Published: 2012-07-11 13:15:11 +0000 UTC; Views: 17669; Favourites: 80; Downloads: 1527
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oh my god this took forever to finishMeme on Xethian, which I have been doing on and off since I got the game... hence the epic lack in consistency... click download for full size :3
1. My lvl81 not-Dragonborn OC Xethian, 55yr old Bosmer, initially a reckless charge-straight-in dual blades type, friendless bitch, and available for hire to mages researching Dwemer, so they don't run into any traps or get their squishy mage selves killed. By the end of Skyrim, she's a Nightingale, ally of the Dovahkiin, hopelessly in love with Brynjolf, and prefers to sneak and snipe from afar.
2. Going after the Altmer who took everything from her and left her for dead, she wound up trying to cross the Skyrim / Cyrodiil border, and was captured during the ambush on the Stormcloaks and packed off to Helgen.
3. Pfft that's supposed to be Brynjolf and Vex. I swear, he keeps telling me he's busy but he does fuck all. BRYNJOLF Y U NO LOVE ME? So yeah, Xeth's major skills (even though technically they're all 100 anyway) are Archery, One Handed, Sneak, Alchemy, all those rogue-ish sort of things. And I feel it's worth mentioning her health and fatigue are through the fucking roof. In-game she just sprints straight off mountains not giving a single fuck.
4. Yes, I fucking hate Delphine. On another save file (not Xeth's) she annoyed me so much with her whole "you'll come crawling back" attitude that I REFUSE to go back, and will never complete the main quest on that save due to her being a cunt. Seriously. I really hate Delphine, small minded bitch. Oh, and I could not get the hang of Bryn's face so yeah I got lazy.
5. Xethian loves Brynjolf, but Brynjolf doesn't love Xethian. Hence towards the end of Skyrim she's less a callous bitch, more a depressed creeper (seriously like watching him sleep occasionally and everything). LOL.
6. asdfgjkjSGDFA BLINDSIGHTED yesyesyes best quest. By FAR. I know everyone else loves 'A Night To Remember' but guys, come ON, this quest was epic on a whole 'nother fucking level. (spoilers!) Three Nightingales sneaking through Dwemer ruins to track down Mercer after all he'd done, getting the eyes of the Falmer, and freaking out when the place collapses and you're about to drown? FUCKING AWESOME. Hands down best quest, all other quests go home.
7. Nightingales all the way for me (thieves guild, too, more or less part of the same thing). DB sucked (apart from Cicero), mostly cause it felt too similar to in Oblivion. Winterhold was over WAY too freakin' fast, too. Same with the Companions. Hence I will refer you to q10.
8. Why yes I think I captured the freakish Oblivion faces perfectly here. I mean, what is wrong with them!? My Wood Elf (I can't remember exactly what she looked like) was so pale she'd constantly glow, too. (I can't say much though, being pale myself I DO actually glow somewhat under bright lights).
9. Yep, I loved the scenery. It's on my bucket list to go and see the Northern Lights, so I was just constantly happy running around Skyrim at night seeing as it's so pretty. Also, the Rift. Freaking gorgeous. Archery was my little surprise this time around, since in Oblivion I had a marksman skill of 4. YES FOUR. One less than you start with (i got arrested) but still, I never used a bow. It's my favourite weapon in Skyrim however. And yeah, brawling. I loved that you could just fight with random people, and canonically it's something Xethian does a lot to begin with, having 0 concern for her own wellbeing, plus having a high pain tolerance.
10. Yes, SUDDENLY KING OF EVERYTHING. Because all the main quests were over too soon and it just felt like I'd coasted into leadership with no effort or anything. Like how after about 2 missions you're suddenly in the Circle of the Companions and a werewolf, even though Ria and Athis and whomever else have been there a while before you and probably done way more quests but somehow you're just omgsoamazingMUSTPROMOTEASAP. Ugh. That's why I liked the Thieves Guild, mostly. Out of all the faction quests it took a little longer, even if it was still pretty quick.
So yeah. There we go. That's about everything for this meme
Original: [link]
Xethian (c) Me
Skyrim things (c) Bethesda
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Comments: 28
Zethian In reply to FireFlyEleven [2014-08-03 02:52:03 +0000 UTC]
No, sorry Maybe in the future though
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Hazard89 [2014-05-01 18:26:47 +0000 UTC]
Cool meme, only thing I kinda get put off by is Brynjolf killing Delphine. "This isn't the Dark Brotherhood, we do things differently here". Other than that it's awesome!
