GavinoElDiabloGuapo — Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles- Hamato Clan (Old)

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Published: 2021-12-16 04:48:10 +0000 UTC; Views: 24815; Favourites: 186; Downloads: 11
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Description REMAKE: Hamato Clan

    Here's a project that I've been wanting to do for a long time based on one of my favorite franchises: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles! For this project, I'm taking my favorite parts of the other incarnations of the characters and combining them. To start things off, I'm beginning with the main characters. As with the 1987 and 2012 cartoons, the mutagen combines the DNA of any creature with that of the last organism they've come in contact with. For Splinter, it was his master, Hamato Yoshi. For the turtles, it was boy who bought them from the pet store, Chester "Chet" Manley. For future reference, when I list the species for the mutant characters, the first species is what they were and the second is what they've been crossed with.
    The way I would handle the story is that I would divide it into 7 segments, whether that would be 7 movies or seasons. I'll just call them arcs. Time will pass throughout the series and the characters will age. The ages listed for the characters in each entry shows how old they are introduced into the series and how old they are at their last appearance. Like in the 2012 series, I'll build up to the other mutants, introducing them as humans and establishing as characters first before mutating them in later arcs. As a rule, the only five mutants in Arc 1 would be Splinter and the Turtles. I would also build up to Shredder and Krang, like Thanos in the MCU. But also like Thanos, Shredder's presence would be felt throughout even having small appearances.  Also another little detail, I'm changing Shredder's name from Oroku Saki to Oroku Sakki. Saki is mostly a female name, but the word Sakki means "bloodthirsty" or "bloodlust." 
(EDIT: I added an Arc 6)
(EDIT II: I added the Turtles' character arcs and the trials they overcome to become ninja masters in Arc 5)
(EDIT III: I added an Arc 7)

Arc 1 (Year 1)
    The main villains of Arc 1 would be Baxter Stockman and the Purple Dragons. Baxter works for TCRI and uses their resources to secretly supply himself with the means to carry out his own schemes involving the Mousers. He uses the Purple Dragons as hired muscles. The Purple Dragons are led by Hun. His two right hand men are Bebop and Rocksteady. Inspired by the 1990 film, the Purple Dragons is a recruiting front for the Foot Clan, Hun secretly being a member of the Foot. As in many adaptations of the story, the Turtles meet April by saving her from Baxter's Mousers. As with the more recent adaptations, April O'Neil and Casey Jones are going to be teenagers like the Turtles. April is in an intern program for TCRI and learned too much about what Baxter was really doing. Before she could report him, he found out and tried to dispose of her. As a reference to the 1987 cartoon, April is also in her school's journalism club while Casey is in every sport club but hockey is his favorite. As the Turtles keep foiling his plans, Stockman has Hun bring in the Foot, led by Hattori Tatsu. The final fight of the Arc would be the Turtles against Baxter in his giant Mouser.

Arc 2 (Year 2)
    After Baxter's plans are foiled by the Turtles, he is fired from TCRI but manages to evade jail time. Unfortunately, April can't prove his crimes without exposing her new friends. Leading into Arc 2, Baxter is recruited by a rival company which is actually a front for Krang's operation. As in 2003 cartoon, TCRI is ran by the Utroms, who have been stranded on Earth for centuries and have been waiting for technology to develop enough for them to be able to return to their home world. My version of Krang is based on Ch'rell, and his plan is to conquer Earth and then rest of the galaxy. Baxter will work with Krang, helping him build the Technodrome. He also creates the robotic Foot Soldiers. By this point, Hun has reported what has been happening in NYC to Shredder. By how Tatsu describes the Turtles' fighting, Shredder recognizes it as Hamato Yoshi's. At this point, he would send his teenaged daughter, Oroku Karai, to New York. Posing as a foreign exchange student, Karai spies on April and Casey in school to get more information about the Turtles. Annoyed with the interference from the Turtles, Krang also hires mad scientist Dr. Feral, who uses the mutagen on Bebop and Rocksteady. The mutated Bebop and Rocksteady would be the big final fight of the arc. After their failure, Karai reports to Shredder and he decides to get involved himself.

