nachtwulf — Judecca - WoW - Color Vers.

Published: 2006-05-09 04:49:35 +0000 UTC; Views: 1419; Favourites: 17; Downloads: 101
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Description Someone said Jude didn't look like a Night Elf in black and white so...eenh. Here he is in color.

Yeah, yeah, I've long since regretted the decision to make him pink and green. But damnit, he's got too many hours in him for me to reformat him just 'cause I don't like his color scheme. Oh well.
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Comments: 17

deadliest-downfall [2008-11-16 19:11:19 +0000 UTC]

That's a good looking night elf! *fans self*

I love his ear!

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lionman [2006-09-03 01:11:41 +0000 UTC]

Y'know...the whole glowing eyes thing on WoW for the elves...I've never really, fully dug that. But, they do have the best mounts. Of course, I could be biased.

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nachtwulf In reply to lionman [2006-09-04 07:36:26 +0000 UTC]

Heh. I'm pretty sure it's because they're pretty much 'magic-infected'... that whole well of souls thing. I'm rather partial to the mechanostriders, but their ridability is horribly limited. I was really sad when I found out that night elves can't ride them.

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lionman In reply to nachtwulf [2006-09-04 14:42:22 +0000 UTC]

With as expensive as a mount is, I'm just happy that one of my characters has one! I didn't try to get something unusual because of cost. I opted for the basic, black stallion model for my Priest. Then again, guild-members were kicking in gold to help me out. Beggars, choosers..you know how that goes.

My first character was an Elven Hunter, but I found myself being more partial to the Tauren. I'd like to see some ability for learning cross-languages, even if it's just some sort of broken or basic language exchange.

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Gildawraith [2006-05-09 15:02:28 +0000 UTC]


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Uftaki [2006-05-09 07:45:42 +0000 UTC]

Eeep! That's a bright green... *lol* Maybe darkening the green'd help a little? :3 To a hunter, forest, or really dark green? ^^ It doesn't really matter, though... This looks really nice, all brightly coloured, with the cool glowing eyes, too!

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nachtwulf In reply to Uftaki [2006-05-10 15:05:00 +0000 UTC]

Well, thing is, his hair really -is- that color of green.
I do sort of wish I'd made it darker, but it's pretty limey.

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EgilSterkr [2006-05-09 07:04:02 +0000 UTC]

cool colors & shading!

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andimccloud [2006-05-09 06:46:16 +0000 UTC]

Pink and green or yellow and blue, it doesn't matter. He's still very VERY lickable.


Engineer too, by the look of the goggles...*squints*

Mad server props from Feathermoon way, fellow RP nerd!


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nachtwulf In reply to andimccloud [2006-05-10 15:08:14 +0000 UTC]

Ayep, engineer and gunner. If he'dve been able to build his hunter-pet out of clockwork, he would have... he's kind of a weirdboy.

I have an alt on Feathermoon, but not consistently.. the server just seems too laggy to me. Mostly, I'm on Thorium and Kirin Tor. (I can't even remember who my FM alt is; I -think- it's Forsaken...)

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andimccloud In reply to nachtwulf [2006-05-10 18:16:21 +0000 UTC]

Yeah, there has been a depressing bit of lag on FM lately. I have alts on TB, but I tend to not play them, as I'm avoiding a couple people there *cough*, but maybe I'll hop on'em again. And yes. Engineering is nothing but FUN. I have a paladin engineer. She gets an unholy - pun intended - kick out of the explosives, and she went on a squirrel-building binge and insisted on handing them out as gifts to everyone she knew. Her next project is the mechanical dragonling. She started out as a blacksmith, and found out after switching to engineering that tinkering with stuff was a bigger kick than she thought it would be.

I just giggle ridiculously whenever my paladin pulls something from range. Dynamite for the win.

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darkraven120 [2006-05-09 04:53:14 +0000 UTC]

awsome man, so what server u on???

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nachtwulf In reply to darkraven120 [2006-05-09 04:57:42 +0000 UTC]

Jude's on Thorium Brotherhood. I'm mostly there and Kirin Tor... only RP-servers for me! ^_^;

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darkraven120 In reply to nachtwulf [2006-05-09 18:36:35 +0000 UTC]

nice, im on uther o.0, but the qustion is when isnt uther actin up, or crashing lmao
does your servers act up??

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nachtwulf In reply to darkraven120 [2006-05-10 15:08:49 +0000 UTC]

Nope. TB's pretty stable. I get kicked off all the time, but that's 'cause my modem likes to hang up on me when I get someplace laggy like Ironforge.

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darkraven120 In reply to nachtwulf [2006-05-10 16:50:49 +0000 UTC]

lol, i understand that, i hate if so much, it sucks, i refer to it as lagg forge, or hell depending on the lag lmao

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Seikin [2006-05-09 04:51:32 +0000 UTC]

I love it, I confess to being the one to say it, and I love it colored, the green actually gos well.

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