nicktheartisticfreak — the madness of cthulhu

Published: 2007-03-22 02:33:44 +0000 UTC; Views: 21842; Favourites: 560; Downloads: 1371
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Description "tell me. what do you see?"


"umm, okay..."

ink blot test gone horribly wrong. if you see cthulhu you are insane. enjoy!
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Comments: 151

Surdy78 [2017-07-10 12:45:24 +0000 UTC]

Ink splash

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Monsieur-Mizter [2017-03-09 16:58:27 +0000 UTC]

A beautiful butterfly  

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TheDubstepAddict [2016-03-08 18:27:57 +0000 UTC]

Rorschach should had made that face in watchmen.

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EvilDogBum [2016-02-28 19:03:17 +0000 UTC]

I see a bunny

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Frobenius [2015-11-19 21:35:28 +0000 UTC]

At some point I need to buy this as a poster for my room. Fantastic execution.

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PinkieTane [2015-07-04 05:36:36 +0000 UTC]

"Tell me, what do you see?"

I saw a compulsion. This was no ink blot text, no, this was clearly a living, writhing mass of tendrils that curled around the papers and around the subconscious. 
It latched itself onto me and burrowed itself under my skin, to the guts within me that were now squirming in horror. 

"Sir? What's- "

The room had become a twisted canvas, with the wretched image repeating itself infinitely in all dimensions. It - that monstrous picture - it was growing! Like a vine, so wretched and ill formed. Yet the worse part was the growing familiarity that the ink took on, as within the darkest pit of the image peered two red pinpricks. 

"Sir- Sir, please calm- Oh, oh g-"

The creature had flowered into an infinite cephalopod and it's madness to the eyes had begun to fully manifest. It slithered across the paper room, right in front of me - No, right behind me - No, everywhere and yet still it had hallowed out my brain and made a home there. It would never stop growing and festering and staring and 


It had made itself a mockery of an animal. A pathetic imitation of anything considered aquatic or living. It's tentacles, each with bulbous suckers the size of my eye balls - my eyes balls my eyes my eye balls - made it's way towards me 

The chair underneath me had turned into the wretched ink, and had gripped itself firmly around my wrists until they quickly found a shade of sickly blue. 

My ears burned as hoarse barking echoed, giving me such a headache! It barked and barked like a sick man's cough and I swore the sound itself was bleeding. My wrists were burning and the compulsion to ball my fists until my fingers bled was the only relief from the chaotic landscape, filled with only paper and horrors beyond my dreams. 

"I- HE- A-"

No, no, no! I couldn't move! The tendrils made it's way right for me! Pounding, pounding, pounding! My heartbeat ripped through the fragile paper walls, and out seeped ink. Thick, black, endless. I was either to drown, or to be mutilated by the tendrils. Those pinprick eyes. Those damn eyes. Red. Red. Red. Red eyes my own eyes their eyes it's eyes his eyes my eyes the reye s

and now I know where the image burred itself and I reached for it with pointed nails and pull until my face is soaked with 


I pulled I pulled I pulled but the tendrils pulled harder and the red eyes taunted me saying it would never that I would never but I could because my wrists were growing redder and redder and now my eyes their eyes its eyes my eyes his eyees they were too 

I saw for a brief moment red. Beautiful red. Safe red. Calming. Sanctity. Rushing towards me, the ink 
in the center the room the room was gone yet the ink was still there and now the image is gone by the ink the ink it will consume and now my ears and my now my mouth and now my throat and now its' gone

I saw a compulsion and it told me to paint the town red 
and now I'll never see that compulsion again

- - - - - 
in a dark room with white walls lays two red eyes and a paper just a fraction as red
and on the paper is a simple ink blot. What do you see? 
I see two pinpricks 

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Dingus-Khaan In reply to PinkieTane [2015-10-17 17:12:00 +0000 UTC]

You, my friend... You have won a free Internet

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PinkieTane In reply to Dingus-Khaan [2015-10-18 18:40:20 +0000 UTC]

I completely forget even writing that. Haha, thank you. 

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PeterIst [2015-03-17 21:32:46 +0000 UTC]

Big wow for those eyes!

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DarkNeoVirus [2013-07-30 22:20:45 +0000 UTC]

Cthulhu Ftagn!!
All hail Cthulhu.

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nicktheartisticfreak In reply to DarkNeoVirus [2013-08-11 23:56:08 +0000 UTC]

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IneedZoloft [2013-01-23 07:43:35 +0000 UTC]

Bought a print to go On my wall. Great stuff.

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nicktheartisticfreak In reply to IneedZoloft [2013-02-11 04:22:31 +0000 UTC]

Thank you so much!!!

