Published: 2014-06-13 01:36:18 +0000 UTC; Views: 22885; Favourites: 202; Downloads: 84
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Princess Luna. Nightmare Moon. The princess has struggled with this duality for as long as she can remember. Knowing that the darkness within yearns to be free. But on one fateful day, a far greater darkness descends upon them, devouring everything in its path. A day that the Princess of the Night and the Nightmare must face together, or succumb to the waking nightmare that seeks to consume all of Equestria.Uh oooohhhh, wuts gunna happin. I dunno. Wait, I did this one already. Crap, uummmmm, ummmmmmmm... A distraction!
The Shadow of Grief 6
The Shadow of Grief 8
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Comments: 85
fotland42 [2015-03-15 23:44:54 +0000 UTC]
That was the counterspell to your distraction. Now what are you going to do? Release the next page in the past? I suppose you could try it.
Come on, Moony. Say it.
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PriestReverendAlbert [2014-07-14 00:39:53 +0000 UTC]
Let me read that again.... "YOUR SOUL SOON YOU WILL BE MINE!"
"Loads up Plasma Cutter and throws damaged helmet on the ground like a boss"
You can't have me.
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nathanl9 [2014-06-21 22:34:50 +0000 UTC]
Dawn Heart: *appears in front of sombra* hi there me and my sister Dawn Light have been watching your progress in taking over equestria and have decided to stop you from corrupting Luna because of how much danger that would cause for the multiverse. *fires a beam of pure cosmic energy at sombra* this has enough destructive energy to level a mountain 10 times bigger than mount Everest. Also tell Discord I said I'm back and I'm really P'O'd at him for last time.
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GatesMcCloud In reply to nathanl9 [2014-06-21 22:54:36 +0000 UTC]
You are a fool to appear before me.
*Crystals absorb the energy*
Ha ha ha HAH HAH HAH! It is time to know the magnitude of your error. All that you care for, all that you love, is now mine.
*Sombra begins to glow an intense red, the magic flowing from his eyes begins to bubble faster. The crystals surrounding him begin to reverberate.*
There is only one thing you can do. Submit!
*Sombra fires a ginormous crystallizing beam*Β
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nathanl9 In reply to GatesMcCloud [2014-06-21 23:58:52 +0000 UTC]
Dawn Heart: what!?
Dawn Light: *teleports in front of me* duel alicorn spell! Reflection of the beginning! *a giant wave of energy appears and reflects the crystal beam and in the process turns it into something even more powerful*
Dawn Heart: well If you survive this with minimal injuries I hope your ego is taken down a couple of notches.
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GatesMcCloud In reply to nathanl9 [2014-06-22 01:52:00 +0000 UTC]
*Crystals form around Dawn Light and Dawn Heart, absorbing the magic.*
Do you need a reminder of your past failure? Bare witness to your mistake, watch as the light of my despair spreads!
*The beam travels over head, plunging into a gigantic portal, a tear in in the fabric of reality held apart by gigantic crystals that were behind the two ponies.*
Your coming here has led me to where you come from! Your friends are mine, your home is mine, your world is mine! The blinding light of my despair will spread across all you know! And with it my shadow will grow beyond all comprehension! HAH HAH HAH HAH HAH! And you two, you two will witness this. You will see all that you know become mine. And when I've taken everything from you, when all that you know is lost,Β then you will submit to my despair! MYAH HAH HAH HAH HAH!
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nathanl9 In reply to GatesMcCloud [2014-06-22 16:34:14 +0000 UTC]
Dawn Heart: sorry about this then *charges up an unknown power* universal creation! * a blast with enough energy to remake all reality and destroy all things flies toward you*
Dawn Light: *uses a magical energy that controls the balance between all things to freeze you in place to make sure that you are unable to do anything* there now he should be able to be hurt⦠also *closes the portal using the very magic the crystals have within them to tear them apart*
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GatesMcCloud In reply to nathanl9 [2014-06-22 18:04:34 +0000 UTC]
You have tried before, and have failed. You are merely repeating what you've already done.
