kivi1230 — Sasuke :: R e d e m p t i o n by-nc-nd

Published: 2011-07-14 06:30:43 +0000 UTC; Views: 51626; Favourites: 1913; Downloads: 471
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Description A few words on why I believe Sasuke deserves redemption and a chance.

"On one hand Sasuke cares about Itachi's wishes but on the other, found it sick and unfair. "Oh yeah let me go and protect the village that decided to slaughter an entire clan simply because they had rebellious ideals, which stemmed from the fact that they were being discriminated against due to Madara messing everything up". Making Itachi kill his entire clan, bringing him to emotional stress. Then had his little brother kill his big brother under false pretences, after having lived his whole life mind screwed by this whole matter. If not anything else Sasuke deserves an apology from Konoha. I'm glad Naruto said "I understand why you're doing all this" because it's true. They SHOULD understand.

The real criminals here are the Konoha council because they exterminated an entire clan when it could have been handled in a more humane manner. It's their selfishness and cowardice that created Sasuke to what he is today.

Of course the one responsible from the get go is Madara who told Sasuke the truth, summoned the 9 tails to destroy the village which made the village become discriminant with the Uchiha in the first place.

Sasuke's final battle with Naruto would be like a repeat of history but altered. Madara and Hashirama fought against each other but they were always enemies. Naruto and Sasuke have a history of being best friends/brothers. Moreover throughout the series the motif of new generation surpassing the old had been indicated countless times. When they fight, there should be a totally different outcome. What happened with Madara won't happen with Sasuke. When Naruto fights Sasuke, something good is going to happen. Sasuke and Naruto is going to bring the Senju and the Uchiha back together and not just save Konoha, but save Sasuke and the Uchiha. Killing Sasuke would be like killing half of the Sage of the six paths, he wants both brothers to live in harmony. That, is true peace that Naruto was entrusted to accomplish .

Edit: Just to clear things out, the truth about the Uchiha massacre, segregation (and maybe other Root's dirty moves) shall be revealed sooner or later. If Sasuke is no longer a threat , then I don't see any problem for the villagers to sympathize with him.

You can't but admit things wouldn't be this awful had the Konoha council tried to reach deal with Uchiha. What about freeing them of segregation, give them a position in Konoha policy (with should have been theirs naturally since they're one of village founders). But no, they instead chose to manipulate a patriotic Uchiha member into annihilating hundreds of people, not showing mercy even to children and helpless women. What threat would have the 2 old crackers sellers been to Konoha?! How would you feel if someone ordered a hit on your people, then have the audacity to perform the practically sacrilegious act of violating their bodies and taking their powers for himself? And when he appeared in front of Sasuke, all he has to say is "I'm taking your eyes!". From the point of view of Sasuke, an avenger with the utmost love for his clan,that is one hell of a slap in the face.

The Uchiha did not want a war, but a change in Konoha's abysmal policy system. Only the higher up would have been affected. The possibility of a war happening was bound to exist thanks to that rotten regime, since Konoha exterminating the Uchiha is like cutting off its own wing. Weren't the best? Let's face it, Danzo's decision wasn't to protect the village at all, but to ensure his position and satisfy his hurt ego from being rejected off the Hokage post. And even if it was, do you think it's RIGHT to KILL a certain group of people because they were POSSIBLY a threat to the others? What about killing all HIV infected? Millions of lives would be saved... What is more the same people you kill are those who's been fighting to protect you and your safety, freaking co-founders of your village...

Concerning Itachi's doing, the situations are kinda different Itachi was awesome, don't get me wrong. His fail lies in the way he set Sasuke on the road to power. Itachi, although he was trying to "help" Sasuke, screwed his mind up in more ways than we can imagine. He pushed Sasuke into going down the path of hatred, and reinforced it when they met again on the Tsunade retrieval arc. Sasuke going the way he's going is not really a surprise- as cliche as it sounds, becasue of Itachi's actions, he "killed" his heart and now doesn't know how to do anything but hate. Itachi's a patriot, not a hero. Is it the best we can do, buying one side's safety with the other side's eradication?

