RayneShadowGoddess — Hats Off by-nc-sa

Published: 2007-12-30 23:59:15 +0000 UTC; Views: 316; Favourites: 6; Downloads: 6
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Description Picture of me used as a refference.
Drawn with tablet.
(Pain in my butt, so probably isn't likely you'll see another one like this...)
I belong to my parents...
That little vortex of stick people belongs to my tophat, which in turn belongs to me.
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Comments: 20

JohnnycakeEDR [2008-08-16 01:48:22 +0000 UTC]

Very nice ^_^
The face is beautiful! Def. my fav part of the picture.

My only crit is that it'd look better if you spent a little bit more time in the skin and the ruffles; they look kind of rushed, making the rest of the picture kind of inferior to the awesome work you did on the face D:

Oh and one more thing
I really like the fore-shortening you did with the forearm holding the hat :3
Overall, awesome work ^_^

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RayneShadowGoddess In reply to JohnnycakeEDR [2008-08-16 03:06:29 +0000 UTC]

Thank you! ^^

I really did mostly work hard on the face and the fore-shortening, so I'm glad you like how those turned out.

The ruffles and the skin were done much more quickly, mostly because I didn't know for sure how to handle them and later because I just wanted to put the picture up. Skin is an area I need a lot of work on in general.

I appreciate that you actually gave me a critic instead of the usual, "That's awesome, lol!" that I usually get. ^^

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JohnnycakeEDR In reply to RayneShadowGoddess [2008-08-16 14:49:21 +0000 UTC]

Lol I don't blame you for wanting to put the picture up XD
I tend to put it up right after I finish, and when I look on it on DA, I'm always like "OH CRAP" b/c I always forget something >.<

Lol I felt kind of bad for putting up crit this time, b/c I read all the comments above, and crits always seem to dampen the mood/how you look at the drawing, no matter how much people ask/want it XD

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RayneShadowGoddess In reply to JohnnycakeEDR [2008-08-17 01:42:41 +0000 UTC]

I understand wher you're coming form on that! Whenever I try to say something to help a person improve, they always just seem annoyed at my mentioning it. So I totally get it. ^^

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JohnnycakeEDR In reply to RayneShadowGoddess [2008-08-19 00:08:29 +0000 UTC]

shweet ^_^!

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gemini-jinx [2008-01-04 05:16:31 +0000 UTC]

I really like it, Kayla! It's really good. Even though I saw it at your house already with your tablet of DOOM and amazingness. I wish I had one of those XD.

Im so jealous of your art. >.< It's amazing!

Keep up teh good artwork-ness. I really think you should do more pictures like this. ^^ <3

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TheMytherites [2008-01-03 05:08:26 +0000 UTC]

dude. this is for real the coolest picture evah! i love the way your face looks between a real picture and a drawing. and of course i love all the drawings in the back. the tail and stick ppl. and i love how you explained
"I belong to my parents...
That little vortex of stick people belongs to my tophat, which in turn belongs to me." llol (literally laughing out loud)

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RayneShadowGoddess In reply to TheMytherites [2008-01-05 00:41:35 +0000 UTC]

you are one funny cupcake, my pet!

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RogerMoser [2008-01-01 12:00:35 +0000 UTC]

Good Morning Rayne

fo sho hat's off

I wish You a wonderful happy 2008


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lufftehevil [2007-12-31 17:53:04 +0000 UTC]

Freaking amazing, Kayla. I luff it. Really, I do. :3

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RayneShadowGoddess In reply to lufftehevil [2007-12-31 17:56:00 +0000 UTC]

thanks, darlin'!

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drawfreak12 [2007-12-31 00:45:46 +0000 UTC]


Best peice of artwork yet!!!

I think you should continue with pieces like these.

They might take awhile buts its so worth it!!!

I mean this looks wonderful!!!

I absoulutley love it!!!!! bravo!!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

RayneShadowGoddess In reply to drawfreak12 [2007-12-31 01:27:53 +0000 UTC]

thank you!

if you want, I'll try to do some more of these.
anyone in particular you'd like me to draw?

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drawfreak12 In reply to RayneShadowGoddess [2007-12-31 21:12:05 +0000 UTC]


I cant wait to see more!!

and as who to draw...well...

i honestly think you should continue drawing yourself a bit more so you can get a bit more use to it.

But you can draw anyone you want ^__^

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RayneShadowGoddess In reply to drawfreak12 [2008-01-02 00:14:52 +0000 UTC]

all right!
hopefully I'll have that done soon-ish.
like, by the end of the month.

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ItamiAssassian [2007-12-31 00:30:35 +0000 UTC]

Absolutely fabulous! : D
So, how's the comic going?

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RayneShadowGoddess In reply to ItamiAssassian [2007-12-31 01:25:33 +0000 UTC]

should be able to post some more of it soon, actually.

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mypersonalbudda [2007-12-31 00:06:13 +0000 UTC]

Amazing dress of DOOM!
Well, not really of doom....
So I guess its just an amazing dress.

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RayneShadowGoddess In reply to mypersonalbudda [2007-12-31 01:23:29 +0000 UTC]

it would be doom-y if the polka dots were all bombs instead...

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mypersonalbudda In reply to RayneShadowGoddess [2007-12-31 01:51:23 +0000 UTC]

it wouldn't be too hard to do...

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