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| RenDragonClaw

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# Comments
Comments: 17506
Sanskarans [2024-08-31 09:58:25 +0000 UTC]
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MonsterKingOfKarmen [2024-05-30 18:54:59 +0000 UTC]
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OnHolyServiceBound [2024-04-15 22:41:11 +0000 UTC]
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RenDragonClaw In reply to OnHolyServiceBound [2024-04-18 07:00:02 +0000 UTC]
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Tigon1Monster [2023-07-18 01:22:46 +0000 UTC]
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RenDragonClaw In reply to Tigon1Monster [2023-07-27 07:25:05 +0000 UTC]
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Tigon1Monster In reply to RenDragonClaw [2023-07-27 09:36:16 +0000 UTC]
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Sanskarans [2023-04-03 09:37:07 +0000 UTC]
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DylanCArt [2023-03-30 16:31:01 +0000 UTC]
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RenDragonClaw In reply to DylanCArt [2023-04-03 00:41:29 +0000 UTC]
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DylanCArt In reply to RenDragonClaw [2023-04-03 14:07:33 +0000 UTC]
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MonsterKingOfKarmen [2023-01-04 04:34:12 +0000 UTC]
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badass-artist [2022-09-11 22:17:45 +0000 UTC]
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badass-artist [2022-09-11 22:17:40 +0000 UTC]
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SickJoe [2022-07-14 22:10:55 +0000 UTC]
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NathanRosario [2022-07-14 14:16:19 +0000 UTC]
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Sanskarans [2022-04-29 01:46:13 +0000 UTC]
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TheUnlimitedFortress [2022-02-20 19:14:14 +0000 UTC]
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Club-Dreamiverse [2021-11-01 22:29:25 +0000 UTC]
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Dafirr [2021-09-22 15:47:48 +0000 UTC]
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Krozilla [2021-06-20 11:17:54 +0000 UTC]
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hubertspala [2021-05-13 13:53:42 +0000 UTC]
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Mom0San [2021-04-22 07:06:06 +0000 UTC]
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MightyRaptor [2021-03-31 15:33:57 +0000 UTC]
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NathanRosario [2021-03-17 19:48:42 +0000 UTC]
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Baby-Crow [2020-11-23 02:04:09 +0000 UTC]
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KitWhitham [2020-09-21 08:14:26 +0000 UTC]
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RenDragonClaw In reply to KitWhitham [2020-09-21 08:22:00 +0000 UTC]
π: 1 β©: 1
KitWhitham In reply to RenDragonClaw [2020-09-21 08:41:12 +0000 UTC]
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MakuZukuri [2020-07-26 09:47:27 +0000 UTC]
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Tote-Meistarinn [2020-06-23 20:28:13 +0000 UTC]
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Lionsh [2020-06-19 21:04:33 +0000 UTC]
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MaastrichiangGuy [2020-04-21 20:47:54 +0000 UTC]
Thanks for the fav, watch me for more stuff.Β
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pitkon [2020-04-20 05:52:22 +0000 UTC]
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PandiiVan [2020-01-09 08:38:04 +0000 UTC]
Thank you so much for the fave and support Β
I really appreciate it, so here take a llamaΒ Β
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KenshjnPark [2019-12-07 07:42:41 +0000 UTC]
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DinoDragoZilla17 [2019-09-24 17:29:16 +0000 UTC]
Sorry to bother you, but I saw your reviews of Godzilla Neo and Neo Daikaiju and was wondering what your thoughts on Kaiju Revolution by Transapient were if youβve seen it (Iβm not asking you to look at my stuff because 1) my art really isnβt the best (and the first two fanfics I made are unfinished, one permanently, and are rather terrible, mostly) and 2) my second fanfic features 106 images and counting so...yeah...I donβt it would exactly be fair to ask you to look at that...)?
