katya-h — subtle fire

Published: 2006-12-31 03:32:53 +0000 UTC; Views: 4692; Favourites: 111; Downloads: 79
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Description Moar arts, this is a gift for the lovely *lullaby-child , because she is ever so wonderful and cute and has delicious characters.

This is Fatin, an afrit djinn. Djinn are born of smokeless flame mixed with air, and so since Fatin is a mother many times over, I felt that was pertinent information for painting her as she is. Think of it something like Klimt's "Danae" piece.

Read up on Islamic djinn for some really interesting stuff. Djinn exist in a different plane than we do, but live alongside us, and they can see us, but we can't see them. They are extremely powerful and also have free will as humans do, to be in the light or to fall out of grace. They can be bound to objects, commonly lamps, as you may have noticed
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Comments: 39

roninsnook [2007-05-21 18:54:10 +0000 UTC]

I rather like the full figure. Skimming through too many pics of skinny girls gets old after a while. When I must fantasize, I prefer to imagine girls that I wouldn't accidently break.

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katya-h In reply to roninsnook [2007-05-25 16:10:06 +0000 UTC]

Awesome! I love the fuller-figured females as well

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nekophoenix [2007-05-08 17:49:08 +0000 UTC]

From the thumbnail, I could barely believe this was traditional. But my, what masterful traditional work it is!

The colours in this are so rich and gorgeous! The combo you've chosen, the sunsetty-twilight melt has to be one of my favourite colour combonations :3 and I absoloutely adore how you've mixed the fire in with the look of the properties of water, which makes me double take and stare even more at all the details I might have missed.

I love her body shape so much, and how her tail curls around her arm, getting blacker towards the end like a burning piece of wood.
Gorgeous work :3

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katya-h In reply to nekophoenix [2007-05-08 18:26:58 +0000 UTC]

Thank you very much! XD I know you're a fan of our dear Savicorn as well, so I'm glad you commented.

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nekophoenix In reply to katya-h [2007-05-08 18:29:07 +0000 UTC]

Indeed I am! and I did see this picture when you first uploaded, I'm just a shite and don't comment on things as often as I should :c

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katya-h In reply to nekophoenix [2007-05-08 18:34:11 +0000 UTC]

Don't worry, I know how you feel My message center is pretty backed up...

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ScatterbrainFox [2007-03-03 17:36:32 +0000 UTC]

I love how this picture is glowing so much with color, without being an eye-ache XD I am pretty sensitive about things like this but you do it so well that I never feel a picture is too colorful.

Anyways, here the colors are definitely my favourite thing about the picture, although it's hard to say that, since I love how you drew the character and the symbolism

Oh yes. The light red and the deep blue are so wonderful and how they form a purple in the middle, plus the light purple and yellow sloshes spice it up even more <3 Plus, which I count to color skills as well, is the black. Her black body in the middle just makes the colors glow even more, and I love how you shaded her in so many neutral greys, but some parts are pitchblack, especially the tail *_* it brings out it's twiggy form even more <3

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katya-h In reply to ScatterbrainFox [2007-03-09 01:10:52 +0000 UTC]

Hahah, I LOVE bright colors and it is a challenge to incorporate them without being too overbearing. Thanks!

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Javagirl [2007-02-24 22:00:46 +0000 UTC]

It's very beautiful.

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LimeGreenSquid [2007-02-03 04:48:23 +0000 UTC]

Very lovely! Good shape! And a fun cute beautiful image!

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BacklashCBD [2007-01-29 02:56:10 +0000 UTC]

Love her expression and the choice of colors you used. Beautiful job.

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Nishido [2007-01-27 19:24:57 +0000 UTC]

Beautyful! Thanks for the educative comment.

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gattobanco [2007-01-27 09:39:27 +0000 UTC]

its beautiful

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sushikitten [2007-01-23 03:26:53 +0000 UTC]

Strangely, the first thing that struck me about this image was her simple and beautiful face, like a focal point in a sea of detail I absolutely love her curvy body (especially the tail) and her jewelry, and those horns are very cool. The background is fabulous also, almost bordering on "bizarre", but in a good way...very nice!

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katya-h In reply to sushikitten [2007-01-24 18:23:19 +0000 UTC]

Thanks so much I love her doll-like face as well.

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ChibiRaziel [2007-01-05 14:40:50 +0000 UTC]

We hjave an interesting work here. First, I like the combination of blue and red, and all the different tones in between. Second, her anatomy is something we seldom find in works like this, when you're most likely to find a beautiful girl with an impossible-for-this-world body. Yours gives variety!
Third. You've said she's been a mother several times, as I see this one, is as if she's giving birth to the flames, leaving a trail behind her. Passing to another idea, she could very well be giving birth a new day, changing the blue of night into a fiery red.

Or maybe, I'm just fantasizing too much. Whatever.

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katya-h In reply to ChibiRaziel [2007-01-08 20:29:34 +0000 UTC]

Haha, I love weightier, natural bodies, and besides, Fatin is supposed to be extremely curvy, and I tried to make her look somewhat pregnant. Dunno if I got that across of not

Thanks a bunch!

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KittenCourna [2007-01-03 00:29:22 +0000 UTC]

nifty I first (when it was a tiny thumbnail) mistook the nipply-thingies for milk and the ear thingies for sweat or tears, which made this a very somatic(not happy with that word, add a little sensual to it and that'd be about it) image indeed. I was impressed even after I realized what they were for just how evocative the image was. It's a lot of mixture of things we don't neccessarily think of, or may not neccessarily be 'real', and my mistakes mixed in a few more interesting ideas (I'll credit you for deceiving me whether you will admit to it or not, it was very fun, I'm such a prude).