Arc 3 (Year 3)
    This arc begins with a shock. After returning home, the Turtles find their lair ransacked. Over Arc 2, Karai had been gaining April, Casey, and eventually the Turtles' trust to the point where they accepted her into the lair. All the while, they had no idea she was the Shredder's daughter. The Turtles and Splinter stay with April and her father in the apartment, but Leonardo is attacked one night and the Foot attack the apartment. That's where Shredder makes his entrance. Outnumbered and with Leo out cold, the others are quickly loosing the battle. Splinter and Shredder face off with Shredder winning, taking him captive. Before leaving with his prisoner, Shredder reveals a secret that Splinter had been keeping from the Turtles: Hamato Yoshi was a member of the Foot Clan as he was in the original comics. Casey comes to the rescue and the Turtles and the O'Neils hide out at Casey's family farm. The Turtles have to get over the shock of the revelation and the pain of loosing their father. In the meantime, Baxter and Krang are able to continue their work on the Technodrome. Shredder doesn't really care about Krang's plan as long as he gets paid for finishing off the Turtles. He's keeping Splinter alive so he can lure out the Turtles. What he really wants is to avenge his brother by ending Hamato Yoshi and his legacy. After the Turtles recuperate, they return to New York to save Splinter and stop Krang. In the meantime, Baxter Stockman is also mutated, becoming the iconic fly mutant. They're able to save Splinter and face off against the Shredder. The Turtles defeat the Shredder, but before Leonardo can finish him, Karai arrives. Splinter realizes that the cycle of vengeance will only continue unless it stops right then and there. Instead of killing himself, they make Shredder vow to leave New York and never come back. Shredder agrees and leaves with Karai. But it's too late and Krang's Technodrome emerges from under the streets of New York.

Arc 4 (Year 3) 
    This arc will be based on one of my favorite video games: Turtles in Time. With the Technodrome attacking the city, the Turtles try to stop it, but Krang uses a device that sends them back through time to the Mesozoic Era to get them out of his way. At first, the Turtles have no way home, but that's when Renet Tilley, Apprentice Time Master, shows up to help them get back to the present. Renet took the Time Specter without her master's approval and is inexperienced with it, leading the group to jump through time period to time period. Along the way, they end up in the future where Krang has already conquered Earth. They face the Shredder's descendant, who has become the new Shredder and is allied with Krang. The new Shredder uses mutagen on himself, becoming Super Shredder. After defeating Super Shredder, Renet finally gets it right and returns the Turtles to the moment they were banished by Krang. They're able to stop Krang and the Technodrome with help from the Utroms. Krang is captured and then exiled to Dimension X. Here, Dimension X is like the Phantom Zone from Superman. The arc ends with another cliffhanger as the Turtles try to help the Utroms return to their home world, they're caught up in a portal and are stranded on an alien world.

Arc 5 (Year 3)
    Lost on an alien world, they come across Professor Honeycutt, the Fugitoid. They make an agreement to help one another, Honeycutt promising to return the Turtles to Earth if they are able to help him escape his pursuers. As they travel across space, they run afoul villains like Lord Dregg and the Triceratons. The Turtles do make it back to Earth with the help of the Fugitoid but the Triceraton follow leading to another invasion of New York. But unexpected help comes in the form of Agent Bishop, who helps with repelling the Triceratons. Professor Honeycutt and the Utroms then leave Earth for the Utrom homeworld. Upon leaving TCRI, the Turtles find that New York is still in chaos after Krang's attack on the city and the recent invasion. Agent Bishop places the city under lockdown. This leads to the City at War story as the criminal factions try to take control of the lawless city. Baxter Stockman, as part of his revenge for being turned into a fly mutant in Arc 3, creates a Mutagen Bomb that devastates a part of Manhattan, killing many and mutating the survivors. Some of the mutants are criminals and uses their new abilities to commit crimes and become classic TMNT villains. Karai and the Foot return to help the Turtle to bring back order to the city. But during the chaos, Splinter is poisoned by Ue, the Ultimate Ninja. After they fail to defeat him, Ue goads the Turtles into entering the Battle Nexus Tournament, promising to give the cure to the winner. Splinter tells the Turtles of a technique that has the power to defeat the Ultimate Ninja, but it too dangerous and he is now too weak to teach it to them. Leaving Splinter in the care of their allies, they travel to Japan to learn the ancient secret technique of the Foot Clan, the Sato Oshi Strike as seen in the Batman vs. the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movie. Oroku Sakki agrees to train the Turtles, but they struggle to learn the dangerous technique. The Turtles fight through the tournament with Leonardo facing Ue in the finals. Finally mastering the Sato Oshi Strike, Leonardo defeats Ue. Ue tries to go back on his promise, but his father, the Ultimate Daimyo, gives them the antidote. As with some of the video games and some of the cartoons, the Turtles graduate from being students to masters. During the Battle Nexus Tournament, they each have to face their own trial that represents their own character flaw. 