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RenDragonClaw In reply to DinoDragoZilla17 [2019-09-25 09:14:09 +0000 UTC]
I think he's got a nice, consistent, naturalistic take on the series that is uniquely his own. The aesthetic is kinda hit or miss with some monsters but overall it's very solid and there is a strong unity with all of them design wise. Which is to say, the sort of features and proportions you see in one Kaiju is found in others. Godzilla's more antagonistic tendencies are attributed to him being a giant apex super predator rather than him being outright malicious (GMK) or aggressively vindictive (Heisei and original Gojira). It makes him more animalisticΒ but also more natural within the context of the setting. He does lose a bit of that tragic pathos of earlier Goji's though or the worn and grizzled keeper of global balance like Legendary. I greatly appreciate that Anguirus is NOT just a blown up Anklyosaur and that he actually took Anguirus's key features and overall body plan and maintained them while also doing him in his particular style. Some of the other theropod style kaiju like Yongary or the like get really skewed proportions that make them look more reptilian or amphibious but also a lot weaker. That's balanced by them being in the same setting as Godzilla and them taking different niches. It does manage to balance out the body shape ratio so the entire lineup doesn't look like the D-tier of Ultraman. The setting in general is very ambitious with the amount and range of Kaiju it's included. The entire lineup of Kong Island and Mu residents is astounding. There are a LOT of pop culture and genre references in that part alone and each one is a unique creature in their own right that has their place in the ecosystem. The setting is missing some of that...'almost human' bit of personality that's been in the series since the end of the Showa era but having Kaiju basically being very large, very durable, super organisms that behave as such is certainly a valid direction for a personal take. The rendering and overall presentation is also very solid.Β
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DinoDragoZilla17 In reply to RenDragonClaw [2019-09-25 15:36:25 +0000 UTC]
Ok. Thanks for sharing your thoughts!
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LianaBhakti [2019-09-23 04:07:17 +0000 UTC]
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AbrahamDHR [2019-09-07 23:58:11 +0000 UTC]
Hey there! How's it going? I wanted to thank you for the watch! I really appreciate the support and hopefully you'll enjoy my future works
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RenDragonClaw In reply to AbrahamDHR [2019-09-09 02:32:37 +0000 UTC]
I really loved stumbling onto your work and finding a lot of those character and pokemon juxtapositions; along with the time period themes in a lot of your recent pieces.
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kingcapricorn688 [2019-09-07 21:56:47 +0000 UTC]
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AkityMH [2019-07-31 07:00:59 +0000 UTC]
Loooooooong time no see, Ren'M'Boy! Aside a few quips on the server, anyway.
How ya been? Working, I assume, but on that topic, let me speak of mine! Feels like I haven't spoken to you the whole time I have had it, but my last comment isn't far below. Like, at all... Anyway, my work has been chaotic. I been working about five days out of the week despite being part time for the last three or so weeks. Its insane, but I'm alright. Next schedule is the same as this weeks, though. All this for Lion King, mostly. None of our circle likes it naturally. I been alright with it. Anyway, I think I am at that point where no matter what I do, work is a chore and draining even when it is a nice, easy day. Ever feel like that at yours?
I actually got a new position I am in most of the time too, as Usher. I get to clean up after the filthy cunts-WHOOPS, I mean the people! ...and boy are they absolutely unthoughtful for the most part, especially parents with children who spill popcorn and then stamp it into the floor making a buttery covered surface of crumbs. It drives me crazy at times. Yet, this job is relaxed... when Dionte isn't around. He's kinda our hardass. Nice, and works with the relationships of his employees, but sassy and has a attitude.
I kinda enjoy most my managers, really. None of them I really dislike. Because of me, they all now either say "Meh" or "Nyeah". I single handedly turned everyone into a cat. I wish I could say I enjoyed most of my co workers... None really bother me except one: MyKale, who slacks off and calls off a lot and when around he kinda mocks me. I don't consider anyone at my job a friend, but I can get along well with them at least. At times I feel I can climb through ranks to possibly even be manager one day. Though, I honestly do not know... So much responsibility, and since we deal with lots of crowds, we naturally get a lot of entitled people that can't be satisfied unless you give them free shit. Most of the time its someone doing something they shouldn't, or asking for something we have policies against and then getting upset like one such lady who brought in about... 12 toddlers? To see Annabel... Rated R and all, right? She was not the parent of some for sure, either, but nope! Just called our place of business racist(because she was African) and called cooperate.
