nihilica — ZERO: Zhou

Published: 2012-07-16 02:25:37 +0000 UTC; Views: 1956; Favourites: 34; Downloads: 17
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Description Edit: Can't believe I got in! Thank you so much<3

NAME : Zhou
ID : #007

D.O.B : December 8
AGE : 22
HEIGHT : 176cm

OCCUPATION : Part-timer at a shady debt-collecting agency (though he also does other part-time/odd jobs every now and then to earn extra cash)

ZONE : 2

DEMONIC WEAPON : Parasitic - "Sicarius"
  • Root-like growth on both arms that is essentially a mini custom poison-making factory.

  • Able to morph into partial or full-body armour. Full-body version, however, drains stamina rapidly (leading to unconsciousness if left on for too long) and therefore is only ever used as a last resort.

  • Two main types of attack: crystallised poison needles and the obvious - poison gas


  • Serious and straightforward

  • The type to see everything through

  • Polite and well-mannered (his mum raised him to be a gentleman ;v; )

  • Highly compassionate (not towards humans though)

  • Has no concept of self-consciousness

  • Introverted

  • Cynnical

  • Has trouble understanding others' feelings and emotions.

  • Dismissive of things not directly involving him

  • Lacks motivation/ambition


███ Back then...
Zhou was born into an ordinary middle class family in one of the poorer neighbourhoods of Zone 2. He had a sister 4 years older than him. His mother was a teacher from Hong Kong and his father , an Englishman, drove trucks. They weren't exactly living in luxury but it was a comfortable existence. Zhou's childhood was a warm and happy one.

Things changed for the worst pretty quickly once Zhou reached teenage years.

When he was 13, his sister, who he adored, got a scholarship and left for college in Central. It was her dream - to get out of this place, to make something of her life, to never have to live from pay check to pay check the way their parents did. She was better than that. The day she got that scholarship was the happiest he's ever seen her. He knew all that. Didn't necessarily understand, but he knew. And how could he not support her?

He missed her terribly and yet she'd never call or visit.

When he was 14, Zhou's father was diagnosed with terminal cancer. Due to his job, he never used to stay at home for too long before. Having him home all the time now was strange. Seeing less and less of his mother because she had to take on a second job was even stranger. The constant feeling of dread in the air was unbearable.

His sister called once.

A year later Zhou's father was gone. His mother, devastated, was never the same again. Cold and distant, she walked around the house, but a ghost of the woman who was once the sunshine of their home. She threw herself into work , throwing her health away in the process. Zhou took up a part-time job to help out, but it didn't matter. It wasn't about money.

His sister came home for the funeral but "couldn't stay".

A week before his 16'th birthday, Zhou's mother collapsed. They called it something he couldn't understand then and couldn't remember later. All he knew was that it had a very long name and that it meant her heart didn't want to work anymore.
When he called his sister and begged her to come home all he got was "The break starts next week. Can't it wait until then?"

███ That day...
A $20 placed discreetly into an acquaintance's pocket got Zhou into his school's lab on a Sunday morning. Finding all the right ingredients and all the right equipment didn't take long, just like it didn't take long to find just the right formula on the internet the night before. It helped that chemistry was one of his best subjects. He was done within an hour. He was in front of her door within 3.

When she asked him what he was doing there, Zhou smiled and replied "I really wanted to celebrate with you. Mum is feeling better and, well, I'm 16 today" He passed the cake into her hands as he walked in. When she protested that she had exams to study for he said cheerfully "It won't take long, I promise".

As Zhou watched her take bite after bite, they talked. Talked about the good old times when their family was still a whole. Talked about everything that happened these past 4 years. She told him about her wonderful new life at Central. He told her how well he was doing at school. He even heard himself saying "It's alright" when she apologised for not being there for him and their mother when their dad passed away. She looked so sincere.

Twenty minutes later , when she complained she was feeling dizzy, he held her shoulders as he walked her to her bed. Laying down will help. He held her hand as she giggled and said sleepily that she was being a bad host. He kissed her forehead and whispered "I'll be going now. If you happen to see mum and dad, tell them that I love them ", then he stood up, picked up his things and left, sobbing quietly all the way home.

