Published: 2006-03-18 11:04:43 +0000 UTC; Views: 1120; Favourites: 19; Downloads: 57
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Well, I decided to finally submit it! Oficiazlly, this is my best picture ever, not just my best chii pictureI am really proud of this. I did it all by myself, including the digital background, done in paint, yes, my common old paint!
I hope everyone likes this.
Thankyou to all who have supported me for so long.
EDIT: btw, this looks sooo much better in full view.
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Comments: 80
mermaid-kitty In reply to ??? [2006-07-05 02:40:00 +0000 UTC]
I don't mind this pic too much, but lots of people commented on the distracting background, and I realised what they ment.
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lostinmyworld In reply to mermaid-kitty [2006-07-05 13:38:18 +0000 UTC]
i liked the background
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mermaid-kitty In reply to lostinmyworld [2006-07-05 23:39:35 +0000 UTC]
Oh, good! Because I liked it too, then I lost my faith in it.
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lostinmyworld In reply to mermaid-kitty [2006-07-06 19:55:32 +0000 UTC]
lol...never let other people make you change your mind on something that you liked!
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Nishomay [2006-04-05 07:09:37 +0000 UTC]
mmm yes, that's very cute, good work on the profile
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DuskyPixie [2006-04-03 12:55:52 +0000 UTC]
wow this is so good, the shading too! did u do the butterflies?
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mermaid-kitty In reply to DuskyPixie [2006-04-04 01:58:17 +0000 UTC]
yeah, i did the butterflies! i had a picture of referance for them, though. i seem to do butterflies a lot...
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mermaid-kitty In reply to mermaid-kitty [2006-04-05 01:11:32 +0000 UTC]
too true. they are such a symbolic thing... and so frail, pretty.
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DuskyPixie In reply to mermaid-kitty [2006-04-04 08:32:44 +0000 UTC]
its awesome! and who doesnt love butterflies, rite?
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MegganBlack [2006-04-03 08:24:06 +0000 UTC]
I haven't seen Chobits as anime,but I was reading a few chapters of the manga.Then I became so lazy to go on.<<;
I adore those ears.And the butterflies over the pic is so cute.I especially love the way you coloured their wings.The outfits and the poses are so cute.Everything look so innocent in this pic.
Hope to see more great artworks from you.
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mermaid-kitty In reply to MegganBlack [2006-04-04 02:00:28 +0000 UTC]
thankyou for such a full on and wonderful comment! i took time on the butterflies wings, so i'm glad someone noticed!!!! thankyou so much! (^.^)
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jessiducky [2006-04-03 08:21:36 +0000 UTC]
It's very nice. .
Oops well would you look at that!
I do believe I just hit the add to favorites button
Nice work
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mermaid-kitty In reply to jessiducky [2006-04-04 02:01:31 +0000 UTC]
thankyou so much for the fav! it means a lot to me.
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jessiducky In reply to mermaid-kitty [2006-04-04 05:24:27 +0000 UTC]
I'm sure it does!
I was really happy when I started getting all these favorites from people I didn't know on my Anastasia pic.
So yeah, I know the feeling and you're welcome.
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noku-tsuki [2006-04-03 00:54:49 +0000 UTC]
Uhm. Its really goood but I don't quite care much for the background.. that just throws me off =x
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mermaid-kitty In reply to noku-tsuki [2006-04-03 01:01:44 +0000 UTC]
yeah, lots of people agree with you there! oh well, it was my first digital background, thats my poor excuse!!!
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noku-tsuki In reply to mermaid-kitty [2006-04-03 01:05:30 +0000 UTC]
haha. xP You're bound to improve on it~ Nice try though n.n;;
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SaylaMarz [2006-03-31 19:40:51 +0000 UTC]
lovely. You gut their face and body so well.
My only major complaint is that the BG is distracting. She's so pretty, but the BG is more colourful, busy, and sharp, so it keeps pulling your eye away.....
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mermaid-kitty In reply to SaylaMarz [2006-04-02 10:06:55 +0000 UTC]
oh yeah, the background. it sucks, i know, but it was my first, thats my only excuse! thanks, i'll work on the whole digital thingy, though i might stick to traditional work from now on!! thanks for the lovely comment!!
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mermaid-kitty In reply to mermaid-kitty [2006-04-04 01:53:22 +0000 UTC]
actually, i don't. i did the background in paint, and i put the background on the pic using unlead photoshop express. (yeah, its meant for photo editing, but i'm limited on programs, so i do what i can!)
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SaylaMarz In reply to mermaid-kitty [2006-04-03 19:37:56 +0000 UTC]
Oh you should keep experimenting - digital art is fun!!
Are you using photoshop, or.....? If you have multiple layers you could always keep your subject on one layer and experiment with the background separately. (if you don't know what I'm talking about, go to the menu: Layers, and select "create a new layer" ....and then go to the menu "Windows" and make sure "layers window" is showing. .....the layers literally lie on top of each other like clear plastic sheets).
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ashLedford [2006-03-30 02:48:42 +0000 UTC]
ahhh. cute. i love anime... i'm just not too good @ it. I've only did one that i liked that's in my gallery... but i did it so long ago that i don't even know what show it was from...
