Published: 2011-06-06 11:13:40 +0000 UTC; Views: 1622; Favourites: 8; Downloads: 13
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I realized that a -lot- of my drawing output over the last few months hasn't actually made it to my gallery, so it seemed like time for a sketchdump. A lot of this is bits and pieces of planning for drawings meant to be bigger and better and probably in color.1. - Forsaken WoW character of , Meletius Shale, founder of the Brill Apothecary Society. Fretting over his plague research.
2. - Meletius again, with his wig on straight this time.
3. - Dathen Matthews and Eda (sort-of-Forsaken WoW OC's, 's and mine respectively) share a tender moment. Dathen has no eyes and is sensitive about Eda seeing his disfigurement- Eda makes Dathen touch her face, to remind him that she has her own scars.
4. - Jeremy "Jemmy" Marpole, human paladin. WoW.
5. - Meletius saw #3 somehow and has an angst.
6. - Eda years later with she and Dathen's eldest child, Penny, and apparently another bun in the oven.
7. - Cicely Brannagh, elven Circle mage, Dragon Age OC. Great big nerd. 's.
8. - Nara and Alistair, a part of a fanart for 's fantastic Dragon Age comic.
9. - Dragon Age characters Deborah Amell, Jowan and Tobiah in the Circle tower as youngsters. Tobi is mine, Jowan is Bioware's, and Deborah belongs to the lovely I swear I'm going to color this one, soon.
10. - Tobiah Amell, my beloved Warden, acting as Warden Commander in Dragon Age: Awakenings. He's slightly less a pussy than he used to be. That face indicates he is probably talking to either Anders or Oghren.
11. - Ordhan Wyland, Knight of Denerim, Dragon Age OC. 's again. <3
12. - Constans Ledaal, my own Dragon Age OC. Former bloodmage, now a Tranquil and Formori enchanter.
13. - Ronal, another of my DA OC's. Circle mage, childhood friend of Constans, black market lyrium dealer, accidental Grey Warden, bloodmage waiting to happen, but most of all... adorkable nerd.
14. - Tobiah being all solemn and shit. I think this may have been meant to be him helping Irving after defeating Uldred in the tower.
15. - Ronal as a child spending time with Chanter Betrys, the only truly loving adult figure in his youth. As a boy of seven, he had to live as a ward of the Chantry for a year during the Blight until he could finally be sent to the Circle after the end of the war. The Chanter's presence made this period a surprisingly happy one for little Ronal.
16. - Ronal and Enchanter Calten Marbrandt, another Dragon Age OC belonging to . Calten took Ronal under his wing as a teenager, giving him a job as a research assistant, and now the two are nigh-inseperable. They dote on each other like an old married couple.
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Comments: 37
jubah [2011-06-07 06:40:33 +0000 UTC]
15 is absolutely adorable! The scene and their expressions, I've said it before, but your style had you drawing this absolutely stunning expressions, like.. uhh.. all the above?
14 made me sad and
10 WHAT TOBIAH IS THAT YOU IN TEVINTER MAGE ROBES MY BOY?! And he's - less of a pussy?! it's... unexpected. I need to think about it. a LOT.
Also, you play forsaken! And the undead characters you did there look... nice.... is that even allowed? IM CONFUSED D:
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jubah In reply to jubah [2011-06-07 06:42:53 +0000 UTC]
(heh i love scrolling down to check my comment and noticing that you posted a lot of information while replying another comment! So many interesting stories and points to consider... imma get popcorn and start reading EVERYTHING)
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mygoodrabbit In reply to jubah [2011-06-07 16:56:01 +0000 UTC]
Oh god you read my wall of text? XD I looked back at that after writing it and was like... WELP, TL;DR. They are indeed "nice" Forsaken. Their order was made up of that small minority of Forsaken who regretted the loss of their humanity rather than hating the living, people like the small band of Forsaken who turned themselves in to the humans in that one interesting questline in pre-Cataclysm Hillsbrad.
