Pyatt — CWA: Argelian

Published: 2011-06-08 01:27:04 +0000 UTC; Views: 916; Favourites: 18; Downloads: 1
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Description What is this? Yes, I'm starting a new kaijuverse... Sort of "testing the water" with this one. This kaijuverse is called "Cybernetic Warrior Argelian". Sounds like a traditional Japanese title for a show, huh? Exactly! This is going to be very similar in style to Ultraman and other shows of that nature. I hope you enjoy this series, because as of right now, I'm having a lot of fun creating it!


Name: Argelian

Height: 40 Meters
Weight: 55,000 Tons

-Hoseki Beam: Concentrating his energy towards the gem within his chest, Argelian is capable of firing a rainbow colored beam of tremendous power. This attack has the ability to easily kill weakened monsters in a single shot, but it takes up a lot of Argelian’s energy.
-Mechanical Arm: Argelian’s lower right arm is entirely mechanical and is a very important asset of his armaments. By itself, the arm has fingers with very sharp claws at the end, capable of slashing a foe or keeping a firm grip. The hand itself is capable of being launched like a rocket, and can be reeled in via a durable cable. This arm has other capabilities, activated by switching the gauge on the inner part of the arm. All are used via the weapon on the top of the limb:
*Energy Blast: An average blast of energy; normally used to strike a foe quickly to disorient them before moving in.
*Energy Wave: A wave of energy; capable of pushing back foes via force while also dealing moderate damage.
*Chimerium Blade: A long blade useful for melee. This blade is made of Chimerium, a recently discovered, alien metal that is extremely durable and has tremendous cutting capabilities.
*Situational Missiles: Dubbed situational for a specific reason; this compartment is almost always empty. This is only used when a specifically designed missile is destined to be used against a monster or Seijin.
-Hoseki Pulse: By channeling power into all of his gems, Argelian is capable of releasing a burst of energy from his body, damaging anything that is making contact with him. Used mainly as an escape method.
-Psychic: Granted by the gem on his forehead, Argelian has some psychic powers. This is almost always used for communicating with other beings. During battle, it allows him to switch the gauges on his mechanical hand instead of doing it manually, as his powers are not strong enough to lift around objects.
-By focusing energy into either the gem on his left elbow or right knee, Argelian is able to deliver energy-enhanced physical attacks.
-The two gems located on Argelian’s hips grant him the ability to fly at speeds up to Mach 3.
-Argelian is a very balanced fighter, having good speed, strength, and stamina. He is also an extraordinary jumper. It should also be noted that his mechanical parts have more strength in general than his organic parts.
-It’s possible that Argelian may have some hidden powers and techniques. He may receive upgrades to his mechanical parts as well, but only time will tell.


Earth, 2035. This was the year that the first monster appeared in the country of Japan. A large, seemingly unstoppable creature, the “kaiju” as the Japanese called it, rampaged into Tokyo, killing thousands and costing Japan billions of dollars in damages. Finally, the creature was brought down and slain, thanks to the advanced weaponry of that time. However, the world was now aware that these kaiju existed, and they had to quickly prepare themselves in case of another attack. The United States in particular prepared itself by forming its own organization to combat the monsters. Using advanced aircraft, the U.S. hoped to be able to defend its land long enough to eventually have a weapon built to destroy the invading kaiju. Word spread that this weapon was to be a giant machine, akin to those of TV shows...


Earth, 2040. Martin Kerr, pilot of the U.S.’s advanced aircraft, the “Firebird”, is out patrolling the Midwest of the United States looking for any possible signs of kaiju. The world was very fortunate; no kaiju had appeared since the first attack, and the public was slowly starting to believe that there were no issues. But the government remained stalwart and precept, worried that they would be unprepared for a kaiju attack. However, Martin was completely unprepared for what would happen that faithful night.

As he looked across the sky, something caught his eye. A large object was streaking through the sky; but unlike a comet, he noticed it was heading downward, towards the ground. He watched in shock as the object seemingly crashed in the distance, and then stared stunned as a massive dust cloud was kicked up. Martin reported in that he had seen something suspicious and was going to investigate. Without further delay, the Firebird shot off towards the impact site.

Upon arriving, Martin slowly circled overhead, trying to see through the dust cloud that still hovered. Suddenly, the wind seemed to kick up, and the area cleared, revealing a massive, humanoid-like creature lying within the impact crater. Martin brought the Firebird in closer, hovering above the foreign creature. He noticed immediately that it was very badly wounded; its right forearm and entire left leg were horribly maimed by the landing. He noticed the alien had strange gems within its flesh, all of them faintly glowing. Martin then gasped as the humanoid slowly opened its eyes, gazing up at the Firebird. Suddenly, the pilot could hear a soothing voice...

The voice identified itself as “Argelian”, the being Martin was hovering over. Using telepathy, the battered being informed the human that he was an alien from a distant universe, and had no intentions of harming him, nor humanity. Instead, he began to warn the pilot about a threat to humanity. But before he could specify, the alien’s voice faded and his eyes shut.

