Frozen-lullaby β€” Skyrim meme -- Orion

Published: 2012-08-15 07:25:25 +0000 UTC; Views: 48295; Favourites: 367; Downloads: 5485
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OMG, I've done this meme before with my other Dovahkiin, but it was so fun the first time, I did it again with my new one!

Off to play more Skyriiiiiim~!

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Comments: 72

Frozen-lullaby In reply to ??? [2018-01-19 02:47:12 +0000 UTC]

My favorite marriage candidate in Skyrim is Quintus Navale! <3

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LordJAM7 In reply to Frozen-lullaby [2018-01-21 06:43:08 +0000 UTC]

I haven't meet him yet!

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amkraemer [2017-12-16 01:21:39 +0000 UTC]

I think this post made us best friends lol

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Frozen-lullaby In reply to amkraemer [2017-12-24 00:42:12 +0000 UTC]

Ha! Sweet! I can always use more best friends!

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nightmarexx009 [2016-11-13 20:43:01 +0000 UTC]

"Lass" Β  i forgot a mod Β that let me marry him ,i let out an inhuman screech when i saw the "interested in me are you?"

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WraythSkitzifrenik [2016-01-17 17:58:45 +0000 UTC]

This was so fun to read! I need to brush up on my drawing an do my own!

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Frozen-lullaby In reply to WraythSkitzifrenik [2016-01-17 18:39:44 +0000 UTC]

Ah, thank you! I had a ton of fun drawing it!

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dragonslayerman6 [2015-09-14 15:50:15 +0000 UTC]

This is why kids you never eat random mushrooms.

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WereWolf39 [2015-02-02 20:35:26 +0000 UTC]

Bosmer? didcha know "bos" means Forrest in dutch?

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Frozen-lullaby In reply to WereWolf39 [2015-02-03 18:17:26 +0000 UTC]

Wow, really? Very interesting! Nice bit of trivia I will file away for future use. <3

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WereWolf39 In reply to Frozen-lullaby [2015-02-03 23:03:21 +0000 UTC]

ja man! im dutch meself and thought it was funny the 1th time I saw it and I belive "Mer" means ocean in german,not sure,my german sucks anyway
'welcome! I love trivia too!

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Darkside-Cookie [2014-09-13 18:48:31 +0000 UTC]

OMg she exactly looks like my Character
Cool meme!Β 

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Persona22 [2014-09-02 17:57:50 +0000 UTC]

Wow, that Dovahkiin is mischievous, but compared to my Dovahkiin, she's nice.

MyΒ Dovahkiin is so evil... I mean, I'm not evil in real life, but I play video games as a means of escaping stuff, not be more of what I already am. So My Dovahkiin is a one eyed Dunmer woman with several scars on her face, and she's evil as in:
I have completed all the Daedric quests, successfully, and have all their items. I joined both the Dark Brotherhood and the Thieves Guild so that I'm boss of all the underground criminal activities and spying in Skyrim.
The main reason I killed Alduin and other dragons and dragon priests is because my Dovahkiin wants to be Head Honcho in the whole Dominating Everyone department. As soon as the Greybeards help me perfect my powers, I'm totally going to kill Parthunax and then no dragon will oppose me either. I've already helped the Empire win the war, by killing Ulfric, AND murdered the emperor, and also killed the guy that hired me to kill the emperor... I imagine that Cyrodill must be in political turmoil right now. Perfect time for conquest. First the Empire, then the Thalmor (which I kill for sport as soon as I see one. And I have raided the Thalmor embassy so many times that it's gotten repetitive.)
She wears Daedric armor just to emphazise how evil I am. And has a full arsenal of Daedric weapons obtained from quests.

Soon me and my loyal Blades (with loyal Orc warriors, which consider me awesome because their Daedric lord gave me this sweet sweet hammer, and Dunmer spellcasters which I recruited, and that ALSO worshipped a Daedric Prince, and allowed me to get an item too) will rule and the world shall me mine, FOREVER! MUAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Long Live The Dovahkiin Saria, slayer of all that opposes her. (I mean, I know that is impossible to do that in the game, but that's what my character is "aiming" for)

But really, I'm a nice person in real life. I swear!