███ Aftermath...
The Newspapers called it "Yet another tragic death of a college student due to a drug overdose".The police found a large amount of crude methamphetamine inside the girl's body. It was officially deemed an accident, however suicide was also considered at the time, with the girls mothers passing just two days prior and pre-finals stress viewed as possible motives.

No-one suspected a thing.

At the same time, Zhou, having been evicted from the apartment where he and his mother stayed not long after the funerals were over and done with, had to get by sleeping on friends couches. However, he didn't have all that many friends and, with no relatives to turn to, no inheritance of any kind and no-one willing to give him, a 16 year-old homeless orphan, paid work, Zhou soon found himself wondering the streets of the shady part of town, all his belongings in one bag. By a sheer stroke of luck, if you can call it that, he collapsed from hunger and exhaustion nearby a run-down debt-collecting agency, whose boss just happened to see himself at that age in the skinny, dirty-faced kid in front of him and took pity on him. Zhou's been working for the guy ever since, doing paperwork, gathering information, finding people and other odd jobs.


  • Animals. Cats are a favourite.

  • Saving money (to the point of obsession)

  • Routine

  • Slice-of-life anime lol

  • Humanity in general :I

  • Small talk

  • Loud noises

  • Surprises

ETC. :
  • Chain smoker

  • Doesn't drink

  • Has mild OCD

  • Can't resist a furry mug. All the stray animals in the neighbourhood know him as "that easy guy with food"
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Comments: 39

Kouri-n [2012-09-03 23:52:02 +0000 UTC]

Yeah so. I'm screwing this whole google docs thing... not sure why we didn't just rp through dA . So I hope it's ok if I just start here. (copied this off of google docs)

Nixon opened his eyes and found himself in a place he didn’t recognize. It was a simple room of mostly a light blue color and a lot of reflective surfaces. He straightened suddenly as something dawned on him. “W-where’d that punk go? Yellin’ at me because we were out of stock of the book he wanted. That kid’s got some nerve talkin’ back to me,” he yelled as he looked around for the customer he had previously been arguing with at work.

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nihilica In reply to Kouri-n [2012-09-05 07:47:01 +0000 UTC]

Lol why didn't we? Would have been easier x'D

One second Zhou was sleeping in his warm, cosy bed and the next he was hitting the cold, hard floor. His initial theory that he fell out of bed was discarded as soon as he tried to open his eyes - his surroundings were much too bright and shiny to be his apartment. So bright and shiny that they hurt his eyes so he snapped them shut. Wrinkling his forehead, Zhou attempted to concentrate but his mind didn't feel like cooperating. Soon he felt himself falling back asleep. "This is all probably just a dream anyway"

...was Zhou's last thought before there was a weird warping sound and then someone started yelling what felt like mere meters away from him. Snapping his eyes open once again and sitting up quickly, he looked in the direction the voice was coming from. A tall, reddish figure was standing in front of him and while his eyes tried to focus and his sleepy mind tried to figure out what the hell was going on, all Zhou could do was stare.

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Kouri-n In reply to nihilica [2012-09-08 04:33:19 +0000 UTC]

It was then that Nixon stopped short of his yelling and thought about his location again. Rather than screaming lines of cursing, shouldn't he have thought about where he was and his own safety? "Where the hell-" he muttered under his breath. He recalled hearing the crash of a store display in the midst of his argument at work, turning towards it, and all of a sudden finding himself here. He was getting a headache just from thinking about it all and rubbed his eyes to take another look around. He suddenly noticed a dark figure sprawled on the ground behind him and jumped a few steps back in surprise. "Da f---?!?" He took a closer look at the figure and asked, "Um... hey you..." unsure of whether it was looking at him through its thick goggles.

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Kouri-n [2012-08-04 16:01:19 +0000 UTC]

Hoho. So I guess we're partners >3< This event seems really complex XD

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nihilica In reply to Kouri-n [2012-08-05 07:02:49 +0000 UTC]

Haha yeah~ But it seems easy enough not to fail, as long as we submit something xD Plus it's fun. I admire the mods' creativity *v*

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AzulNaranja [2012-07-31 18:10:02 +0000 UTC]

do you have partner yet?

