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| Cique
# Statistics
Favourites: 8494; Deviations: 343; Watchers: 145
Watching: 315; Pageviews: 48028; Comments Made: 3263; Friends: 315
# Comments
Comments: 361
dazza1008 [2014-07-30 22:06:40 +0000 UTC]
Welcome to Dreddheads , Citizen. Introduce yourself here
A lot of Dredd art is in our faves
Please follow us on Twitter and Facebook . Any sharing is appreciated.
Since many praise the movie Dredd (2012) as a faithful adaptation and awesome movie, please make sure to sign the official petition if you'd like a sequel.
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leebraithwaite [2012-10-24 14:18:55 +0000 UTC]
Hello - I see from his profile that you follow darkwolfswordsman65 - I am urgently trying to contact him and wondered whether you had another contact address for him! I would really appreciated any help with this and if you can help my email address is lee@leebraithwaitedesign.com
Many thanks.
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Cique In reply to leebraithwaite [2012-10-27 14:47:32 +0000 UTC]
No, sorry, I don't know anything else.
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Kai-Pie [2011-07-31 08:46:32 +0000 UTC]
Hey thanks Nick! Hope you are well! Whats u up to atm?
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Cique In reply to Kai-Pie [2011-07-31 15:45:42 +0000 UTC]
Hi, you too. Not much really, got a cold been looking for work since leaving uni last year with no success, all a bit depressing really >.<
Anyway, how did the final year go and all the hand-ins, etc?
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Kai-Pie In reply to Cique [2011-08-01 08:14:33 +0000 UTC]
Ah yeah, I'm joining you all on the job hunt now too lol! Literally applying for anything and everything..
Final year was hard and stressful at times, worked my ass off all year. Was worth it to get the 2.1 though
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Cique In reply to Kai-Pie [2011-08-01 23:02:42 +0000 UTC]
Yeah, I'm sick of applying for stuff now really, just to be a downer
I got pissed of with uni so was glad when it was over; you got the same grade as me then
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Kai-Pie In reply to Cique [2011-08-02 09:51:22 +0000 UTC]
Yeah I can understand that, I know loads of people in the same boat as you, it's not a good time to look for jobs, let alone in games, but we could never have known that tbh..
Ayyye, I found uni to be a very flawed system and it caused problems for a lot of people around me Β¬.Β¬ Quite happy to finish and work on my own thing in the end, even if it means being a bit poor for a while..
I'm still really happy with my 2.1 though
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MadeInKobaia [2011-07-27 12:23:58 +0000 UTC]
Hi Nick,
Your great work "The Layers" is now in the Featured Gallery of
See u !
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Blind0ptimism [2011-05-17 08:24:17 +0000 UTC]
Thanks for the fave & hope alls well with ur commission
(havn't forgotten about that
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AzadX [2011-05-10 13:47:29 +0000 UTC]
Hey Nick
Hope your well dude, Thanks for the fav
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Blind0ptimism [2011-05-04 07:15:32 +0000 UTC]
OKAY! i've made up my mind...
Can you please make up something that has to do with a MERRY-GO-ROUND (horses and all, the ones you see in an amusement park) in a FIELD?
abandoned, occupied... i don't mind go crazy with ur amazing imagination ;D
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Cique In reply to Blind0ptimism [2011-05-04 15:04:36 +0000 UTC]
Yep sure; I shall do me best
Thanks for the watch btw
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Blind0ptimism In reply to Cique [2011-05-05 05:58:59 +0000 UTC]
haha take your time and no problem
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PERSONALITATI [2011-04-05 02:15:41 +0000 UTC]
- Cartoonists Association of Romania is preparing a major exhibition EMINESCU.
- We invite you to participate in this cultural project.
For this you need to send the portrait or caricature of Mihai Eminescu ([link] )
- All drawings from [link] will be exhibited.
- It also will print a catalog of all drawings from exhibition. The catalogue will be send to all participants.
- Digital art must be 300 dpi resolution and size 21x30 cm or greater.
- It also send the photo and a brief biography. They will be printed on the album.
Email Addresses: muzeu_personalitati@yahoo.com ; ionita@personality.com.ro
The deadline for submission of drawings: May 15, 2011.
I wish you much success,
Nicolae Iontia (www.personality.com.ro/ionita.htm)
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Cique In reply to SofieGraham [2010-12-02 14:26:02 +0000 UTC]
Lol, yeah I probably should upload something from my folder of art... I tend to not post anything then do it all at once for some reason Though it's all pretty boring...
But first I need to find some socks!
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SofieGraham In reply to Cique [2010-12-02 16:59:26 +0000 UTC]
I need warm things very badly right now...damn you snow!
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Cique In reply to SofieGraham [2010-12-02 18:06:56 +0000 UTC]
It's a good thing I like the cold otherwise walking my dog in a blizzard and 2 foot of snow would be even less enjoyable
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lizsphoto91 [2010-09-01 05:05:55 +0000 UTC]
thanks for adding my two pics to your favorites!
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AzadX [2010-05-30 12:44:36 +0000 UTC]
Hey NICK!!! hows it going dude? thanks a lot for the fave much appreciated
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Cique In reply to AzadX [2010-05-30 13:10:22 +0000 UTC]
welcome. Pretty well, everything got handed in at least, just trying to get motivated now to do all the other stuff like portfolios. How 'bout you?
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AzadX In reply to Cique [2010-05-31 14:56:05 +0000 UTC]
Aye, same boat, can't believe its actually over, really has hit me yet.
Good luck with your results!! you know when we should be expecting them?
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Cique In reply to AzadX [2010-05-31 15:52:36 +0000 UTC]
Yeah feels weird being at the end of education. I think it's online on the 9th of July
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