Published: 2011-09-28 00:34:51 +0000 UTC; Views: 1243; Favourites: 16; Downloads: 0
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Kaworu Nagisa from Neon Genesis EvangelionI recently watched Evangelion, and although I didn't quite understand the ending, it was very... profound. I don't know all that much about Christianity, so if you've seen Eva and know the subject well, I would love to here your about opinion about all the symbolism and the like.
I love Kaworu's endearing expression--how it looks sad, but loving. I especially LOVE Shinji and Kaworu's unique relationship--There seems to be a connection between them that it purer than love. Even though Kaworu was there for only about... two eps, was it? He left a very large impact.
Haha! I love the first scene you see of Kaworu in 2.2. *In spacecraft* "Is that a person?"
Kaworu smiles "Hello, Father"
End scene. xD
Any comments or suggestions are much appreciated, 'cause I still can't get the quality I want!!! ;A;
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Comments: 23
PlusLC [2012-01-29 07:07:14 +0000 UTC]
So mysterious oh! You draw hands very nicely, i love the man's hair!
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Anikari [2011-12-23 08:29:56 +0000 UTC]
Oh, wow! Chi, I just realized I haven't watched you yet!! *adds* This is a late comment, but...
It makes me really happy to see some Eva fanart from you that is this amazing! I really love how gently they're reaching for each other here. Both hands look really tender, and the splayed fingers on Shinji's Eva are so elegant! It's really nicely executed. And the whole picture is very ironic, considering what that hand meant for Kaworu in the end. I think it was pretty clever to turn the whole thing around like this!
I love Eva. It probably wouldn't be an understatement to say it's my favorite anime of all time. It was so complex, and strange in a profound and thought-provoking way. I would agree not to read too much into the Christian symbolism - my impression was that it was mainly for looks, and only had a couple of interesting parallels. Where the story really shines is in its psychological symbolism, something Evangelion is absolutely saturated with (to the extent that every time I talk about this show, I end up typing "psychological" far too many times for comfort). The scenes in the train, the flashing images in End of Evangelion, and all the other surreal departures from reality held so much internal tension. They really helped keep it interesting.
And I love what you said about Kaworu and Shinji! I think "purer than love" is a marvelous way to describe those two... something about their relationship really struck a chord with me. I think it was because Kaworu was such a perfect figure of unconditional love, something Shinji needed, but was so unaccustomed to. It just made everything about Kaworu seem so warm.
(Btw, Kaworu was actually only there for 1 episode in the original series, which is surprising because it felt like a lot more! )
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Manaiyo In reply to Anikari [2011-12-23 23:08:07 +0000 UTC]
Thank you for the watch!
I really appreciate the comment!! I spent a lot of time on those hands!...but the eva's hands are too feminine because I used my own as a model...There was supposed to be a lot of symbolism in the picture, but I did it so long ago that I can't quite remember my original intentions. ;_;
Haha! Yeah, every time I try explaining Eva to someone, psychological inevitably weaves itself in there. xD
I love Kaworu and Shinji's relationship so much! It's like they save each other (?) and that's what I wanted to portray in the pic--reaching out to each other, but never quite touching. Kaworu 'saved' Shinji, but Shinji never realized how important he was to Kaworu, so the Eva hand instead of Shinji's actual hand is reaching out to Kaworu. Their passion also kind of resembles 'forbidden love' because the future of the earth depended on Kaworu's death, so the crumbling city and Adam's...face? (whatever that symbol is called...) I love how it seems as though neither one of them realize what they mean to each other, just that it is very important and irreplaceable.
There's just something about Kaworu that makes me feel complete...? ( ARGH! I can't describe feeling!!) Whenever he appeared, I felt a warmth and comfort. If I were to try and explain how important Kaworu is to me, you would be reading this for a REALLY long time! I wonder if that's how Shinji felt, haha.
ksdf;ows!!! ONLY 1 EP?!?! That episode was chalk full of plot then!
