Published: 2006-05-11 00:51:59 +0000 UTC; Views: 5907; Favourites: 37; Downloads: 48
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Most of you will have no idea what the freaking heck this is fanart of, yet it is a fancomic nonetheless.Septerra Core was an RPG that was around about five years ago (around the time my little brother was born, that's how I remember-- Ted was playing it when Mom told us she was pregnant.)
It didn't do very well, unfortunately, even though most of the people who played it loved it, and the studio that made it went under. (I think it might have had something to do with advertising, and it being the wrong time for a story like that, somewhere in that region.)
Anyway, in the game there's this part where Maya, the main character, has to disguise herself as a slave girl to sneak into one of the badguys's lairs. (This is to help out the most recent party member, Lobo-- that robot guy up there.)
In order to change, she goes into this crate the player can't see into-- and suddenly the other two party members turn around, away from the crate.
XD Somehow that struck me as extremely funny, especially since the third person I had chosen for the party at the time was Araym-- who is a pervert. Lobo and Araym are actually buddies, which is why I had chosen him in the first place-- a few subquests in the game revolve around party members randomly attacking each other when they don't like each other during battles, and I didn't want to worry about it. (Besides this, I always had an inordinate fondness for Araym. He's a redhead.
Don't ask why I've been thinking about Septerra Core after all this time-- sometimes that happens to me-- but I wonder how the creators would feel if they knew that one of their more timid forum members still did fanart of the game? XD
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Comments: 72
Susamen [2013-07-11 09:21:18 +0000 UTC]
The best storyboard of all the games in the world is Septerra's, but the lazy fools can't make a remake for it, still it would be the best game ever. I love it since I was a little brat
On my fanart, Araym is more perverted as you expected, trust me
I would see the elaborated comic with pleasure, if you would do it ^^ Keep playing! Keep drawing!
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Meritre [2013-02-17 17:58:00 +0000 UTC]
Just finshed (re)playing it, and that's how I always imagined that scene Araym was my Favourite besides Maya and I kept him in my group almost the entire time
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Fermin-Tenava [2012-12-30 17:56:32 +0000 UTC]
Oh yeah, I remember that game ^^
It was difficult and took a long time to solve, but the ideas they had for this game's story were actually pretty good (although the dialogue before battles were sometimes pretty silly)
But I still think this game is underappreciated.
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Golden-Dragon-Girl In reply to Fermin-Tenava [2012-12-30 18:59:03 +0000 UTC]
I was always very fond of the art and worldbuilding, which was very original despite that aspects to the game were very much homages to Japanese RPGs.
I still laugh when I think of the look on Maya's face when punks hit on her. And then the one bit on Shell 6- "Okay, that's IT!" "Uh oh!" It may have been silly, but I still get a kick out of it.
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Fermin-Tenava In reply to Golden-Dragon-Girl [2012-12-30 22:47:16 +0000 UTC]
Yes, that one was good
No, I thought of the recurring exchanges with these two generals of Doskias. In the german dub, they were sometimes quite random.
Like you, I always loved the worldbuilding: the little pieces of mythology and the designs and describtion of the creatures... it was carefully made, and the story had mature and complex issues. Especially Lord Doskias was a very hate-worthy but still great villain.
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Paksenarrion-Reader [2012-03-28 13:12:38 +0000 UTC]
Now I have to play Septerra Core again xD Funny art, fine by me.
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Golden-Dragon-Girl In reply to Miarath [2012-12-30 18:54:03 +0000 UTC]
Oh dear, I need to log in more often.
Go ahead.
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DiamondCasiopea [2011-06-20 21:33:57 +0000 UTC]
God, I love Septerra Core. Your comic made me laugh and now I really feel like playing the game again.
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Zogunplex [2011-04-26 19:07:35 +0000 UTC]
You captured the attitudes of these two characters in this sketch. They were my two favorite people from Septerra Core.
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moonraven373 [2011-02-17 07:36:04 +0000 UTC]
I played this game before any Final fantasy game and if it wasn't for this game I never would have been addicted to rpg type games! I just got a copy of it ordered on ebay and can't wait to start playing it again. I think my next fan art will be of this, but Badu and... Lynda I think her name was...
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moonraven373 In reply to moonraven373 [2011-02-17 07:41:33 +0000 UTC]
LED!!! That was her name!
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SinnerBeta [2011-02-01 23:18:11 +0000 UTC]
Loved the game.
Anyone else wishes they made a remake/sequel for the current gens ?
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iedasb [2010-10-27 00:56:54 +0000 UTC]
I always thought this! (But Araym and Grubb together!) XD
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nailgun [2010-10-21 07:58:11 +0000 UTC]
Septerra Core was a great game. Still love it even though was unable to finish it.