Immediately, Martin communicated back to headquarters about the incident, and it wasn’t long until the United States government arrived on scene. The alien was still alive; but just barely hanging on. At this point, the United States had to make a decision; do they try to keep the alien alive, or do they end its misery? Martin demanded that they do whatever they can to save the being. After a very long, pressured debate, the United States government decided to put forth a plan to keep the alien alive, but it would forever change their lives... Their country... Their world, forever.

The plan was put into effect immediately. Using the most advanced technology, scientists were able to keep the alien alive and within a suppressed state of anesthesia, but they were unable to save some of its organic parts; the right forearm and left leg were immediately amputated. Using parts from a project that was scrapped thanks to this event, the United States was able to attach mechanical parts made out of Chimerium (a newly discovered, alien metal of extreme durability) to the alien, effectively turning it into a cyborg. A hyper-regenerative formula was injected into the alien, healing the remaining wounds at an accelerated rate. A few areas did not heal, and were instead, covered and fused with more Chimerium armor.

The overall process was completed surprisingly fast, thanks to the scrapped project’s parts. Within two months, the cybernetic attachments were complete, and the alien was released from anesthesia. Martin, on scene, tried to coax the alien into speaking with him and nearby officials. Argelian did indeed speak, questioning what had happened to his body. After Martin explained to him what happened in the past two months, the alien was very humbled. Before Martin could say another word, the humanoid giant immediately announced that he would act as a defender of humanity; they had given him a new lease on life, and he was not going to watch their race die.

Mankind would have no idea just how important Argelian would be to the survival of their species...


During the following month, the previous organization Martin was a part of was dismissed, and a new one was created. Many of the people were rehired, including Martin. In addition, April Gibson, the pilot of the Firebird’s sister ship, the Roc, was rehired. Both Martin and April were to act as the guardians of Argelian, aiding him in battle when necessary with their advanced aircraft. The new organization was dubbed COG (Cybernetic Organism’s Guardians), and helped Argelian learn how to properly function and battle with his newly given life. The leader of this organization is Commander Issac Wilson, whom oversees all activity. Second in command is Dr. Drew Marsh, the lead scientist of the plan that turned Argelian into a cyborg; he helps out the organization overall via his incredibly vast scientific knowledge.

-The idea of a cybernetic, Ultraman-like being was partially inspired by Cyber-Baltan (as well as Ultraman in general). The idea was further pushed by discussion with a few of my friends. Ironically, one of them ended up creating their own Ultraman-esque alien as well.
-While Argelian’s power listing looks very long, do not be fooled! Some of the Ultramen have up to 30 different abilities!

In the Next Episode: Diablosaurus
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Comments: 15

PrimalMatt97 [2018-10-14 17:36:15 +0000 UTC]

Plan to include this guy in a special art project.

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JacobSpencerKaiju79 [2011-06-10 23:05:11 +0000 UTC]

Very nice

I've been toying with a Kydoi type hero. I might turn my Wiriun into one.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Pyatt In reply to JacobSpencerKaiju79 [2011-06-10 23:35:00 +0000 UTC]

Thanks! And I say go for it! We need more Ultra-like beings in kaijuverses.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

JacobSpencerKaiju79 In reply to Pyatt [2011-06-13 04:43:38 +0000 UTC]


I already have a Ultra-style kaiju named Wiriun. He plays the role, though he's more this bird beaked thing with elf ears and elastic skin.

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The-Great-MM [2011-06-09 04:26:28 +0000 UTC]

I still think the design should be tweaked a bit more, but overall very awesome. I'll have some kaiju sketches sent to you by end of week.

And I wonder which one of us is making their own UM-style monster... hmm...

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Pyatt In reply to The-Great-MM [2011-06-10 23:36:33 +0000 UTC]

Thanks broseph!

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AkityMH [2011-06-08 13:50:21 +0000 UTC]

New Kaijuverse, eh? I couldn't do that. I can only focus on one verse at a time.
Anyway, interesting Ultraman style monster.

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Pyatt In reply to AkityMH [2011-06-10 23:35:41 +0000 UTC]

For the moment, UtB is on the sidelines for this experiment. That's why I have time, haha. And thanks!

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AkityMH In reply to Pyatt [2011-06-10 23:46:01 +0000 UTC]

Ah I see.

Btw, new Kaiju for DoM. WOOO!

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RenDragonClaw [2011-06-08 02:22:30 +0000 UTC]

I've had a hard time breaking into the Ultraman mythos but this looks like a very exciting premise and the design itself feels more 'organic' oddly enough then most Ultraman style creatures.

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Pyatt In reply to RenDragonClaw [2011-06-08 02:45:03 +0000 UTC]

I'm glad to hear you're interested! As for being more organic, that I will agree on. I wanted something that looked more natural than traditional Ultraman, mainly to avoid it looking exactly like an Ultraman clone while also being flavorful.

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Dragonsmana [2011-06-08 01:46:55 +0000 UTC]

Very nice Pyatt! Looking forward to more!

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Pyatt In reply to Dragonsmana [2011-06-08 02:36:13 +0000 UTC]


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DinoHunter2 [2011-06-08 01:29:53 +0000 UTC]

Already gave my feedback earlier, but I feel obliged to give support here, so... uh... ?

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Pyatt In reply to DinoHunter2 [2011-06-08 02:36:22 +0000 UTC]


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