Published: 2004-04-25 21:26:13 +0000 UTC; Views: 1552; Favourites: 25; Downloads: 225
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This is an example of what happens when you only have a crude idea of what you're doing when you start doodling.I started off with an idea of drawing some sort of a stripper, or a dancer, and that then evolved into cabaré dancers and that idea carried me quite far.
Still, the end result turned out way more "Moulin Rouge!" than I had in mind when I started. Hence the picture of Moulin Rouge (as it was in the 1900's) in the back ground and the movie refrence in the title of this piece.
You could think of this as a nod to one of my favourite films.
To be completely honest, I really don't know what to think of this piece. It has evolved so much from what it was when I started that I hardly recognise it now.
There are parts that I like enormously, her stockings for example turned out better than expected (I made that fishnet pattern all by myself) and I got the corset looking like velvet. But the general design of her outfit is less design and more accident and I'm not entirely satisfied with the colours.
All in all, I might not be over the moon with how this turned out, but I am satisfied none the less.
(Full view, please.)
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Comments: 37
Closs [2006-06-12 17:33:40 +0000 UTC]
your gallery is amazing. I just don´t know what I can fav first.
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caliope [2005-11-26 18:45:29 +0000 UTC]
I really love the tear on her stockings! It is just so good!
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trinity-lea [2005-03-14 20:41:12 +0000 UTC]
im lovin the rip in the fishnets and the shiney spots on her garter n stuff, and i LOVE this movie too! nice job!
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kitschy-kitschy [2004-11-11 07:29:27 +0000 UTC]
i love that you have a definate style and that none of your characters have stereotypically attractrive features, and yet there is a certain alluring quality to them.
this one is probably my favourite
loving it, fantastic work.
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
kittyvane In reply to kitschy-kitschy [2004-11-11 11:54:00 +0000 UTC]
Thank you so much! I'm so glad you like the fact that my figures aren't traditionally beautiful, but rather have an unique, personal look.
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closer-to-heaven [2004-10-11 12:56:05 +0000 UTC]
Tää on tosi kiva! Hyvin piirretty ja hauska! Pakko pistää feivöritseihin (?). Katsopa muuten tätä [link]
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lrenah [2004-05-11 08:16:29 +0000 UTC]
you have every right TO be pleased with this piece. Accident or not it came out beautifully. Personally I think sometimes the best designs come by accident. It is soooooo extremely cute though...wow...i love it! I love the colors and all the little details.
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ladygekko [2004-05-07 18:09:59 +0000 UTC]
The socks are indeed absolutely perfect... And I adore how shiny you made her. Adds a perfect touch.
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alienari [2004-05-05 10:53:59 +0000 UTC]
Tyylikäs leidi on tosiaan. Mä tykkään tästä sun uudesta ideasta yhdistellä valokuvia piirrettyyn materiaaliin, toimii hienosti. Mistä kummasta sä löydät hienoja taustakuvia? Mä en koskaan löydä stokeista mitään käyttämisen arvoista...
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
kittyvane In reply to alienari [2004-05-06 17:08:07 +0000 UTC]
Sen Lumikki-kuvan tausta on stokkia täältä DAsta ja tää kuva on postikortti Pariisista. Mä oon jääny koukkuun näihin valokuva-taustoihin, ne on niin helppoja tehä ja ne antaa hyvännäkösen lopputuloksen.
Kannattaa kokeilla DAn stokkia jos haluut kuvia, siellä on paljon kakkaa, mutta kyllä siellä on todellisisa helmiäkin seassa.
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alienari In reply to kittyvane [2004-05-07 07:12:33 +0000 UTC]
Missä, oi missä? Kun mä löydän vaan sitä ruskeaa ainetta. No ei vaiskaan, on siellä joskus ihan kivojakin kuvia, mutta aika paljon kaivamista niiden löytäminen vaatii.
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laurakane [2004-05-04 07:21:19 +0000 UTC]
I love the graphic style of your work. My own work is so fussy and textural that sometimes I envy people who can create a mood or a personality a few lines and blocks of color. Laura Kane Ps thanks again for the welcome to DA. L.
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petitioner [2004-05-04 02:27:06 +0000 UTC]
Very slinky and fun...her expression talks about so much misheif!