Thank you very much ^^: <333
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beranyth [2011-06-07 06:16:56 +0000 UTC]
Seeing this fills me with so many warm fuzzies I can't even. Gah. I am totally going to save this for a bad day and I can look at it and be cheered up. I am so flattered that you draw -any- of my characters, EVER, let alone something like this. You spoil me so much, thank you <33
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mygoodrabbit In reply to beranyth [2011-06-07 16:42:20 +0000 UTC]
I <3 you, I <3 your characters, THIS SHIT WILL CONTINUE TO HAPPEN I AM CERTAIN. Prepare thyself. (More <3333)
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Charlett [2011-06-06 22:00:04 +0000 UTC]
Dawww, I always love how your arts have stuff that's either just regular people (or as regular as they can attempt to be) hanging out, children and family pictures, or truly tender moments instead of mack on make outs. And of course, no one can go wrong with a few Forsaken. <3
I just wonder what "sort of Forsaken" means. Kids can be made, but they're undead what? Now I'm confused.
And the Dragon Age stuff is just amazing! I love how you can make characters attempting to go about their lives in the circle, seeing as how 75% of the mages are just people trying to pretend this is normal stuff (I bet for a lot of them, it's all they remember anyway, so it *is* normal), and teasing all the younger apprentices. <3
I think my favorite is 15, simply because I'm a sucker for old Chantry Ladies being all kind and grandmotherly to people, but it also makes it pretty cool to think that mages were still taken care of during the Blight. They cared for the poor mage children until things cooled down and they could bring them to the tower and train them. I wonder if Ronal's going to grow up enough to pass his Harrowing come the events of DA2/3. That would make for some interesting backstory~ <3
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mygoodrabbit In reply to Charlett [2011-06-07 00:02:25 +0000 UTC]
Thank you! <3333 Ronal does survive long enough to be Harrowed- in the RP setting he comes from Ferelden's Circle is one of the last to fall, as the Fereldan mages are relatively stable and complacent. Many of the mages there learned their lesson from surviving Uldred's rebellion, and have no desire to see such a thing happen again.
Dathen and Eda... oh god, that's a long story. Essentially they're former Forsaken, which I know sounds a bit sketchy without context. Their guild were a small order of Forsaken dedicated to finding a cure for the plague- and what's more, a cure for undeath itself. Because their line of research would at be considered downright treasonous to the Forsaken they had to be very secretive, and still despite their best efforts they went through a lot of hardship, violence and blackmail. The plotline took place over years and after many failures eventually resulted in the creation of a true, working cure by Meletius, a last-ditch effort after Eda was effected by the New Plague (an in-game plot event around the time of the Scourge invasion that lead up to the launch of Wrath of the Lich King.) Tragically for Meletius, his new cure could only restore living vitality to bodies that were relatively intact, with no severe alterations or necessary organs missing or rotted away. He discovered the hard way that any undead afflicted with his "cure" who didn't meet those pristine conditions would begin the process of resurrection only to die choking on their own freshly flowing blood- and worse, that it was contagious.
Eventually Eda made it safely all the way to Theramore without spreading the "cure", and with the help of her husband Loyal's imp Zortuk managed to contact the order to let them know what had happened. They'd already found Meletius' thankfully-no-longer-contagious body, and resurrected the poor sod (to undeath) with the combined efforts of a paladin and a former-warlock Death Knight, the aforementioned husband. Recognizing the threat presented by his discovery, they had to be tight-lipped about the cure lest the unwise get their hands on it... what if it were used as a weapon? Meletius destroyed his samples and his research, lamenting that he had ever created such a thing- all samples but one small vial.
Eda and Dathen became close over the years, defying her ostensibly still binding marriage to Loyal to be together, and knowing of the gulf now separating them was making Dathen despondent. Eventually, after working through much jealousy and bitterness towards his old friend due to the relationship- or not, perhaps he half-hoped Dathen would die of it- Meletius gave Dathen that last sample. Dathen rode for human lands, took the cure and survived, and with the help of a kindhearted paladin he met along the way (Jemmy) he eventually made it to Theramore, and Eda.
AND THEN THEY F- had babies. Lots of babies. .____.
