JoJoesArt β€” God's Plan of Salvation

#christ #god #happiness #jesus #life #meaning #moon #night #plan #purpose #salvation #sky #space #stars #sun #why #where
Published: 2015-04-19 17:00:59 +0000 UTC; Views: 64552; Favourites: 2635; Downloads: 0
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Description Where do we come from?
Why are we here?
Where do we go after this life?


First: This picture is not meant to provoke or promote religious debates. You are allowed to discuss about it in the comments and to share your opinion, your view on God and the world, but please do so in a respectful manner.

So, this picture actually means a lot to me. On my 2 years mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints I got to prepare three so called "Musical Evenings", in which we presented some of our basic beliefs through a combination of live music and an artistic story, that I got to write and illustrate. This picture, called "God's Plan of Salvation", was part of one of these programs and it displays my churches and my personal belief on the origin, purpose and destination of our earthly existence.

Before going to the explanation below, I would love you to write your own interpretation first in the comments. Just briefly. I would find it super interesting to read what you see in this picture.




If you are interested in having a religiously based explanation of this picture, you can watch this video on youtube:Β www.youtube.com/watch?t=14&…

I know that many people might not share a similar belief as I do and I hope I don't offend anyone by posting a religious picture. However, this means a lot to me and the picture itself is only a very symbolic depiction of what my faith in God actually means to me. To me having faith doesn't merely mean to "just believe", that there is a God and just declare that publicly, but rather it shows in those quiet moments when you are alone, it shows in your thoughts towards others, in small and simple actions of love an appreciation. Faith is something real, something tangible for me, something that has a visible effect on my life. I have found out for myself, that God exists and that He does have a plan for us, but it is something so personal and individual, that I would never force that knowledge upon anyone. However, I feel, as I have come to know this for myself, it is my joy and privilege to share that with others in a loving and respectful way. I don't expect anyone to accept it or to even care about it, but I hope that I will be encountered with respect, just as I would respect anyone else's belief as well.

If you are not religious at all, you can just see this picture as a nice piece of space art. Haha

Favs and comments are highly appreciated
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Comments: 205

ExoticCrafts [2022-09-14 21:27:23 +0000 UTC]

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Revenday [2022-01-09 21:35:17 +0000 UTC]

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MrsCreativemind [2021-09-08 13:24:43 +0000 UTC]

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adcef [2020-11-10 16:46:29 +0000 UTC]

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dlmarie5 [2019-09-25 07:44:18 +0000 UTC]

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creepingone [2019-06-23 13:49:32 +0000 UTC]

I'm not religious at all, and I think this picture is an extraordinary piece of space art. It's just beautiful to look at.

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SonicSpyroNiGHTS-Fan [2018-09-10 09:50:30 +0000 UTC]

we are not human beings with a spiritual experience, we are spiritual beings having a human experience

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sin-and-love [2017-01-17 21:07:26 +0000 UTC]

How the heck is there not a mormon space-opera yet.

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EnforcerWolf [2016-07-04 04:33:34 +0000 UTC]

This is absolutely incredible.

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c55m [2015-12-17 04:49:13 +0000 UTC]

It's wonderful!!

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Arraenae [2015-11-17 02:00:20 +0000 UTC]

I see blue and red energy coming from a spot in space. The blue energy is infusing the two of the spheres. The red energy is infusing the other two spheres.
Cosmic dust surrounds everything. It either shaped the spheres, or was the material that made it. Stars are in the background.
Three of the spheres are instantly recognizable: Earth, the moon, and the sun. However, the leftmost one looks like another planet. It has clouds, but they aren't like our clouds. It is like our planet, but unlike it.
It is the lost planet, with its own history, environment, and lifeforms. One day we will discover it and have a huge exchange of cultures with the sentient lifeforms on this planet.

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HolyArtsAlchemist [2015-11-10 00:26:07 +0000 UTC]

I believe the sun represents the salavation of God residing over the planets and especially Earth.

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trishkhb [2015-11-08 18:09:15 +0000 UTC]

This one is very vibrant love planets and stars .