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Anikari In reply to Manaiyo [2011-12-24 21:12:29 +0000 UTC]
I think it's fine that the Eva hand looks feminine - Shinji's Eva is female, after all. Even if it doesn't look it, it must be influenced somewhat by the soul that's inside it!
And hahaha, what do you mean you forgot the symbolism in your picture? That sounded like a pretty good explanation to me. You definitely conveyed your idea of both separation and desire here. There's so much longing and love in Kaworu's face; delayed and prevented by the unfortunate circumstances that surrounded the two.
Ahh, I know exactly what you mean! ;v; Somehow, he just emanates love and acceptance and wisdom. He's such a soft and elegant presence in the show. I think that is what Shinji felt. After all, Shinji had no idea what to do with affection until Kaworu showed up. Even then, he still didn't know how to react, but Kaworu's existence really impacted his life and his character. The pained face he makes at the gigantic Lillith-Kaworu in the End of Evangelion really drives that point home - I felt really bad for Shinji at that point; he was so broken.
I'm REALLY excited for the next Rebuild; we get to meet Kaworu all over again! I wonder what the dynamic between the two will be like this time around. It looks like they'll have a lot more time than in the show, so there's a lot of potential here!
It was! And that agonizing scene in that episode with the single unmoving frame and no dialogue was chilling... Admittedly, the lack of animation there was partially a result of budget cuts, but I think that was a really artistic thing for the production crew to do with such limited means. And in Rebuild, they've got no shortage of finance! So who knows what they've got planned for this last finale.
(Also, Michelle says hi! <3 )
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Manaiyo In reply to Anikari [2011-12-25 08:42:34 +0000 UTC]
Haha~ I always forget that his eva's a girl. xD
Oh geez!! That will be very interesting--a new interpretation on Kaworu! When is it coming out?
Haha! the repeating frames kinda drove me up the wall, especially the last ep...
Yes, that scene was so suspenseful and added to the expression of Shinji's inner conflict!
Oh, before I forget to ask again, what was the website that you always went on to look at eva fan art, the one that never ends?
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Shaish [2011-11-19 21:52:11 +0000 UTC]
If you have..I think it was The End of Evangelion on DVD I recommend watching it with the commentary on, because they go into some detail about the symbolism and what not. It was fairly informative.
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Manaiyo In reply to Shaish [2011-11-20 03:04:20 +0000 UTC]
Oh, really? I should watch that sometime, then. Thank you so much for letting me know!
And thank you for the favorite!!
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Shaish In reply to Manaiyo [2011-11-20 03:24:38 +0000 UTC]
Yess. I mean it's not suuper detailed or anything but it helped a bit hearing what they had to say here and there. I'd probably also suggestion wiki-ing after you do so, that also helps. D|
You're welcome.
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Manaiyo In reply to SasukKun [2011-09-29 22:28:49 +0000 UTC]
Aaaw~ Thank you!!
Unfortunately, I drew the hand too girly because I used my own as a model...
It's no manry enough!
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Crystal2112 [2011-09-28 20:16:25 +0000 UTC]
Very nice! BTW, would you like to see my Kaworu/Shinji picture?
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Manaiyo In reply to Crystal2112 [2011-09-28 22:42:08 +0000 UTC]
Why, yes, yes I would!
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Manaiyo In reply to Crystal2112 [2011-10-01 05:04:03 +0000 UTC]
Oooo~ I really like their expressions!
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FenrisTheWolfBoy [2011-09-28 17:57:01 +0000 UTC]
As far as I know, Anno basically just threw symbolism at Eva. That is, the Christian symbolism means very little...
Lovely picture, nonetheless.
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Manaiyo In reply to FenrisTheWolfBoy [2011-09-28 22:43:05 +0000 UTC]
WOOOOW!!! so... so he just felt like it? That's kinda...
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Sceltie [2011-09-28 03:34:22 +0000 UTC]
nice pic is nice~~
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