Published: 2010-08-17 19:16:36 +0000 UTC; Views: 1972; Favourites: 49; Downloads: 18
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My friend asked me to join. I know Arietta's a vampire, but she's an old character of mine I didn't really get to play much. I'd really like to play her more.I think we have to pick a teacher, right? I like all of them, but I think Florian is nice. Any will do, though.
I can write and draw, but I'll probably primarily draw.
A full version of the profile picture is here .
Name: Arietta Lemiux
Age: 15(Her body is permanently 13, the age she was turned.)
Species: Tremere Vampire
Appearance: Despite her efforts, Arietta will always look like a prepubescent girl. With a scrawny figure something similar to one belonging to a young ballerina, Arietta was embraced just before the starting signs of puberty had come about. She looks to be lightweight and puny, something she tends to compensate for with a fiery personality. She stands at somewhere between four and five feet tall, though if asked what her height is specifically, it is likely that she would swiftly respond with brutal violence and quite a lot of yelling. Adding to that, she tends to wear platform boots and stiletto heels to increase her meager height, unless she finds a cute enough pair of mary-janes. Her long, dark brown/black side-parted hair is typically tied in half-up half-down pigtails, the part of her hair fashioned in a zig-zag pattern. She has a cute face with soft features, a small round nose, and large, sharp golden brown eyes. Her teeth are not all perfectly straight, with one of her canines longer than the other, which gives her smile a charming, childish quality. That's not to say that she can't pull off a fiendishly intimidating grin.
Personality: Arietta was born with a silver spoon in her mouth. While she is good at budgeting, she has no problem ordering others around and asking for ridiculous things when bored; her strong and demanding personality tends to overwhelm a lot of people at first. She is incredibly precocious, especially with magic, but tends to act like a know-it-all and a show off. Even though it can get irritating at times, she does know how to act ladylike and minds her manners when it is required of her, and will usually act as such around strangers and people she is obliged to respect(elders and such). She has a dangerously short fuse, and gets angry at nearly everything, from an overly obedient servant to getting carrot cake instead of the chocolate cake she forcefully requested. She is incredibly sensitive about her physical age. The fact that she can no longer go to a normal school, and the fact that she can no longer go into sunlight without taking several precautions are also sensitive subjects. The one thing she misses most, however, is human food. While she has no talent for cooking as she always had servants to do it for her, she does enjoy what she calls "cooking", and subsequently feeds it to her unfortunate servants and/or friends. She occasionally gets depressed due to the fact that she can no longer age or see her friends from her boarding school when she was human, but because of her immense pride and sense of nobility, she hates having anyone see her cry and will immediately go back to her domineering persona. She tends to kick people that annoy her due to her diminuitive height. She also tends to ignore her per cat, Lumière.
Small Ornamental Silver Dagger - Arietta bought this at a hobby shop ages ago due to its attractive appearance. It has little red gemstones embedded into its elegantly engraved hilt and matching sheath. Initially a harmless decorative object, the blade has since been sharpened for letter opening/fruit peeling purposes. Arietta is incapable of properly weilding it as a weapon, however, so it's still mostly a decorative object.
Patchwork Cat Keychain - A keychain Arietta always carries on her person that was presumably given to her as a gift by a friend of hers when she was human. It's a small plush green, white and yellow patchwork cat. Her caretaker and guardian hopes in vain that it will remind her to take proper care of her cat.
Lumière - Arietta owns a pet cat. It's a normal, yellow-eyed white male persian purebred that's around four years old. Its name is Lumière, and it likes to sleep, eat, and sleep some more; it hardly ever leaves the house, and doesn't seem to want to. It only goes out of its way to bite one person in particular, but is generally aloof and about as active as a rug most of the time to everyone else. Its hobby is staring at people through the window and sanitizing its paws . It will only sit in Arietta's lap. Occasionally Arietta will get hungry and not have any blood packs available, so she'll try to take a bite out of Lumière. She ends up with nothing more than a mouth full of fur every time.
-She burns in the sun, obviously. Well, burn is a hefty understatement; if she stood out in the sun without proper protection(UV-blocking sunglasses, a thick layer of sunblock designed especially for vampires, and covering herself in clothing from head to toe), she'd probably blister and sizzle to death within twenty seconds. In addition to that, she sometimes has to put her sunblock on during full moons, as it affects her as much as the sun would on a normal human.
-She is capable of eating regular food, but as her body is undead, she has to regurgitate it, as she isn't able to digest it. She takes full advantage of this and eats quite a lot of cake.
-Her body is capable of regeneration if she feeds regularly, but only after a full day has passed since her injury. She can't heal from major injuries, like if someone lopped off an arm, but small cuts and bruises will go away after a day and won't leave a scar.
-Garlic doesn't affect her, but a stake to the heart probably would. And by probably, I mean it would kill her. Painfully.
-Calling her short or flat-chested is liable to get you kicked in the face.
-She knows several vampiric rituals, which are basically spells that are cast over a period of time and/or with certain objects. For example, one involves putting a drop of her blood on a window to block sunlight from entering.
-She likes dressing up her cat in silly outfits occasionally. Bee!Lumière, Hello Kitty!Lumière, and Bunny!Lumière are among the costumes you'll see the poor feline in. He doesn't seem to care, though.
