Published: 2013-02-09 05:35:30 +0000 UTC; Views: 130050; Favourites: 948; Downloads: 314
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Time to Roll the DiceMusic Used ‘ Techna-Hero ‘ - Shadowfox2
I don’t even know where to begin with this picture. 150+ hours from sketches and designs, to the finished product, good god I feel like a production manager. I will be uploading the individual character profiles this week as they all have their own stat sheets portraying the stats as if they were in a fighting game.
Ok, let’s begin. So a few friends and I came up with this idea for a huge group of characters that would play a part in a fighting game similar to streetfighter, but incorporating gun mechanics, each weapon having a chance theme or deriving design off of a Casino game. It came about from a conversation where the term ‘Slot Machine’ and ‘Machine Gun’.
This is High Roller, a crazy, over-the-top Casino themed future world where District Leaders, called High Rollers, go head to head to control the 13 districts of the city in the most popular bloodsport in the world. Goldenlight City, the gigantic sprawling metropolis of High Roller, spans 3000 miles across and everything in Goldenlight contains themes of casinos, gambling, chance, promiscuity, entertainment, and of course, gunfighting. Taking place in an alternate reality set about 200 years from now, the city is run by a governing system that also serves as the world’s most popular bloodsport and entertainment source, High Roller. Leaders of the districts, each representing a playing card 2-Ace in a deck, go head to head to try to defeat each other, winner claiming the ruling ability of the loser’s district. However, although entertainment, instant gratification, and personal temptation have become increasingly common and accepted, society maintains a general sense of honor, sportsmanship, and courteously. Because of this, the High Roller Bloodsport is able to determine the best leaders through its matches.
Now, gunfighting is not done in the same sense as modern gunfights (which are usually fought using Guerilla-style tactics). Instead, gunfighting is closer to martial arts, very hand-to-hand combat, trying to use finesse and elegance to defeat an opponent rather than uses cover and shoot from behind. This also lends itself to the spectator-sport side of the fighting, as matches between High Roller district leaders are broadcasted to millions and millions of people, as well as often or always being viewed live in a stadium setting. However, matches are often times spontaneous in nature, springing to life anywhere. Because of this, engineers and city planners have designed large areas of the city and its buildings to become arenas at a moment’s notice. These areas can range from hotel lobbies, supermalls, and casino floors, to even the side of a skyscraper. These arenas also incorporate casino themes and house powerups that are obtainable by the players in the match itself, allowing from anything to increased weapon damage, to magnetic ammunition, to ricocheting shots, to much much more.
The weapons and their owners are even more over the top. Weapons are not constrained to the accepted laws of physics and reality, as they are able to generate their own ammunition, use built-in casino mechanics to alter the ammunition and behavior of the weapon. This ranges from slot-machine reels that can grant anything from shotgun ammunition and railgun shots, to guns that project cards above the firing barrels that modify the gun damage, to pachinko rifles where every bullet bounce magnifies shot damage exponentially.
The characters however are the most fun part (in my honest opinion) of High Roller. Each character has an exciting personality and appearance that me and several others spent a lot of time and passion on, and the result is one of the most fun, diverse sets of anthro characters that I’ve ever had the pleasure to draw. Each character represents a card from the 2 to the Ace (and jokers) , and increasing card value reflects the deadliness of the character. Here’s the list. This will be updated as the stat sheets are posted.
Weapon – ‘The Trump Card’ Slot Machine Revolver
Adam is the primary protagonist of the High Roller storyline. From an early age, he wishes to be part of the High Roller as the primary antagonist, Fargus Poker, has caused a large portion of the city to fall into disrepair through his corrupted leadership (and the fact that he has killed every challenger he’s fought against.) Adam finds (or is given) his gun, a slot machine gun revolver “The Trump Card” by mistake and goes to compete in the circuit, taking the city by storm, making friends and allies along the way to stop Fargus and help restore the city to it’s former glory.