I don't get why such people like this exist. No one is perfect, but some people seem like they are raised to believe they can act outrageous and its totally acceptable... which odd, because I am outrageous and I am nothing like such people. I'm tempted to go into a cynical tangent about it. In short, it seems people just suck and don't care how bad they treat others or how unpleasant they are so long as they get free crap or get their way.
New Topic!
Slow KCELL And stuff right? Any progress at long last in your own workings? I been eager to read another story to the point I went over Dawnaria again.
I started my own book. Since TT published ATOM, I feel confident I can make something as well. I sadly feel I won't do as good, though, especially since I am more or less making a more original concept that a full homage to Kaiju films, and not have TT's alreay semi famous status. Still, I wanna go for it. I am about 13 chapters in by now. I'm so excited!
Gaming is sporadic. By the beginning of this year I was deep in abyss, literally, with Subnautica. I don't play it anymore though other than just not feeling it. I also got Jurassic World Evolution and its DLCs and what not, Dark Souls 3 which I FUCKING LOVED TO DEATH, and because of that I also picked up Nioh. On the side I also got Octodad 2 because fucking hilarious game. Smash Bros is on the backburner, Splatoon I did at least pick up for the last Splatfest.
Now... blah... Between Work and all things in life such as my mom going to the hospital on emergency lately, my gaming has slowed down a lot. I can hopefully jump back into it at some point when I get a few less hours, hopefully.
I managed to complete some Anime lately. Overlord, all seasons. Great shit. I went to another Isekai, Saga of Tanya the evil. I find it hard to like the main character, though can strangely relate at some point despite her exceptional Draconian and Darwinist beliefs. On the other hand, its kinda funny to see this 10 year old girl make these deranged "I WILL EAT YOUR SOUL" faces. It's more about the people around her if you wanna like anyone. Otherwise, this is not a good protagonist in my opinion...
Naturally I watched One Punch Man season 2 as well. Fucking great.
I am thinking of going into Ancient Magus Bride, since it was popular not too far back. I kinda wish we had Dragon Maid season 3 by now... I wan more Drunk Kobayashi.
A small hobby I been trying to pick up is raising Mantids. As it turns out, Mantids are a cheap, fun little hobby. I been trying with the Chinese Mantis to start since you can buy their egg cases off Ebay and Amazon for cheap as they are often sold as pest control options. A few species are sold as that, like the Ghost Mantis since that species has few cannibalistic tenancies and even can be housed communally. In my searching I found some species that can go as much as a 1000 dollars, US. Insane, eh?
I will leave this long message at that for now.
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RenDragonClaw In reply to AkityMH [2019-07-31 09:59:02 +0000 UTC]
My place of work has seen a lot of leadership changes and while I've adapted to the new 'ideas', they ultimately seem to be not all the great in practice as it actively makes my job harder at the expense of getting something else done faster. Typical. I've also gone from down the retail mood chart from optimistic to outright resentful towards my management as recently select members of them overstepped their boundaries to make truly ridiculous demands (no using the restroom immediatey after lunch? wasting company time? Bitch you serious?) and changed my schedule after it was fixed just to suit their own priorities and lied to my face about why it needed to be that way. Basically worked a full week only to find out that I was working yet another day on top of it and my days off were split for that week. All without telling me, which is something they aren't supposed to do, especially if its against your true availability. I was so extremely pissed that I'm pretty sure I made myself sick as I came down with a cold over the last couple days. Nergal seems to be looking out for me though as I'm now able to just pop in tomorrow, cover my sick day and start my schedule like normal. The end result is that I don't trust my management, especially upper management, anymore. I'm done. My family frequently tells me I should just quit and go work for the wholesale retail giant across the street but then I'd just be doing the same thing for more money and really I don't think things would change all that much. I will say that they are very quick to change their tune as soon as you remind them that you know how to do things better than they do. I've seen leadership around here change roughly every three months to a year for five years. A lot of them just can't hack it or don't know how to delegate properly. One of the two. They burn out and get blamed for failing to meet standards and get replaced by the next sucker who thinks they can handle backroom operations and it's local population of social misfits. If they'd just train people properly (and hire people who can actually learn the job instead of stupid fuckers piggyback on other associates because they can't think for themselves) this wouldn't happen so much but nope.
