katya-h β€” demonsbane

Published: 2005-01-06 21:26:35 +0000 UTC; Views: 7962; Favourites: 197; Downloads: 643
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Description The wizard calls his demons, the sky above turns black! The demons strike at Vanyel, he stands and holds them back! The demons strike at Vanyel, they strike and hurt him sore, but! Vanyel stands defiantly to raise his hands once more!

They sky itself descends now, upon bare Stoney Tor, it hides the awful battle, the watchers see no more! The wizard shouts in triumph, too soon he vents his mirth! For Vanyel calls the lightening down and smites him to the earth!

The clouds of black have lifted; and there on barren ground stands Vanyel hurt, yet victor, the demons tied and bound! He looks down on Lord Nedran; his eyes grow cold and bleak-- "Now shall I give you, Nedran, all the power that you seek--!"

Now Vanyel frees the demons, and Nedran screams with fear! He sets them on the Karsites, who had first brought them here, he sets them on the Karsites, and on the Karsite land! They look down on Lord Nedran and they do not stay their hand!

Now Vanyel calls the farmers, "Go tell you near and far! How thus are served the tyrants who would take Valdemar! I am the bane of demons, their quarry I defend. Thus Heralds serve a foeman-- and thus Heralds save a friend!"
Β© Mercedes Lackey, sung by Heather Alexander.

I finished! PLEASE FULL VIEW. The details I worked so hard on are lost otherwise!

I feel wonderful about this piece. There's nothing like some classic fantasy illustration to make someone happy. I had been wanting to do something dedicated to one of my favorite book series, The Last Herald-Mage by M. Lackey, since the first picture I did two years was absolutely awful. I feel like I really did the books justice, that's just me though. Heh. I wanted to portray Vanyel in a somewhat different way, most illustrations I've seen of him have to do with his awful troubled life or with one of his lovers. But I thought that the most important part of Vanyel was being missed - above all else, he was a Herald, sworn to the protection of Valdemar at any cost to himself. I was also inspired to do an action scene when I noticed I had NONE in any of my online galleries I haven't done action scenes in forever.

Also, this is done in ACRYLICS, which I have not posted one of my acrylic paintings in almost five years. I've sure done plenty, but most are pretty huge and I was never very confident in my photo skills. This one is about 10" x 13.5". I just felt like using them for once, I've been spoiled by watercolors! And I was inspired by Jody Lee's illustrations.

I tried to make the demons look a little more disgusting rather than terrifying - in MY mind I succeeded -- I always imagined Lackey's concept of demons as hideous distorted freak creatures from the other Plane, like changecreatures I guess.

Alright, enough ranting from me. any kind of feedback is really appreciated! Thank you. Vanyel & story things belong to Mercedes Lackey. The art belongs to me.
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Comments: 86

queencoral [2020-04-27 04:21:46 +0000 UTC]

Wow, just wow. This is an incredbile piece of artwork!

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themightyflynn [2017-07-26 09:06:10 +0000 UTC]

This is absolutely gorgeous!

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Collettey [2016-08-01 02:43:51 +0000 UTC]

I absolutely love this. I just recently got into this part of Mercedes Lackey's writing, and this was the first book I read in the Valdemar chronicles.Β 
I'm really glad to find this, because I noticed the same thing you did about the missing fact that Vanyel was a Herald in the fanarts.Β 
Thank you so much. I'm going to escape to "Magic's Pawn" to drown in my tears.Β 

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seffykoepsel [2014-02-27 03:53:57 +0000 UTC]

-is in awe-

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Faeyriewings [2013-09-07 04:45:42 +0000 UTC]

Oh. My. goodness!! This is done SO SO SO fantastically!! I've this poem (and pretty much all of the others pertaining to Vanyel) memorized, so this really struck a chord with me. Β Absolutely brilliant!!

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Tensa-chan [2013-05-11 04:21:48 +0000 UTC]

The detail on this is amazing.

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Minkymy [2013-03-30 18:50:52 +0000 UTC]


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hawksis [2013-03-01 02:09:32 +0000 UTC]

Dude, awsome. I love It !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Darthmezcal [2013-01-17 05:19:57 +0000 UTC]

Absolutely beautiful!

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UinenFirestar [2011-12-07 01:48:10 +0000 UTC]

Beautiful rendition of a great scene!! You really captured Vanyel's expression well. Also love the colors and the composition... lovely!