*The crystals glow more red, the entire throne begins to reverberate. The energy released is quickly absorbed. King Sombra begins to grow.*
Your magic has failed before, yet you still try to use it. Using more power only accomplishes one thing, giving me more power.
*King Sombra walks forward towards the two ponies. He towers over them, colossal in size.*
You do not have the weapons that can defeat me. Your only means of resistance is the very reason why you have failed. You were mine the moment you so foolishly entered my domain, my very fortress.
*King Sombra stops infront of the portal.*
I meant what I said, you will watch as you lose everything. And only after will you submit to me.
*Above the throne, a dark shadow forms. Giant green and red eyes appear, followed by a long smile.*
Your world, and every other like it, will be illuminated by the light of my despair!
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nathanl9 In reply to GatesMcCloud [2014-06-22 19:08:15 +0000 UTC]
Dawn Heart: well buck⦠ah well I had really hoped it wouldn't come to this⦠*pulls out capsule holding a brightly glowing ball of stuff about 10 ft in diameter* this is called anti-matter it has more explosive power than anything ever created and since it reacts only when it comes into contact with normal matter, well lets just say the explosion will probably annihilate all things within this entire dimension. Thankfully I pulled all the civilians, corrupted ponies which I healed back through into our dimension. Also I have about ten hundred of these capsules so yeah you probably will have a huge headache and didn't you listen? YOU GOT FROZEN SOLID IN TIME DUE TO THE VERY MOLECULES WHICH YOUR MADE OUT OF BEING PARALYZED!!
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GatesMcCloud In reply to nathanl9 [2014-06-22 20:44:39 +0000 UTC]
Heh heh heh heh. If you do not have power here, what makes you think you have power anywhere in this realm? You so foolishly move about believing you have any command over that which you do not understand. Nopony is going anywhere. You have no home to go to. Everything in this realm is MINE!
*The throneroom shakes as the giant Sombra slams his cloven hoof down.*
All that you have brought to bare before me has only fueled my own power. Now it will aid me in conquering your realm.
*The giant Sombra enters the portal, disappearing. Only the shadow remains.*
That which you wield so callously is well known to me.
*The shadow takes the orb, along with all the others. They float infront of the throne, swirling arounding. They spin faster and faster together until they form a giant orb.*
I have consumed all that you have brought before me. I have made all that you would bare against me mine. All of your tricks, all of your spells, all of your power.
*The shadow devours the giant orb. The entire castle shakes violently. The shadow spreads, nearly covering the entire throneroom. All of the crystals in the throneroom begin to grow, their red glow intensifies.*
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monika41 In reply to GatesMcCloud [2015-01-14 19:52:22 +0000 UTC]
Β hi , my fellow subjects . oh , SOMBRA? UHMM.... I MEAN... *transforms to N.M.M.*
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nathanl9 In reply to GatesMcCloud [2014-06-23 02:36:08 +0000 UTC]
Dawn Heart: well thenβ¦. I promised Faust, Discord, Celestia, Luna, and all the other deities I wouldn't use this unless I had no other choiceβ¦.
I guess that time has finally arrivedβ¦.
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GatesMcCloud In reply to nathanl9 [2014-06-23 22:42:12 +0000 UTC]
*The entire castle shakes with Sombra's laughter.*
I have faced gods before. They were not enough! MYAH HAH HAH HAH HAH!
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nathanl9 In reply to GatesMcCloud [2014-06-24 00:45:43 +0000 UTC]
Dawn Heart: well they were not the keeper of the key of beginning and the endβ¦. I have no choice I just hope that all my friends and my mare friend can forgive me from where ever we will go when we dieβ¦ *a light starts emanating from in front of me* ACTiVATE DEATH AND DESTRUCTION OF ALL THINGS!!! *you start to feel a sense of dread in the bottom of your heart as you start to sense things start to disappear first the stars and galaxies then it moves on* this isn't a thing anypony or anybeing can stop as this destroys all things even other realities in all places the same sequence of events has happened except the beings in them don't know what has happened as I'm the only one able to use it. The reason for that is that I figured out the way to do this and in doing so gained my cutie mark which represents how I am the one who is supposed to keep the balance between things so I'm sorry no force can stop this as when I first learned about this, the original creator or everything came to me to explain what I'd found. so this is goodbye.