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xaya [2004-04-27 05:46:09 +0000 UTC]
Wow excellent full wiew!!!! I can see so much more details in this, all the sparcling things and the velvet looks like velvet! Stockings are made really beautifull Even the little detail of ripping part in there... leg part. (voi hiisi englanti kieli missä lienet??? ) Before I even read the text I was thingking about the Moulin Rouge movie! I just love her outfit and the chair is so cute! *steals da hat!!*
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kittyvane In reply to xaya [2004-04-27 16:31:02 +0000 UTC]
Sääri = Shin
Reisi = Tigh
Ja siinä onkin tämän päivän englannin oppitunti.
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croovman [2004-04-26 16:06:33 +0000 UTC]
I love how the textures on the dress came out.
What did you do to achieve that?
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kittyvane In reply to croovman [2004-04-26 18:03:24 +0000 UTC]
I kinda stumbled on the idea by accident, and this is the first time I tried it out.
All I do is fill in a flat colour, which I then shade with the airbrush tool, to give all the shadows and highlights a soft edge. After that I just add noise. You gotta be very careful with the amonut you add, so it won't come out looking too uniform or distort the colours too much.
...I shouldn't have told you that, now should I? Magicians never reveal their tricks. Buuut, then again, I'm no magician.
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JENJYart [2004-04-26 14:19:55 +0000 UTC]
i think its a pretty awesome piece! man after i watched moulin rouge i went crazy w/ drawing can can girls
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mudmonkey [2004-04-26 13:53:52 +0000 UTC]
i like the direction this set of images is going (the illustration over a photo). I hope you're thinking of doing some more. I would like to see a set of them all together.
the composition in this one is much stronger than the last one (not that the last one was terrible, but next to this one it's weaker looking). I'm not sure how long it's taking you to create these, but i think they're worth it. (easy for me to say huh?)
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kittyvane In reply to mudmonkey [2004-04-27 16:23:44 +0000 UTC]
Yes, I am going to keep coupling photographs with my drawings in the future.
I like the way the photo gives a story, of sorts, to the drawing, how it adds a kind of depth. I'm sorry, can't put it better than that... I'm standing behind the language barrier.
It usually takes about a day (from sketch to finished picture) to create one. Some take less, some more, usually depending on my mood and motivation. The ideas themselves take longer to form. Very rarely I get an idea and then poof! it's done. Usually there's atleast a few days worth of brain work behind each picture.
Thank you for your comment and compliment.
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shortthing [2004-04-26 07:08:41 +0000 UTC]
she seems to fit in the background perfectly, this to me is a real person and you have made her come alive
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aap [2004-04-26 06:24:42 +0000 UTC]
Goooooood. Very cool. I love the ladder in her panties...makes her a bit more down to earth and a little less glorious, somehow. I think that the imperfection alongside her beauty and her pretty outfit describe her life quite well, at least, in my head it makes sense. Still in your usual style, soft and sweet. Not entirely sure about the BG photo, but that's just me.
Keep them coming!!
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
kittyvane In reply to aap [2004-04-26 11:54:48 +0000 UTC]
By panties you mean ofcourse stockings, since no panties are visible in the picture and you have just made a delihgtful freudian slip.
The laddered stockings are my favourite part of this. They make her down to earth and human. None of us are perfect, we all have our flaws.
Thank you for the comment and for the compliment dearie.
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aap In reply to kittyvane [2004-04-26 12:15:46 +0000 UTC]
OH DAMMIT...I knew there was something wrong with my writing when I wrote that...DAMN ME! (slaps self)
Stockings. Stockings. Stockings. STOOOOOCKINGS. STOCKINGS DAMMIT.
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ntopp [2004-04-26 05:33:54 +0000 UTC]
Aw... I'm totally going to have that song stuck in my head now. I love the netting pattern and the little swirly knees.
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iameve [2004-04-26 04:56:08 +0000 UTC]
Full view is definitely better, the small view doesn't give jusitce to the detail... it's wonderful!
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foxgod [2004-04-26 00:44:33 +0000 UTC]
she doesn't have breasts *cries*.. wait she has a sparkly thing *doesn't cry*
oo and what is seethrough is seethrough. me likes that.
Coo. i'm going back to study it more. your style rules
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kittyvane In reply to foxgod [2004-04-26 11:47:37 +0000 UTC]
She does have breasts, they're just small.
I didn't want to draw her enormous boobs, since small breasts are, in my opinion, more aesthetic and fit her personlaity better.
Thank you for the compliment.
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