Arc 6 (Year 4)
    While New York recovers from Krang's attack in Arc 4 and Stockman's Mutagen Bomb, the affected area in NYC is quarantined, that part of Manhattan becoming known as "Mutant Town" as in the IDW comics. Being populated by fellow mutants, the Turtles are free to walk among them. But since Mutant Town is like Arkham City in the Batman Arkham series, the only law is that no one is allowed in or out. That means the mutant villains are free to form their own gangs. Not only being the unseen heroes of New York, the Turtles in essence become the law enforcement of Mutant Town, protecting the innocent from the corrupt. At this point, the Hamato Clan being to expand as the Turtles recruit others to their cause and Splinter beings to train new students. Characters like Alopex and Mona Lisa will be introduced. Agent Bishop will be the government agent overseeing the cleanup operation. Also, Krang will return as a villain when he is able to create a dimension gate in the Technodrome. While he can't bring the entire Technodrome through the portal, he can send the robotic Foot Soldiers through. The Foot Soldiers are led by Cyber Shredder. Throughout the series, Krang and Stockman will constantly upgrade the Foot Soldiers. At first, they're uncoordinated, so they create a controller robot. Then they upgrade it to Chrome Dome. In Arc 3 while Shredder was still working with Krang and Stockman, he had his memories scanned in order to improve Chrome Dome's operations. This allowed Chrome Dome to inherit the Shredder's personality and combat abilities. By Arc 6, Krang tweaked Chrome Dome so that all of Oroku Sakki's humanity is removed, leaving a cold, ruthless killing machine, thus creating Cyber Shredder. It would be the same as taking Darth Vader/Anakin Skywalker and completely removing Anakin, leaving only Vader. No remorse, no familial connections, nothing human remaining. This would allow Oroku Sakki to continue being the Turtles' ally but still allowing the "Shredder" to be their enemy. Cyber Shredder and his Foot Soldiers will recruit the evil mutants of Mutant Town in order to help to build a dimensional gate large enough to bring the Technodrome back through. In the final battle against Krang and Cyber Shredder, the Turtles are able to destroy the dimensional gate as the Technodrome is coming through, destroying it, Krang, and Cyber Shredder once and for all.

Arc 7 (Year 5)
    A year has passed and the mutants of Mutant Town have slowly been reincorporated into the rest of NYC society. However, some prejudices still exist and the bulk of the mutants remain in Mutant Town, having formed a close knit community.  The Turtles are becoming more confident in their new positions as teachers of the new Hamato Clan. The brothers have each found love. Leonardo is dating Mei Pieh Chi, Raphael is with Alopex, Donatello is with Mona Lisa, and Michelangelo is in a very long distance relationship with Renet. However, Splinter is beginning to show his age and his health is failing, forcing the Turtles to face the fact that they may lose their father soon. One day, a mysterious Turtle from the future named Lita appears before them and tells them that an old enemy has returned and that their future selves need their help. Dr. Feral in the future is working with a new Shredder and has cloned the Turtles to make the Dark Turtles who are younger, faster, and have genetically enhanced abilities. The Turtles of the future have been killed and only the Turtles in their prime can match these evil doppelgangers. They agree to travel to the future to prevent their future selves from being killed prematurely and help them and their future children and allies stop the Dark Turtles, Feral, and the new Shredder. Upon returning home, they face a new threat in the form of the mysterious organization called the Null Group led by Mr. Null. Mr. Null is planning to summon the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse and bring about the end of days. During this time, they lose Splinter and Leonardo has to take his place as the Head of the Hamato Clan. They discover that Mr. Null is no mere man but a host for an evil entity that is the source of all evil known as the Dragon. Not only do the Turtles have to fight the Four Horsemen but also Oroku Sakki who has been chosen as the perfect vessel for the Dragon. After defeating the Horsemen, the Turtles hold off a possessed Oroku Saki as the Hamato and Foot Clan Mystics perform a ritual to exorcise the Spirit of Evil.  


