Published: 2014-05-11 00:13:27 +0000 UTC; Views: 11465; Favourites: 130; Downloads: 72
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The end has come, it is over. Finished. Completed.
Till next season! Yay!
Though this is just the tumblr comic, enjoy some foreshadowing teases for what awaits in The Lost. It has/is/will be coming. Soon/Later.
Praise the chaos god/gods!
Prince Orion tumblr Follow your Prince!
Prince Orion tumblr Collection
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Comments: 244
Theheroneeded [2017-02-08 03:59:47 +0000 UTC]
Is any one else even a little worried that the currupted mane 6 of that universe are perfectly aware of the canon universe. I mean they might try to takeover that one too!
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swirliee [2015-11-02 19:03:42 +0000 UTC]
Soo... They are reacting to themselves what they did in the Mlp episodes?
Also, why is RD laughing she's not even watching it
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OtomostheCrazy [2015-03-11 00:32:39 +0000 UTC]
You know, I just realized something because of this one. I just realized that all the villains that have been beaten with the power of the elements of Harmony, have eventually turned into friends. While all the villains that weren't beaten by the elements have disappeared from the show, never to be seen until the writers say so.Β
Don't know how that came up from this pic...maybe it was the friend joke at the end.
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mitchelboy [2014-12-28 23:57:17 +0000 UTC]
nightmare moon: if you call them crystal zombies and they call you chaos jesters i will prefer to call you discord, and your friends as chaos freaks and king sombra and his minions as crystal creeps. how do you like that?Β
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GatesMcCloud In reply to mitchelboy [2014-12-25 02:20:44 +0000 UTC]
You and Twilight may or may not find out next week!
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mitchelboy In reply to GatesMcCloud [2014-12-25 03:03:01 +0000 UTC]
can ask one thing?
discord has the mane 6
king sombra has shining armor, princess cadence, princess celestia, fancy pants, sapphire shores, gustev and fleet foot.
but what does nightmare moon have? ( besides luna since their the same pony )
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GatesMcCloud In reply to mitchelboy [2014-12-25 05:25:44 +0000 UTC]
You'll have to wait for that. Alot of Moon's stuff is explained in Spitfire. I'll give a sneak pick in Shadow of Grief though.
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mitchelboy In reply to GatesMcCloud [2015-03-13 01:21:04 +0000 UTC]
Me: Shining sombra, I'm calling you out. how dare you shine your light in my eyes. I will show you darkness!
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mitchelboy In reply to GatesMcCloud [2014-12-25 16:07:00 +0000 UTC]
you it's funny that despite crystalestia being a queen she takes orders from shining armor.
scootaloo: hey crystal creeps you don't look so scary you all look like statues.
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OtomostheCrazy In reply to mitchelboy [2015-03-11 04:01:41 +0000 UTC]
I know your comment is months old, but maybe Zecora? I saw a Zebra fighting Sweetiebell in the first chapter.
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mitchelboy In reply to OtomostheCrazy [2015-03-11 22:37:09 +0000 UTC]
You think this chapter has blood in it?
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mitchelboy In reply to OtomostheCrazy [2015-03-11 23:50:33 +0000 UTC]
Any chapter is i'm wondering.
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watcher25 [2014-12-10 07:06:33 +0000 UTC]
Nothing like power and claims of rights to power to ruin a good heart ... Any good heart... Even the ones who think they've done nothing off...
Blindness, careless, out of touch, failure to listen, another effect of power
Not wise to identify by it - ever.
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DarkFreedomFighter [2014-06-28 08:54:08 +0000 UTC]
I cannot stop reading those comicsΒ !!!!!!!!!
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GatesMcCloud In reply to DarkFreedomFighter [2014-06-28 15:07:38 +0000 UTC]
Gud, guuuudddddaaa.
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Dragon101k [2014-05-19 15:38:04 +0000 UTC]
Dracoequui Twi is Best Disharmony mutant. It's the last bit of sexyness that's left...
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MewTora17 [2014-05-18 06:23:14 +0000 UTC]
Hey Discord, Ah heard ya' mama's colt! What's ya think, chaos' girls? He's always whine, as Ah had question; Do he's always whine when he find out that's something ya didn't want him do it? Tell us his most misfortune life as didn't talk about it, please, please, Ah loved tease on him mostly!
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GatesMcCloud In reply to MewTora17 [2014-05-18 18:46:21 +0000 UTC]
My mamma's what? I don't believe my mother would have a little pony. Its been a loooooooooooooooooooooong time since I've seen her though. Then again, why would she have one? Thats just silly, and I know a thing or two about silly.