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kartracer57 [2015-11-06 03:20:56 +0000 UTC]

I see the Earth, sun, and moon in this piece. What's the fourth sphere? I honestly don't know.

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FoxyDivaArtist [2015-10-25 15:51:24 +0000 UTC]

Beautiful! Also God bless you, you are amazing!

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ElectricLimeRose [2015-10-10 17:18:36 +0000 UTC]

Woah, this is incredible. *.*
Great work!

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acritarchman [2015-10-05 12:20:04 +0000 UTC]

Absolutely amazing!!!Β Β 

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ReclusiveChicken [2015-10-04 12:53:21 +0000 UTC]

The grand Sun...

...and divine entities!

We are spiritual.

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Kuragano [2015-09-15 18:27:56 +0000 UTC]

I see your a very religious person and thats good considering the fact that many people now days dont believe in god. I am also a christian. Well based from the questions that you posed at the top, can i show you what i personally believe from my religion...?Β www.jw.org/en/publications/boo… I hope you will read it with an open mind.Β 

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AMGgirl2017 [2015-09-09 23:32:41 +0000 UTC]

Amazing! Β 

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MrBudapest [2015-08-24 20:57:58 +0000 UTC]

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BlazingLife97 [2015-07-23 20:58:56 +0000 UTC]

I love it.

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Nessa1415 [2015-07-14 03:42:05 +0000 UTC]

This is so amazing!Great piece of art! Β 

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Dragonriderkf [2015-07-09 18:29:38 +0000 UTC]

How on earth did you do that? What program? How long did it take you? It's absolutely fascinating! And my first thought was exactly that- fascinating! I'm Christian, but I didn't really link the picture with the title very well. But still a fitting description.

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LadyofAzzaroth [2015-06-28 15:58:44 +0000 UTC]

Wonderful Work of Art

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SilverthornRiverClan [2015-06-11 02:00:37 +0000 UTC]

AMAZING!!! Fabulous job!

I believe in God...

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tanasha67 [2015-06-04 15:09:29 +0000 UTC]

First impression from your image (after reading the first part of your description) is that when planet earth and the sun is combined, then magical things can happen - aka the creation of extraordinary beings are taking place

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leo2x4us [2015-05-25 20:07:46 +0000 UTC]


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WOLFBLADE111 [2015-05-04 01:02:06 +0000 UTC]


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EtherealValentine [2015-04-29 04:04:51 +0000 UTC]

Wow, this is so pretty!! I would love it as a wallpaper!!!! I love the colour and composition~
Also, you shouldn't feel embarrassed for your beliefs , or feel intimidated to share something was inspired by something religion. I don't believe LDS has much to offer, but that doesn't make me like your art less. It's just a part of you and your art. Never be ashamed of something that is part of you. This piece is beautiful, and it feels very peaceful and calming. I really, really like it. Good job! Don't stop doing the things you love.

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AyumiSpender [2015-04-28 05:25:56 +0000 UTC]

I really like this.
The upper left one reminds me of home.

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kkayla3 [2015-04-26 21:21:04 +0000 UTC]

whoa this is awesome!

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shonanjump000 [2015-04-26 12:00:14 +0000 UTC]

struck speachless

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LeilansDream [2015-04-25 00:40:06 +0000 UTC]

Hi there! Β Β  I read all the description and also watch the little video you linked... and i'm curious! How your drawing represent your faith? I could extrapolate, but i don't see it. So many questions, like... Why the blue and orange spiral that seems to link all the planets together? What's the (sort of) star between the sun and the earth? Why the clouds? Why cloud between earth and mars? Why decide to not put Earth or the Sun in the center of the image instead? All those questions are fascinating to me, because I know that everything you placed there is for a reason.
ps: you don't have to answer. I'm just showing interest!

As for me, I have my own version of spirituality, that doesn't fit at 100% with any religion. My vision of the world does speak of LOVE. Of learning, of growing. Of souls. Of other 'dimensions', other than the physical world we're used to, for exemple. If you're interested to chat about it a bit, feel free to note me.
There is something in your art. I can see it, but i can't interpret it. So i'm curious. Curious to understand what is put under my eyes but still out of my reach.