Weapon – ‘The Kraken’ Craps Harpoon Gun
Leader of Adam’s district, Johan is also a longtime friend of Adam’s family, more specifically his grandparents, Old Maid and Go Fish. Vaylor is aware of Vegas’ aspirations but tries to convince him that trying to do the High Roller circuit without the proper training and weapon is a suicide mission. However, after Vegas obtains the Trump card, Vaylor agrees to help train Vegas and put him to the test in the first formal High Roller match in years. Vegas wins in an impressive and rather clever win by entangling Vaylor in his own harpoon cables and Vaylor joins him and ventures alongside Vegas as he aims to win the hearts of the people and the districts of the city.
Weapon – ‘Lucky Draw’ Dealer Scatterstaff
Leader of District 12, Acacia incorporates the flair of a showgirl and the expertise of a dealer. Trusting, kind, and determined, she also serves as a very skilled martial artist using a polearm fighting style. Vegas manages to develop a relationship after Acacia’s defeat and she proceeds to join the team of Adam and Johan to tour the circuit as an alliance.
Weapon – ‘Rock Paper Headshot’ Rock paper scissors handgun
Chip represents the 11th district of Goldenlight (more specifically Arcades and how they are indeed a type of gambling). Chip incorporates the themes of arcade gaming and as such, his childish themes incorporate one of the longest-standing chance games ever, Rock paper scissors. Chip is a punk with an attitude, but not without a sense of maturity, being genius smart, having constructed his own gun, and his small size proves to be very useful in a match against larger combatants. Chip personally wishes to see Vegas mop the floor with Fargus and agrees to travel in the alliance.
Weapon – ‘Necrodancer’ War (cardgame) Rifle
Vince, the darkest of the protagonists, is head of District 10, and is themed off of the Louisiana voodoo/ witchcraft themes and culture. The Frenchman, more eloquently spoken, has a more ruthless side and often uses illusion and visual intimidation to heighten the intensity of matches. The skull on his face has rather questionable origin, however it is supposed he never removes it, as no one has seen his face beneath it. After his defeat, he becomes the fifth and final member to join Vegas’ team.
(mid-level combatants) {These players are more prone to be merciless and some have been known to kill challengers}
Weapons – ‘Remember & Forget’ , ‘Johnny & Jack’ , ‘Greetings From Alamo’ Alcohol guns
The only tagteam of the circuit, the Tequila Triplets represent bar culture and its importance in gambling history. The three sisters work in unison, playing off each other’s strengths and weaknesses to create a very balanced fighting team. Each of their guns intoxicate the person they hit. When not fighting, however, they operate major distilleries in the city (and throw some pretty massive parties). Also, don’t challenge Margarita to a drinking contest. She has never, ever lost and claims she can outdrink any man, period.
Weapon(s) – "Tsuki no Kinsei Bureizu” (Forbidden Blaze of the Moon) Pachinko Rifle, and “Mugen no Unmei” blade (Infinite Fate blade)
Pachinko represents district 8 of Goldenlight City. He loves a good time, filled with good music and good company. However, in a match, he serves to be one of the most defense and agility apt fighters, specializing in elaborate kung-fu fighting styles. His rifle, the Pachinko rifle, fires ammunition that initially is very weak, but every time it bounces off a surface, the bullet increases speed and damage until it hits a target. His sword, the ‘Blade of Chances’ katana, changes length every time it’s unsheathed. Vegas manages to win against Pachinko without seriously injuring him. However, Fargus challenges Pachinko to a match directly following the fight with Vegas and summons Pachinko to Goldenlight tower...
Weapon – ‘Midnight Misfortune’ Vintage Slot machine grenade launcher
Alea is the owner and bar matron of one of the most renowned bars in the city, as well as serves as a leader to District 7 (emphasizing wild west gambling themes). Her biggest pet peeve: not finishing your drink. She’s a rather flirtatious yet loyal competitor, yet she will not hesitate to kick your butt into last Tuesday using a Grenade Launcher that has ammo ranging from Napalm, to intoxicating perfume, to nerve gas. She carries every major brew of TequilaTriplets liquor.
