Published: 2009-08-03 05:25:03 +0000 UTC; Views: 887; Favourites: 24; Downloads: 2
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Pencil CommissionShe showed me a fairly famous picture of Jesus that someone had drawn.
Asked me to make him look like that, only a little older and not such a big laugh. She had seen my art and wanted me to create my own version of his eyes. And, oh yeah, change his hair.
"Easy. Take this picture and make sure what I draw for you doesn't look anything like this guy". Ha, ha.
She was happy. That was a miracle.
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Comments: 31
RubyDawnHunter [2010-04-02 05:44:18 +0000 UTC]
I think the thing I love about this a most is that he's smiling! Just the way he should be! LOVE IT!
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melanierogers In reply to ProvenParadox [2009-11-15 19:43:12 +0000 UTC]
Thank you. I'll hold back a few of my words today and give you a rest.
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ProvenParadox In reply to melanierogers [2009-11-15 20:19:20 +0000 UTC]
Hahaha, Thanks
Your words are the loveliest I've seen in a while, so don't hold back indefinitely.
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melanierogers In reply to ProvenParadox [2009-11-15 20:36:37 +0000 UTC]
Thank you for this response. I was a little paranoid. I have an insecure streak.
I was kind of wondering if "you overwhelm me" [words something like that] might mean, "ummm, could you keep it under 500 words next time".
So, that's cleared up now. thanks.
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ProvenParadox In reply to melanierogers [2009-11-15 21:05:26 +0000 UTC]
No, don't worry. The connotations of overwhelm in this case where more along the lines of:
Overwhelm with chocolate ice cream sandwiches.
Overwhelm with joy and happiness.
Overwhelm with apple cider after a snowball fight.
... and other such wonderful things.
Sometimes being overwhelmed is nice. This is one of those times. Fear not.
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Spyroflamesredsbum [2009-10-29 12:02:30 +0000 UTC]
THIS iiiss VERYYYY gooood
YOO made him LOOk soooo HANSOMe 8DDD WELL he is hansome xD BUT YOO DID SO WELL
Aaaarrggh <3333333333
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melanierogers In reply to Spyroflamesredsbum [2009-10-31 06:04:37 +0000 UTC]
YOU are funny. Yep, falling in love with HIM more and more each day.
For you... mel
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melanierogers In reply to BlaineKatsura [2009-10-28 06:26:20 +0000 UTC]
Goes out with
Hope you add yours to it. We got a "country" to pray for here...
Lost sheep, sheep with abundant lives, sheep torn by wolves, captive to all sorts of things. A world of hearts to be set free.
He is the door still standing open, and then...
Thanks for taking your time to comment.
"on earth as it is in heaven!"
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BlaineKatsura In reply to melanierogers [2009-10-28 14:14:52 +0000 UTC]
We do have a country to pray for. In Mark 16:15, Jesus said, "Go into all the world and proclaim the good news to the whole creation." We must preach the Gospel to everybody we can.
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DCLeadboot [2009-10-27 23:26:43 +0000 UTC]
Very nice pencil-work there!
Great pic of our Saviour!
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melanierogers In reply to DCLeadboot [2009-10-28 06:16:41 +0000 UTC]
Just makes me happy that you included the words "Great pic of our Saviour"...so cool.
Gave me a heart-felt smile. Automatic reflex to those words.
You are funny.
Love the Leadboot comment, made complete by the right emote, of course.
I just prayed 2 weeks ago about a place in my life where I felt so stuck. Have been for a long time. Cried out for help.
Amazing things happened. Long story. But the grand finale of answers "more than I could hope for or imagine" had arrived same day this drawing posted.
Every day after that prayer, I got a soft lead boot. Pushed me along, just the next steps I could make, until the momentum is going now. I'm not stuck anymore, stronghold gone. A few more bits of debris to carry away, but every kind of help I needed showed up.
He does so many special things, little personal things, besides all the regular God-stuff. You know, keeping the atoms and the galaxies all doing their thing.
I love Him so much.
I've been in dA 3 months now. I knew next to zero about computers when I arrived. I sort of tumbled in, another prayer answered.
I found the christian club through that amazing ink drawing of Jesus, with the Chinese lettering. I believe a man from Poland was the artist?
I hope my drawing of Him releases seeds of blessing all over the world. Not because the drawing is so great, but because it goes out with prayer attached. has become my "country" I pray for every night as I go to sleep.
Back to your sense of humor, and mine. I had to repeat to myself a few times before I got e optimist.
Before I'd even read any of your other words,
"I defy you, stereotypes!"
and that little fist shaking, I knew I liked you.
Keep in touch.
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DCLeadboot In reply to melanierogers [2009-10-28 08:36:53 +0000 UTC]
Heh, no problem... guess I've always had the eccentric "hare-trigger" sense of humour!
A lot of it probably carries over to my animal characters and the art/Flash cartoons I make.
Then of course, being a Christian help me to keep a positive optimistic attitude most of the time - even if I do sometimes get annoyed by God's apparent slowness to answer one or two prayers... like getting a permanent job. Still, all in His time, I guess. Something will come up.
At least while I'm still a relatively free agent, I still have the free time to work on those crazy art-ideas of mine.
And, yeah... through dA, we manage to make contact with a lot of people. Reckon that's probably our witnessing ground at the moment. I'm hopeful that I'm a positive influence on some receptive non-Christian friends around here!
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melanierogers In reply to cgitech [2009-10-31 06:08:04 +0000 UTC]
Thanks. I think this is how I found you. I like to know something about people if they take the time to comment.
I got to your site and went all A.D.D.
~~headed all over the place. I got so excited about your work, and then followed others, out from your fav gallery.
Wonderful fun, but I do lose track of time, and what I was doing.
But I have to walk through my house saying, "pencil, pencil, pencil..."
Or I'll never make it back to my project, much less remember to get a pencil.
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cgitech In reply to melanierogers [2009-11-01 15:39:24 +0000 UTC]
lol...Thank you for your kind words. I'm glad you "found" me...I love to connect with fellow christians.
Yeah...there are some very talented artists here at dA. I am amazed at the level of talent.
Yeah...I'm seeing that dA can be a time consumer. lol I'm learning to balance it. lol
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melanierogers In reply to cgitech [2009-11-01 22:20:30 +0000 UTC]
Pray for me please. Balance has not been my area of expertise,
...thought not really a laughing matter.
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cgitech In reply to melanierogers [2009-11-02 03:52:39 +0000 UTC]
OK. We can pray for each other then. lol
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melanierogers In reply to cgitech [2009-11-02 14:09:09 +0000 UTC]
Absolutely. I love to a part of seeing HIS will be done on earth, and He set it up where we can use the faith of a mustard seed...
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melanierogers In reply to purple-whirlpool [2009-10-31 06:09:42 +0000 UTC]
I am trying to go back and find all the people and comments I missed along the way.
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