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GatesMcCloud In reply to nathanl9 [2014-06-24 02:59:44 +0000 UTC]
Fool, you have given me what I wanted.
*Giant crystals sprout up around Dawn Heart forming a perfect circle. Smaller ones begin to grow around the pony forming smaller concentric circles. The throneroom shakes, glowing a deep red. The giant crystals begin to glow more intense, they begin to pull the universal power of creation from the pony, growing bigger and bigger as they do. Soon every last bit of energy that Dawn Heart possessed swirls above in a cataclysmic vortex, his body nothing more than an empty shell. Within the vortex, the spirit of Dawn Heart see's what the shadow really is. A swirling mass of black and red, a twisted creature of hatred and anger, its shape constantly changing. Within it, a single red glow burns brightly, blinding Dawn Heart. As Dawn Heart turns away he see's hundreds and hundreds of lights filling the entire throneroom. Some are ponies, others creatures unrecognizable. Within the giant crystals that surround him he see's enormous creatures trapped within.*
Look upon the terrible power that you face. Gaze upon all the others that made the same mistake as you. Underestimating me. Look upon all the so called gods that thought I was nothing to them. Now I am something to them. Their master. And just like them, you have brought the energy I need for my conquest of all reality. The magic I require to fuel my troops. The power that I hunger for. Now, like them, you are mine! You, who would so callously destroy, will now help claim all of reality in MY NAME! Why is it that I seek to protect creation, while its heroes would so quickly destroy it? Heh heh heh ha hah hah ha HAH HAH HAH HAH HAH!
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nathanl9 In reply to GatesMcCloud [2014-06-24 04:41:16 +0000 UTC]
Dawn Heart: *barely standing* It is not you who wishes to protect creation if you use that power for evilβ¦. however I have one final *cough* card that *hacks up divine blood* I can play *my horn shines brightly before the light fires off into the empty cosmos like a signal for something to come*
*an unknown being appears in a flash of dark and yet shining light*
?????: who has summoned me from my slumber in the depths of time, space, and reality?! Wait Dawn whats happened to you my son?
Dawn Heart: Sombra has taken it he holds the power of creation that you gave to me so long agoβ¦ I believe Iβ¦ I'm dyingβ¦
?????: WHAT?! SOMBRA YOU HAVE INCURED THE WRATH OF ALL CREATION IN YOUR FOLLY FOR THIS YOU MUST BE PUNISHED *millions of portals open up and out spills all the armies of every reality be they good or evil they have united against a common threat* PREPARE TO FACE THE ONE BEING THAT NOT EVEN YOU ARE ABLE TO SURPASS AND NEVER WILL BE ABLE TO DEFEAT!!! *a signal is heard across the galaxy and all the armies charge you as one mighty force neither good nor evil but stronger than any being could ever be due to them wanting to protect the ones they care about and then as the tide flows toward you you hear another even more chilling noise turning around you see the armies of the dead also charging you and the armies of the future and past also charging you from all sides you see what seems to be a ever expanding tide of beings both gods, demons, aliens, humans, and more all armed to the teeth charging at you and in that moment you realize that you are now looking at your last day alive due to your follies*
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GatesMcCloud In reply to nathanl9 [2014-06-25 14:54:53 +0000 UTC]
Fool, first you bring me power to add to my own. Now you bring me more? HAH HAH HAH HAH!
*Across King Sombra's domain, giant crystal obelisks rise where ever a portal forms. They hum, glowing red, and soon the portals do the same. Thuds can be heard across the kingdom.*
You were allowed to enter my domain. Now your comrades will do the same, only after I allow them in. Only after they submit!
