firewolf826 β€” Cosplay Tutorial: Attack on Straps

Published: 2014-03-24 23:14:27 +0000 UTC; Views: 19429; Favourites: 321; Downloads: 141
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So you’ve decided you want to become a Titan-killing machine?
Good! But first you must prove yourself by making an incredible amount of straps before joining the ranks! This little tutorial will show you how I made my Attack on Titan pleather straps. I personally wanted my straps to be rather sturdy and durable to make it more viable that these things could actually function as they would in the series. Also, you can of course apply this to straps and belts of the non-Shingeki variety.

Please note there are TONS of ways to make the straps! This is simply showing the materials and method I chose to do, since a fair amount or people have inquired about it. This method is particularly tedious, so be prepared to spend hours turning pleather inside out, etc. Not a good technique if you’re in a hurry. Also, I will not be talking about the arrangement of the straps in this tutorial.

(Also I'm sorry, I meant to make this tutorial like 5 months ago >.<)

Tutorial written by firewolf826
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Comments: 7

cleo100 [2018-06-09 19:07:38 +0000 UTC]

You say this is not the best method but it looks like the best method for me since i had already bought the elastic before i saw you had to use leather. And it looks great to not have to sew it to your pants... Now to finally get around to making them

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Locosplay [2014-11-07 00:12:12 +0000 UTC]

I'm having trouble holding up the thigh straps :/ any advice on that except for sewing/glueing the belts to my pants?

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 0

NobodyPuppetPrincess [2014-07-11 06:38:24 +0000 UTC]

so these are stretchy? they'll hold tight?
i haven't done much work with elastic yet i really would love it if my thigh belts could stay on!Β 

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inuyasha-lover-4evr [2014-06-09 04:29:01 +0000 UTC]

How much of that fabric did you use?Β 

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KetsuekiakaSomeone [2014-04-16 21:19:27 +0000 UTC]

I definitely wasn't looking forward to pay at least 30 bucks for a set of belts/straps, so I hope I'll succeed using this method! xD

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Itachichen [2014-03-25 13:31:00 +0000 UTC]

omg thank you for uploading this tutorial online *_*
I hope I gonna make it look awesome like your belts XDΒ 

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theBESTsithlord [2014-03-25 05:18:00 +0000 UTC]


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