Name: Hamato Yoshi
Age: 50-54(Hamato Yoshi's mind), 18-22(Splinter's chronological age), ~80(Splinter's biological age)
Appearances: Arcs 1-7
Height: 4'8"
Species: Brown Rat x Human
Favored Weapon: Cane
        Splinter was once the pet rat of Hamato Yoshi. Yoshi was one of the greatest ninjas in Japan and was rivals with Oroku Nagi of the Foot Clan. They competed in all things, but none so fiercely for that of the love of a woman named Tang Shen. But Shen only loved Yoshi. In jealous rage, Nagi attacked Shen and Yoshi was forced to kill Nagi to protect Shen.
    Yoshi and Shen fled to New York with Splinter where they tried to start a new life away from the Foot Clan, but Nagi's younger brother, Oroku Sakki, vowed vengeance. When Yoshi came home from work one day, he found Shen lying dead on the floor. Sakki emerged from the shadows and killed Yoshi as well. In the struggle, Splinter's cage was broken. Still covered in his master's blood, Splinter escaped from the apartment and wandered the streets. By chance, the rat witnessed an accident that caused a canister to fall from a truck, causing a boy to drop the baby turtles he just bought from a pet store into a sewer. 
    Curious, Splinter scurried down into the sewer and found four baby turtles crawling around in glowing green ooze from the broken canister. Splinter also came in contact with the ooze and a transformation occurred. When it was over, Hamato Yoshi opened his eyes to find that he was still alive somehow. He then realized that he was in the body of his own pet rat. Whatever that ooze was, it had combined his DNA with that of his pet. He also noticed that the baby turtles were also growing into humanoid forms. Splinter took the turtles and raised them as his own, giving them names after his favorite Renaissance artists. 
    Splinter's mutation is a little different from that of the Turtles. Whereas they were only touched by the hands of Chet, Splinter was covered in Yoshi's blood. The more potent DNA source allowed Yoshi's memories and personality to be transferred to Splinter. This way, I can have it that Splinter is both Hamato Yoshi's pet AND Hamato Yoshi. In Arc 7, Splinter dies of old age yet his spirit reappears during the battle to defeat the Dragon-Shredder to lend his sons his strength one last time. 

Name: Hamato Leonardo
Age: 15-19
Appearances: Arcs 1-7
Height: 5'2"
Species: Red-Eared Slider x Human
Favored Weapon: Ninjato
    Since the Turtles are from the same clutch of eggs, it's hard to say who really is the oldest one. The way it works here is that their age order is determined by the order they finished mutating. Leonardo is the eldest of the four brothers. He's the most focused and disciplined out of the Turtles. He favors his twin ninjato swords, but also uses the yumi bow and the katana. After Arc 5, he'll use the Sword of Tengu that he earned for winning the Battle Nexus Tournament. Being the leader, he's cool under pressure and knows how to keep his brothers under control and how best to use utilize each of their unique skills. His focus and dedication has made him the most skilled fighter out of the Turtles. As for his flaws, he is a bit of a control freak and can be a bit arrogant especially when Raph pushes his buttons. Taking influence from the 2012 cartoon, Leo can also be a bit of dork, being a little to enthusiastic about his "hero" persona and he geeks out over his favorite shows. 
    We see hints of the Turtles overcoming their own trials in Arc 3 when Splinter is missing, but they have to fully face them in Arc 5. During the Battle Nexus Tournament in Arc 5, Leonardo's trial to become a ninja master is overcome his flaw: Pride. Being the eldest and the leader, he expects his brothers to fall in line and to do whatever he says. But with them being teenagers, that doesn't always happen, especially with Raph. With Splinter on his sickbed and with them in an alternate dimension, Leonardo learns that a true leader inspires instead of just bark orders. He becomes more like Splinter, calm, wise, and understanding, rather than getting frustrated when his brothers don't listen. It's this maturity that allows him to be able to master the Sato Oshi Strike and defeat Ue. For becoming a true leader and for winning the Tournament, Splinter declares Leonardo a ninja master. In Arc 7, Leonardo becomes the Head of the Hamato Clan when Splinter passes away from old age.

Name: Hamato Raphael
Age: 15-19
Appearances: Arcs 1-7
Height: 5'
Species: Red-Eared Slider x Human
Favored Weapon: Sai
    Raphael is the second eldest turtle. He physically is the strongest of the brothers and is the second most skilled fighter after Leo. He has a hot head and that often gets him into trouble. When facing off against Leo, he can often get the better of him by using brute strength rather than skill. But Leo in turn can get the better of him if Raph get lost in a blind rage and he trades finesse for ferocity. Raphael mainly uses his sais but also uses tonfas and jitte.
    Raphael's flaw that he has to overcome in Arc 5 is Wrath. Before, he saw his strength and anger as his greatest weapon. As stated in the 1990 film, Splinter tries to channel Raph's anger, because left it can destroy him if left unchecked. He also has a bit of a ego, resentful that Leo is constantly giving him orders. At the Battle Nexus Tournament, they're all there to win the antidote for Splinter. But there can be only one champion and he believes he's the best for the Turtle for the job. And since his brothers are also competing, his natural competitive nature causes him to almost lose sight of their mission, becoming more focused on winning and beating Leo rather than obtaining the antidote. When Leonardo reminds him of why they're there in the first place, Raph has an attack of conscience. Even while training for the Tournament, he made it a competition to learn the Sato Oshi Strike before any of his brothers and he was now doing the same thing. Finally realizing why Leonardo was chosen to be the leader, he withdraws from his match with Leo in the semifinals and acknowledges that Leo has the best chance to defeat Ue. Upon returning home, Splinter praises Raphael for finally learning to control is anger and declares him a ninja master.