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nihilica In reply to AzulNaranja [2012-08-01 04:08:53 +0000 UTC]

Nope~ I'll probably just be randomized ^^ It seems you already found a partner. Congrats!

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AzulNaranja In reply to nihilica [2012-08-01 16:21:13 +0000 UTC]

We can still RP

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myntii [2012-07-28 05:55:50 +0000 UTC]

Waah, I really like this character. His Zero is really cool~ *__*

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nihilica In reply to myntii [2012-07-30 08:34:27 +0000 UTC]

Thank you so much ;///;

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h-wan [2012-07-26 11:30:00 +0000 UTC]


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nihilica In reply to h-wan [2012-07-27 03:03:50 +0000 UTC]

Haha thanks! I suppose it's his only charm point lol

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AzulNaranja [2012-07-25 14:33:34 +0000 UTC]

Great design!

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nihilica In reply to AzulNaranja [2012-07-25 14:56:56 +0000 UTC]

Thank you!! C:

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AzulNaranja In reply to nihilica [2012-07-25 15:44:00 +0000 UTC]

Wanna RP?

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nihilica In reply to AzulNaranja [2012-07-27 12:16:20 +0000 UTC]

Sure C:
Do you usually RP in comments, notes or something else?

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AzulNaranja In reply to nihilica [2012-07-28 00:31:08 +0000 UTC]

Comments is fine, but if you want mature content it is safer by notes.

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nihilica In reply to AzulNaranja [2012-07-30 08:31:46 +0000 UTC]

Lol I wouldn't even know how to RP mature content x'D Comments it is then!
I-I don't know where/how to start

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AzulNaranja In reply to nihilica [2012-07-31 02:53:46 +0000 UTC]

Well.. your chara is a debt-collecter, he could go to visit mine chara to collect one debt

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nihilica In reply to AzulNaranja [2012-08-01 04:34:11 +0000 UTC]

Haha he's really more of an office boy than a debt-collector but I guess I can work with that x'D

Zhou: /stands in front of Finch's door awkwardly, hoping the guy isn't home. He sighs, clears his throat and, finally, knocks.

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AzulNaranja In reply to nihilica [2012-08-01 16:20:58 +0000 UTC]

Oh!, ok, xD I though he was some kind of mob-kid (and that's cool too)

He was taking breakfast, slightly in a hurry because he was maybe getting late to work, when somebody knocked the dor in a low shy way. He didn't open and he wouldn't mind to to that, since he had no friends or really didn't care. However, he had to do so, given that he needed to go out for work.
The door opened and with just one look to the young guy outside, the man almost ignored him - I don't have money, I wont buy your stuff, so, get off... - Said him, while closing the door.

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nihilica In reply to AzulNaranja [2012-08-04 12:08:05 +0000 UTC]

Lol he is. He's just not your typical scary-looking violent type ;v; He usually sticks to behind-the-scenes work~

Ugh. This was going to be troublesome, Zhou just knew it. Putting his foot in the door before it could close in his face, he said calmly: "You seem to have the wrong idea. I'm not here to sell. I'm here to do you a favour. Now you can let me in and hear me out OR tomorrow there will be two tall, scary guys knocking on your door instead of me. And I assure you, they won't be very interested in talking. Your choice."

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AzulNaranja In reply to nihilica [2012-08-04 18:48:11 +0000 UTC]

I like it. Finch went out, he is in the street.

-Take the TV, if you want, the Eurocup has ended, so I wont need it for a while - Replied the man, suited in a blue shirt, still in the street, looking back to his own door, where the payment kid was - I will end my payment later.

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nihilica In reply to AzulNaranja [2012-08-13 05:12:32 +0000 UTC]

So sorry for the late reply! I think I accidentally deleted your comment and didn't realise until now ;A; I'm so lame OTL

Zhou stared at Finch incredulously. Was he serious? Who pays off debts with tvs?? But it DID look like it would sell for quite a bit... Well, whatever. But there's no way Zhou was going to carry that thing. He shrugged and said "Sure. I'll send one of our guys to pick it up in a bit. I'll also leave my business card here" - he stuck the card in the door - "So give me a call when you have the rest of the money. And it better be soon." Zhou then turned away, stretched and started walking away, taking out his phone as he did. He better call the boss and explain all this.