*Solid red spires rise infront of the portals. They begin to glow, firing crystallizing beams into the portals. Cries can be heard, then utter silence.
You came here to stop my light from spreading, but you've only helped my despair grow! Now it will cover more worlds than ever before. With each passing moment more and more fall, and with them my power grows. Reality... IS MINE!
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nathanl9 In reply to GatesMcCloud [2014-06-25 21:43:55 +0000 UTC]
Dawn Heart: well then might as well do this *combines my power with all the other beings* now then thats betterβ¦. hm first of all i'll do this *forms the gates of tatarus over each portal* now that thats done Different dimension transportation! *cuts a hole into my dimension and goes there and the hole closes* now what to do about the portals in all those universesβ¦.. ah I know *calls The Doctor* hey Doctor I need a little assistance closing or at least sealing some portals to a realm that has been completely corrupted.
The Doctor: hmmβ¦. ah okay
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GatesMcCloud In reply to nathanl9 [2014-06-26 00:48:47 +0000 UTC]
*The doctor is engulfed in red light. A gigantic crystal stands in his place. A colossal Sombra stares down at Dawn Heart. Crystal spires dot the landscape around enormous unicorn.*
Did you honestly forget about me? There is no escaping from me, you are mine, just like this world!
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nathanl9 In reply to GatesMcCloud [2014-06-26 01:01:45 +0000 UTC]
Dawn Heart: well just ta let ya know know that your in my world/ dimension you hold less power than in your own so now since it appears you can just do whatever the buck you want⦠perhaps we can come to some sort of agreement and or maybe a truce⦠also I do have some questions for you although with you at your current size, I can't really have a good conversation with you now can I?
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GatesMcCloud In reply to nathanl9 [2014-06-28 15:01:08 +0000 UTC]
For a being that once harbored universal power, you are quite oblivious to what transpired as you were humbling yourself before me. You've led me to this world. The moment I set hoof on it its fate was sealed. I meant what I said. You will lose everything before you submit to me. With each passing moment more and more of this world falls to me, submits to me. Just like him.
*The crystal that engulfed Time Turner shatters. Within it a being stirs to life. Time Turner steps out, seemingly made of crystal.*
Β So, by all means, talk. With each breath you take, more and more become like him.
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nathanl9 In reply to GatesMcCloud [2014-06-28 18:57:03 +0000 UTC]
Dawn Heart: well then before that happens I just want to knowβ¦. why why do all this what's the purpose to conquer all of every reality and turn all beings into things like yourself? I mean It's quiet pointless, eventually you'll get bored and when that happens, what then what will you do? Will you then destroy all things, will you return everything to normal? Or will you just do nothing and get more and more restless until you just fade away into the mists of time for not even myself at my most powerful or yourself at your most powerful can ever hope to escape that one universal nay eternal truth that is all things have a time that they will walk through the gates of death and even if you don't, you'll have to deal with the eternal curse that is watching everything you ever cared about pass away before your eyes and a breath will become a decade an hour will become a millennia, and even as the very stars blink out you'll just be there watching as it becomes black this could be the curse my power has given to you if you've absorbed it allβ¦. and so as I've had that power taken from me I'll thank you because you've given me the greatest gift any being could give me and that is the gift of death and final rest and a final return to my mother and father.. *I slowly close my eyes as my heart beats it's final time* thank you*smiling sadly as I lay down to rest* *then I disappear in a flash of light and I disappear from this realm and go to the place where the living and all immortals can never go unless they have that power taken or they die*
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GatesMcCloud In reply to nathanl9 [2014-07-01 17:21:56 +0000 UTC]
Fool, you talk as if there are limits. You talk as if there is finality. There isn't. The more I take, the more my power grows. The greater the light of my despair shines, the further my shadow is cast. I was once limited to a kingdom. Then a continent. Then a world. Now it is worlds. I was limited to enslaving mere ponies. Now I bend gods to my will. You do not have the eyes to see, but there still is more. More to take, more to make mine. There is power greater than you know, and I will have it. There are realms of existence that are beyond you, and I will make them mine. I will ascend higher and higher till all of this is mere specks in the grand scheme of existence. Take refuge where you think yourself safe. It merely prolongs the inevitable. I am coming.Β
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nathanl9 In reply to GatesMcCloud [2014-07-02 04:15:44 +0000 UTC]
Another being: why do you believe that you will exist for all time here let me show you the future and what will happen at the end of time *you receive a vision of all matter getting torn apart and all things disappear into darkness which devours all things and then even the darkness itself dies* this is called the big rip. Unlike what science calls the big bang, this basically will destroy every thing so what then.
