Published: 2010-04-04 04:02:02 +0000 UTC; Views: 1358; Favourites: 26; Downloads: 16
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Name: Spiral Pepper, Usually answers to "Pepper".Age: 18.
Gender: Male, dammit.
Height: 6'1.
Class: Kaito.
Item: Red chili peppers.
Color: Crimson!
Personality: Spiral is best known for his quick temper and hot-blooded personality. He tends to act as the straight-man, quick to point out another person's stupidity, but at the same time, can become something of an idiot when girls are involved. Sometimes he has all the perverted maturity of an adolescent who has just cheerfully discovered the wonderful world of adult content on the internet, but at other times he can be quick witted and adaptable. He is very competitive, but he is also dependable in the sense that when he sets out to accomplish a task, he will do whatever he can to finish it and finish it to the best of his ability.
-He has a special talent for break-dancing.
-He wanted to join either the Meiko, Miku, or Luka class(to hit on them), but ended up in the Kaito class instead. He isn't too thrilled about it.
-He enjoys rock and techno, but isn't particularly keen on pop.
-His favorite Vocaloid songs are the LukaxMiku version of "Magnet"(because lesbians are hot), and Miku's "Rainbow Girl"(because so ronery:<).
-He is prone to nosebleeds.o_o
-He gets drunk pretty easily, and proceeds to parade around with panties on his head and singing enka.
-He plays a lot of video games. His PSP and DS are always being lugged around in his Backpack of Awesome.
-He does actually call it his "Backpack of Awesome".
-Yes, he does agree that his name is ridiculous.
-He wears contacts, but switches them out with glasses occasionally. He tries to please the glasses AND non-glasses loving lovely ladies out there. Bow chicka bow wow.
-...he gets beat up a lot for hitting on other people's girlfriends.
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Comments: 106
Deena15 In reply to ??? [2010-04-20 22:54:51 +0000 UTC]
Pepper: Of course I'm ridiculous, gorgeous. Ridiculously awesome!
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callyx [2010-04-07 17:01:20 +0000 UTC]
a hot playboy! that's exactly what we need!
Castell: why do you like hitting the girls? you should stop it! >8(
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Deena15 In reply to callyx [2010-04-07 21:00:53 +0000 UTC]
Pepper: Why do I hit on girls? Why do I hit on girls you ask? Why, if all the world's men were to stop hitting on girls, then we wouldn't have sex! No sex means no babies! No babies means no human race! We'd be extinct! Do you want the human race to go extinct? Do you want us to fade away, forgotten in the great vastness of the universe? NAY I SAY. BY HITTING ON GIRLS, I AND MY BRETHREN HELP SAVE ALL OF HUMANKIND!
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callyx In reply to Deena15 [2010-04-24 18:44:02 +0000 UTC]
i will never win a debate with you! forever, never! '____'
Castell: extinct? really? humankind will extinct? 0__0
that's not good! i-i'll help you save the humankind! *somehow,he believes*
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Deena15 In reply to callyx [2010-04-24 20:32:49 +0000 UTC]
*really wants to kick Pepper*
Pepper: Yes, my brother! Join me in my quest to score with hot chicks save humankind! To the girls' locker room!
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kibapoo [2010-04-06 21:33:51 +0000 UTC]
Backpack of Awsuuummmmee huh
Pretty fukkin amazin. Oh and his boots are also pretty badass.
Yuki: *playing with her ds under the table* Stupid Bowser >.>;; He made me lose a life T^T.
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Deena15 In reply to kibapoo [2010-04-06 21:49:28 +0000 UTC]
Thank you.XD
Pepper: *also playing with his DS under the table* FUNKIN BUTT RASH, my charmander! Oh you're gettin' it now you goddamn retarded duck thing! *presses buttons*
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kibapoo In reply to Deena15 [2010-04-06 22:19:20 +0000 UTC]
No problem man i love that emoticon.
Yuki: *takes a glance over to see- gasp pokemon~* I'll trade my magikarp for your charmander =3=;
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Deena15 In reply to kibapoo [2010-04-06 22:41:06 +0000 UTC]
Pepper: Tch, it doesn't even have a good nature even after I took so long to hatch the stupid dragonthing, so you can HAVE it--*finally clicks that Yuki's female*--waaaait a tick, babe. My charmander's worth more than just a magikarp, even if it's a shiny. How's about I trade you the charmander for that magikarp plus a date?
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kibapoo In reply to Deena15 [2010-04-06 22:50:26 +0000 UTC]
Yuki: *laughs & turns off ds*
Well I...umm. I'll go on a date if you beat me at a pokemon battle -3-
Plus- You can keep the charmander- I realized cyndaquil is soooo much better >3>
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Deena15 In reply to kibapoo [2010-04-06 23:09:29 +0000 UTC]
Pepper: WHAT? But charmander turns into charmeleon which becomes charizard which is only the coolest pokemon in the history of ever. I...I don't even know you anymore.
