wbyrd — Heavy Weapons Collection

#gun #miltary #rpg #weapon #firearm #machinegun #rocketlauncher
Published: 2017-04-14 18:25:23 +0000 UTC; Views: 3561; Favourites: 105; Downloads: 55
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Description Here is a sample of the weapons I have been working on.

left most: Disposable rocket propelled ordnance launcher"Bombard"
Left Center: shoulder fire general purpose launcher: 75mm Rocket propelled grenade/recoilless rifle hybrid
Center: 40mm Belt fed grenade launcher.
Right: light 7.62mm Light machine gun.

The Bombard is a cheap throw away weapon for use against structures, dug in positions or knocking on doors from across the street...or making new doors that aren't guarded by guys with big nasty guns.

Someone took a telescoping steel pipe, stuffed it with gunpowder, and jammed a bomb in the end of it like a cork in a bottle....Its not very accurate, wont even scratch a tank, well unless you get really lucky. It is a good bit stronger  than a rifle mounted grenade launcher....And its really cheap.

The Shoulder fired launcher is a slightly more advanced version of the bombard. More accurate longer range, and made of materials that will hold up to regular use....Don't shoot at tanks though you'll just get their attention.

The 40mm is man portable (barely) artillery you use it against buildings, light vehicles,  dug in troops, that pesky kid who keeps running across the yard..basically anything you want to reduce to burning rubble, or chunky meat product number seven...Of course if you open up with this everyone who survives is going to want  you very very dead...as  soon as they change their  underwear.

the light machine gun, well you point it in the direction of the enemy and pull the trigger. Hundreds of bullets force people to duck for cover, change their plans, or lay down and bleed out. A good gunner can keep a fairly decent sized  bunch  of bad guys pinned down, reconsidering their life choices. Annnddd once again if you are behind this weapon expect to get the undivided attention of anyone with a weapon who isn't on your side of the discussion.
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Comments: 7

JeanLucCaptain [2018-08-02 23:39:07 +0000 UTC]

so the GMG is a cross between the US design and the Soviet feed system? alsot 7.62 is more of a GPMG calibre. 5.56 is the usual NATO SAW or LMG calibre.

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wbyrd In reply to JeanLucCaptain [2018-08-02 23:52:44 +0000 UTC]

I stole...I mena was inspired by many sources

The choice of calibers has a bit to do with the setting I created..the nation in question likes large caliber rounds due to a need to regularly deal with well protected targets.

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JeanLucCaptain In reply to wbyrd [2018-08-04 00:55:29 +0000 UTC]

Ah, like angry trolls?

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wbyrd In reply to JeanLucCaptain [2018-08-04 22:51:32 +0000 UTC]

yes, and we load hot rounds for those guys.....

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JeanLucCaptain In reply to wbyrd [2018-08-10 00:37:09 +0000 UTC]

so you apply the HEAT?

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wbyrd In reply to JeanLucCaptain [2018-08-12 03:11:16 +0000 UTC]

As needed until irritation subsides....

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JeanLucCaptain In reply to wbyrd [2018-08-19 04:50:27 +0000 UTC]


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