Published: 2011-03-29 20:20:43 +0000 UTC; Views: 1289; Favourites: 30; Downloads: 18
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"He is a young, pale elf, androgynous look. Dressed with a fuckin' dress. Well, not a dress. It's a robe, plenty of runes and fantastic, brilliant, macabre things hanging everywhere. A warlock, of course... but he seems too young. Too young, too marked. Well, I decide to stand fighting by his side. Dudes dressed with robes usually doesn't know how to take care about themselves" - Ahti, the first time he saw Theron in Silvermoon, defending the city under attack
Theron Nadir Ambersun, The Svartalvar, it's been some time since he trascended the state of a simple Felblood elf to become something diferent of a demon. After years of pain he's just starting a life in balance with the forces that govern the universe.
Blood elves and Felblood elves are property of Blizzard Entertainment.
Svartalvar are part of the original backgound of "alvars" created by and me.
Theron is mine.
Brushes in frame by
"Es un elfo joven, pálido, de aspecto andrógino. Ataviado con un jodido vestido. Bueno, no es un vestido. Es una túnica, cuajada de runas y fantásticas, macabras cosas colgando por todos los sitios. Es un brujo, por supuesto… pero parece demasiado joven. Demasiado joven, demasiado marcado. Bueno, decido quedarme luchando a su lado. Los tios vestidos con túnicas normalmente no saben cuidar de sí mismos." - Ahti la primera vez que vio a Theron en Lunargenta, defendiendo la ciudad bajo ataque.
Theron Nadir Sólambar, el Svartalvar, hace un tiempo que trascendió el estado de un simple Sangrevil para convertirse en algo diferente a un demonio. Después de años de penurias ha comenzado una vida en equilibrio con las fuerzas que rigen el universo.
Los elfos de sangre y los Sangrevil pertenecen a Blizzard.
Los Svartalvar forman parte del trasfondo original de los Alvar, creado por y yo.
Theron es creación mia.
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Comments: 5
Hendelie [2011-03-30 17:50:49 +0000 UTC]
"He is a young, pale elf, androgynous look. Dressed with a fuckin' dress. Well, not a dress. It's a robe, plenty of runes and fantastic, brilliant, macabre things hanging everywhere. A warlock, of course... but he seems too young. Too young, too marked. Well, I decide to stand fighting by his side. Dudes dressed with robes usually doesn't know how to take care about themselves" - Ahti, the first time he saw Theron in Silvermoon, defending the city under attack
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Te dejo quotes para adornar los dibujos, bella. Que no es que estén poco vistosos, pero oye, nunca viene mal.
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
NeithTK In reply to Hendelie [2011-03-30 17:53:50 +0000 UTC]
Gracias amor, no sabes lo bien que me viene
👍: 0 ⏩: 0