Published: 2019-11-27 21:39:59 +0000 UTC; Views: 276; Favourites: 55; Downloads: 2
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TinyWild [2019-12-03 19:48:02 +0000 UTC]
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MatsHolmberg In reply to TinyWild [2019-12-03 19:50:37 +0000 UTC]
Thank you so much! And in very nice company too!
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TinyWild In reply to MatsHolmberg [2019-12-04 18:56:31 +0000 UTC]
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Zivylla [2019-11-30 06:10:56 +0000 UTC]
Goodness, you are an amazing photographer I highly admire how you capture these small, seemingly abandoned objects and just give them so much life... it's so admirable
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MatsHolmberg In reply to Zivylla [2019-11-30 10:27:53 +0000 UTC]
Thank you so much for your kind words! I've always felt strongly for the small things, both in nature and elsewhere. Maybe that connection is felt through the photos, if that is the case I am very glad.
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Zivylla In reply to MatsHolmberg [2019-12-01 01:35:41 +0000 UTC]
You're very welcome!! It is so beautiful, looking into nature and the surrounding valleys I usually express my love of nature through writing, but in the rare time I do photos, I love to capture the "fantasy" feel of the flowers and trees
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MatsHolmberg In reply to Zivylla [2019-12-01 09:58:34 +0000 UTC]
Yes, flowers and trees are truly amazing. And everyone of them is unique, they have different stories to tell. I sometimes have problems with reading due to my depression and concentration problems, but I will read more of what you have written.
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Zivylla In reply to MatsHolmberg [2019-12-01 14:09:46 +0000 UTC]
Absolutely And I relate <33 I have days where my concentration is a little harder too, but I simply remember to pace myself during those moments.
When you're ready, definitely feel free to explore some of my content!
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MatsHolmberg In reply to Zivylla [2019-12-02 13:57:33 +0000 UTC]
That's so important, to remember to not push it too hard. I sometimes have problems with that. I have a tendency to get all manic about stuff that interest me, and then there is a backlash when I've gone too far. Right now my life circulates completely around photography, I think I'll have to ease off and do something else for a while, like reading. Thanks for your kind support! Β
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Zivylla In reply to MatsHolmberg [2019-12-10 07:54:21 +0000 UTC]
I relate so much with that x'DD I really do. When I get overwhelmed, I immediately turn to grounding myself with meditation and alone time & it prevents a lot of havoc. x'D But it's getting the strength to turn away, which is important Sometimes I don't want to stop what I'm doing and do something else, but I guess I'm able to when I explain to myself, what is truly important
You're very welcome my friend <3333 I hope you have a nice break
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MatsHolmberg In reply to Zivylla [2019-12-15 10:38:27 +0000 UTC]
Sorry about late answer! This sounds like very good advice. I really wish I could meditate. But it's so difficult with the anxiety I've been experiencing now for a very long time. I will give it another attempt, though. Just sitting quiet with whatever is happening in my mind. And also trying to ease down on the gas pedal when I'm getting too manic about stuff. Thanks for your support, Vivi!
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Zivylla In reply to MatsHolmberg [2019-12-15 10:53:49 +0000 UTC]
You're very welcome It does take practice, but it's definitely worthwhile! Guided meditation videos are great and worth a listen on anxious days, but so is audio meditation music. Just search for something that makes you feel comfortable, plug in... listen. You don't always need to meditate to reduce anxiety, sometimes just listening to "Miracle Sleep Music"Β can reduce it alone, but meditation helps. Here's a video example of an audio meditation music video:Β www.youtube.com/watch?v=UkM-Fjβ¦
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MatsHolmberg In reply to Zivylla [2019-12-15 21:54:21 +0000 UTC]
Thanks, Vivi, I'll try it out!!
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Zivylla In reply to MatsHolmberg [2019-12-16 05:16:31 +0000 UTC]
Yay I hope it goes well for you!
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MatsHolmberg In reply to Zivylla [2019-12-19 10:35:23 +0000 UTC]
Thanks!! I gather from your journals that you're going through a bit of a rough patch yourself. Wish I could do something for you like you seem to do for everyone else. Take care, Vivi, wish you all the best!
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Zivylla In reply to MatsHolmberg [2019-12-20 03:52:25 +0000 UTC]
You're very welcome!! Yes, I was going through a difficult time before, but I'm feeling a lot better now
I'm ready to handle work tomorrow
You too!!