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MewTora17 In reply to GatesMcCloud [2014-05-18 18:57:16 +0000 UTC]
Well, why not asked Chaos Mare Six? That's ya really whine as Mama's Colt? (Looked back and asked other then sound of laughter filled of the room from other room.) Well, that's answers from mah world, and about ya? Are ya' really mama's colt? Whine? Complain? Weep? And something that's really stupidest in world ya can find. Ah bet that ya' mama's pony which make ya' dada's dragon, a jealous one. So... What's up over there? Try woo at Twilight Sparkle? Since she's... ya know like ya' are in kind.
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GatesMcCloud In reply to MewTora17 [2014-05-18 19:37:25 +0000 UTC]
What is this infatuation with my mother's colt? Silly little ponies and their silly little ways. Why did you look behind you? There's no one there. See?
*waves hand across an empty field, completely empty.*
No one. What were you expecting? This little foal of yours?
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MewTora17 In reply to GatesMcCloud [2014-05-18 21:45:23 +0000 UTC]
*Snicker* Really? Ya think ya' only chaos there? Ah' can do chaos as well! Ah did learning of it and understood it by used Chaos and Harmony! Ah loved pranks, honest, and Ah could tell ya about these great pranks in mah life. Ya should see their faces! Why not welcome each other, and ya' really good with this!
*Waves hooves across an empty field, as they're appeared with confused and yelled madly*
They're really baka, it's meant stupid. Ah like dare ya said Pinkie in three times! Oh, Ah forget tell ya, Ah can do shape-shifter into any creatures as Ah like to. By way...
*Trotted to other room and sound Royal Voice's yelled as other yipping and screamed in fear with sound of rubble's ran away from the room to far room as trotted back*
That's teach them! However, what's ya think of Twilight Sparkle? Do she's had long way to go? Also, What's ya' eyes on? Ya know, woo on who ya' fell for.
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GatesMcCloud In reply to MewTora17 [2014-05-18 22:15:27 +0000 UTC]
Did you do something? I don't see anything. You keep pointing and talking as if something is there. Is this like that little colt thing you were talking about? Being chaotic is one thing, being crazy is another. Do not think both are the same. I assure you, they aren't.
*Discord snaps his fingers. The empty field changes to a rocky waste land covered in pink and white squares. Screams can be heard over the roar of the great pit of the chaos wastes.*
There is method to my madness, not madness in my method. One does not simply learn of chaos, they must become chaos. A creature of harmony can never understand chaos, it is simply alien to them, beyond them. But I can fix that in you, heh heh heh. All it takes is one quick dip, heh heh heh hah hah HAH HAH HAH HAH HAH! Just one quick jump, BWAH HAH HAH HAH AH HAH!
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MewTora17 In reply to GatesMcCloud [2014-05-18 22:31:35 +0000 UTC]
*Wave hooves as change it's back with sighed*
Really? Ah forget tell ya, tis had a "Chaos Plane" which is Astral Plane but mostly chaos lived there. Sometime they're loved head there and crazy ways in there, trust me, so way crazy like madness! Also Ah forget tell ya too, tis had many different creatures. They're enjoy for who they are and loved something very stupid by way, Ah like ya met mah adopt brother, he's not normal pony as ya see... It's aΒ stallion who had fangs like mahself had, along with large bat wings, horns on his head, and he had a scorpion tail. Also, he had not four limps, but eight limps with claws on them and snake's tongue. His name is Creepy Anima, by way he want talk ya.
*Walked away as let's Creepy Anima taken over*
Creepy Anima; Hello! It's being honor meet you! I'm huge fan of your chaos since I was treat and hate by other ponies, but live with my new family, I love it! We lived on Digitrisland where whole of the species are welcome! The tale behind it that other ponies think that's really Chaos Island. CHAOS ISLAND! Bwa-ha-ha! Thankful, we enjoy used many different astral planes, which allow us wander freely! I better let Flare Tiger taken over.
*Creepy Anima trotted away as Mahself step in until sound of screamed in fear with Creepy Anima's laughter*
That's Creepy Anima, alright... He's loved show off his snake's tongue as flick at other, which got them freak out. So, here question for ya; What's ya think of mah families, tis are crossbreeds' types like discord breeds? What's ya think?