I never said anything about Konoha nins should "welcome him as an old friend when he starts attacking there village". You might have misinterpreted my previous post... All I was trying to say is that once Sasuke's redeemed, acceptance should be what awaits him.

True peace lies in understanding and forgiving each other. Only caring about your own well-being, wanting someone dead without trying to understand his position is what makes the ninja world a rotten place. And THAT, is exactly what Naruto's going to change, following Jiraiya's legacy and bring true peace to the world."

The drawing itself is my early tribute to Sasuke's upcoming birthday (23rd July). That broken butterfly represents a fragile human soul, tattered by rain. Interpretation is up to you though..

I tried to experiment with a new style, but sadly seems it was a fail OTL

Time: 4-5 hours
Medium: Photoshop CS3, Bamboo Pen Tablet
Music: Mr Children - Hanabi
[link] :")

Character (c) Masashi Kishimoto
Blood brush by ~Debi-Chiru
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Comments: 232

dontbesomeantomeh [2017-01-02 07:02:50 +0000 UTC]


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DarkChainPrince [2015-11-12 21:35:47 +0000 UTC]

Oh! also great painting man, its awesome!

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DarkChainPrince [2015-11-12 21:35:12 +0000 UTC]

Damn man, that was deep.

but, ah... quick thing the Uchiha's were planning a rebellion on the village. Which considering its a military one, well face it they treason is punished with death. also out of curiosity do you think Sarutobi tried to talk to the Uchiha's and was rebuffed or simply, like many tings, took the easy out?

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Chie3 In reply to DarkChainPrince [2016-01-14 02:42:54 +0000 UTC]

The creator wrote that all in 2011, when people didn't know much of the situation regarding the Uchiha's or Sasuke's side.

Hiruzen- In the novels, he seems to be uncomfortable with the Uchiha situation and was going to wait for the coup to occur (and then for the conflict and real massacre of BOTH villagers and Uchiha to begin, much to his worry) since he did not believe the Uchiha will listen to him. When Itachi mentions to the clan members that the Hokage would be willing to negotiate, they blow it off and laugh. It annoys them and they want to take over by force. So, to some degree Hiruzen is correct. But perhaps things would have been different had he just decided to walk to the compound himself and have all the Uchiha imprisoned instead lol. Maybe he should have been less passive and more forceful with the clan. Or, perhaps that would make things worse and they'd attack him right there if he'd done that. Maybe if he'd brought Anbu with him to back him up as it would go on? Eh, either way he should have attempted something himself instead of letting a young adult like Shisui try to handle it and die & later a child like Itachi handle everything for the rest of his life.

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DarkestOfClouds [2014-03-22 04:54:33 +0000 UTC]

I just want to thank you for making this picture. It's beautiful, and so is the description.

Honestly I am sick and tired of seeing "I hate Sasuke" on every drawing of him that I try to look at. I would be okay with it if it was a few people here and there, but it's like the whole internet suddenly hates him, and it's putting me down..

But things like this make me feel like I'm not completely alone, so thank you.

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GeorgieEnkoom In reply to DarkestOfClouds [2016-08-04 16:17:39 +0000 UTC]

I agree. Sasuke is one of my favorite fiction characters ever.

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LeCoeurBleu [2013-09-24 18:13:42 +0000 UTC]

This is so pretty! I particularily like the colour use in this one, truly...wow. Butterfly is just LOVE. 

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TerranDesigns [2013-02-07 00:35:59 +0000 UTC]

Oh, yes, I think I love Sasuke as much as Itachi now!

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Kitty-Terula [2012-12-27 17:20:43 +0000 UTC]

Soft, beautiful <3

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YuukoAurora [2012-10-24 01:31:40 +0000 UTC]

I'm absolutely sure that Sasuke will reach his redemption!!
I love your draws!