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Zethian In reply to Hazard89 [2014-05-02 11:13:19 +0000 UTC]
Thanks Yeah, I don't think he would canonically, but the all powerful question made me do it
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Zethian [2014-04-03 23:16:27 +0000 UTC]
Reply to: TheFutureThePast (since they commented ON MY ART and then blocked me instantly fuckin' lol).
Haha wow sorry you're so offended that I didn't like one blatantly irritating character in a video game. You know why I enjoy video games? Because they're fun to play. I don't like it when NPCs interfere and fuck with my play style and get in the way. And if you hadn't noticed, Skyrim is an RPG. You role play your characters. So playing as a stone-hearted lone-wolf Bosmer, she was even more irritating. On the save file in question (pointed out because again, I ROLE PLAY my characters) I was playing Errol, which if you don't frequent my gallery, is an egotistical, noble-born pyromaniac.
I don't dislike characters because they're bad people. Mercer fucked me over, but he was still enjoyable as a villain. Ulfric is irritating as fuck but he didn't send me on annoying escort missions where loud-mouthed idiots get in the way of every arrow (of my, btw, racist Bosmer). Elenwen is supercilious but she was still interesting. I LIKE characters who are realistic. And I can dislike them for whatever reason I want. And when they give you the option to only play as one RP style or they mess with your gameplay/combat style or THEY'RE JUST REALLY ANNOYING, I am allowed to dislike them.
My favourite and least favourite characters change depending on whose meme you're reading. For the aforementioned pyromancer, the favourite would be either Onmund or J'zargo.
But hey, the great thing about my personal opinion is that it's mine (what an awesome concept) and that however "typical" it is to dislike characters (typical? Whoa, people agree? Not cool to dislike the thing everyone dislikes! Oh NOES!), doesn't mean I won't still just naturally dislike them. She annoyed me on about 80% of my playthroughs. But hey, didn't think I'd have to justify my own opinions to everyone who came by and didn't dislike her just as much as I do. Because y'know, people have different opinions. Shock.
(PS: I was very tempted to put this whole reply in even smaller text. You know there's a zoom function, right?)
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TheFutureThePast [2014-04-02 23:25:32 +0000 UTC]
Oh great... tiny little print. YourΒ called reason for hating Delphine is a typical one... it's just childish ranting with no real reason given. Yeah, she'sΒ single minded...Β and yetΒ theΒ Graybeards would rather let the world end, Rolff Stone-Fist often makes racist remarks about the Dunmer or Argonians, even to people who are not of the Argonian or Dunmer race, andΒ Bolund is racist to anyone who isn't a Nord...
It seems like you don't like anyone who wasn't perfect. I may not like those characters that I listed, bit I would still have them in the game, these characters act like people you've met or seen. In other words, they act like real people who are not perfect.
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BeautyFrenzy [2012-12-25 02:56:03 +0000 UTC]
I loved blindsighted too, night to remember was great but didn't compare. Blindsighted was one of my favorite quests along with Elder Knowledge and a few others.
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CSphire [2012-11-30 05:02:50 +0000 UTC]
I dunno how perhaps I'm tired but when I stare at your little scenery part... it moves!
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E-tacha [2012-11-22 03:45:35 +0000 UTC]
I want to know, do you still wear the Nightingale armor? It can't really protect you against Ancient Dragons. You would get killed in two fire breath attacks.
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Zethian In reply to E-tacha [2012-11-23 02:19:13 +0000 UTC]
I still wear Nightingale Armour, yes. Sometimes just generic Thieves Guild armour, or Guild Master armour. I'm level 81 on this character, so I tend to use what armour looks best rather than what gives protection, because I'm a bit overpowered and don't really need it any more. I've never had a problem with coming close to dying before because of this. (If it ever did happen, I have a large stock of potions just in case).
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E-tacha In reply to Zethian [2012-11-23 03:27:45 +0000 UTC]
I understand. But specifically how do you fare against ancient dragons? Their fire breath attack deals a shit ton of damage.
Then again, being lvl 81 you probably have a very high health stat. And one more question... how did you level up that far? After the main abilities are mastered, there isn't much more to be done.
Oghma Infinium glitch?