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GatesMcCloud In reply to MewTora17 [2014-05-19 00:56:50 +0000 UTC]
Again, what is with these hand motions. What were you expecting? Nothing has changed. Waitaminute, lets take a look in that old noggin of yours.
*Snaps fingers*
Β Oh, ooooooh I see. Hah! HAHAHAHA! A 'chaos plane'? HAH! Again you creatures of harmony try to understand the unknowable. And who is this young chap? Hmmmmmmmm, fangs? Oh no, those don't work.
*Snaps fingers, Creepy Anima's fangs disappear.*
Much better. Thouuuuugggghhhh
*Snaps fingers, Creepy Anima turns into a pink panda with a hat*
There we go. That'll work out nicely. Well, actually.
*Discord waves his hand over Creepy Anima's face. In its wake his face disappears. Slowly his image fades along with everything else.*
You can never know what chaos truely is, it is beyond you. It is a line you can not cross. All these things you think are chaos are simply a harmonious beings attempt to understand what they can not. Theres only one way to know. Myah hah hah hah hah!
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MewTora17 In reply to GatesMcCloud [2014-05-19 02:42:10 +0000 UTC]
*Sound of scream with bad languages*
Um... Bad idea... Ya' world had like he was, however, he did told me most ponies scared of him and Ah didn't care about his looked. Speak of which...
*Grinned with evil as shape-shifter into Draconequus; head like pony along with fangs, left arm's tiger paw, right arm's wolf's paw, left leg's golden dragon, right leg's black dragon,left horn's deer, right horn's minotaur, tail's snake but with furs cover, left wing's silver griffin and right wing's silver dragon *
However, what's ya think of mah form? Also is ya' name meant "a lack of harmony" or "a disagreement"?
Think mah no knowledge of Chaos, guess again, Ah manage across one of the world where Royal Sister faint to defect ya and most whole of the ponies' not normal, thank to him, he did teach me about chaos and Ah realized it, it's really opposite between of them; Chaos and Harmony. In mah Chaos Plane, Ah decided let's chaos wander freely and always chaos' doing.
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GatesMcCloud In reply to MewTora17 [2014-05-19 03:19:41 +0000 UTC]
Oh how cute, you can change your shape to look like a less fabulous version of myself. You may think that means something, but alas, I'm afraid its only skin deep. Did you find another version of me? Was it the one with princess Twilight in it? Or another silly one? I can guess what I was thinking in those worlds, you see its quite easy. I was most likely bored. He must of devised a game, inwhich to teach you something you could never really know. You're right that harmony is the opposite of chaos and vise versa, but you don't extend the scope of it. You are a creature of harmony, chaos magic can never truly work for you, because you aren't a creature of chaos. You can't understand the fundamentals of it. But of course I can, its why I am the Lord of all Chaos of course! I am its champion, its pretty face for this world of harmony. It always brings a smile to my face to see you silly little harmonious creatures try to understand chaos. There is only one way to know it.
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MewTora17 In reply to GatesMcCloud [2014-05-19 03:30:02 +0000 UTC]
Well, there blood rune... Ya know, it's true that's Ah'm harmonious creature as mah birth, but Ah was traveling to other where Ah met ya' version, and able learning of chaos but trouble with it. Not until Ah was killed by rouge wyven who attacked me from nowhere. Ah was close to death until version of ya' came in and save mah lived by used Blood Rune, which allow me become half-harmonious and half-chaos, that's how Ah saved by him. Ah was able met many different kind of version of ya' in different worlds. However, Ah across one of world where all race of Draconequss were harmonious and the ponies' chaos, weird?
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GatesMcCloud In reply to MewTora17 [2014-05-19 03:53:34 +0000 UTC]
MYAH HAH HAH HAH HAH! Half?! Half! HAH HAH HAH HAH! Oh he played a good one on you, hah hah ah hah hah! I can assure you, there is no going half with chaos. Its all or nothing. And theres only one way to become a creature of chaos.
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MewTora17 In reply to GatesMcCloud [2014-05-19 03:58:22 +0000 UTC]
Ah know, but he's explained that part of mah blood, turned out that's Ah can do in Alicorn's form, which allow me control over Harmony in fully, but in Draconequss like ya, it's allow me fully control chaos. By way want cotton candy with strawberry milk?
*Snap the claws as the blue cotton candy appeared with strawberry milk rain down until sound of foals squeal in merry*
Oh, better care that's one.
*Snap the claws as sound of rain came from other room and able heard gulp from foals*
There better not let's them bother us for while, so want one? Ah like had some of ya' pink cotton candy with chocolate milk, Please?