Name: Hamato Donatello
Age: 15-19
Appearances: Arcs 1-7
Height: 5'6"
Species: Red-Eared Slider x Human
Favored Weapon: Bo
    Donatello is the third brother. He is the tallest and the lankest. He's also the smartest of the brothers, inventing the tools and gadgets he and his brothers use. While an excellent athlete and fighter, he's considered to be the weakest out of the four, spending most of his free time inventing and doing experiments rather than sports or exercise like his brothers. He also tends to overthink situations. His weapon of choice is the bo staff which he later equips with a retractable naginata blade, but also uses other pole arms like the yari.
    The flaw that Donatello has to overcome in Arc 5 is Envy. Donnie has middle child syndrome. He's jealous of Leo's skill and control, Raph's strength and ferocity, and Mikey's carefree attitude and incredible luck. He see himself as "just the smart one" and not as good as a ninja. In the second round of the Battle Nexus Tournament, he's paired off against Traximus the Triceraton, the biggest and strongest fighter in the tournament. Donnie states he can't win because he has hardly ever been able to beat any of his brothers during sparring. He also states whenever they've defeated such a powerful enemy, they did it together as a team. Leo then reminds them that most of those victories came from Donnie being able to think of a solution. Encouraged, Donnie is able to uses his smaller size, superior agility, and analytic mind to his advantage and defeat the Triceraton. Though he ultimately loses in the next round, Splinter is proud that Donnie was able to defeat the most dangerous of opponents: self doubt. For this, Donatello is declared a ninja master. 

Name: Hamato Michelangelo 
Age: 15-19
Appearances: Arcs 1-7
Height: 4'10"
Species: Red-Eared Slider x Human
Favored Weapon: Nunchaku
    Michelangelo is the youngest brother. He's the smallest turtle but is the most agile. He's goofy, fun loving, and has seemingly endless child-like energy. He's the most athletic turtle, especially enjoying skateboarding. While all of the Turtles are skilled fighters, Mikey is the least disciplined and least focused. He treats fighting like a game (which annoys his older brothers), and his naïve innocence often leads him to getting into trouble. He uses the nunchaku but Donnie later upgrades them with a retractable blade and extending chain to form kusarigama.
    Michelangelo's flaw that he learns to overcome during Arc 5 is Sloth. Before, he relied on his luck and natural athleticism to get by. Being the youngest, he tends to let his older brothers handle the "serous stuff," allowing him to clown around. During the Battle Nexus Tournament, he loses in the first match against Ue. He noticed something strange about their fight but brushed it off. As before, he was going to let his brothers worry about winning the Tournament while he enjoyed the endless buffets. But then he recognized some of the ninjas as the ones that attack them in New York. He then realized that Ue must have been the same ninja that poisoned Splinter. He also learns that they are planning to kill the Daiymo. He is discovered spying on them and is captured. With his brothers unaware of his situation, he has to escape by himself and foil the assassination attempt. For taking on such a responsibility and saving the Daiymo, Splinter declares Michelangelo a ninja master.

    I've tried to keep the designs simple and recognizable, unlike the cluttered mess that is the Michael Bay Ninja Turtles. Like in many versions of the Turtles, I gave them different skin colors to help tell them apart. I also gave them the different heights and body types that most modern versions have. I liked how Batman vs. TMNT had the Turtles' initials subtly incorporated into their belts. And it may be controversial, but I gave the Turtles three toes and nostrils.
    I made Leonardo the "standard" Turtle, being average height and build. His skin is standard green and his eyes are blue.
    Raphael is shorter than Leo but is more muscular. His skin his darker and has green eyes. His bandana is more frayed.
    Donatello is taller and thinner with a more olive colored skin and brown eyes. I'm not a fan of how modern versions give him glasses and/or googles. But I did give him pouches on his belt. He's also holding the T-Phone/Turtle Phone/Shell Phone/Shell Cell. As a joke, each Turtle calls the phone something different.
    I gave Michelangelo lighter skin and bright blue eyes. He's also the smallest Turtles. His bandana has the shortest tails, looking like the 1987 and 2012 cartoons.  
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