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GatesMcCloud In reply to nathanl9 [2014-07-02 04:37:59 +0000 UTC]
You fail to understand, just as all that have tried to stop me have failed. You cling to what you perceive as existence as the totality of it. It is not. Far from it. You claim to have vision of what is to come, yet you lack the vision to see what is beyond you. This realm is not the only one of its kind. Nor is it the only one to die. Realms die with each passing moment. With their death a new realm is born and the cycle repeats itself. I know this. I've known this. I can feel the power escaping in their death throes, and with their explosive births. And yet I can feel more even beyond that. My awareness grows with every being I take, with each world I make mine. You concern yourself with trivial matters. What you fear shall not come to pass for untold eons. And by that time even the universal collapse nor the big bang of this realm will affect me. I will have ascended to higher planes of existence.
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lyrathelidragon [2014-06-17 19:52:48 +0000 UTC]
"some times when your stuck on the moutain, you try to go up. you try to go down. and it seems we`re all lost on the moon."
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julian0123 [2014-06-14 02:32:41 +0000 UTC]
So, Nightmare Moon can resist and overcome Sombra's crystal power...
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Dragon101k [2014-06-13 19:06:02 +0000 UTC]
Buck Crystal Infections, it's AntiHero time!
I found a music that fits that scene and some pages forward propably.Β www.youtube.com/watch?v=A8WlHcβ¦
Watcha think, sir Mr. McCloud Boss?
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GatesMcCloud In reply to Dragon101k [2014-06-14 14:07:28 +0000 UTC]
Thats too soft, and lacks the epicness for what is to come.
Two Steps From Hell - Decimator is the greatest song to match in theme tone for her. Well, there's another but it doesn't fit the mood that is currently building.
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Dragon101k In reply to GatesMcCloud [2014-06-14 18:56:05 +0000 UTC]
Yep, but it isn't as fitting for me. I think it's a bit too fast, but you're right.
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zerotanker [2014-06-13 16:58:21 +0000 UTC]
*reading sombra entry*you know what....just stick to shouting submit over and over...suits you much better
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mitchelboy [2014-06-13 15:32:21 +0000 UTC]
if they turn against king sombra then they will be destroyed.
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GatesMcCloud In reply to RechaDis [2014-06-13 14:28:23 +0000 UTC]
I don't use fan stuff.
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RechaDis In reply to GatesMcCloud [2014-06-13 14:36:32 +0000 UTC]
but she looks like her
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GatesMcCloud In reply to RechaDis [2014-06-13 14:46:22 +0000 UTC]
Which in turn looks like Nightmare Moon....
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Cromegas-Flare In reply to GatesMcCloud [2014-06-13 14:56:47 +0000 UTC]
I think Nightmare Moon will fit this better, Nyx... she just does not fit the role in this story.Β Β Thanks McCloud for keeping or Nightmare Moon.
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GatesMcCloud In reply to Cromegas-Flare [2014-06-13 15:21:15 +0000 UTC]
Thanks, like I said before, I don't use fan stuff. Anything not in the show I make up.
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lyanawolf [2014-06-13 10:38:57 +0000 UTC]
dont be afraid of your darkside luna be the ying and yang and togheter you'll be strong to survive :3
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BaKaiju [2014-06-13 06:56:39 +0000 UTC]
it's funny how Sombra yelles SUBMIT!
Makes me think of the dalek with 'EXPLAIIIN'
Or Cybermen with 'DELETE'
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