FootyBandit — Follow The Leader

Published: 2023-11-24 04:58:56 +0000 UTC; Views: 3369; Favourites: 116; Downloads: 0
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"M-mama? Mama!" The little colt called out. The darkness that enveloped the child had never been something to be feared. It was calming, comforting, and all he had ever known. 

It was silence that scared him. 

While his mother had dozed peacefully underneath a tree, the adventurous young chestnut had been quietly meandering along, smelling the cold grass, listening to the scrabbling of a lizard passing by, and even tasting a bit of wild honey that had dripped from a bee's nest.  So enraptured he was with the sensory of the earth that he didn't notice the stillness of the forest until it was too late.  

Little Bird slowly raised his head high as the deafening silence struck him, and a chill ran through his small body.  He had been snuffling along a dry river bed, and knew that walls of dirt and grass rose high on each side of him.  His doe-like face turned as his ears strove for any type of familiar movement.  His body was a still as stone while listened, but slowly began to shake as soft footsteps began to shuffle off to his left. His mother had warned him of predators, and a jolt of fear yelled up his spine. 

What was it he was supposed to do? In the rush of nervousness and terror, his mind drew a blank as his flight or fight responses argued like a married coulple. The longer he debated, the closer the footsteps came, and panic began to ensare him. 

"M-mama? Mama!" He finally called out, taking one step backwards, forgetting he had just stepped over a fallen branch and toppling over backwards.  He let out a piercing scream and began to flail his legs, hopping he would wound his attacker if they decided to pounce on him. "G-get away!" He yelled again, trying to right himself, but only tangling his long legs further.

"H-hey! Whoa!" Came a sudden surprised voice, and the footsteps came faster, stopping only feet away from the young colt. "I'm not going to hurt you! I just, I just wanted to see if you'd like to play!"

Little Bird quietly stopped, tilting his head towards the voice.  It was a soft nicker like the sound of his mother's, and he knew at once he was in the presence of another horse.  Having only been with Crow, he wasn't quite sure how to act with the new stranger. "O-oh..." was what he was able to mumble, suddenly becoming embarassed at how he had acted. ".. um... "

"Need some help getting up?" The young male voice smiled down at him, warming his heart in his bashfulness. Little Bird quietly nodded, and soon felt a soft small nose nudging his legs in the right places to help get them underneath his body.  With a sheepish grunt, he finally got to his feet, keeping his head low in an awkward stance.  

"Th-thanks..." He muttered, unsure of the new lad.  

"My name's Glock!" The new friend quickly said, and Little Bird could practically hear the pride in his voice. "What's your name? Where did you come from? Where's your mom? Are you all alone? Did you get lost? Did something chase you? What was it? Did you fight it off? Is that why you don't have eyes? Was it a cougar? Oh man, did you use your hooves right in it's face?? How come you don't have any scratches on you? You got away without getting hurt?? WHOA. You're awesome!!"

The questions came so fast that Little Bird couldn't keep up and he simply gazed in the direction of the foal's voice, which traveled all around him as the other colt couldn't seem to sit still.  Finally as his companion stopped to take a breath, the chestnut quickly answered- at least the first question.

"My name is Little Bird." A quick and happy whinny followed his answer, and he heard Glock's footsteps and body rocketing around him more, steps slightly irregular as he assumed the little colt was bucking and prancing. 

"That's awesome!" Glock answered, taking in a big breath to talk more, but Little Bird quickly cut in before he could start. 

"I-I have... seemed to have lost my way.  Do you think you could help me find my mother?"

"Hmmm...." Glock replied, thinking quickly, and he slowly shook his head. "I don't think I can... I'm not familiar with this area, and my mom said I probably shouldn't stray too far... But we can go back to her and ask her to help!" He quickly laughed, beginning to trot ahead of his friend. "This way!" He called back.

Little Bird began to stumble and trip after the retreating sounds, but found the speed much too fast for him to know where he was going and whinnied out in fright. "W-wait! You're- you're going too fast!" He called out, and was relieved to hear Glock's hooves quickly returning.

"Oh! Shoot, I'm sorry! ...Hmmm... Hey I know! Here, hold on to my tail! I'll show you the way!" Little Bird felt a tickle on his nose as Glock shoved his booty into his face, and he couldn't help but laugh. 

"Ewww stinky butt!" He giggled in protest, but quickly gathering Glock's tail into his mouth which immediately began to pull him in a different direction.  His new friend was quick, but understanding of where Little Bird needed to step, and would slow down in places that were more technical, or call out behind him what was coming ahead. 

The darkness was always with him, but it was a little brighter now that he found a friend.  


Stallion ID: #16 Sioux

In response to: E-Lizard

Art features: 2 Horses GlockLittle Bird

Story features:  2 Horses Glock  , Little Bird

Word Count: 936

Aging: Little Bird (2/3), Glock (1/3)

Companion Animals: Owl - N  , Rabbit - C , Cat - HL

Rolls:  Normal Rolls

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Comments: 12

CV-Admin [2023-11-29 00:10:54 +0000 UTC]

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CV-Admin In reply to CV-Admin [2023-12-01 01:14:20 +0000 UTC]

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FootyBandit In reply to CV-Admin [2023-11-29 04:43:22 +0000 UTC]

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MayGraves In reply to CV-Admin [2023-11-29 01:20:23 +0000 UTC]

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DaSassy [2023-11-24 22:27:50 +0000 UTC]

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ARPGspoons [2023-11-24 19:08:14 +0000 UTC]

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FabledUnicorn [2023-11-24 18:11:56 +0000 UTC]

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Zandooy [2023-11-24 13:51:21 +0000 UTC]

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CobraFreek [2023-11-24 12:16:20 +0000 UTC]

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Nemenos [2023-11-24 07:38:32 +0000 UTC]

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PrinceJackdaw [2023-11-24 05:56:39 +0000 UTC]

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FootyBandit In reply to PrinceJackdaw [2023-11-24 16:05:39 +0000 UTC]

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