A bit of good news is I'm practicing again. Getting stronger, burning holes in my feet but feels good to be back on the floor again. Gave up half a shift to be able to do it AND enjoy a weekend so I can recover properly but I value my health more than money.Β
I've switched gears artistically. I've been writing a 'world bible' for a fantasy story/setting I've had in my head for years. Been writing extensively about Angels and Fey as I'm covering the more Astral entities first. Currently in the midst of writing the Unseelie Fey species and finishing up the sub fey species of 'Boggys'. Which are basically the Unseelie counterpart to the Seelie Hobs and are basically the entire Goblin family tree. Adapting actual myth with popular interpretations to make my own as I go along.
For Media consumption I'm watching a lot of Total War playthroughs, in particular the new Three Kingdoms one. Learning a lot about the Romance of the Three Kingdoms and now have a least a basic understanding about what the fuck Dynasty Warriors was all about (Total War is more grounded and even historical by comparison). It also explains why Yoko Taro (the guy behind Neir and Drakengard) created his games as deliberate deconstructions of Dynasty Warriors as this particular part of history in China really does revel in the tragic glory of war and all the lives sacrificed in its name. So by learning more about the root of Dynasty Warriors I now understand some of my favorite series more. While I NEED to watch part 5 JoJo, I haven't gotten around to it. I'm mostly keeping tabs on currently running manga. Predominately Seven Deadly Sins, Attack on Titan, One Piece, Fairy Tail, and Haijime Ippo. It's usually enough to keep me invested each week and it helps that Fairy Tail technically ended and Seven Deadly Sins is nearing it's own ending. Attack on Titan is whiplash city so it's still meming and still trolling its own reader base. What has really gotten my interest is a group crossover fanfiction series called Infinite Loops. The premise is the sort of shit me and K LOVE and from what I've read so far it's been really fun. It led me to an Eva fic called Neon Metathesis Evangelion which plays the plot straight and only changes the order the angels arrive in just enough to allow the pilots to bond and it's pretty heart warming. I think even TT would get a kick out of it. It's not as beyond the impossible as 'Shinji and Warhammer40K' or as fluff pandering as 'Nobody Dies' butΒ it hits all the right spots for me while keeping to the core baseline of the series. The loops version of Eva meanwhile are a smorgasbord of hilarity, hidden depths, biting satire and tropes for days. Just understand that Infinite Loops is a TV Tropes darling so take a pound of salt with you before venturing if you feel like doing some SERIOUS reading.
I've getting more Monster Hunter sessions in. Both World and Gen. In World I finally broke into high rank. Wasn't expecting Zorah to just vomit me there but here we are. Have Iceborne preordered so we're good to go there. The Beta was fun, actually beat all the critters this run instead of going against Nerg futilely until it ended like last time. Helps I actually know what the fuck I'm doing this go round. In Gen I'm currently on the Seregios High Rank urgent. Farmed High rank Lagi before that. Never has lance felt more powerful in my hands. Steve is a bitch towards lance builds though. He pivots and moves and attacks A LOT and I'm finding that he can overrun you without dash juice really quick. I'm okay in the fight so far though. Only carted once due to a bleed combo I couldn't recover from in time. He's lost his tail, one wing and his horn so he's getting his lol. I'm reminded that long sword probably works better for steve due to his constant pivoting and taunting. Similar to Brachydios in that way but unlike Brachy Steve doesn't really have the muscle to pulverize you if he catches you. He has to shred you to death with literally a thousand cuts. Only two of his moves are really lethal and he telegraphs them pretty hard even if the direction is nutty. I'll have to make a bleed res set to really farm him but right now the Lagi guard set I made is doing fine. He will likely fall to the my taser lance of doom before long (I have the quest paused in sleep mode with the 3DS charging for later). The resource dysphoria I feel between World and Gen is massive lol. In Gen I'm swimming in armor spheres and can buy more outright. In World I'm always playing catch up with their bounty system that rewards a measily 1 to 2 spheres before bounty and getting shit like screamer pods is obnoxious. My farm is doing alright but it only does two items right now and I JUST got the Argosy...which is weird now in how it functions.Β Β
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AkityMH In reply to RenDragonClaw [2019-07-31 21:48:02 +0000 UTC]
And I thought my work went through mooks... Which we do, but its more or less seasonal if anything. Busy times bring in new hires, and most are young adults or teens and they often give up and stop coming in... or get fired. Its unpleasant.
