Published: 2006-09-07 15:46:05 +0000 UTC; Views: 98147; Favourites: 2292; Downloads: 0
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Thank you for redistribting this work for commercial use without my permission and without licencing it from me.I hope you're enjoying the money you're making on the time, work and effort others had to put in their work.
Continuation of my wallpaper series..
media: painter9, photoshop7
Hope you will enjoy..
_USED WP VERSION FOR COMMERCIAL USE (were earning money by using this and other wallpapers I enabled for free, non commercial usage)
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Comments: 504
Elysia23 [2010-06-21 17:51:04 +0000 UTC]
So sorry that ppl have to suck and steal from others. Ugh! I truly love this piece. And actually I just found your gallery and am loving it all! Love your style!
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Swayambhu [2010-03-01 09:33:39 +0000 UTC]
aw, someone's been jackin' your shit, Miss Coma?
I'm sad to hear that, a buddy of mine had the full one for a desktop, and it made me want to make a theme on my desktop based on it. xD
A shame people steal other peoples' talent for munniez.
I'll fav this, regardless, since it's a stunning piece of work~ <3
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AGeminiAnachronism [2009-12-24 18:48:23 +0000 UTC]
This is wonderful! She's just so pretty, and her hair...wow! The details are great.
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HalibutWaffles [2009-03-09 20:10:22 +0000 UTC]
I'm so sorry you had your work stolen That's absolutely disgusting. However this is still a beautiful peice. That hair is amazing and the detailing of the black against her skin is beautiful.
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Cute-N-Sweetz [2008-09-12 03:12:47 +0000 UTC]
Dude, most cool. Its too bad all these jerks screwed you over- keep it up!
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Verdandi36 [2008-08-27 21:14:18 +0000 UTC]
Awesome, amazing and beyond words.
So, "as usual" for someone of your caliber
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keykeyx10000 [2008-08-13 08:41:39 +0000 UTC]
You have your art stolen a lot...that is terrible :/
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smc0414 [2008-08-08 08:00:51 +0000 UTC]
so very cute, love the color schemes and the way shes not centered
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artash [2008-04-26 05:15:23 +0000 UTC]
i found this... not sure if you know about this already bu this girl is using this pic as a bebo skin...maybe you have let her or its you but i just thought i would let you know so you could do something about it..
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Dreamer-Of-Fate [2008-03-19 19:51:55 +0000 UTC]
So then why dont you simply delete the wallpaper out of dA? theres no point in showing it and saying "Ha, you cant use haha"
Its sad because is quite a nice wallpaper
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karincoma In reply to Dreamer-Of-Fate [2008-03-20 06:45:08 +0000 UTC]
Since yesterday it's no longer in wallpaper section. And why in your opinion can't I display it as digital art the way I display the rest of my art?
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Dreamer-Of-Fate In reply to karincoma [2008-03-20 15:41:19 +0000 UTC]
lol yeah my bad.. got carried away xD
but yea, you should always put a small signature somewhere, so people will know who made the wallpaper..
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b0x0rz [2008-03-18 20:32:55 +0000 UTC]
seem kinda stupid uploading wallpapers than - no point
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hypesystem [2008-03-18 15:26:46 +0000 UTC]
i LOVE the art
i HATE the thieves
... pity... i never made it to download
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fatcat89 [2008-03-10 20:01:37 +0000 UTC]
shame tho O.o i wantd it as a wally..but im sure i can find it online somewhere >.>"
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fatcat89 [2008-03-10 20:01:00 +0000 UTC]
*pets ur head* smile..atleast they stole it while loving it^^"
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fatcat89 In reply to karincoma [2008-03-11 06:41:31 +0000 UTC]
but ppl can still sell it if they buy prints yknow O.o
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karincoma In reply to fatcat89 [2008-03-11 12:57:23 +0000 UTC]
Yup, if they are bastards they can. Purchasing a print doesn't mean that I have sold them the graphic and author rights/copyright for it. I just sold a printed reproduction.
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TrilleDiabolo [2008-02-24 23:33:33 +0000 UTC]
I'm kinda sad that you has to put water mark on your art D:
But I guess you have good strong reasons. I mean, I'd hate for someone to steal my art.
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I-LYD [2007-12-27 02:52:00 +0000 UTC]
Wow, I've seen this so long ago. I like finding art on DA that I remember and seeing all the other pieces the artist has done. This is awesome
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AftermathArts [2007-12-26 21:33:43 +0000 UTC]
Okay... so I get the story now. Disable wallpaper download because someone is an ass and is trying to sell your stuff.