-She's fluent in English and French.
-Her favorite Disney movie was Beauty and the Beast when she was younger, hence why the cat is named Lumière. She actually originally saw the film in French.
-Her guardian and caretaker prior to entering the academy was a man by the name of Victor, who she had embraced into vampirism herself. They have a blood bond due her having sired him. In an attempt to break the blood bond, she entered the academy, but she still trades letters and talks about him often.
-She can temporarily, for a few seconds, brainwash a person, given eye contact. This is just long enough for her to order the person into taking a nap, walk in the other direction, or forget they say anything having to do with the supernatural just now. She's limited to minor orders with this ability, and it doesn't always work. For the most part, it's a skill obtained for the sake of helping her hunt for beings to draw blood from, but it can be also used work as a sort of memory-wiper to keep the general population ignorant about the supernatural. She can't do anything extreme like make you forget about your childhood trauma or order you to kill yourself, and in addition to that, the ability works best on humans.
See Arietta's old World of Darkness sheet here: [link]
Some more sketches of Arietta:
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Comments: 22
ZoneOftheEndersFan [2011-10-24 04:41:00 +0000 UTC]
I only joined my first Vampires game myself a few weeks ago (how I stumbled onto this picture) I'm also play a tremere. It only took me about 3 game sessions to burn down a major port town.
I like how you managed to pull off the tooth in the picture, when I try and draw vampires, I tend to make the teeth look stupid.
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keide8 [2010-08-18 01:22:38 +0000 UTC]
...cat.... hek yes
oh and I guess your character is nice too lol
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SabreBash [2010-08-17 23:34:43 +0000 UTC]
Normally i don't really like vampires. But she has a cat.
So now i'm rooting for her.
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
Deena15 In reply to SabreBash [2010-08-18 00:30:56 +0000 UTC]
Oh, I don't like vampires much, either. She was a character from a World Of Darkness campaign that a friend was running, and all the people I liked RPing with were vampires.
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Deena15 In reply to SeriousDelirious [2010-08-17 20:54:37 +0000 UTC]
I love that cat.<3 Persians are awesome and ridiculously laid-back.
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Deena15 In reply to D-idara [2010-08-18 19:40:34 +0000 UTC]
Arietta: T-Thanks, I guess. Um, my name is Arietta, it's a pleasure to meet you. *holds cat* ...this is Lumière. Say hi, Lumière. *makes him wave his paw*
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
D-idara In reply to Deena15 [2010-08-19 02:59:19 +0000 UTC]
Cho: "Cho Nakimasu...your cat doesn´t seem to like me..."
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Deena15 In reply to D-idara [2010-08-19 03:30:32 +0000 UTC]
Arietta: Don't worry, he's harmless. He's always really grumpy looking like this, though. Aren't you Mister Grumpypants?
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
D-idara In reply to Deena15 [2010-08-19 15:28:43 +0000 UTC]
Cho: "Oh...well, he´s pretty cute" *Pets him*
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
Deena15 In reply to D-idara [2010-08-20 00:54:10 +0000 UTC]
Arietta: You should see him when he's dressed up. Pfft, it's hilarious just thinking about it...
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D-idara In reply to Deena15 [2010-08-20 01:59:46 +0000 UTC]
Cho: "Do you dress him up? He must look cute..."
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Deena15 In reply to D-idara [2010-08-20 03:59:19 +0000 UTC]
Arietta: Oh, totally! I have a box full of costumes for him. You should see him in his Tuxedo Mask costume...pfft...
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
D-idara In reply to Deena15 [2010-08-20 13:49:09 +0000 UTC]
Cho: "LOL...couldn´t you dress him up as Florian? I think that would be soo cute!"
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Deena15 In reply to D-idara [2010-08-24 20:17:09 +0000 UTC]
Arietta: Oh my gosh, that's a great idea! Let's do it! I can use some of the cardboard from the boxes I used to get stuff here...um...I think I have a small cape we can use in Lumière's costume box...*thinks*
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D-idara In reply to Deena15 [2010-08-24 22:59:59 +0000 UTC]
Cho: "He will look so cute" *Chips off a removable part of her cleaver, holding some sort of cutting knife in her hands* "We can use this to cut the cardboard..."
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SarsBot [2010-08-17 19:57:27 +0000 UTC]
Q A Q I want that cat.
I love her outfit, I hope you make it in Q A Q I really wanna see more of her :'D
👍: 0 ⏩: 0
Naginata1123 [2010-08-17 19:25:57 +0000 UTC]
I need to draw out a character for this. =.= She's really pretty! ^_^
👍: 0 ⏩: 0
visiface [2010-08-17 19:23:34 +0000 UTC]
Oh mygodsanitizingpaws. <333333333
And yay. ; w ; -highfive-
The tooth difference is cool. I would never have thought of that.
And that cat. THAT CAT.
Hope you get in. o v o And what was World of Darkness? Like, I know it's an RP, but... is it a game like Scion and D+D?
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
Deena15 In reply to visiface [2010-08-17 19:32:18 +0000 UTC]
Yeah, it's a tabletop RPG, but I played it on Snafu. It was going pretty well, but the person who ran the game tended to disappear a lot, so the thread died. It's a shame, because Arietta was a lot of fun to play.:<
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