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IceCreamy2 [2014-07-07 14:35:26 +0000 UTC]

OMG i was dying when i read this
plus i am married to janessa
i love janessa

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plangkye [2014-06-18 16:00:56 +0000 UTC]

Your meme is awesome, I love everything about it

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Frozen-lullaby In reply to plangkye [2014-06-18 18:24:16 +0000 UTC]

Oh wow! Thank you so much! <3

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crazyforchocobos [2014-04-08 05:02:12 +0000 UTC]

I found this Skyrim video on youtube, is this Orion? in the video?Β www.youtube.com/watch?v=MLcoT5…

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Frozen-lullaby In reply to crazyforchocobos [2014-04-08 05:37:21 +0000 UTC]

No, that's not Orion, but it sure does look a lot like her! : D

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crazyforchocobos In reply to Frozen-lullaby [2014-04-08 05:50:06 +0000 UTC]

She sure does.

Skuld: Chocobo, you see one tiny similarity between two characters and you assume they're related!
Me: Skuld...

((Skuld's my Dovahkiin))

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the-exiled-muse [2014-03-13 10:50:14 +0000 UTC]

Good thing those guard helmets cover their expressions, because I would not be at all surprised if those two in the third panel were enjoying the view.

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Evil-is-Relative [2014-01-29 08:45:17 +0000 UTC]

The "Hot Twins" part was hilarious.Β 

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Geminice [2014-01-02 09:03:38 +0000 UTC]

Orion sounds so frickin epic to play as. Good job and what a fun meme to read.

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KingdomHeartsFan6 [2013-11-06 03:14:19 +0000 UTC]

You made me laugh so much! I'm not even joking this is my all time favorite Skyrim Meme! I love your style, it's so fun and lively. And you really showed just how great it is because now I want to play it again!!! XD

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Frozen-lullaby In reply to KingdomHeartsFan6 [2013-11-06 07:13:48 +0000 UTC]

Oh, wowzers! Thank you so much! <333

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acritarchman [2013-10-26 14:34:52 +0000 UTC]

Hehehe, totally love it!!

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LizbethLizard [2013-10-22 21:08:01 +0000 UTC]

I love the memes with your characters! They're really entertaining and your characters are awesome <3

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Frozen-lullaby In reply to LizbethLizard [2013-10-23 03:26:30 +0000 UTC]

Oh golly! Thank you! <3

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CubanCracker62 [2013-10-22 19:21:57 +0000 UTC]

I used to be a wood elf before my bro took his xbox to college. now i'm tring out dark elf

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JeffyTheKiller98 [2013-10-15 18:17:55 +0000 UTC]

I joined ulfric because the damn imprelrels .-.

the fuckers tried to take of my head!

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Shadowsaur1 [2013-09-23 03:22:14 +0000 UTC]

Hate Ulfric? well FUS RO DAH! > You hate Talos, you hate nords, and you hate Skyrim.

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Frozen-lullaby In reply to Shadowsaur1 [2013-09-23 06:18:47 +0000 UTC]

I don't hate Talos or the Nords. Just Ulfric.

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Shadowsaur1 In reply to Frozen-lullaby [2013-09-23 19:47:31 +0000 UTC]

But he did for people of Skyrim :c because of stupid imperial legion, Empire, and Thalmors try to rule over Skyrim with no Talos Worshippers and treat Skyrim like a trash. D;

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Frozen-lullaby In reply to Shadowsaur1 [2013-09-23 23:26:58 +0000 UTC]

Ulfric is a racist jerk. Plain and simple. He does what is best for Ulfric, while putting on a charade, saying it's for Skyrim and her people. But, I also hate the Thalmor. They are also big fat jerks making people do what they say is right, and forcing people to give up their god Talos. If Ulfric wasn't a stubborn jerk, he and Tullius could team up and smash the Thalmor.

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Shadowsaur1 In reply to Frozen-lullaby [2013-09-25 01:42:55 +0000 UTC]

True he being racist to dark elves...and I not think they could team up to smash the Thalmor...because Ulfric and nords hate the Empire that agree to ban Talos Worshipers with Thalmors....so Tullius and his Legions still stay loyal to the Empire and the law...Empire is cowardly! How could he ban Talos worshipers? :I

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Chameleon-Veil [2013-09-01 07:35:46 +0000 UTC]

Oh hey! You made another one? I read your first one.... wow, kudos on making two of these.

I'm hoping to start work on my first pretty soon. TwT Damn late in coming, but better late than never...

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Frozen-lullaby In reply to Chameleon-Veil [2013-09-01 23:31:09 +0000 UTC]

Ha ha, I actually have three now. Oh, goodness. I just love making characters and filling in memes.