I also like her face; it looks almost like a mask, especially the way the eyes are curved and rounded, which makes that whole 'they can see us, we can't see them' a very interesting implication.

Well captured, I'd say.


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katya-h In reply to KittenCourna [2007-01-08 20:22:55 +0000 UTC]

You have such an interesting way of looking at things! I wish I could make half the interesting insights as you do on art. I appreciate hearing some of your initial reactions as well as how they were revised upon further viewing, it gives me a deeper look inside your mind

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zahra [2007-01-02 19:08:16 +0000 UTC]

Your work is always so beautiful, and this is another example to reinforce that opinion. The melding of the two background colors is great, like she just popped into existence where the air and fire meet (thanks for the explination in you description as well; I'm now interested in looking up more info on djinn, as they sound interesting). Also, I love how round her body is. You always draw such beautiful full figured women, and that makes me happy. Yay.

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katya-h In reply to zahra [2007-01-08 20:15:16 +0000 UTC]

I love the full figured women I am a great connesiuer of the human body. And do look up djinn, there's tons of interesting information about them!! Thank you

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CrazySwedishGirl [2007-01-01 19:40:08 +0000 UTC]

That's just too awesome for words.
So I'm just gonna fav it. xP

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RedOgress [2007-01-01 03:13:48 +0000 UTC]

Lovely work

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robokodomo [2007-01-01 02:06:26 +0000 UTC]

Beautiful, as always.

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agressive-cow [2006-12-31 16:50:46 +0000 UTC]


I love eeeeverything about this. D:
The colors.. the splashy look..
the character... . . @__@

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katya-h In reply to agressive-cow [2007-01-01 00:08:26 +0000 UTC]

:3 Thank you very much!!

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merriya [2006-12-31 16:36:47 +0000 UTC]

The first thing that struck me about this pic(other than the sheer beauty ofcourse) Was the fire, I was immediately reminded of Klimt. This is really beautiful, the pose and coloring/drawing is awesome as always.

Djinn rock! I have have several(neglected) Djinn Chara's. And I do believe in them(since I'm muslim) Great to see some Djinns around DA!

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katya-h In reply to merriya [2007-01-01 00:13:46 +0000 UTC]

Awesome! I have always wanted to hear more of the Islamic perspective on djinn, but most people I know don't seem too interested in telling me more about their religion :< I'd love to see your djinn characters!!

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merriya In reply to katya-h [2007-01-09 12:18:48 +0000 UTC]

Sure, no problem ^^, most Muslims think believeing in Djinn is like believing in Fairies (hogwash?)...except in Islam Fairies would be categorized as Djinn(along with many other supernatural beings like incubi/succubi ^.~) ...and you'd be expected to believe in them.

There's a whole Chapter in the Quran on Djinn (Surah Djinn). Instead of yapping incoherently and getting random I'll refer you to this page [link] It's got tons of fun info. If any other questions arise, I'd be happy to answer.

My Djinn characters *sigh* I really have to draw/develop them more I'll dig up/upload some piccies for ye ^0^. I just need to get out of hiatus mode.

And tnankyou so much for the watch

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Magelet [2006-12-31 16:26:08 +0000 UTC]

The colors are gorgeous and she is so beautiful!
Another amazing piece on your part, kitteh.

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lullaby-child [2006-12-31 06:13:12 +0000 UTC]

Best Fatin EVER. Seriously I'm so in love with this. EVERY DRAWING I EVER DO OF FATIN FROM NOW ON will be in some way trying to live up to this, but in a really good way. You captured her bodytype ESPECIALLY just... BEAUTIFULLY. She looks so so SO beautiful. Your painting style just kills me. you are so talented and so wonderful. LOVE 8C

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katya-h In reply to lullaby-child [2007-01-01 00:15:14 +0000 UTC]

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ladyshalafae [2006-12-31 05:27:25 +0000 UTC]

She's cheerfully a mother of flame, it seems. You really managed to make the flames seem like liqiud, even more subtlety hidden there. So much like you, with hidden meanings.

I really like her. She's so plump and matronly, and so alien and unbound. And the jewelry is great, too.

I know I didn't say anything on your journal about how to post, mostly because I didn't feel strongly about it one way or the other. I just want to see more of your artwork, however you want to display it.

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katya-h In reply to ladyshalafae [2007-01-01 00:16:13 +0000 UTC]

I appreciate how you look further into my work You rock totally.

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ladyshalafae In reply to katya-h [2007-01-02 05:32:42 +0000 UTC]

I can't help it. You put such wonderful meanings in your artwork. They always seem to beg for deeper meanings.

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faroresama [2006-12-31 05:11:16 +0000 UTC]

So awesome! Usually when the central character is colored duller than the background it detracts from the character but I love how it works out here! And the splashiness of the flame is so pretty!

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katya-h In reply to faroresama [2007-01-01 00:15:52 +0000 UTC]

I tried to blend other colors into her darkness to give it a richer feel, glad you liked it!

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shiru [2006-12-31 03:58:46 +0000 UTC]

amazing coloring! you never cease to amaze me.

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Clessy [2006-12-31 03:39:38 +0000 UTC]

Ooh, i love the colors! and i will have to look them up!

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