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yducky [2011-03-13 22:32:47 +0000 UTC]

Wow, this is awesome! The facial expression is really good. It must have taken so long to give it so much detail!

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DarthButtercup [2011-03-04 01:29:39 +0000 UTC]

There are no words to describe how amazing this is.

*is left speechless*

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Aniuaui [2011-02-22 00:47:00 +0000 UTC]

PLEASE FORGIVE MY FOUL LANGUGE!! WHEN i say wholy fucking shit this is amazingly drop dead awesome!
you really brough some good action and realism to our lovely herald Vanyel! bravo!!!!

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Neshira-namea [2010-09-12 07:11:08 +0000 UTC]

My god this is beautiful!!!

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TheAuroraBeam [2009-06-27 05:43:47 +0000 UTC]

Oh, have you heard the song Demon's Bane sung by Heather Alexander? It's great, and gets stuck in my head easy. XD

I love it! Beautiful work! Hurray for The Last Herald Mage! The only thing that bugs me about it, is that Vanyel's head is a little too small, everything else is amazing.

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superduperBOY [2009-05-24 22:39:15 +0000 UTC]

This is...amazing!

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AngelofMint [2009-03-24 03:12:04 +0000 UTC]

Oh wow, this is really lovely~!
I love how the rope is coming out of the ground.

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Ameko-Shadowsong [2009-02-25 12:43:06 +0000 UTC]

Oh my GOSH! The detail in this is absolutely incredible! I'm almost speechless, I don't know what to say, your skill is amazing. <3333

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SyrinthAeonsway [2009-01-04 05:35:09 +0000 UTC]

I. Love. This. So. MUCH!

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serpantrose13 [2008-04-16 05:49:53 +0000 UTC]

Very nice work, I just got done reading the Last Herald-Mage books for the 16th time, and Yes I have counted, and you have done very well at showing Vanyel, however, if I may say, he has white tinted, and fully white hair at the end of the third book, and the only reason I am bringing this up, is because you have paid so much time to detail that you forgot that little bit. Still very nice work. I love it and it is now my background to my computer.

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katya-h In reply to serpantrose13 [2008-04-16 18:18:22 +0000 UTC]

No one said this was a scene from the last book Vanyel was kicking demon ass long before the time of Magic's Price. Anyway this pic is old. But thank you very much!

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serpantrose13 In reply to katya-h [2009-09-29 20:43:33 +0000 UTC]

Sorry it has taken me so long in relping to you, it really is a good pic, mind if I use it for my desktop background?

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Eperogenay [2008-04-04 06:30:34 +0000 UTC]

I must only add one thing: Vanyel, beautiful light rope, disgusting a n d terrifying demons... they all are nothing compared to your YFANDES! *-*
I love how you draw one of her poses described in books (when she fights). I just love it! Great work, and yeah, very detailed.

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Sinaren [2008-02-22 07:36:29 +0000 UTC]

Woah... this is just awesome. Good job... ~understatement of the year~

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AedenSolus [2007-08-15 21:41:39 +0000 UTC]

duuuuuude O.O thats freaking awesome in its own right, but the fact that its in acrylics makes it even more so. and ive got to agree with duckish, you do portray the characters better than dickson. i really like all the details, and how you managed to have the background fading into mist. ('fandes coming out of the smoke, especially) very very awesome picture of one of the best book series ever ^___^

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darkelvenmage [2007-08-12 23:50:05 +0000 UTC]

Hoshit. o.o I LOVE THIS.

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shinimegami23 [2007-04-29 19:40:32 +0000 UTC]

*sigh* It's beautiful. I think it is so hard to draw Vanyel and his whites, but you have done a marvelous job. I never thought of Vanyel as literally tying the demons up, nice interpretation of the song. All in all, I love this drawing.

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katya-h In reply to shinimegami23 [2007-05-06 23:34:43 +0000 UTC]

Thank you very much <3 I really wanted to show the full nature of Vanyel, since it seems most I see are kinda angsty/whiny and never about his true nature as a Herald :3 *hugs*

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KashiMori [2007-04-19 19:43:20 +0000 UTC]

Man, that's gorgeous. :0

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Techno-Mage [2007-02-02 07:26:30 +0000 UTC]

I don't know what to say. . .really. This dipiction of Herald Vanyel Ashkevron is so beautiful, I am litterally lost for words. It's absolutely wonderful, please PLEASE make more 'Heralds of Valdemar' artwork. You do the series a deserved, and stunning justice. I think Mercedes Lackey would be proud.