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RKEM [2012-12-23 15:00:56 +0000 UTC]

If only the inkblot test has that image. I would have had more fun. You can also see blood stains where the viewer of this obviously ripped his own eyeballs out.

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nicktheartisticfreak In reply to RKEM [2012-12-24 21:54:37 +0000 UTC]

absolutely. i think it tells a story.

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lee-a-michael [2012-04-11 19:31:49 +0000 UTC]

I would love to have a T-shirt of it as well as a print on the wall! Ever thought of selling T's?

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nicktheartisticfreak In reply to lee-a-michael [2012-04-30 00:56:27 +0000 UTC]

yes i certainly have. i need a printer who is game.

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RoadsideAssist [2012-02-18 22:53:23 +0000 UTC]

Exactly how I would imagine it.

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Harlock-le-Fleau [2011-12-28 15:04:32 +0000 UTC]


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nicktheartisticfreak In reply to Harlock-le-Fleau [2011-12-28 23:40:12 +0000 UTC]


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Chaoskampf [2011-12-11 22:32:14 +0000 UTC]

nice, id by this if i had the points....

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nicktheartisticfreak In reply to Chaoskampf [2011-12-19 03:20:32 +0000 UTC]

i appreciate the thought.

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Chaoskampf In reply to nicktheartisticfreak [2011-12-20 01:04:18 +0000 UTC]

im sorry,

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nicktheartisticfreak In reply to Chaoskampf [2011-12-25 01:33:24 +0000 UTC]

no problems really, i do appreciate the fact that you want it!

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calebray [2011-11-26 15:46:23 +0000 UTC]

fantastic work
any objections if i had this done as a tattoo?

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monstah [2011-09-12 02:56:50 +0000 UTC]

Duuuude. If you see that, it's a sign. Kill the shrink and revel in joy.

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nicktheartisticfreak In reply to monstah [2011-10-11 07:04:43 +0000 UTC]

yeah. blood orgy etc....

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panictool [2011-03-14 07:03:44 +0000 UTC]

Doctor: So .. What do you see here..

Me: is tis something like a "Rorschach Test"?

Doctor: Just answer me.... What do you see on This Picuter..

Me: Pure Doomness and The End of the World Mister..

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nicktheartisticfreak In reply to panictool [2011-04-27 04:20:39 +0000 UTC]

well, that is what the picture is about.

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BookofThoth [2010-12-12 03:54:18 +0000 UTC]

OMG scary as hell! I love it!!!!

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nicktheartisticfreak In reply to BookofThoth [2011-01-06 09:01:32 +0000 UTC]

Thank you! Glad to hear it.

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Celestius-Nexus [2010-12-03 06:16:06 +0000 UTC]

I either see a shadow shooting tendrils at me, or Davy Jones transforming. C:

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nicktheartisticfreak In reply to Celestius-Nexus [2010-12-11 07:41:50 +0000 UTC]

both are valid. :]

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Endalwen [2010-11-22 20:02:30 +0000 UTC]


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nicktheartisticfreak In reply to Endalwen [2010-12-11 08:03:12 +0000 UTC]

thank you.

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Endalwen [2010-11-22 20:01:17 +0000 UTC]


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nicktheartisticfreak In reply to Endalwen [2010-12-11 08:03:24 +0000 UTC]

thanks again. :]

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Mattismen [2010-11-15 14:19:47 +0000 UTC]

Sweet cinemon thats awesome^^

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nicktheartisticfreak In reply to Mattismen [2010-12-11 08:06:26 +0000 UTC]

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NamelessManic [2010-11-04 04:27:22 +0000 UTC]

I see a kitty!

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nicktheartisticfreak In reply to NamelessManic [2010-11-07 04:18:31 +0000 UTC]

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NamelessManic In reply to nicktheartisticfreak [2010-11-07 04:42:19 +0000 UTC]

Riding a unicycle.

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nicktheartisticfreak In reply to NamelessManic [2010-11-09 06:52:48 +0000 UTC]

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NamelessManic In reply to nicktheartisticfreak [2010-11-09 09:20:43 +0000 UTC]

Playing with yarn

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nicktheartisticfreak In reply to NamelessManic [2010-11-12 01:37:43 +0000 UTC]

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NamelessManic In reply to nicktheartisticfreak [2010-11-12 18:44:40 +0000 UTC]

epic hu

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LoLeeta-StrANGE [2010-07-27 00:35:09 +0000 UTC]

I love this! I wish I could have a print of it.

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nicktheartisticfreak In reply to LoLeeta-StrANGE [2010-08-29 07:18:45 +0000 UTC]

i submitted a print file.
i'm glad you like it.

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Gnuapor [2010-07-01 18:09:14 +0000 UTC]

So Cool!!

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nicktheartisticfreak In reply to Gnuapor [2010-07-24 20:26:54 +0000 UTC]


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