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Charlett In reply to mygoodrabbit [2011-06-08 01:45:03 +0000 UTC]
Ahaha! I made a child Mage who I was hoping to have her be an adult and finished with her Harrowing by the time DA3 rolls around, so we'll see what happens. Ronal sounds like a cool character to have at least being mentioned or used around DA3 time. *cross fingers?*
And dawww! That sounds really cute. I'm sure many people have thought of ways to turn their Forsaken alive. I know mine eventually joined the Argent Dawn as a priest to destroy the undead even though she was one of them. She gives up trying to heal herself, but she would have loved to join that Brill Research. It's nice to know that they were able to settle down, even though the two of you have retired them. I'll wish for only good things to happen to them! *laugh*
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beranyth In reply to Charlett [2011-06-08 03:42:33 +0000 UTC]
Oh gosh my death knight would have been BFF with your priest. Or, well. As much as a grouch like him could be BFF. He joined the Argent Dawn, too, as an undead, and then was killed and raised again as a death knight so became part of the Ebon Blade. He respects everyone in the Argent Dawn so much, though, and I never found anyone from them to RP with!
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Charlett In reply to beranyth [2011-06-08 06:49:53 +0000 UTC]
Dawww, I'm sorry to hear that. D=
Say, what server do you tend to play on? Maybe we can highfive sometime! I mostly use WoW for RP right now anyway, and it'd be fun to have more friends to hang with~ <3
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beranyth In reply to Charlett [2011-06-08 07:40:16 +0000 UTC]
I'm sad to say that I quit WoW quite a while ago...going on two years, now, I think? Haha, the last two years I played it was pretty much solely RP, so I know the place you're in. It would have been fun, though.
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Charlett In reply to beranyth [2011-06-08 07:46:38 +0000 UTC]
Oh. Whoops. Sorry then. It's just been so long since I was able to really roleplay (tabletop, MMO, gurps, whatev) so I've been jumping at every opportunity. *laugh*
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beranyth In reply to Charlett [2011-06-06 22:46:43 +0000 UTC]
About "almost Forsaken," it's a super long story. They were part of a society to cure undeath, and were the only successful attempts at actually being restored. So they're not actually undead in these pictures--just suspiciously scarred-up humans.
A bit ridiculous, yup, but...hey, it's Warcraft. The canon lore is four hundred times as ridiculous.
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Charlett In reply to beranyth [2011-06-08 02:00:10 +0000 UTC]
Ahhh! I see. Hahaha, I know if I was around with my Forsaken, I would have loved to RP with you guys. It sounds like you guys had lots of fun! <3
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lubyelfears [2011-06-06 18:41:02 +0000 UTC]
I love each and every one of these sketches. They're all so well drawn, and with so much character too!
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brbianca [2011-06-06 15:55:53 +0000 UTC]
I looove your sketches! So much emotion in the face
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Akeledar [2011-06-06 14:27:04 +0000 UTC]
Tobi in tevnter robes makes me droll
Constans is my new fapping object, I'm afraid... Rabb, you know how to make me happeh!
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mygoodrabbit In reply to Akeledar [2011-06-06 19:12:53 +0000 UTC]
<3 Constans is like... scientifically engineered to be a pretty bitch, you can't be blamed for this reaction, it is natural. Cheekbones you could cut diamonds on.
I think you'll be seeing more fancyrobes Tobi in the future, they're fun to draw. XD
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mygoodrabbit In reply to poly-m [2011-06-06 19:09:55 +0000 UTC]
Thank you! I <3 Ronal, for a boy with so many troubles in his life, he's really a very sweet young man despite it.
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Pioukey [2011-06-06 11:23:29 +0000 UTC]
I must agree with Drathe. Tobi in tevinter clothing is manly.
*Rape mode on*
Y U Even in sketcher you're this damn awesome? -w- Meh, you did it! I'mma make a collection on my favs just for you and your awesome!
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mygoodrabbit In reply to Pioukey [2011-06-06 19:08:29 +0000 UTC]
Oh my, I am honored! x____x <3
lol I'm not sure Tobi ever qualifies as "manly", but at least he grew some extra backbone.
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drathe [2011-06-06 11:16:06 +0000 UTC]
I just lol'd at Tobi in tevinter robes xDDD he looks so... MANRY. XDDD
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mygoodrabbit In reply to drathe [2011-06-06 20:20:35 +0000 UTC]
Boy mages have such nice figures in those robes. XD S'true. No wonder I always took Anders with me too. >_> MOAR SEXY.
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drathe In reply to mygoodrabbit [2011-06-06 20:22:37 +0000 UTC]
I think I'm going to fap to Tobi's ass xDDDDD
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