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AzulNaranja In reply to nihilica [2012-08-18 11:35:59 +0000 UTC]

I have an idea xD let's see if Zhou is a good person or not xD

Finch didn't seem to care after all. His door was closed and even if they managed to enter, he had nothing valuable.
Without an answer, he continued his own road, but when he was crossing the street, a car didn't obey the traffic lights and hit him.


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nihilica In reply to AzulNaranja [2012-08-27 13:05:10 +0000 UTC]

Ok you got me there. It took me forever to come up with a reply OTL.

Zhou was just about to dial his bosses number when he heard screaming and loud crash. Turning around, he saw a car stopped in the middle of the road with people starting to crowd around it. An accident? Zhou went to have a look, out of curiosity and what do you know, the guy that was hit was the same guy that was standing. Zhou's head went blank and all he could do was stare. Then, realising he should probably check if the guy is alive, but not knowing HOW to do it, he decided to poke him in the shoulder.

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AzulNaranja In reply to nihilica [2012-08-29 10:39:58 +0000 UTC]

Finch was kind of conscious. There were an acute pain in the hip, so bad he couldn't even think.
Then, something moved his shoulder, but he didn't answered. He just looked somewhere, in pain

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nihilica In reply to AzulNaranja [2012-09-05 23:03:05 +0000 UTC]

Al right, so the guy was alive. Good. Zhou wondered if anyone called the ambulance. He didn't feel like asking the people around him, so he called them himself, just in case. After that was done, he had no idea what else to do, so he just sat cross-legged on the side-walk nearby and stared.

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LightningEffect [2012-07-23 20:31:21 +0000 UTC]

Ooh, his weapon looks really interesting. And I like the way he killed his sister. I probably shouldn't like how someone kills another, but it's so smart and well planned eue

He seems like a nice guy~

Congrats on getting in ^^

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nihilica In reply to LightningEffect [2012-07-25 13:47:44 +0000 UTC]

Thank you so much <3
And right back at you!!
I love Vaughn's backstory/personality! So well written *v* /admires your skills. It's so sad though! Poor guy ;o;

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LightningEffect In reply to nihilica [2012-07-26 02:15:28 +0000 UTC]

You're very welcome <3

Aha thanks.

Amg, thank you lol but no no, I have no writing skills, d-don't admire me ;v;

Ehehe yeah, I'm a mean person -v-

I hope to rp with you sometime~ ^^

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nihilica In reply to LightningEffect [2012-07-30 08:29:38 +0000 UTC]

I'd really like that :> Though I have to warn you I'm not very good at starting RPs OTL

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LightningEffect In reply to nihilica [2012-07-30 08:42:11 +0000 UTC]

Oh that's okay. I'll start it if you want. ^^

Umm, do you have any method you prefer? Comments, notes, Skype, msn? And lit or script~?

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nihilica In reply to LightningEffect [2012-07-30 10:21:46 +0000 UTC]

Thank you ;v;

Notes or comments~ I have skype too but I've never used it for rps so it scares me lol. And either lit or script is fine! C:

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LightningEffect In reply to nihilica [2012-07-30 10:45:55 +0000 UTC]

No problem ^^

Ah, both work, so whichever you like more. ovo I see~ I didn't until recently as well uvu Ah, lit then if thats okay?

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nihilica In reply to LightningEffect [2012-07-30 10:56:49 +0000 UTC]

Sure thing! I suppose notes work better with lit style...notes then? :>

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LightningEffect In reply to nihilica [2012-07-30 10:58:06 +0000 UTC]

All right~ I'll send you one then ovo

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yakitunafish [2012-07-16 11:40:26 +0000 UTC]

dfjdasdfs!!!! he's so cool! and his personality is adorable!! i hope you will get in ;v ; !!! <3<3

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nihilica In reply to yakitunafish [2012-07-17 03:14:24 +0000 UTC]

Thank you so much ;A; And right back at you!! <3

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