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KernalWilliams [2012-10-05 02:13:40 +0000 UTC]

I just love this, Sasuke looks so peaceful an beautiful. I don't think this was your intention but you did a wonderful job at defining his feminine and masculine features. I am in love with this picture.

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AnimetraPrincess [2012-07-25 08:04:20 +0000 UTC]

No words... to... AMAZING!

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RisenRuthless [2012-07-24 23:08:19 +0000 UTC]

True, though the desicion wasn't made by the council but the elders, whose vote outdid the third's. I don't see how, but it IS true, I never really was fond of Sasuke, but it is also true that I think he shouldn't be offed because of something as humane as his emotions, even if his way of going about it isn't exactly humane either. I mean, just saying would you be angry if someone hurt your younger sibling? Hell yes, but what of the younger siblings? They've always looked up at the older, no matter how much they hid it, at least here anyway. Point being Sasuke always listened to Itachi and feels as if he should now protect him, despite going the wrong way to do so. Hope that wasn't confusing!

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ink-singer [2012-06-13 19:42:15 +0000 UTC]

i totally agree with what you said below your drawing. so damn true lol

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AlienNinja [2012-05-04 05:43:12 +0000 UTC]

Beautiful picture! And what you said, I completely agree. It seems sometimes that there's ignorant Sasuke haters everywhere I look.I'm always glad to find someone who still believes in his redemption. You made my day. Thank you

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mlp-deviant In reply to AlienNinja [2016-12-08 03:20:08 +0000 UTC]

Calm down it's just a charcter

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nejiHolic [2012-05-03 09:10:24 +0000 UTC]

This is so beautiful.

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notyourcupofteayeah [2012-04-23 01:51:18 +0000 UTC]

I agree.

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sehika [2012-04-02 19:53:25 +0000 UTC]

THIS. and the art is just as splendid as your analogy /completelyagrees

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AnAngelicDay [2012-03-27 19:28:07 +0000 UTC]

he looks so tranquil in this art T^T it's awesome!!!!

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skyewarrior6 [2012-03-13 05:47:57 +0000 UTC]

finally, someone who can put into words what I have been dying to hear. I completely agree.

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Hachiretsu [2012-02-13 01:48:48 +0000 UTC]

How pretty~!

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Lunanae [2012-01-05 02:20:40 +0000 UTC]

Omg the coloring. . .it's so beautiful I might die!
Every piece I look at that you've done is just so wonderfully colored, I am so jealous! <3

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LightsChips [2011-12-15 01:47:04 +0000 UTC]

Poor thing

amazing piece btw... You portray him beautifully!! I'm fascinated!

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AryaTheCookiekage [2011-10-26 17:19:31 +0000 UTC]

awesome^googleplexion *-*

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xXRe-Kindled-FlameXx [2011-10-09 20:53:01 +0000 UTC]

He looks so peaceful and solemn at the same time, love the color too! Great job!

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Edoirde [2011-10-08 21:26:37 +0000 UTC]

It's a Real Sasuke, her ?

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Bluewind97 [2011-09-30 16:28:08 +0000 UTC]

So cool! And...beautiful ~

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Torari [2011-09-21 14:47:29 +0000 UTC]

Oh my gosh! This.....this.....I LOVE THIS! <33333 °///0/// °; *faves*

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cculove12 [2011-09-20 04:47:11 +0000 UTC]

so good

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emmadenise [2011-09-19 19:34:57 +0000 UTC]


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anaidallics [2011-09-18 23:31:41 +0000 UTC]

Ohhh I love it, and the meaning behind of it... I couldn't have summed up of it better than you! And all of your works are so beautiful and meaningful!!!! I just totally LOVE them! (L)

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KissesFromWater [2011-08-24 16:57:50 +0000 UTC]

Beautiful picture followed by an outstanding description of your opinion. I agree pretty much on everything you said. Though Sasuke isn't my favorite character is is still one whom I have respect for. Considering he could have always just suicide from what he has gone through, he held on even if it was with hatred and vengeance.