Weapon – ‘Walker & Texas Ranger’ Revolutionary Blackjack Shotguns
Blackjack, one of the major heavyweights of the circuit, represents District 6, which deals with more 20th century gambling themes centered around Blackjack and Texas Hold ‘em. Much more of a stern combatant, he still has a good sense of humor. His weapons, the Twin Blackjack revolvers, reload by having the barrels flip around the outside of the gun itself, and pulling the trigger deals a blackjack hand. Closer to 21? More power, go over, it backfires. The guns can also be toggled into shieldmode, where it deploys a shield that can magnify damage back to the shooter. However, going over causes shots to come through the shield at Deuce at a stronger damage than fired.
Weapon – ‘Not-So-Chernobyl’ Bingo Detonator Rifle
How could we have a casino-gun idea without a Russian? However, the’Russian Roulette’ theme is somewhat overused. Bcause of this, we weaponized the Game of bingo! Vladimir runs district 5 and utilizes the Bingo Detonator. At the beginning of a match, all players (including Bingo) have a bingo grid projected to their chest. The gun fires an unavoidable but slow moving round that slowly seeks the grid space that matches the assigned bullet number. Although the bullet damage is low (at first), if any player gets a bingo on their grid, the grid detonates, most likely killing the player. Because the bullets fire very spaced, the player has time to try to down Bingo before it’s too late. While Bingo does accept surrenders, he does not feel any remorse for a player too stupid to concede before they’re blown to pieces.
(Royalty Class) {none of these combatants accept forfeits from challengers and will fight to kill.}
Weapon – ‘Sandstorm MKII’ Lottery Swarm Device
Keno is an ex-college professor who was ejected from the Goldenlight Megauniversity for immoral engineering practices and illegal gambling activity. He managed to engineer his own weapons, a pair of gloves that eject a swarm of bullets that operate off of Keno lottery mechanics, and proceeded to become the first of Fargus’ Royalty (term used for the group of antagonists that run and maintain the corrupt state in the inner city). He is ruthless and even smarter than he seems and his shrewd fighting banter often demoralizes the challenger by getting into their head and toying with their inner doubts. The longer you’re fighting Keno, the worse things get, as 6 minutes in a match almost guarantee a fatality (usually from hundreds of thousands of homing bullets).
Weapon – ‘Lovebite’ Pheremone Roulette Gatling Gun
Amour, the Queen of Hearts, rules district 3, and her promiscuity is her strongest weapon. Her gun, the Lovebite, fires incredible volleys of bullets that contain pheromones that intoxicate the challenger into not attacking her. To make matters worse, the further a combatant is infatuated with her, the more damage her gun does, until the lovedrunk competitor is torn to shreds by her weapon. A roulette modifier fires a random 00 shot that explodes into a perfume cloud that has a massive area of effect. The key to defeating her is to break your own psychological temptation (which is much easier said than done). “Blow your mind, everytime” {yes she is indeed based off ‘Killer Queen’ by Queen}
Weapon – ‘Pandora’s Box’
The Secretary is the right hand woman to Poker and leader of district 2, the primary financial capital of Goldenlight. She is stone cold, emotionless, and rarely/never speaks, so when she decides to talk, you better be scared. She wields Pandora’s Box, a weapon that has a chance to pull ‘any’ (and I mean any) weapon from the briefcase. The case also absorbs some ammunition from the opponent’s gun, increasing the chance that she can pull THEIR gun from the case and use it against them. However, she can only pull a particular gun out of the case once per match. The design of the case is a semi-cameo to the Devil May Cry’s Pandora’s Box.
Weapon – ‘The Hammer’ 5-card draw poker flintlock
Fargus is the top of the deck, being not only the most deadly of the High Rollers, but the most ruthless on and off the High Roller circuit. He is leader of District 1, the epicenter of Goldenlight and serves as the primary antagonist of the High Roller universe; corrupt, devious, manipulative, and outright sociopathic. He has a 100% kill percentage, annihilating every combatant to challenge his position, leading spectators and other High Rollers to believe his gun, the 5-Card draw flintlock, is rigged. Rules are simple; gun damage is modified by the magnitude of the hand dealt. 2 of a kind? Not a big deal. Royal flush, and it’s a guaranteed fatality. Vegas’ goal is to unseat Fargus and bring back the glory and status that the city has fallen from in recent decades.
