MisplacedExplorer β€” Drenched

#daphne #doo #fred #grandma #scooby #scoobydoo #shaggy #velma
Published: 2018-10-21 15:23:13 +0000 UTC; Views: 50013; Favourites: 509; Downloads: 60
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Description A strange noise in the middle of a nasty storm induced power outage prompts the gang to go on a bit of a midnight investigation. Freds Grandma catches them running around outside in these conditions and is... less than pleased. Don't they know how dangerous it is to be running around outside in the middle of the night during a storm? Do they want to give her a heart attack? And what about colds? They might not have caught a monster but shes almost certain they are all going to catch nasty colds. So now they are by the fire with biscuits, hot chocolate, lots of blankets and one big lecture on storm safety.


Wait a second this isn't my assessment..... could have sworn that's why I sat at the computer in the first place, but this most definitely does not look like my assessment. Ugh procrastination is the woooorst. So now here I am closer to the due date and while I still dont have my assessment I do have a very clean room, 2 3d models from shows I dont even watch and probably wont even end up printing and a very nice scooby doo picture to add to my growing pile of scooby doo pictures. My priorities are a mess and I am so ready for Christmas break./whiney whine fest over.
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Comments: 30

CrystalGemGirl14 [2021-04-29 17:02:31 +0000 UTC]

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MisplacedExplorer In reply to CrystalGemGirl14 [2021-05-03 08:06:04 +0000 UTC]

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CrystalGemGirl14 In reply to MisplacedExplorer [2021-05-03 12:43:48 +0000 UTC]

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Omnifighter1 [2019-08-31 16:40:54 +0000 UTC]

Thank God for grandmothers.Β  Well, mothers in general, actually.

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MisplacedExplorer In reply to Omnifighter1 [2019-09-03 13:20:26 +0000 UTC]

Yep, good ones are worth their weight in gold.

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Phenometron [2019-05-03 11:05:13 +0000 UTC]

Jeepers! You nailed this piece!

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MisplacedExplorer In reply to Phenometron [2019-05-04 08:33:05 +0000 UTC]

Thanks, I'm glad you think so.

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Copanel-CP [2018-10-25 18:57:53 +0000 UTC]

Aw, such a touching moment. Freddy, next time be more cautious when the weather gets crazy. Now everybody got some cold.

Beautiful drawing! Also I'm curious about these photos, how did you make the 3D effect on them? Or are from somewhere else? These look interesting.

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

MisplacedExplorer In reply to Copanel-CP [2018-10-26 05:03:17 +0000 UTC]

Thanks I'm glad you like it!

The 3d renders on the wall are of my models (except the mystery machine, that came from out of a game), I sculpted them in zbrush and rigged them with skeletons to use as references. They are suuuuper rough and I'm always working to make them work better. Those are the 4th ones Ive made. Earlier models were even rougher. When I work out the kinks I will be able to use them to make little movies and stuff like that, but for the moment none of them are capable of blinking or changing their expressions so thats a while off. Sometimes I print them with my 3D printer to make sculptures too. Mostly just scooby though because the others are much rougher and don't print so well. The renders don't look so bad from a distance though so I decided to use them to cover the wall and save me from having to draw a million little pictures.

I was thinking of running a little competition when I hit 150 watchers and giving away one of my spare scoobys. But I'm not sure how the logistics of that would work so I'm still on the fence about it. Could be fun though.

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Copanel-CP In reply to MisplacedExplorer [2018-10-26 17:46:44 +0000 UTC]

Whoah, nice work! I remember that I tried once to do a 3D sculpture of a creature of mine in Sculptris (from the creators of zbrush), but I stopped because there was a problem: I tended to make as smooth as possible and sometimes... my models began to take some weird shapes and it's a bit hard because it may lag due to the number of pixels... And it was a flying creature, so... Maybe it would have been too difficult for me to sculpt properly the feet or paws, it's not like traditional sculpting for sure.

I wish you good luck on the next models, maybe you may end by making animations as well, too. But that means a lot of practice. Again, good luck!

Now you made me curious about those 3D Scooby sculptures you made.

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MisplacedExplorer In reply to Copanel-CP [2018-10-27 16:03:53 +0000 UTC]

Oh man I had the exact same problem when I was first starting out making models in sculptris too! Absolutely slaughtered my computer, trick is to rough out the shape with a really low poly count then slowly go up to add details in stages instead of jumping straight into the millions. It is very different from sculpting in clay but after a while of getting used to the camera controls I actually found it easier because you dont have to worry about finger marks or worrying about the model being able to support its own weight before it dries. I still use super light clay and fimo occasionally for fun but the bulk of my sculpting is done through zbrush now.

Yeah hopefully someday my models (and computer) will be able to handle being used for animation. I dabble with premade models so I know the basics but my own models are just sooooo not ready.

I will post a picture of a couple of my scooby sculptures in my scraps tomorrow sometime. Id post them in my gallery but I really want to keep it full coloured scooby drawings only, I need another page somewhere for all my other stuff haha.

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Cassini90125 [2018-10-23 09:13:33 +0000 UTC]

I'm betting that at some point, Daphne complained about what the rain was doing to her hair. As always, nicely done!

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MisplacedExplorer In reply to Cassini90125 [2018-10-25 08:54:39 +0000 UTC]

Her poor, poor hair...

Thanks, I'm glad you like it!

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Jose-Ramiro [2018-10-22 04:14:40 +0000 UTC]

Nice one here.

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MisplacedExplorer In reply to Jose-Ramiro [2018-10-22 16:12:28 +0000 UTC]

Thank you very much.