This IS Herald-Mage Vanyel!

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katya-h In reply to Techno-Mage [2007-02-05 01:36:21 +0000 UTC]

Thank you so much! I'd love to do more Heraldic work, but seeing as I finished all of Misty's books on Heralds two years ago I'm kind of at a loss XD Until she writes more. Vanyel will always be my favorite, though. <3

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EngelOfHavok [2006-09-13 23:54:12 +0000 UTC]

-instant favorites it-
I love it, im listening to the song now as im commenting you, it brings the ballad to life, and I like that.
I love how you did van and efandes. Gorgeous!

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ScatterbrainFox [2005-11-29 03:20:38 +0000 UTC]

it is beyond my understanding how one can create those glowing effects in traditional media but it never ceases to fascinate me. *continues staring*

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katya-h In reply to ScatterbrainFox [2005-11-29 05:01:20 +0000 UTC]

Hmm, it is a pain in butt, but the best way to go about it to use very pure, undiluted or muddied colors, where most of the rest of the picture is a few shades darker everywhere to make the glowing things that might brighter. Thanks!

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AbandonedPariah [2005-11-03 01:05:23 +0000 UTC]

Vanyel? From the Last Herald Mage? Awesome!

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katya-h In reply to AbandonedPariah [2005-11-03 01:33:47 +0000 UTC]

Why yes and thank you~!

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merriya [2005-10-17 15:37:01 +0000 UTC]

This has to be the most amazing depiction of Vanyel I've ever seen...brilliantly illustrated...the detail 0_0...whoaa

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katya-h In reply to merriya [2005-10-27 00:19:57 +0000 UTC]

thank you ;_; I'm glad to be able to make a worthy Vanyel picture, since he means a lot to me. <3

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jieyi [2005-10-04 20:46:07 +0000 UTC]

the last herald-mage are one of my favorite series also. <3
the detail is simply stunning and all of this with ACRYLICS. my god. it's mind boggling to even think of attempting such a thing, so, much loves + applause to you.

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katya-h In reply to jieyi [2005-10-05 00:14:38 +0000 UTC]

Hazzah! I love these books so much. I need to find time to read them again.
Thank you

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janishta [2005-10-04 18:22:27 +0000 UTC]

my GOD!! you must've killed yourself for that!!

(p.s. Vanyel has a nosebleed...)

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Tigerblock [2005-08-10 00:08:36 +0000 UTC]

Totally sweet! I love epic battles, defenders of the weak, etc. I got to fav this; reason 1 being your awsome illustration, reason 2 being the literature!

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delsys [2005-07-13 07:44:40 +0000 UTC]

O_O Impressive. How long did you take to make such a LARGE amount of details and shading?

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katya-h In reply to delsys [2005-07-13 18:23:51 +0000 UTC]

thanks! I don't know exactly the amount of time it took, but about 2 weeks of working on it for probably 8 hours a day average

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Mynalla-Tishinrai [2005-06-27 16:12:35 +0000 UTC]

Vanyel! Finally a fabulous picture of him thanks to you! I'm not quite done reading the series... I'm working on Magic's Price right now, but summer homework is getting in the way...

I love his hair! It's so purdy! ^-^ So many details ~!
I want his boots
I'm definately faving this!

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Uneide [2005-05-12 03:44:27 +0000 UTC]

Vaniel!! I fell so in love with this series of books... ah, what a wonderful illustration!!!

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shesakillah [2005-04-23 01:42:40 +0000 UTC]

His thighs seem rather large...bah...but how would I know, hurm?

Ah...acrylics...don't use those much...i like watercolour... ^^'

Wonderful work! All your artwork (on elfwood also) is amazing...

If you ever wanna do a collab and you have free time, just note meh or somethin'



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katya-h In reply to shesakillah [2005-04-23 02:06:44 +0000 UTC]

Thanks for your kind words! I agree his thighs are large - you know, I can't help but put large thighs on people, it's so sexy XD haha. much love back to you!

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shesakillah In reply to katya-h [2005-04-23 16:40:30 +0000 UTC]

*ILMHO* theheh.....I know...man...
the last guy I saw with big thighs....*psha* welll.....let's just say we go along...REEEEAAALLL well




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unicrnknght [2005-03-01 00:23:27 +0000 UTC]

I just realized I put this as a favorite, and forgot to comment. What else can I say that hasn't been said? It's just stunning; it perfectly captures Vanyel in all his glory.

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