(joker twins) {aka the 2 masks above} Not many people know about the twins, as no one is sure if they are living creatures or demonic entities. However, intent of these two is known to be diabolic, and it is rumored that the High Roller game is rigged to cause a cataclysmic collapse of society based on manipulation of circumstances and situations on the part of the duo. (more information to come in their bio page)
To be honest, I’m completely spent on this. Even the upload serves to be intimidating, but I really couldn’t have done it without the group of people that helped contribute, whether it be the characters drawn here, or those who made a character to have in on the fun. Thank you all, especially:
for designing Pachinko and the Tequila Triplets
for designing The Secretary
for dreaming up Deuce
for designing Acacia Spades
for designing the Joker Twins, Jesse & James
for designing Alea Parlay
and my little brother Jack (no dA) who helped me in the design of over 7 characters, giving brilliant suggestions that helped create what I personally think is the best project I’ve ever attempted.
Thank you guys. Thanks for the support, and Stay lucky.
Artwork © DanSyron
Characters © their respective owners above
High Roller © DanSyron & Friends
Total estimated time – 156+ Hours from planning to finished product
Pencil to Bristol, to photoshop cs3.
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Comments: 140
scotrone [2022-12-19 03:52:40 +0000 UTC]
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
scotrone [2022-08-27 21:36:51 +0000 UTC]
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scotrone [2022-05-08 02:04:32 +0000 UTC]
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cerfnegzhbk [2022-04-18 18:25:31 +0000 UTC]
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tracks147 [2021-12-13 02:26:41 +0000 UTC]
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voltagelife7 [2021-07-21 11:02:20 +0000 UTC]
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toonlexx108 [2021-07-01 17:11:46 +0000 UTC]
👍: 0 ⏩: 0
TempestTwister32 [2020-07-20 13:07:23 +0000 UTC]
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ProphetStorm [2013-11-10 21:47:44 +0000 UTC]
There's no way I can give you any less than five stars. It would be completely unfair of me.
First off, the visual artwork. That is amazing. The characters are unique, they are loaded with personality, and it's clear that a great deal of imagination and effort went into each one. The layered displays are amazing. The layout and format are both dynamic and draw one in. This is box art material. I adore it all.
As to the concept--I am in love. A street-fighter-esque game merged with gambling is a masterstroke of genius. Each character has been thought out with painstaking effort, with individual weapons, statistics and backstories. That is the mark of a good game designer--willingness, and even a desire, to be thorough.
There is only one complaint I have, and it's rather petty--I don't quite think that Fargus Poker looks quite evil enough. Sounds stupid, I know, but when you look at the other characters, Adam Vegas and the Secretary Cheetah have a little more menace than he does. He looks evil, yes, but it's a more Disney menace than the rest of the characters have. That aside, though, it's still a marvelous image, and a breathtaking concept. I hope to see this take off, and if you have any problems in making this a reality, contact me--this is a work of genius, and doesn't deserve to die.
👍: 1 ⏩: 1
DanSyron In reply to ProphetStorm [2013-11-10 23:56:51 +0000 UTC]
me and a few others are actually using alot of the feedback we've gathered as well as new insight to redesign and improve existing designs in here. This pic has been out for a bit now and as a result we can now see what is good and what needs improving, so we're working with it. I hope for this to go somewhere sometime, it just requires a bit more resources than I have access to as it would make one hell of a fighting game. As mentioned, fargus still hasn't actually shown much more to his design besides his bustshot, so as I produce more of the revisions and what not, hopefully design flaws and ambiguities will get ironed out.
Thanks for the interest and the critique.
👍: 0 ⏩: 2
ProphetStorm In reply to DanSyron [2013-11-11 15:50:02 +0000 UTC]
No problem. I only hope I didn't hit a nerve.