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iedasb In reply to nailgun [2010-10-27 00:55:57 +0000 UTC]
why you don't finished the game oO?
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nailgun In reply to iedasb [2010-12-08 14:02:48 +0000 UTC]
Couldn't advance at some point. Guide was saing some NPC on pirate base should give me the key to some door. But (seems due to some bug in quest) he never did.
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iedasb In reply to nailgun [2010-12-08 14:23:23 +0000 UTC]
=/ this is very bad, why don't you download the game, and try again? Is really a good game
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nailgun In reply to iedasb [2011-01-28 05:07:06 +0000 UTC]
Well, may be I'll follow your advice one day
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shirokurodestiny [2010-10-13 23:28:40 +0000 UTC]
i love this game so much! d'awww i've been replaying it for a couple days now but i have to restart bc i gave the shipping manifest before i had maya get tattooed >< oh well.
araym's my favourtite too. i usually have a party of maya, araym, and corgan and neglect the other characters. hopefully i'll finish it this time around.
there really needs to be more fanworks. :<
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GirafficLu [2010-08-29 16:14:54 +0000 UTC]
awh *.* I remember this game <3
I loved it soo much..then we sold my old computer and I forgot to take the game out ):
ah well..
but this is a GREAT little comic :]
love your drawing style!
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iedasb [2009-10-14 20:16:46 +0000 UTC]
Septerra Core was my first RPG game, well my first game... I love this game, and I finished it.
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Golden-Dragon-Girl In reply to iedasb [2009-10-14 21:26:50 +0000 UTC]
:3 Thanks for the comment.
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ArcticAvenger20 [2009-02-24 19:19:50 +0000 UTC]
Sir, love the fan art and love the game. Played for about a week. I read an FAQ to see where in the game I am(how far)... turns out I'm half way. >.<
It's still on my HDD. I'll finish it one day.
One thing I did notice, which is kinda funny. When Maya tryes to explain the story so far. It sounds so corny. :3
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Golden-Dragon-Girl In reply to ArcticAvenger20 [2009-02-24 23:32:30 +0000 UTC]
It is corny but with love. X3
I'm somewhere in the middle of my second run-through, actually. I randomly found the game again and had to spend some time with it.
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The-Liberator1 [2008-09-01 11:33:04 +0000 UTC]
its cute, but the full veiew doesnt work at all so i cant read the punchline. I loved Septerra too! i wish someon would do a re-vamped updated version. its got such a rich design.
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CyanilurusJubatus [2008-08-14 21:35:51 +0000 UTC]
Heh, we recently re-played the game with my sister - until the cruel cathacombes part. I always wondered what happened to Araym' s storyline; we couldn' t have killed the Duke at Outlaw Canyon, right? There would have been some other dialogue than Selina' s help, right? >_>
Anyway, Araym was the most amusing character of the game.
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EUCWMPCFH [2008-05-02 13:13:30 +0000 UTC]
hum... This got even Older now, it makes 7 years since the release. Nonetheless I'm playing it now and that's why I found it.
Araym isn't a pervert. Anyhows I still think that when I reached that part (I was using him too, because he was needed to unlock Lobo) I'm pretty sure that he might have peeked. I mean, who wouldn't?
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Miarath [2008-04-26 09:34:25 +0000 UTC]
Lol, I think you've got them really well.
I, too, loved it and it is really annoying how little fanfic or fanart there is for Septerra Core.
Hmm, got to start playing some time again, just for old times sake ....
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ClioMusa [2008-03-23 19:51:34 +0000 UTC]
There's much time since I saw any fandom about Septerra Core. It's a shame, cannot be the best rpg ever, but has a good story and charismatic npcs.
Like your little comics, Araym really was a scoundrel, huh, ^^
I remember of an old fic in ff.net with the shipper Araym/Maya...
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Golden-Dragon-Girl In reply to ClioMusa [2008-03-23 22:31:33 +0000 UTC]
Well, it wouldn't have been me that wrote it, because I never wrote fic for SC, but I loved the pairing. XD
Actually I started a club here for it, at (if you haven't happened across it yet) and a link to another person's site there if you've a hankering for more SC stuff anytime soon.
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cunningcoyote [2007-12-08 06:19:21 +0000 UTC]
Gwah? You've played Septerra Core? Wow, small world. That game really does need more love. I'm always surprised to actully see someone who's heard of it. It's really fantastic game. I've much love for Lobo and his wonderfully designed head.
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Golden-Dragon-Girl In reply to cunningcoyote [2007-12-09 00:33:31 +0000 UTC]
XD Yes, Lobo's design was awesome, and in fact a lot of my design ethstetic was just a bit influenced by SC.
