahah Full Of Win

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GaiosRoxx [2009-10-01 06:37:50 +0000 UTC]

This is the weirdest fusion concept i've ever seen. So random! its AWESOME!!

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Withdrawn-Moonsilver [2009-05-07 22:22:22 +0000 UTC]

... I think this qualifies as 'too epic.' Nice.

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DarkNess713 [2009-03-01 20:01:01 +0000 UTC]

holy crap this is awesome! i was thinking about if someone did this when i was looking at bri_chans pics. this is epic!!!

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LiL-oNe [2008-09-16 21:46:28 +0000 UTC]

agh rita i never saw this one wow nice i like ^__^

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ishouldplayzelda [2008-09-13 19:42:58 +0000 UTC]

hahaha that actually looks pretty cool eva + anthro =AWESOME

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xxGabriaelsWingsxx [2008-08-24 05:42:34 +0000 UTC]

wow never thought about the combo before but Im telling you its frame worthy!

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alphyna [2008-05-08 15:30:12 +0000 UTC]

but where's kaworu's big sad eye?

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Zenotron [2008-04-03 14:22:27 +0000 UTC]

Wow! Just, wow!. Great work.

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GillyPerkyGoth [2008-02-04 05:22:43 +0000 UTC]

HA! Cool^^

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ChibiAirFaerie2425 [2007-12-01 02:44:08 +0000 UTC]

two words

beautifully done

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Cave-Shinobi [2007-11-20 16:04:19 +0000 UTC]

cool, never imagined evangelion in gargoyles... lol^^

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KaijuDuke [2007-09-24 21:30:07 +0000 UTC]

beyond awesome! may i know the names of the cosplayer gargoyles?

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QueenyProductions In reply to KaijuDuke [2009-03-18 15:32:36 +0000 UTC]

The green skinned one is Fulton, the white beaked male is Nashville, the red skinned female is Tachi and I think the other female is a younger Delilah

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Demorta [2007-06-11 19:52:44 +0000 UTC]

WOW! Amazing detail!!

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godlikeangel [2007-05-27 18:44:24 +0000 UTC]

the only wat to describe this is WTF!?!?!?!?
its an amazing pic but very out there lol

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ritam In reply to godlikeangel [2007-06-03 12:52:10 +0000 UTC]

eh I know, I don't use to mix up charactrs like that, but when I do, strange things come out XD

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godlikeangel In reply to ritam [2007-06-04 16:44:06 +0000 UTC]

definately strange but u gotta love anything with gargoyles in it!

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RRHood [2007-03-16 22:37:32 +0000 UTC]

OMG you rule! Two of the best things on TV COMBINED!!!

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Strollymonster [2007-02-15 23:47:44 +0000 UTC]

One of the funniest crossovers that I've ever seen. What would become of the Gargoyles if they survived Second Impact?

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sewingmachines [2006-11-15 03:11:23 +0000 UTC]

bahahah shinji is so awesome look xD
its really awesome tho, rei looks really pretty and awesome

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Stray-Sketches [2006-10-14 03:18:50 +0000 UTC]

wow...this is so cool! O.O
great pic, your coloring job is excellent, and the poses rock! and don't even get me started on the outfits!
my God you rule at Gargoyles!!


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puppet-soul [2006-09-27 14:20:37 +0000 UTC]

ha ha
nice parody you made

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Onpu15 [2006-08-23 07:41:22 +0000 UTC]

what the hell?

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shadow51090 [2006-07-14 19:12:16 +0000 UTC]

Gargoyles was a cool show and Evangelion was just awesome
Nice picture this is just....wow
I can't really describe it

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GeneralGrievousTrium [2006-05-25 04:28:35 +0000 UTC]

mad props on the hand done work.

mad diss on the idiotic combo.

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peeps4tea [2006-04-09 23:37:05 +0000 UTC]

Thats so frickin sweeeeeeeeet!

Like the cover of Death and Rebirth with a twist!

You drew eva 01 just like it!

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zionprime [2006-03-15 02:44:40 +0000 UTC]

good job.

in case you're interested, here's a pic of my gargoyle. [link] i normally don't advertise, but i'm in desperate need of attention.

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KravenErgeist [2006-02-05 09:01:21 +0000 UTC]

I suddenly find myself liking Asuka.

And that's a fantastic Eva Unit 01.

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BafometsTOOL [2006-02-04 05:59:13 +0000 UTC]

What tha FUCK???!!!!!

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Chiok [2005-10-17 13:33:48 +0000 UTC]

Evangelion Rockz!!!
fav xDD

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spaztic-demon [2005-06-26 02:55:49 +0000 UTC]

Awsome job! The coloring is perfect! An outstanding job as always.

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GoblinQueeen [2005-05-31 11:46:34 +0000 UTC]

ROFL! What a fabulous idea and so well done

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Growl [2005-05-21 10:48:28 +0000 UTC]

che figo la versione colorata mi era sfuggita!

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Galax [2005-05-21 00:45:01 +0000 UTC]

You done it!
You really done it!

Iยดm so glad about this ^^

Its an amazing picture.. and the color make it more then that ^^

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ritam In reply to Galax [2005-05-21 09:28:24 +0000 UTC]

Glad you like it! What do you think about the white background? Much people suggested me to make it black like the original pic! I think they'r right, it would probably be much better fo the atmosphere of the scene...

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Galax In reply to ritam [2005-05-21 10:03:47 +0000 UTC]

Black blue looks better, I think so.
(like a night-sky)
Iยดm afraid, the Picture can be "damaged" if you "just put" a color in the Background *g*

Do the Gargoyleface from Kaworu in the Background!! I remember on a NGE-Picture, there was it so ^^

(I really love this Idea)
however: You are a great artist.. it will be become good. All the same what you do

But the people have right Something have to be on the background

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