👍: 0 ⏩: 0
KissTheThunder [2013-02-09 19:15:05 +0000 UTC]
I want to start out by saying I'm extremely nervous writing this. I know how hard you worked on it, but I think I owe it to you to give my honest opinion.
I want to start out by saying that I think this is mind blowing! I can't imagine how much work must have gone into this. It really shows! I particularly love the top of the poster and how your eye is drawn upwards. It's really made me curious as to why. Are those two faces up top antagonists? What part to do they play to deserve so much focus! It has a real 'nightmaren' feel to them (not saying they look like them at all mind you, just an initial artistic impression, which is good)
The back ground shows your photo manipulation skills, painting the picture of a futuristic las vegas type scene. It gives a great first look into this High Roller world you've been so excited about!
This picture has great vision! And It comes across very well!!
I also love the concept! I can't wait to learn more about the universe that involves these characters!
Ugh, see, now I have to write down what bothers me about this picture and I hate this part >_<
To be blunt, aside from the top of the image, the bundle of characters below just look and feel cluttered and they really blend together. I think the colors chosen might be to blame, but I'm not sure. They feel like they're all colored for the same viewing plane regardless of distance on the picture like they were all done individually and then pasted and positioned for the poster. I get no sense of depth from them and nothing draws the eye. It all blends together indiscriminately.
In an individual sense, each character is unique, and I love the designs! The voodoo man, the triplets (who all look alike assuming because, you know, triplet sisters XD) the bull, they all look unique enough! The anatomy on many of them however, could use some real work.
I'm afraid to say the tigers head at the top, I thought that it was a floating hologram. I thought it was awesome until I saw it was supposed to be connected to dress coat below. Tigers are strong and powerful creatures. He should have a thicker neck set into his coat so the eye isn't left wondering where its connected and how. I could redline that for you if you would like me to <3 I see you trying, but I also see your sense of anatomy, particularly the females, needs a bit more attention.
I also am terribly confused about your light source in this picture and why the characters are cell shaded as they are. A lot of them seem to be contradicting eachother. Again, as I said, it feels cluttered, so I may be missing something.
Now, I'm no expert, this is just how I'm seeing the picture. The concept and vision is there, and I love that, but there are some fundamentals that need strengthening to give this picture what it needs.
I really hope you find this review helpful Dan, and that it doesn't step on your toes at all.
👍: 0 ⏩: 0
Toughset [2013-02-09 18:17:18 +0000 UTC]
First off, I read a number of the previous comments on this before writing this critique, and for the most part, I agree with a lot of them, both good and bad.
Now, as a person who loved the opportunity to work on such a project, it's fair to say that I have a bias towards this piece. Even so though, being by far the biggest picture you've done, it strangely enough, is a bit less impactful than some of your previous works. Moreso, I think I know why, but I'll get to that soon enough;
You clearly had this simmering in your mind for months, and for good reason! By far it's some of the most unique concepts I've seen on DA period! Everyone is focused on speedpainting mechs, steampunk, ponies, and nude slut photography, so for something like this to come around is a refreshing breath of fresh air! For the characters you made, you really were inspired by "Handsome Jack" and the borderlands inspiration for the guns I think goes without saying.
I think the biggest part about this though Dan, is that, after knowing you after all this time, I seriously get the impression that this overall concept; guns, casinos, just the visual life and atmosphere that comes from it, is in somewhat the epitome of your dreams and imagination. This style right here personifies your vision in art as a whole. And that alone is remarkable to show in art.
I don't need to mention my thoughts about the overall concept. Freaking brilliant. 'nuff said. And the fact that the idea of working with human/anthro proportions is still new ground for you, makes this all the more commendable. But at the same time, I worry a bit. The idea of anthros isn't a new thing, and still somewhat looked down upon. I don't agree with it though, heck, I blame Disney for the most part!
Though I am only one perspective, I still gotta say, I don't quite agree with some of the other character designs. Particularly Acacia Spade and the Bulletqueen. Now I realize these were designs by other people, but even so, they still seem like they could use a bit of refinement. The concepts are most certainly there, and the weapons spot on. But they just don't feel as refined as some of the others, like Fargus, Vince, and Vaylor.