Move it to a digital art gallery so I'm not sitting here wishing I could use this as a background on my new macbook! I have my macbook change backgrounds automatically every hour so I don't have to keep staring at the same thing every time I get on my computer.
Art theives make me angry... but people who KEEP stuff in the WRONG galleries because of them pisses me off more. Like I said... move this to a digital art gallery so people won't bug you for the full size. (I don't even give a damn if it has "Wallpaper by eviantsoandso:." It'll still look fine on my desktop!
*Notes to self: Skip this artist's stuff in the future... not actually wallpapers."
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karincoma In reply to AftermathArts [2007-12-26 22:03:20 +0000 UTC]
Under toehr wallpapers it's written that you can note me if you want me to send you one.
So it's still a wallpaper, available on request.
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Felicuous [2007-12-06 20:53:01 +0000 UTC]
Ugh, I'd SO want that for my desktop :'| ..
Too good, I think .
For me, that is , for I haven't and won't (actually just can't) spend any money to buy, no matter how pretty the picture is
I can't see anymore, what link is there on EBay for the file has been taken down, but I'm damn mad at that person whoever he/she is. Don't people have ANY respect or aesthetics for other's hardmadework nowadays??!
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mandyreinmuth [2007-12-02 22:01:29 +0000 UTC]
I love this artwork and I love your comment on it!!! I understand you completely!
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Synthetic-Delirium [2007-11-13 14:40:17 +0000 UTC]
I was browsing a site for html help for an assortment of websites, and came upon this
and knew immediately that it was stolen from you. =x
Just thought I would give you a heads-up. =[
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Szop [2007-11-11 21:34:24 +0000 UTC]
hehe widzialem na jakims kompie w szkole to na tapecie jakis czas temu:]nice
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smelly-trash [2007-11-06 07:39:18 +0000 UTC]
you are a good reference
bravo for your good work_!
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warplexx002 [2007-10-25 13:35:57 +0000 UTC]
this gothic was really cool...i really love it .......
u know^^ i want to use this as a background of my profile..^^hehe..i hope u make another and make bigger size like..... wallpaper ^^XDkeep up the good work^^!!thnx^^
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reviver [2007-10-21 07:05:46 +0000 UTC]
You have the most viewed minimalistic wallpaper and you've made it completely unusable? There are many artists who have had their art stolen like this much more than once.
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karincoma In reply to reviver [2007-10-21 11:22:48 +0000 UTC]
Yes but people mail me and note me to get it so I still enable it as a wallpaper - only that I want to know (more or less) who will use it.
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Kate1212 [2007-08-16 18:23:56 +0000 UTC]
It was a wallpaper on my PC too....
seriously, people are just.. strange! why would someone do this?
why not take stock pictures that are for that?
or why not just ASK the author?!
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Korkalot [2007-07-30 21:09:04 +0000 UTC]
I have reported it to e-bay that this item is intellectual property of an individual other than the seller and that the seller does not have express consent to distribute. I hope this helps. If would be better if you did this yourself, especially if you have copyrights anywhere on your originals. Good luck. It really is a shame that people cannot just appreciate anymore. Nowadays, they have to put their grubby, digital fingertips all over it and call it their own.
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ailes-de-noir [2007-07-28 07:34:49 +0000 UTC]
what a fucking cock face i hate plagiarism !
i'm glad to say i enjoy it as a PERSONAL WALLPAPER FOR MY COMPUTER ONLY!
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SuteShia [2007-07-21 03:46:38 +0000 UTC]
>>; that person was an utter moron... D= ....i love your works! they had to ruin it! TT.TT
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Selladorra [2007-07-18 23:24:23 +0000 UTC]
omg! I can't believe someone did that! That's horrible!!!
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Henkodaa [2007-07-13 20:01:12 +0000 UTC]
It's magnificient, like all the great work you've done here. It's a shame someone stole it :'(
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sketchykraft [2007-07-13 07:04:56 +0000 UTC]
So pretty and elegant! Reminds me a little of Nancy from Frank Miller's Sin City, due to the use of negative space, but your work is much more delicate and detailed. Love the subtle color!
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cybertrash4point0 [2007-07-09 16:47:02 +0000 UTC]
I'd love to use this wallpaper... : (
could you send it to me via note, or maybe even AIM?
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cybertrash4point0 [2007-07-09 16:46:58 +0000 UTC]
I'd love to use this wallpaper... : (
could you send it to me via note, or maybe even AIM?
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