There ought to be a DA club or something for it, except that if I joined I'd never do anything.
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cunningcoyote In reply to Golden-Dragon-Girl [2007-12-09 00:41:27 +0000 UTC]
I agree, there should. the best I could do for it is... drabble-fics, but hey, it'd be there
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StellarWind [2007-11-04 20:02:10 +0000 UTC]
... SEPTERRA. Man, this game needs more love. ^__^
Seems like the more obscure a fandom is the more insanely difficult it is to find decent fanart of it. Sketchy as this comic is, though, it's better than most Septerra stuffs I've managed to find on dA. I think you captured the essence of Araym and Lobo perfectly. Especially that last panel. XD
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Golden-Dragon-Girl In reply to StellarWind [2007-11-04 20:09:47 +0000 UTC]
(bows) Thank you very much!
Yes, the game REALLY needs more love.
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The-Liberator1 [2007-07-25 09:56:00 +0000 UTC]
i like it, and i loved the game, well the story at least
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Golden-Dragon-Girl In reply to The-Liberator1 [2007-07-25 19:10:59 +0000 UTC]
XD I know, a lot of people were annoyed with the battle-setup and how long the loading often took.
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JunkerMaya [2007-01-03 18:34:40 +0000 UTC]
Okay someone else from the Core Forum Boards? Can I ask who you were? I'm horribly curious about that now. Still it's nice to see there are a few other fans left out there. The comic gave me and several friends who are still fans a good laugh and I love the pose of Maya in the second pannel for some reason. Also the antics of Lobo and Araym are just so ture to the charactrers.
I'd love to see a follow up with Araym oggling Slave Girl outfit Maya and the result which likely would include someone casting hydro attack on him to cool him off >D
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Golden-Dragon-Girl In reply to JunkerMaya [2007-01-04 17:07:38 +0000 UTC]
XD It's been a while, (loong while) but the name I usually used was "The Blonde Menace."
I was sort of the shy one, if I remember right. (And the boards might not've been very active when I was on there, either.)
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JunkerMaya In reply to Golden-Dragon-Girl [2007-01-08 01:30:01 +0000 UTC]
Wait I vaugely recall you I went by the handle Knightman99 at the time I was there I wrote a horrible fic. Which I stopped when I realised it was bad. Anyhow whatcha up to these days? Ironically I'm getting people curious in the game to this very day XD Got a friend the other day to get it and he's playing it now >.> <.<
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Golden-Dragon-Girl In reply to JunkerMaya [2007-01-09 21:03:26 +0000 UTC]
Mmn, not so much really... I've got a webcomic called The Law of Purple ([link] ), I'm in college, yadayada...
One of my personal dream projects would actually be to adapt SC into a comic, mostly because I like the story so much, and the game really did help define my own art style. (And one of my more long-shot dreams would be to sell it, but somehow it doesn't seem so far out there as to be impossible... just convince the guys with the copyright right now, methodically hunt down and kidnap the people who worked on the game... X3)
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JunkerMaya In reply to Golden-Dragon-Girl [2007-01-13 10:19:27 +0000 UTC]
Ohh that's neat still though the ending irks me to this day it was ratheranti cilmatic imho. But enough of my griping anyway if you wanna drop me a line and chat a bit? Do you us AIM by any chance?
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Golden-Dragon-Girl In reply to JunkerMaya [2007-01-14 16:36:33 +0000 UTC]
No, and I'm probably the only person who doesn't. (I don't get online half as much as I'm accused of doing, though, so it makes little difference.)
Mmn, I liked the ending alright, but there were loose ends I needed tied up. What happened to Maya? I'm fairly sure she was that Watcher, but were her wounds that serious or did she become one years later? Where the hell was Tory? (why do I care about Tory?!) What about Corgan, now that he's all hung up on someone he can't be with like he wants to be? (Shrugs)
Someone on the boards answered that once, but I think it was Xeno, who may have had more insight as a beta, but his answers sounded like he was just pulling it out of his butt to get people to stop asking. They were kind of... tilted.
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Maya998 In reply to Golden-Dragon-Girl [2007-01-23 12:18:44 +0000 UTC]
Honestly I think it might have been better for Corgan to become a watcher so he could be with his love.
Tori? The little punk is likelt causing trouble still to this day and who knows about when Maya became a watcher my view's it happned when she was close to natural death. I mean the girl did deserve to live a little with all the stuff that happned to her. I think I recall those too... and I agree with ya. Do you still use EMAIL at all I got something you might like to take a look at that two friends of mine did but they don't use Deviant art >.> <.<
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