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mermaid-kitty In reply to ashLedford [2006-03-30 03:27:02 +0000 UTC]
thankyou! anime people say is the easy way out, but it isn't. its just as hard as other artforms, but when done right they look great. many people are hooked because of how they look at the end if done right. but yeah, thats just my opinion. i value other styles too.
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mermaid-kitty In reply to mermaid-kitty [2006-03-30 03:42:23 +0000 UTC]
don't be envious! I was horrible once.... just look at my first pics! but then i started looking at chii, and drawing her. i got pretty good at drawing her, and i improved. but as i discovered yesterday, i tried drawing something origional, and it looked as bad as the stuff i use to do! if you want to improve, make up your own character or find one, and just keep drawing them!!!!!
i'm going to submit another 2 pics involving chii in the next couple of weeks, and they are going to be even better than this one, I hope.
anyhoo, keep drawing
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ashLedford In reply to mermaid-kitty [2006-03-30 03:32:59 +0000 UTC]
I think that it can be beautiful... i mean, i know when i first heard of it i only thought of those drawings from sailor moon, but after a friend of mine got into it i realised that there's a pretty good variety of styles involved also. either way. i'm envious.... lol.
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The-Armagedon [2006-03-30 00:30:39 +0000 UTC]
Its really nice. When i zoomed in the background made my eyes wig out though. But that I think was just cause of the resolution. Overall the pic is really nice. Good coloring, and I especailly like the detail on the dressed. Nice work
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mermaid-kitty In reply to The-Armagedon [2006-03-30 01:06:08 +0000 UTC]
thankyou so much for the nice comment! yeah, the background sucks, but i'm not usually a digital artist, i only had paint. I ment to add blue to the background as well, but i didn't. thanks again!
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fishtankbabe [2006-03-30 00:16:18 +0000 UTC]
Very nice job, they look really cute and I like the way you colored the butterflies.
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mermaid-kitty In reply to fishtankbabe [2006-03-30 01:10:09 +0000 UTC]
thanks so much! lots of people like the butterflies. i like doing them, they have such nice shading. the one on the right, I used the wings in a series of girls. i actually got the wings from a pic I once saw. actually, now that I think about it, I have used butterflies a lot in my work....
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IT-Hammar [2006-03-29 19:00:17 +0000 UTC]
It is nice.. I like the pose they are in.. the symmetrical composition is nice too ^_^ However, work more on your colouring, shading etc. And, Do place the figures on a surface.. Think about the background and surface they are on.. If not, they will look as though flying, which looks odd.
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mermaid-kitty In reply to IT-Hammar [2006-03-29 22:33:27 +0000 UTC]
Thanks for the constructive comment!! I couldn't think of a background to put them on, can you give any suggestions?
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mermaid-kitty In reply to mermaid-kitty [2006-04-02 10:20:20 +0000 UTC]
thanks! i might use thoes suggestions next time. i couldn't be bothered fixing it now!
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IT-Hammar In reply to mermaid-kitty [2006-03-30 16:48:19 +0000 UTC]
Uhhmm. It is hard to say.. if you would like to go for something simple, you can just do some walls, like in a big, or LONG room.. And so an effect sucking the room inwards.. like an extreme perspective The important thing is to separate background and surface.. so they do not fly.
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Frankencow [2006-03-29 09:17:24 +0000 UTC]
I wuv Chii Don't you just love it when art goes well? ^_^
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mermaid-kitty In reply to Frankencow [2006-03-29 23:53:35 +0000 UTC]
oh yeah. do you do chobits art? if you do, send me a link!!!
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mermaid-kitty In reply to mermaid-kitty [2006-03-30 01:04:18 +0000 UTC]
i can't wait to see if you do. i'm sure i would be jealous.
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Frankencow In reply to mermaid-kitty [2006-03-30 00:37:37 +0000 UTC]
No, but I really should one day...
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mermaid-kitty In reply to SadnessMemory [2006-03-29 08:00:47 +0000 UTC]
thanks so much! it took a long time.
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ZeeZeeMonster [2006-03-25 06:49:08 +0000 UTC]
I like the contrast of the black on white and white on black dresses.
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mermaid-kitty In reply to ZeeZeeMonster [2006-03-29 08:02:05 +0000 UTC]
thankyou! black and white stuff always looks effective, in my opinion.
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ZeeZeeMonster In reply to mermaid-kitty [2006-03-29 15:32:52 +0000 UTC]
you're welcome, and I agree.
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delirious101 [2006-03-24 02:42:24 +0000 UTC]
@o@;;; I love it. <33 -favefavefave- My only problem is the feet. :/ They're only a smidge off, like someone said earlier, but that's all right.
I've only read the first four volumes of Chobits; I haven't been to any book stores lately. So is Elda Chi's real name? Just wondering.
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mermaid-kitty In reply to delirious101 [2006-03-25 05:26:24 +0000 UTC]
yeah, her name is elda, thanks so much for the fav! it means a lot to me.
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mermaid-kitty In reply to mermaid-kitty [2006-03-29 07:49:07 +0000 UTC]
um, i found out in the anime series, but I think that corrosponds to the last book.
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