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kibapoo In reply to Deena15 [2010-04-06 23:33:22 +0000 UTC]
Haha i was just playing pokemon about an hour ago
Yuki: 0.0 D-did i ever know you before? =3=;?
And FYI. It sooo isn't. Magikarp is. *gasp* I can't believe I was going to trade it for....for...
THAT THING... *giggles a bit*
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DukePoem [2010-04-05 12:06:52 +0000 UTC]
I faved it because of that Miku in the background 8D
and that Pepper guy of course ;D
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kittykoolkatz [2010-04-04 23:13:05 +0000 UTC]
hes soo cute! and also a perv XD Kaito's class shall be fun.
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junpun [2010-04-04 21:53:18 +0000 UTC]
baww he looks hot in an evil-sexy way *3* but then again, poor Kaito for having everyone hate him XD
Suzette: Kaito's such a useless dork! I believe he would have no students if he didn't force poor individuals to attend his lame classes D:<
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Deena15 In reply to junpun [2010-04-05 18:58:17 +0000 UTC]
Lolol, my other character adores Kaito. This one's just grumpy he doesn't have a hot female teacher.XD
Pepper:...*mumbling quietly to self*...Miku, Luka, Meiko, Rin...versus three male teachers...the ratio was in my favor...what...the...hell. *suddenly tears notice with his class list in half* Lady luck, as hot as you are, you've failed me. *turns to see Suzette ranting about Kaito*...* reconsiders opinion on Lady Luck* Well HI THAR, my lovely little fruit tart, what's YOUR name?*3*
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Deena15 In reply to PocketFairyChibi [2010-04-04 17:11:21 +0000 UTC]
I kinda want to smack him and tell him to put his feet down...>_>;;
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PocketFairyChibi In reply to Deena15 [2010-04-04 17:17:19 +0000 UTC]
i do that to when theres no one around xD
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visiface [2010-04-04 08:14:17 +0000 UTC]
I was actually going to say what Grave said. XDDDDD
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Deena15 In reply to visiface [2010-04-04 08:18:35 +0000 UTC]
No relation.o3o
(I just really like the name Pepper. )
I don't think Tuli would want to be related to this guy.>_>;;
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visiface In reply to Deena15 [2010-04-04 08:54:03 +0000 UTC]
-facepalm- You DID come up with it. lawl
Somehow, I don't think she'd want to, either. xD
But if you want, go for it.
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Deena15 In reply to visiface [2010-04-04 08:58:09 +0000 UTC]
What kinda relation do you want to go for? Cousins?:>
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Deena15 In reply to visiface [2010-04-04 09:02:20 +0000 UTC]
For a second there, I thought V8 was an emoticon.
I'm going offline now.
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raihaYANGU [2010-04-04 06:12:35 +0000 UTC]
i can't express how much i love guys like this, lol
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Deena15 In reply to raihaYANGU [2010-04-04 06:28:28 +0000 UTC]
I know, right? I can't wait until he gets himself beat up.XD
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raihaYANGU In reply to Deena15 [2010-04-04 06:38:32 +0000 UTC]
it's only a matter of time...
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Isumi-kun [2010-04-04 05:39:22 +0000 UTC]
I approve /om nom noms his freckles
I love his personality XDDD
He should be careful of weirdos in white. Just a handy tip >_>;;
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Deena15 In reply to Isumi-kun [2010-04-04 05:55:43 +0000 UTC]
Fufu, I'll keep that in mind.XD
One Piece gave me a liking for freckles.o3o
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Isumi-kun In reply to Deena15 [2010-04-04 06:09:00 +0000 UTC]
OMG ACE IS THE BEST FRECKLEY DUDE Y/Y!? (are you caught up? 0u0)
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Deena15 In reply to Isumi-kun [2010-04-04 06:18:54 +0000 UTC]
...just in case, don't post spoilers here. TO THE PRIVATE MESSAGE CAVE BATMAN!
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Isumi-kun In reply to Deena15 [2010-04-04 06:46:25 +0000 UTC]
Oh of course no spoilers ^^
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Deena15 In reply to CoosCoos [2010-04-04 05:18:39 +0000 UTC]
Thanks!:3 It involves me being too lazy to actually lineart properly, and obscene use of sharpening filters. YAY SHORTCUTS!
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jay-tan [2010-04-04 04:23:42 +0000 UTC]
Our characters have somethign in common too!
( mine wanted to be in Meiko's to be with Meiko but... )
Can't wait t'ill the meet. @u@
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Deena15 In reply to jay-tan [2010-04-04 04:41:00 +0000 UTC]
Our goal is now to get our two characters to be best friends. Because I can totally see it happening.XD
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jay-tan In reply to Deena15 [2010-04-04 04:41:53 +0000 UTC]
LOL sounds like a definite plan! ;o
i like~ XD
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