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GatesMcCloud In reply to MewTora17 [2014-05-19 15:35:42 +0000 UTC]
*Wink, wink*
I'm sure I explained it exactly as you described. Heh heh heh heh. Though, why are you intimating me? That doesn't work here.
*Snaps fingers, A glass of fine crystal appears.*
Here only true chaos magic flourishes. Only true beings of chaos can make use of it. Not pretenders. I must admit, I should of tried that game with Twilight. Of course, before all of this. Naaah. This turned out better. Now I have someone who can join me in my games.
*Takes a slip of fine glass.*
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MewTora17 In reply to GatesMcCloud [2014-05-19 15:47:56 +0000 UTC]
Speak of which, did ya had plan for Orion? Please please tell me, did ya dip him? Did ya change him? Please tell me oh Lord of... No, that's not right Oh this might do, Oh, King of the Chaos! Please tell me!
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GatesMcCloud In reply to MewTora17 [2014-05-20 18:26:35 +0000 UTC]
Lord of Chaos will do, there are no kings of it, its not a kingly thing to be a king of. Speaking ofΒ the star colt, I haven't seen him since the last time we met. And that was more than 2000 years ago. I don't know what he's doing now.
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MewTora17 In reply to GatesMcCloud [2014-05-20 21:56:50 +0000 UTC]
Well, Ah can tell ya what's happened to him, thank to Celestia, who banished him into the space as stars. Speak of which, did ya noticed that King is highest rank than Lord? Ah think ya fix to being King of the Chaos, since there other royals; Queen Nightmare Moon of the Darkness, King Sombra of the Crystal and his own wife, Queen Crystalestia of the Crystal. The Lord is like below level of Royal as Ah think ya might being King Discord of the Chaos. If ya didn't get it, asked Twilight, she's being lived in Canterlot for years and familiar with nobility or nobles. Just asked her, by way could ya tell her that's she's had hot flank as Ah would tried woo but Ah thought why not woo for ya.
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GatesMcCloud In reply to MewTora17 [2014-05-22 14:34:21 +0000 UTC]
My little misguided miscreant, in order to be king you need a kingdom. I don't have a kingdom, well I have in a bottle but that doesn't really count. And a king without a kingdom isn't really higher now is it? My being a lord isn't due to some form of monarchy, oh no, it isn't. So no, king is not a higher title than lord, not in the fashion that I use it in, heh heh heh. I distinctly remember that bothersome Nightmare Moon actually foregoing any titles. And if you think Sombra could love anything other than his own reflection, you'll be sadly mistaken. Nobility? Nobility!? HAH HAH HAH HAH! Shall we hold court and have fancy parties? HAH HAH HAH! This isn't a monarchy, nor a kingdom. I am Lord of all chaos, it is the only title I would ever need.
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MewTora17 In reply to GatesMcCloud [2014-05-22 17:15:52 +0000 UTC]
....Too late, ya' had it, Ah saw it, thank to ya' minions buildings for ya and ya' Chaos Mare Six... Ya' really King for that's one as other had one too... In order to have Kingdom, ya need throne for yaself and other's thrones, along with it, ya need castle for that's one too... Earlier, Twilight was planned to building the castle for rule over... Tell me what's ya think of her plans?
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GatesMcCloud In reply to MewTora17 [2014-05-22 17:27:38 +0000 UTC]
Too late for what? I'm afraid its more of your pony silliness again. You need none of those for a kingdom. Just some fancy crown or whatnot and someplace to rule from, nothing more. I don't have one, I don't need one. I have my title for a different reason. Of course you wouldn't understand with that horrendously harmonious mind of yours. Castle? You mean for my Chaos Capital? I'm well aware of it. A dazzling monument to chaos!
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MewTora17 In reply to GatesMcCloud [2014-05-22 18:16:34 +0000 UTC]
Don't need it, Just kingdom is prove it. Castle or Chaos Capital for all Ah don't care, Now there are Three different kingdoms of them. Or, should Ah said, Four Kingdoms, because of Hope of the Light right in middle of three huge kingdoms which is little kingdom. What's ya planned with this so-called little kingdom? Sometime Ah like drop by and sneak in with strike of the Chaos into the cups without notice. Ah would like see their face, priceless. Mah most favorite is Poison Joke plants and Ah would like summons inside of other's kingdoms without noticed. Hopeful the pranks of effects would doing it.
