NikitaTarsov — M-Tec Noehs - Tama Arms Industries Kana SKG-22

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Published: 2020-06-03 09:22:57 +0000 UTC; Views: 5075; Favourites: 109; Downloads: 0
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The Kana is the small size SMG that serve as special weapon for personal defense in high thread situations or as compact firepower in unexpected firefights. With a small size it packs a lot of power. Auto-, burst or single fire selected by firing mechanism, 10mm caliber to shock&stopp, big clip with 37 bullets, lightwhight but resistant polyceramic housing, optional electronic sighting, clip-on stock, and all this in the compact size of 32 x 18 x 3cm. With uncoaxial recoil spring in the foregrip as well as a casual one below the barrel the recoil is still heavy, but in straght line to the shooters shoulder. Even it may knockdown the user, till the drop there will be no fail in the ballistics.
The bullets was rotated tail first to fall in the chamber and maximse the barrel lenght to 27cm. The top placed clip helps to compensate recoil further through ther mass, but is indeed not that fast to change as a casual clip would be. Here compact size and fire efficency was trated above the ability to pefrom in long firefights.

Electric fuse allow perfect weapon security, cause if the finger isen't n the trigger, the cuircuit isen't closed and the weapon can't shoot. Also this make the fire process even more clean and efficent by burning the propellant more simultaneous than the best hammer-triggered mechanism could peform. Motion is enough to recharge the internal battery that fuse the propellants, but the batterie is stocked into the pistol-grip and can be changed like a regular pistol clip if neccesary.

Beside a analogue three-dot sight with night glow effect and optical angle for perfect line of sight with the barrel there is another underbarrel segment available with an integrated laser pointer, visual or covered visual, just to be seen with special tactical glasses. The laser activates by the finger within the finger guard.
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Comments: 2

williamcll [2020-06-03 17:45:46 +0000 UTC]

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

NikitaTarsov In reply to williamcll [2020-06-04 09:46:45 +0000 UTC]

👍: 2 ⏩: 0