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Jose-Ramiro In reply to MisplacedExplorer [2018-10-23 08:48:11 +0000 UTC]


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Growlie26 [2018-10-21 20:08:01 +0000 UTC]

Hey um, I was just curious, have you ever thought of making any scenes/art from the Witch's Ghost?Β 

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MisplacedExplorer In reply to Growlie26 [2018-10-22 16:21:11 +0000 UTC]

I've half thought about it but they are older in those movies and there's nothing I can think of that I feel is missing from them. I draw cutesy missing scene kind of stuff and I cant think of anything that would really go with the witches ghost. So maybe one day if something comes up, but for now I'm sticking with the younger side of things.

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PhoenixFirre [2018-10-21 17:46:46 +0000 UTC]

I love how she has pictures of the whole gang, its bloody adorableΒ 

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MisplacedExplorer In reply to PhoenixFirre [2018-10-22 16:12:10 +0000 UTC]

Haha yep! She loves all her adopted grandchildren, fluffy ones included.

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thequeenxofhearts In reply to PhoenixFirre [2018-10-21 20:03:48 +0000 UTC]

This is cute! Love that Granny has pictures of the gang!

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PhoenixFirre In reply to thequeenxofhearts [2018-10-21 20:16:38 +0000 UTC]

I do not believe you were trying to reply to me, heh,

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ViniciusTheVile [2018-10-21 17:36:27 +0000 UTC]

"Ouch, Granny! That hurts!" Maybe this is not her intention but grandmas are always full of care and love.
And, most importantly, let's hope the gang will be all fine and healthy after this traumatic experience.

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

MisplacedExplorer In reply to ViniciusTheVile [2018-10-22 16:15:50 +0000 UTC]

She may not mean to really hurt him but she might be drying him a little harder than necessary out of frustration. I mean what were they thinking going out in those conditions!? I'm sure they will live though and if they DO get sick, well I'm sure Granny will still take care of them until they get better.

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ViniciusTheVile In reply to MisplacedExplorer [2018-10-22 16:20:24 +0000 UTC]

Mostly Velma and Daphne, for sure. The two girls will start sneezing and blowing their runny noses like crazy, meaning more problems for Granny Jones. Oh, poor lady.

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 0

BalloonPrincess [2018-10-21 17:29:03 +0000 UTC]


Everyone needs grandparents like this. Β Mine were Gee and Major, my mother's parents, a very formable pair of deceptively innocent old people. Β Gee, a former grade school teacher, was a highly skilled painter who did water colors, oil paints, and sketches in her studio back in Brunswick, Georgia, while Major, a former Math teacher, had been the principal and vice principal of Glynn Academy years before he and Gee retired from the education system. Β Both were very loving people to which I consider myself truly blessed. Β It was Major's side of the family that gave our family a link to four Confederate Generals, men who prior to the Civil War had earned their distinction in the military and ended up fighting for what they believed in for the before mentioned war. Β Pop had hoped that I might serve some time in the Navy while Major wanted me to earn my place in the Army, both agreeing that serving would help me find my place and even earn credit towards college, though Mom swore that it was not needed. Β I was unable to do so due to a medical condition, but I tried nevertheless. Β No one in my family said anything about that, though both Pop and Major were very proud of me for following what I thought was best. Β "Times change," Major had said one afternoon while watching TV and glancing out to the patio to keep up with the burgers he was famous for. Β He often teased me about using his special formula to make the burgers and building a chain which would be far better than McDonalds ... that used to tickle me, especially when Gee would swat him with the broom and chastise him for not working harder, while winking at me.

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MisplacedExplorer In reply to BalloonPrincess [2018-10-26 15:59:27 +0000 UTC]

Your grandparents sound like they were real characters and I'm sorry to hear the military dream didnt work out. I hope you ended up finding something else that was able to make you happy career wise. Were the burgers as good as he said they were?

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

BalloonPrincess In reply to MisplacedExplorer [2018-10-26 19:57:33 +0000 UTC]

Thanks, but y'know ... in my older years, I have discovered that I have gotten more out of life by trying AND failing than not trying at all.Β  Most people don't do that.Β  I tried being a pilot and an astronaut, both were ended while I was young, but that's ok.Β  I worked on tug and shrimp boats here in Savannah, both are incredibly hard work and I have worked out at the Georgia ports too.Β  I did get to go to SCAD (Savannah College of Art and Design) which was something I wanted to attempt, hoping I was good enough ... I even got to try and play the violin and guitar briefly before loosing interest.Β  Through my Grandmother, I learned a bit of painting and water color which is tremendously difficult and can be expensive.Β  And while my Grandfather inspired me to try for the military, I saw the honor in the attempt too.

Oh man!Β  His burgers were some of the best homemade ones around.Β  He used an egg in the meat and Lipton's Onion Soup Mix for an extra kick, though also a bit of tarragon and some salt too.Β  I thought once before I saw him try to sneak a can of beer into the mix, but my grandmother stopped him.Β  It also helped that the vegetables were fresh from the garden, picked with his strong hands and inspected with his sharp eyes too.Β  The buns were from a bakery down off of Union Street, I believe, from a man that I think he knew from his boyhood days ... not entirely sure.Β 

Everyone in town knew of him and my family.Β  I'm not sure how my Big Sister got into so much trouble, but I knew I sure didn't.Β 

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1bookqueen [2018-10-21 16:50:36 +0000 UTC]

Super cute

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MisplacedExplorer In reply to 1bookqueen [2018-10-22 16:10:53 +0000 UTC]

Thanks! I'm glad you think so.

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