I wish you the best as well
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MatsHolmberg In reply to Zivylla [2019-12-20 22:47:58 +0000 UTC]
Wow, that sounds wonderful, very glad to hear that you're feeling better! Nice that it passed so quickly. There are not so many of your kind around, that really and honestly cares for others, you need to take good care of yourself!
I wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, Vivi. Let's hope for a splendid 2020 for all of us!
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Zivylla In reply to MatsHolmberg [2019-12-26 05:31:32 +0000 UTC]
Me too Usually these things pass me by quickly, which is nice
And thank you so much!!Β I always open my inbox and support to those in need, because I understand the need for support.
You too! Always take care of yourself, friend. I do the best I can to give myself self-love & give that same love for others, no matter how tired I am.
I wish you a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year as well
I hope so too, I have a LOT of hope things will be amazing!
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MatsHolmberg In reply to Zivylla [2019-12-27 13:30:07 +0000 UTC]
It's good that you normally don't have to for suffer very long, that makes me glad to hear. As for myself, I've had a four and a half year long dark night of the soul that is still in progress and has been more or less completely paralyzing. I've simply not had the ability to enjoy anything at all. But recently I've at least been able to resurrect some of my love for photography, which makes me hopeful of a better future. Let's just decide that 2020 and the next decade will be the best ever for both of us!
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Zivylla In reply to MatsHolmberg [2019-12-27 13:56:59 +0000 UTC]
I've been through dark night of the soul as well, so I know how it feels Β Most of this year for me, was spent in Dark Night of the Soul. For me, it is a cycle... a period of rest and relaxation. I'm pulled into it, whenever there is something that needs to be tweaked or worked on in my inner world
There is a way to make it easier on yourself & lighten the load so all you feel is just a bit of drowsiness rather than innate depression & angst. For me, it worked to see it in a new and different way --Β a period of rest and rejuvenation, rather than emptiness and hurt.
If you ever feel stuck in dark night of the soul, remember that it is OK to take breaks & do self-care... the key to getting out is actually to find yourself & trust the process. I want to lead you to Victor Oddo who can help you explain more what you might be feeling, and ways to lighten the load and make it manageable:
Victor Oddo:
A playlist of his Dark Night of the Soul series:
If seen as a way to look at the inner self and do work, you will find that once you do the intended work on yourself, you will get out of the darkness, and start moving forward It could also be seen as a way to change direction.
I hope this next Decade goes well for us too! I hope these videos are helpful and insightful. There is truthfully many ways to look at Dark Night of the Soul, and this is just the way I look at it
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MatsHolmberg In reply to Zivylla [2019-12-27 15:30:47 +0000 UTC]
I've looked at two of the videos now. He's definitely talking about what I'm going through. I'm very grateful that you pointed me in his direction. Β Maybe I'm not so alone with my feelings that I have thought after all, that's in a way a consoling thought. Maybe it's just a natural phase instead of a life sentence. And maybe it's not as dark and terrible as I sometimes imagine.Β Hopefully I can start working with this in a more positive way, and like Victor says, try to let go and just surrender to the process, see where it takes me. Thank you so much, Vivi!
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Zivylla In reply to MatsHolmberg [2019-12-28 01:27:53 +0000 UTC]
You are so welcome friend <3333 You are definitely not alone, I've been through it too! At first for me, it was very terrible as well, but surrendering definitely helps
Stay strong & remember that you are never alone!
I think our conversation was just meant to be & I'm glad I could help you
I'm glad we met too!!
π: 0 β©: 1
JACAC [2019-11-29 14:29:46 +0000 UTC]
i . h a v e . n o . w o r d s . t o . e x p r e s s . t h e . b e a u t y . i n . t h i s . p h o t o . s o . i . w i l l . . a n d . e n j o y ...
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MatsHolmberg In reply to JACAC [2019-11-29 15:10:41 +0000 UTC]
Thank you so much, my friend. I'm not feeling so well at the moment, and your support and encouragement really helps!
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JACAC In reply to MatsHolmberg [2019-11-29 15:33:21 +0000 UTC]
o n l y . t h e . t r u t h . i t ' s . r e a l . a . b e a u t y .
i . h o p e . y o u . r e c o v e r . s o o n ...
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MatsHolmberg In reply to JACAC [2019-11-29 15:35:34 +0000 UTC]
I hope so too. Thank you again!
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MatsHolmberg In reply to IRIS-KUPP [2019-11-27 22:29:53 +0000 UTC]
Thank you so much, Iris, I'm glad you like it!
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