You know more about photoshop than I know about holding a freaking pen steady. Your versatility with photomanipulation and renderings is still something I am impossibly envious of, and the level of detail here shows. From the smallest of gun details and effects, to the breathtaking fantasy cityscape in the background there, your level of attention to detail is nothing short of necessary to properly capture the feel of both the Las Vegas atmosphere, and the futuristic fantasy future. The only other person I feel could come close to capturing such an essence is the person who makes the 'Lackadaisy" comics, and even then, I still feel that would come up short on the future-side of things.
To be frank, I'm a little upset that this doesn't nearly have as much impact as I had hoped. The composition is good, the detail is there, but I think what really makes it kick it's own butt is the color. Even with the overlays for each individual character, the sheer amount of color is nothing short of mind-boggling. The confusing thing about this is that, I've done pics where there have been a number of characters, with an overlay to give contrast, and those turned out fine. But I think I know why, and it might be a case of TOO much technique, if that makes sense;
On the edge of each character, you've allowed for a secondary light source to add depth to the character. Now normally this would be either something matching the character's color scheme, or something matching the atmosphere. But the latter would be a bad idea, seeing how intense in color variety it already is. But what I noticed is that, in place of these highlights, there are streaks of cyan, purple, and other neon colors. Now while I clearly see the reason for these, they just outright clash with some of the characters, like Chip and Vaylor. The rare case they work, like on Tequila there, the ol' purple/green contrast works great. Standing alone, these highlights can be just fine. But in content-high pics like this, you gotta be a bit more limiting on color for each character. That alone is why I think this pic isn't as impactful as it could be.
Despite it's flaws, this is incredible, not just with how it looks, but with what it represents; Refined imagination, tedious collaboration and input, the new and untapped, all with a fun and eccentric flair rarely found nowadays. As a concept for a game, though it would still need some solid things ironed out, this is a perfect display of the imagination held within the "indie" side of things. Here's hoping this kicks off like a wildfire!
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
Skytch [2013-02-09 17:07:28 +0000 UTC]
Well, I have to say, this is the most elaborate and original concept for a fighting game/story that I have seen in a long time. There really is so much potential you have here and I'm excited to see where this goes.
I first must say that each and every character is "way past cool" and each of them have so much personality and even cool back-stories just from reading their short descriptions. This is definitely a really creative Poster/Title design. The whole composition is works really well, and it even looks like a professionally done Anime poster of some sort.
I can definitely say that there is so much detail and time put into this picture that there's almost no way I can actually criticize it. It's damn near perfect! You definitely should get an award for Best Original Concept.
As far as flaws go, I see virtually none. I mean seriously, the colors are bright and engaging, you can clearly see each character, and there's an excellent amount of detail in terms of each character's weapons and personality. I honestly have no idea how this could be any further improved. Absolutely stellar work. You deserve a medal.
👍: 0 ⏩: 0
TrippySquidsman [2013-02-09 05:58:46 +0000 UTC]
First off. this is literally the best piece in this style of art that I've ever seen here on dA.
The overall design of the poster immediately suggests a professional production- it looks and feels as if an actual production company has commissioned this.
The smooth, clean and refined lineart, coupled with how each different object in the piece just seems to slot into place really brings the whole thing together. One of the best aspects of this poster is how the artist has managed to place every character in a position that not only shows off their design, but is unobtrusive to any neighbouring characters/objects.
There are many, many different colours- but instead of coming across as chaotic (as many other people seem to end up doing), they all work with each other to present an extremely visually appealing work of art.
The detail of each and every character, structure and object is commendable. Again, instead of coming across as cluttered and messy, it's all put together in a way that doesn't draw the eye to any specific part of the poster. However, it may be useful to take advantage of some POV- that is, slightly blurring the backgrounds to create a sense of distance/depth in the picture, as it does quickly start to strain the eye.
Nothing here seems rushed, or lazily done. Every character has meticulous detail to proportioning, expression, posture- not to mention the accompanying descriptions of said characters!