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GatesMcCloud In reply to MewTora17 [2014-05-22 18:37:52 +0000 UTC]
Proves what? Again with the kingdoms, there are no more. There was just the one before all this and now thats just a puppet of the Crystal Empire. Nightmare Moon has no kingdom, just her accursed shadowlands. And for those little upstarts, they have an Empire which is little, like them. Sigh, you speak of jokes and pranks, but this isn't the place for those. You wouldn't last here at all, oh no. Who am I kidding, you won't! Because I'm here and you so foolish chose to appear to me from your own little world.
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MewTora17 In reply to GatesMcCloud [2014-05-22 21:02:54 +0000 UTC]
Well, Nightmare Moon had her kingdom, try old rumble castle of Royal Sisters is where she's being hid and put all her darkness over the land where she's will own as shadowlands, which given other ponies' fear come true and there other allies lived in the shadowlands like shamans or more... As for Crystal Empire, it's may being puppets, ya forget add the slaves too, also, it's grew by used crystals everywhere. Ya' chaos spread out by used checkmate and transformed ponies into Chaos minions.
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GatesMcCloud In reply to MewTora17 [2014-05-24 01:58:54 +0000 UTC]
I wouldn't call what that accursed Nightmare has a kingdom. Not at all. Oh no, Sombra has no slaves, just puppets. Slaves don't willingly serve. You think I am the one that makes all you harmony creatures into chaos demons? Oh, oh oh ah ah hah hah HAH HAH! And, and you think my, my preference in landscape, HAHAHAHA, has anything to do with it? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!
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MewTora17 In reply to GatesMcCloud [2014-05-24 02:08:17 +0000 UTC]
Eenope, ya missed point, Sombra want slaves' doing in mines only, and other puppets is for wars and control whatever he want. Think mah harmony creatures into chaos, eenope, Ah'm happened enter ya world and awed at it. These harmony creatures isn't mine, it's ya' world's as ya' did turned them into chaos demons. And tried chaos lakes, Ah could tell when it's given it's off. Ah always awed at ya' landscape, it's really... 100% Awesome! Ah could sat and watched at them as enjoy to see how best they're could beat other's; Nightmare's minions, Sombra's puppets, and CMC's guards. Ah might faint for that and always like to see how good they're, by way, Applejack kept her bawls about want Apple Bloom to join with her, Rarity kept herself from icky as Ah could tell that's she want something from books, which involve about gemstones, also, Pinkamena didn't get the library from Hideout at the old Ponyville, well, what's it's new name? Ah'm curious.
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GatesMcCloud In reply to MewTora17 [2014-05-24 02:44:50 +0000 UTC]
Oh delightful, you think you know yet you know nothing. My little pony, you haven't a clue to as whats what. None at all. This isn't your little world. Sombra isn't interested slaves, just his crystal puppets. You should really pay attention to the details. As for chaos demons, again you have no clue, not a thought at all. And you'll never understand, not with all that harmony in you, nope, nada, not at all, no siree. And I would know, I have an I for it. I don't know what else you're rambling about, who's ahwhats, whattahuh, wha'cha wut?
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MewTora17 In reply to GatesMcCloud [2014-05-24 03:11:08 +0000 UTC]
*Snicker* Ya' forget, Ah could doing shape-shifter, which could taken form into Crystal Pony. Ah did sneak into Sombra's land and found out about it. Most puppets order me around as didn't knew that's was faker as Ah decided to play it out. Eeyup, it's not mah "little world", Ah happened to heard Sombra want mines to dug out as crafts in his please as didn't revealing that's he's own little slaves around, which hide in the mines. That's why ya didn't see them much. Ya may think Ah'm rambling, but ya would find me bit useful with informants about hidden of the lands. If Ah enter ya' land, Ah would happy to sever under ya, not want under of Chaos Mares, they're loudly than ya thought of. Ah prefer ya mostly since ya' bestest chaos around in ya' world.
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GatesMcCloud In reply to MewTora17 [2014-05-26 15:09:27 +0000 UTC]
No, I didn't forget you can pretend to be something else. You forget thats all that is, pretending. I know you didn't sneak anywhere near those crystal buffoons because you're still here, conversing about things that aren't crystal or Sombra. If you had tried to you would of been rooted out the moment you step foot on their crystal. Sombra owns them, mind, body, and soul. You can't fool him, just as you can't fool me. If you want to serve me then there is only one place for you to go. Then you'll belong to chaos, mind, body, and soul. Myah hah hah hah hah hah hah!
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