Better late than never, indeed! I love reading about other people's dovahkiin as much as I love making them.

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Chameleon-Veil In reply to Frozen-lullaby [2013-09-02 05:56:38 +0000 UTC]

Cool! I hope you like mine when (...or if...) it eventually goes up. =w=Β 

I had a lot of fun characterizing my own character and roleplaying within the bounds of the universe as well.Β 

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StalinGrad6 [2013-07-24 15:30:38 +0000 UTC]


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Frozen-lullaby In reply to StalinGrad6 [2013-07-25 04:38:30 +0000 UTC]

'Cuz they're scary! Mechanic spiders and spheres and guardian majiggers popping outta the walls!! And the ruins are usually swarming with Falmer!!

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StalinGrad6 In reply to Frozen-lullaby [2013-07-25 08:42:33 +0000 UTC]

okay i give you Falmer, they really piss me off.

i LOOOVE dwemer ruins! all; that loot in one place. Centurions are my favorite too, i LOVE Dynamo Cores, ive got about 70 of them. i put them as EPIC decoration, so worth it the Spiders good for soul gems, the Dawnguard addon gives the Spheres meaning (excellent source of crossbow bolts if you sided with vampires) and the Falmer... weeel since they so fugly it makes smashing them to a gooey pulp that much more satisfying

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Frozen-lullaby In reply to StalinGrad6 [2013-07-26 02:53:11 +0000 UTC]

I will admit, the dwemer ruins are super cool and visually pleasing. And the loot is great. But, they still piss me off. BUT, I love, love, love the dwemer booby traps. It's so fun to watch enemies get hacked to death or explode in a fire bomb.

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Neamid [2013-06-29 13:21:28 +0000 UTC]

I love skyrim :> And yeah Falmer are terrible, theirs hundreds of them, they do tons of damage and their creepy...I used to kill them by sneaking and assassinating them with the orc war hammer, even though I would usually use small daggers XD

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Osthareane [2013-03-24 19:16:56 +0000 UTC]

Fantastic meme, dearie

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Frozen-lullaby In reply to Osthareane [2013-03-24 22:05:42 +0000 UTC]

Thank you! <3

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bigton [2013-01-20 06:14:17 +0000 UTC]

Sera ... what exactly does that mean? I'm so confused! Oh epic character btw! This is one of the meme contributions that had me giggling the way through lol

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Frozen-lullaby In reply to bigton [2013-01-20 20:36:26 +0000 UTC]

I'm not too sure what sera means. I noticed Janessa calling my dovahkiin "my sera" several times. (Unless of course I misunderstood her. Ha ha!)I'm assuming it's a term of respect or like saying "my friend."
Thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed it! 8D

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Dewani90 In reply to Frozen-lullaby [2013-02-11 06:24:23 +0000 UTC]

I'm pretty sure it is Muthsera(thank you subtitles), when you do the "a brush with death" quest in oblivon, Rythe and his wife call your Char Muthsera if it is a girl or Serjo if it is a boy, I'm sure it means "my friend" on Ashborn, the guy from Aleswell call you that too after you make him visible, and I'm sure any dark elf with an high approval of your char will end saying that :3, even in Skyrim ( I know because i upgraded my perks on speech first, then on bartering to get the best price for all the junk i find on dungeons), and i soo wanna make this meme now

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Frozen-lullaby In reply to Dewani90 [2013-02-11 06:31:19 +0000 UTC]

Oh! Thank you! That makes more sense than "My Sera." Ha ha! I'm gonna have to keep my subtitles on from now on.

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WhirlwindVio [2012-12-17 12:36:15 +0000 UTC]

This is the first time I found someone also shooting at the bride from some distant! AND you also added 'A bit of Improvising' to your favourite Quests. YEY, sister! To say it in Jenassa's words: We are one of a kind... XDDD

And now, answer the question everyone is so fond of: Does your other Dovahkiin compensate something?
The mushroom-beginning was really funny to read! That's one way to get into all this...
I like Orion's design. She looks so sassy. XD Suits her character, I think? !
You even thought of adding 'Funny glitches' to your like-list. I somehow wonder if Skyrim would as much fun as it s without these WTF-Moments (however, there are some glitches that are really annoying and saddening, too...)

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Neutral-Death [2012-10-09 21:31:36 +0000 UTC]

Is your Bosmer always on acid?

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