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Zethian In reply to E-tacha [2012-11-23 17:48:24 +0000 UTC]
No, I don't use glitches. I'm also on the PS3 so I can't use console commands to cheat. By sneaking and shooting, your sneak skill increases very quickly with each sneak attack. I also find skills like Alchemy and smithing very easy to increase. The only skills I actually had to work on were the magic ones, but being a thief and a fairly high level already, I used a couple skill trainers every now and again for magic, since on that character it wasn't something I really used often. I've known a lot of people to get their characters (sometimes more than one) to the max level. it takes time, but if you're enjoying the game anyway, it's not a chore.
I don't generally make a note of how I fare against specific enemies. Ancient Dragons appear around level 40/50 I think? So I'm fairly used to all the level-dependant enemies. Being an archer, if I see a dragon before it sees me, I tend to get in the first hit, which usually has added sneak bonus. All of my weapons (I use ebony swords, and an ebony bow) are all enchanted to add damage. I don't usually end up with low health in battle, and having 100 Alchemy plus perks means I carry a lot of strony potions should I ever need to use them.
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E-tacha In reply to Zethian [2012-11-23 19:15:00 +0000 UTC]
Maybe it is best to have only one character (or two at most) so you can give it more dedication.
With five characters as I have, you don't feel motivated to go beyond level 40~50 with each of them.
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Zethian In reply to E-tacha [2012-11-23 19:35:56 +0000 UTC]
I have 4 main characters I play, though aside from my Bosmer the highest is around level 35, with the other two still in their 20s. I've just spent an awful lot of time playing the game
I doubt I'll get any other characters past level 40 though.
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E-tacha [2012-11-22 03:42:39 +0000 UTC]
The Thieves Guild is the only faction where you actually have to work in order to become the leader, doing several jobs for Delvin and Vex in order to restore the guild to its former glory.
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WhirlwindVio [2012-11-12 01:49:07 +0000 UTC]
Great Meme!
The picture with Xethian being unwillingly stealthy is really funny. A hilarious way to show what she's good at. I really like the dark colours at 'Troubled Beginning'. That picture with Brynjolf about whom she's in love with is really intense, thus fitting.
And... it's an interesting thing to rate a game lower because it's not real. XD
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Twilightsmist [2012-08-26 00:06:57 +0000 UTC]
If I went to Skyrim, I'd be dead in 5 minutes....
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MangaScrap [2012-07-15 00:37:00 +0000 UTC]
WHY CAN'T I HOLD ALL THESE BRYNJOLF. Love the blindsighted pic, Mercer you bastard, sat up there all evil and full of betrayal. Also, I know what you mean about the quests being over too soon. I really hated the fact that there was no closure to the game, I honestly didn't know I'd finished, didn't get that same sense of satisfaction as I do after investing 70 hours into a Zelda game ;_; Also, you know Shadowmere reminds me of Dale's face chinchillin' in the infamous Bree picture
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xChocolateRainbowx [2012-07-13 02:15:16 +0000 UTC]
she's looking well for a 55 year old 0__0
Bryn must be /much/ younger then her 0u0
this actually makes me wonder how old Brynnie baby is xL
by the way, I have Dawnguard hurrhurrhurr~ 8D
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Zethian In reply to xChocolateRainbowx [2012-07-13 02:29:13 +0000 UTC]
Well, perks of being a Bosmer I guess except that you outlive all your friends that aren't elves
maybe not in her case OOPS did I just say something I figure Bryn is maybe early 30something? Imma go with 31
but Xeth looks young so what he doesn't know won't hurt him B)
Dawnguard whatomgIamsojealous is it good!?
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xChocolateRainbowx In reply to Zethian [2012-07-13 04:03:16 +0000 UTC]
hehe~ Xethy, you cougar~
who can blame her?
and aumaigawd~ so good!! crossbow is my new best friend xDDDD
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BrokenSketches [2012-07-11 17:39:20 +0000 UTC]
i was wondering when you were gonna do one of these. (:
good job on this, like everything else in your gallery. (:
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SlayerSyrena [2012-07-11 15:49:25 +0000 UTC]
Really enjoyed your character's take on this meme.
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A-Night-Fox [2012-07-11 13:35:14 +0000 UTC]
Awesome, was wondering when you were going to do this meme xD
(Very similar to my character )
Nice work!
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