We got this one guy named Micahael who is one of those shit talkers that bugs me. Okay he's been around a while... but turned out he was employed by this place before and quit. I asked why... He gave me this sob story that his dad is utterly horrible, and doesn't want his son to be remotely happy at all because he's an evil man.
All this within the first maybe.. 7 or so sentences we exchanged. Ever. Here I am thinking "bitch please" cause I been around this kinda person before that tries to talk of these big fantastical things. Not too long ago, he also told me he is descendant from royalty on his mothers side. How convenient. Mother also happen to be a vampire? No? Huh, surprised. This guy as a whole is one of those kinds of people going on about stress of life and how hard it is to do anything. And that is fair, I think life sucks too. But then he is purposely with a girl who has a shitty ex that he is protecting her from(naturally...) and he is expecting a kid with her. I mean... dude... I am the worse kind of guy to boast that your gonna start a family in this piss poor society that at times requires two, TWO FULL TIME JOBS just to maintain one's life and I preach how shitty this industrialized mindset of America is horrible. Annnnnd I constantly remind him that he's fucking up, because... yeah... Ya is. After seeing it many, many times around my life, I can see his choices chaining him down to a ball and chain that is several kids that he will soon realize that he never, ever wanted.
And that turned into a rant, I'm not sure I am sorry.
Ever think about climbing the Walamrt Goblin later? Can't be so tall with how short Goblins are. I mean, its a thankless job, but still, maybe your choice's can fix some of the Grade A- Fuckery in your workplace. If not already, anyway, since you been there a while and probably can qualify with that seniority.
It's kinda funny that I'm a unfiltered guy in the work place. I ain't afraid to curse casually or call people out on occasion, sassy boss's included. Its weird because I am told this will get me in trouble by our usual circle, and I can see that... AND YET, my co workers and bosses seem to enjoy my bluntness. I get so many mixed signals from those around me at times. It almost enforces me belief of "Nobody Actually Cares" that I often feel is true, since no one particularly seems to show concern for things that are considered wrong in society unless it directly effects them in some way or another. I'm kinda that way to an extent, and others seem to be like that too in similar and different ways.
Related to Work and Media, Aggretsuko seems to echo a lot of issues I see with work since it is a blatant show about a girl working her ass off and the people around her are more or less corrupted as flying fuck or flawed greatly. Superiors formerly and co workers who don't seem to get the brunt end of the stick because everyone just likes to pick on Retsuko. OR slack of, as season 2 gives us a new kid in her work place who freaks the fuck out upon the slightest sense of being threatened. I frigging love this show and its sense of humor.
I can't pick up Generations anymore. Generations in all regards is a much, much larger game with much, much more content.... for now, since Iceborne will probably match it. It has almost everything every previous game had ever had and gives so many options. MH World on the other hand is so damn polished and high in quality that I can't even look at the other one despite how nice it looks. I feel guilt for actually neglecting a monster hunter game. I wanted to face Atahl Ka but I didn't even get halfway to that point. Kinda glad, since in the end I didn't have to struggle with Demon Massacre Diablos. Luckily, Valflak will come to World most likely and I look forward to that epic theme song of his to blast off like the rocket he is.
Today alone though, we got confirmations of three new small subspecies. I kinda wanna see new faces now, though. So far we only got 4 brand new monsters entirely. Not a terrible thing, since returning monsters are picking major slack, especially with the new subspecies of Glavenus. I don't know if all of them will get them, though, but we do have other faces we didn't expect like Barioth and so I'm hoping for at the very least to get Gigginox or Zamtrios on the side. Some of us are still hoping for more than just two new areas for Iceborne, which we may get no more than just two. Maybe three if we get a new boss arena.
I actually started Ancient Magus Bride last night. Liking what I am seeing~ Hope it provides more stuff I like.
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kaijulord21 [2019-05-31 12:12:04 +0000 UTC]
Are you still around, or have you left this site? Itβs been a while
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