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menyesg [2015-04-24 05:04:56 +0000 UTC]

Beautiful... Wish I could download it as a wallpaper Β 

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WooflesArt [2015-04-24 04:50:33 +0000 UTC]

What a beautiful painting, I like the vision behind it. Β This is something that would be perfect in a temple visitor center! Like the Christus at Salt Lake City. Β  I particularly like the interpretation of the veil. Β 

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Libertades [2015-04-23 23:13:03 +0000 UTC]

More beautiful than this picture, and more beautiful than anything, is the way everyone here seems to gather together to appreciate this, and have harmony about what they believe in.

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passiondesloups [2015-04-23 16:07:13 +0000 UTC]

... I'm glad you came back.**

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Jakeukalane [2015-04-22 22:54:41 +0000 UTC]

For me in this picture is a catastophric (?) event in the cosmos. I do similar images, so this would be similar to a Frozen Shain to me
[Β The Eelavras Stellar System Β ,Β El Planeta Taukaushophlaunosos en una Qadena ]Β 

A Shain is a type of interplanar conection that unites planets that are far away in the Dimensions and Planes. However Frozen Shains are Shains that unites Planets that are in the same space!

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Jakeukalane [2015-04-22 22:48:09 +0000 UTC]

Well, I don't connect at all with the idea of gods and such imaginary entities, but there is one thing to credit those ideas: if those ideas can make you think that there is something special and by consecuence drawing this beautiful things, so then, this is one of the few advantages to have those believes.Β 

For me, all comes from our mind, so without gods, this potential to do amazing art is still there.

Again, amazing art

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Silver-OPs [2015-04-22 12:27:17 +0000 UTC]

I love this picture. I can totally tell what's what and can connect it to the plan of salvation ~
Thank you for making this! It's gorgeous!

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Morgannon [2015-04-21 21:46:55 +0000 UTC]

This is my new desktop wallpaper

While I don't share the same beliefs either, it is a really good piece of art

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KillerGhost13 [2015-04-21 20:28:33 +0000 UTC]

To me it feels like energy transference to possibly make a new planet? I'm wiccan though so I like the idea of rebirth than end.

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Neoiel In reply to KillerGhost13 [2015-09-16 21:31:56 +0000 UTC]

Interesting, I'm going to have to agree with your transference assessment on this piece.Β  That would also align with certain interpretations of the Bible and make even more sense out of the title.Β  A new heaven and new Earth to be made in the future and that transference of souls at the rapture as the old passes away, of course there are so many interpretations these days.

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shadowdragon8me [2015-04-21 15:26:01 +0000 UTC]

awesome artwork hate the title *anti-religious sorry*

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Stormcloud16 [2015-04-21 12:11:43 +0000 UTC]

Honestly, the first thing I thought of when I saw this was 'wow, those colours are amazing.' I seriously love the colours you used! It's a beautiful piece^^

I'm not religious, so I didn't think about anything regarding God. Β It's not that I don't believe in God, I do, I just don't believe in religion, if that makes any sense xD

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Birdtear [2015-04-21 09:54:37 +0000 UTC]

well done bro in all mean and matters , we might not share same religion even that i say they are all part of 1 family when there is only 1 God . so we brothers in soul and heart

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ZeroDemonicus [2015-04-20 22:14:44 +0000 UTC]

"Before going to the explanation below, I would love you to write your own interpretation first in the comments."

My first thoughts when I look at it are something along the lines of the souls of the dead returning to heaven and God.Β 
I thought on it a minute, maybe it could also represent God trying to reach out to us.

Either way, a truly beautiful piece.

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sistersgrimmfan [2015-04-20 22:14:04 +0000 UTC]

Amazing. I love all the detail. What did you use to make it?

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AbigailThalia [2015-04-20 20:50:36 +0000 UTC]

The entirety of this artpiece is truly beautiful. I really like that you feel able and proud to share this with us - that you aren't scared to express your faith and love for God!

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