fairy980 — Edea

Published: 2004-08-31 13:46:39 +0000 UTC; Views: 87; Favourites: 1; Downloads: 13
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Description Nothing really to say about this piece, not sure if i should have submitted it in the scraps or not, im thinking of a background for it, but im too busy with getting ready for school really lol but anyway hope you enjoy (well...try lol)

Edea copyright of Final Fantasy 8 (SquareSoft)
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Comments: 16

ablackcrayon [2004-09-01 06:59:32 +0000 UTC]

I reconginzed who it was right off the bat Its good and you havea pretty good likiness of her, well I dont usually do constructed critism, but it says its encouraged, and by my critism I don't mean your picture is bad, I do like it alot, its probably better than anything I could do with final fastany characters lol. But here goes, ~ChristmasFairy was right about the character being too short, but I think the character looks more compacted, I think if you were to make the length of the character longer (as in the head and neck and body) it would look better, the folds in the white clothe is great and so is all the details of the picture, I think that the dress might be slightly too dark for the picture since it now looks alittle flat, maybe use a dark grey which will show the black lines of the folds and such in the dress. And I think the head might be alittle wide for the length of it.
Other than that this picture is really good and well done, I know it kindof seems like I commented on alot of stuff, but as I see them they aren't big problems, I mess up on proportions all the time, it is a really good pictures you put alot of details in it, and the magic swirls are nicely done, I think its a really good piece and I just hope my constructive comments didnt seem too negative since I do like the piece

anyways maybe on saturday, I'll try drawing Edea for you on my computer lol and you can laugh at it later on, I'm sure it wouldn't come out to good Lol

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

fairy980 In reply to ablackcrayon [2004-09-01 10:36:45 +0000 UTC]

O_o waaa alot to read there! lol thanks for the advice, the watercolour i used for her dress dried quite strange and left it looking kinda too dark so i agree with you there tee hee and ill try to improve on making her look more....well.....non-short-ish hehehhe cant wait to see your drawing of her, no doubt it will be 1000 times better than mine thanks again

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ablackcrayon In reply to fairy980 [2004-09-02 18:12:44 +0000 UTC]

no problem, I know it was alot to write haha, I think it was the longer comment I've ever written!

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fairy980 In reply to ablackcrayon [2004-09-02 19:51:49 +0000 UTC]

heheh but appreciate it

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Vash123 [2004-08-31 22:27:06 +0000 UTC]

I think edea was cooler than ultamecia...Cid looked like robin willaims though in 8

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fairy980 In reply to Vash123 [2004-08-31 22:29:20 +0000 UTC]

lmao if you think so dear *pats head* tee hee ill do that piccie for you of mew soon...when i have time....i like ultimacia lol i though she was the best souceress

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Vash123 In reply to fairy980 [2004-08-31 22:44:07 +0000 UTC]


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Loki-LP [2004-08-31 18:48:22 +0000 UTC]

areet thts good i need to do more drawing aswell but i think thats a good pic

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fairy980 In reply to Loki-LP [2004-08-31 19:12:45 +0000 UTC]

hhehe thanks si well...DRAW YOUNG MAN! lol i havent relli had time, it took me ages to finnish this pic

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Loki-LP In reply to fairy980 [2004-08-31 19:19:13 +0000 UTC]

i dunno wot to draw tho, and i have about 48 guys to paint for warhammer, which will take about a day or 2, and then its school

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fairy980 In reply to Loki-LP [2004-08-31 19:20:39 +0000 UTC]

lol ye it sucks

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ChristmasFairy [2004-08-31 13:53:21 +0000 UTC]

I've never heard of the character, but you did a great job! The only thing I can see about this is that maybe she is too...short? It would look better if her shoes were shown under the dress ^^

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fairy980 In reply to ChristmasFairy [2004-08-31 13:58:13 +0000 UTC]

lol there not shown on pictures of her so i wasnt sure tee hee thanks for commenting Mathilda hehehe

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ChristmasFairy In reply to fairy980 [2004-08-31 14:05:20 +0000 UTC]

Ugh, don't call me that! We wouldn't want people to know, now would we? >_<
*Gollum voice* Yesh, we don't want them to know.....hehehehehe....nonononooooo XD
Oh, and you're welcome! ^^

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fairy980 In reply to ChristmasFairy [2004-08-31 14:06:46 +0000 UTC]

im sorry.....ahem...*hides*

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ChristmasFairy In reply to fairy980 [2004-10-02 14:42:48 +0000 UTC]

LOL! *bring out her poke stick* XD

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