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Hachiretsu [2011-08-18 15:20:01 +0000 UTC]

I agree. Sasuke deserved that - the redemption and forgiveness. Hope Naruto will end with Konoha people welcomed him with open arms.....
Ignore that comment above - Your art is just friggin' amazing!

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BloodMerry [2011-08-18 08:45:16 +0000 UTC]

I agree .

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Nummonkee [2011-08-14 22:18:42 +0000 UTC]

oh wow...it looks so soft and beautiful
*_* <-----that's supposed to be me staring...lol

and i like that you wrote out that whole story! i agree 100% and that's why i don't understand why so many people dislike sasuke. i don't get how one cannot feel for him. if i were him, i would also think about what could have been had things been different. him and itachi were so close and that relationship might have been preserved if itachi just told him and didn't go through with his whole "set sasuke up to be a hero" plan. that's so sad to me.

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eggiemon [2011-08-12 02:11:51 +0000 UTC]

yes. sasuke deserves a chance. come back home now, sasuke-kun.

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Fyrelis [2011-08-11 23:09:11 +0000 UTC]

This is so ... Indescribably beautiful and amazing??? I love it!
I wish I had such skills as you

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Iernamei [2011-08-11 14:57:08 +0000 UTC]

words cannot describe how amazing and beautiful this is.

Instant FAVE

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River-Universe [2011-08-11 06:32:02 +0000 UTC]

beautiful picture

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runahime [2011-08-09 11:01:46 +0000 UTC]

cool.. :3

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InfiniteWhiplash [2011-08-06 02:36:55 +0000 UTC]

I totally get what you're saying. Although, I've never really thought this much about Sasuke, now that you have pointed it out, I get that I really understand him better than I thought I did. I think you did an amazing job on this!! I love it.

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clover1987 [2011-08-05 05:27:13 +0000 UTC]

I do really understand you. But I don't blame Itachi. I blame Kishi because how he destroy his character. Really If Itachi is genius and if he have some trust in his clan, he will has to convince them and the council. He know the council suspect his clan because they be able control the Kyubi and Itachi also know Madara do it and he is who teach him use EMS but Itachi never say that with council or his clan. He let council decision kill entire his clan and make himself become a murderer.
If Itachi really love Sasuke, he will never let Sasuke live in hate and anger. Hate is not make him stronger It just make him weaker. Now he alone, no one help and just kill to destroy himself.

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Hinata-is-cool-101 [2011-08-03 02:48:37 +0000 UTC]

amazing as always

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DeiDei133 [2011-07-31 19:19:33 +0000 UTC]

Simply Gorgeous .

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KishxIchigo4ever [2011-07-27 03:25:33 +0000 UTC]

The colors on this drawing are absolutely GORGEOUS! Amazing, amazing, amazing! I love it! Blew my mind! <3

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Fifouille [2011-07-24 12:29:03 +0000 UTC]

I'm in love with this drawing
I totaly agree with you about Sasuke's redemption, he really deserves it, and I hope it will get better for him son

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dayianimeaangel [2011-07-24 01:55:12 +0000 UTC]


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BladeofJudgement [2011-07-20 17:48:23 +0000 UTC]

well, not exactly 'a few words' but you got some points there I can agree with and so to say, Saruto and Tsunade actually aimed for what you said by not declaring Sasuke to a missing nin, in the end it was just Danzou and the other elders which names don't come to mind right now that are the ones responsible for this mess, even Sarutobi aimed, as far as I can rememeber what the Manga told, for a peaceful solution.

For the picture as such I wouldn't say you messed it up, I for my part like this style much as well. This is the kind of style you like to hang on a special place in your home with a nice frame. At least this is my opinion. If I had such a nice place I would probably buy a print.

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Nee-chann [2011-07-19 16:42:17 +0000 UTC]

beautiful end of your work!

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