There are many different emotions that this piece manages to convey, simply through the use of colour, expression and posture. Apprehension, excitement, fear, happiness, awe and curiousness are but a few that come to mind.
Finally, it's obvious that the artist has put an amazing amount of time, effort and thought to create an incredibly original and exciting piece of art. Congratulations!
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
DanSyron In reply to TrippySquidsman [2013-02-09 06:07:18 +0000 UTC]
while i wholeheartedly disagree with the 'best picture on deviantart' comment, i am very humbled by the comment itself. Honestly, bringing an idea like this to the table requires me to go 'all out' and that involves me taking a true passion with the characters, the color quality, themes, designs and so on, as that is what I find immense joy in creating. It definitely was not a rushed process (even uploading this made me thing "oh god i dont know if this is done yet"). Thank you so much for your feed back. Is there anything that you see can be improved upon in future works?
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
TrippySquidsman In reply to DanSyron [2013-02-09 06:10:29 +0000 UTC]
Apart from what I suggested in the critique, I honestly couldn't say.
I'm not really very artistically minded, so anything that I say is
purely from a visual/emotional point of view. Anything regarding
techniques or the like is best sourced from an actual artist
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
DanSyron In reply to TrippySquidsman [2013-02-09 06:11:45 +0000 UTC]
fair enough. thanks for the critique
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
scarletsolitce [2017-08-06 21:39:28 +0000 UTC]
Is this an anime made by studio bones cause if not then GET ON THAT
👍: 0 ⏩: 0
Murlocoverlord [2017-05-11 02:14:11 +0000 UTC]
If this was a anime I would watch it every day
👍: 0 ⏩: 0
DanSyron In reply to Dukurow [2016-09-25 23:59:09 +0000 UTC]
the concept has gotten a massive rework since this was posted. I do have plans to make this a game in the distant future once I get a studio formed or the idea pitched to the appropriate company/VC firm
👍: 0 ⏩: 3
Shadowslayerfurry In reply to DanSyron [2020-03-17 00:13:32 +0000 UTC]
👍: 0 ⏩: 0
Dukurow In reply to DanSyron [2016-09-26 00:29:21 +0000 UTC]
My mistake. I should have checked the date.
👍: 0 ⏩: 0
mdscarfaceone [2016-06-01 11:51:24 +0000 UTC]
Yep,I love the fact that you said the gunfighting was martial-arts esque.
Thats exactly how it works in Virtual On.
👍: 0 ⏩: 0
Anonymousxp-ff [2016-05-06 04:30:27 +0000 UTC]
What I think their boss theme be like.
Johannes Vaylor: www.youtube.com/watch?v=TpHmvE…
Acacia Spade: www.youtube.com/watch?v=IZLMDk…
Chip Wilkins: www.youtube.com/watch?v=TANhL8…
Vince Voodoo: www.youtube.com/watch?v=GG36aE…
Tequila Triplets: www.youtube.com/watch?v=VX9GWp…
Hui-Zhong Pachinko: www.youtube.com/watch?v=ihnMYh…
Alea Parlay: www.youtube.com/watch?v=pPd1Tw…
Vladimir Bingo: www.youtube.com/watch?v=cPSI2q…
Thomas Keno: www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q4UTKk…
Antoinette Amour: www.youtube.com/watch?v=MEu3Wp…
The Secretary: www.youtube.com/watch?v=1BvKt4…
Can't find anything for Fargus and Deuce
👍: 0 ⏩: 0
BloomingDaemon [2015-09-04 05:23:03 +0000 UTC]
Wow. Must. Play. Game.
Found this when I looked up "Killer Queen". Good use of keywording, friend!
👍: 0 ⏩: 0
thecuttestpuppy [2015-03-20 12:00:54 +0000 UTC]
This would make a great cartoon. The time spent was worth it. Some names and designs are crazily awesome.
👍: 0 ⏩: 0
LazorFangs [2014-11-14 12:46:32 +0000 UTC]
This looks like an anime I would totally watch ^^
👍: 0 ⏩: 0
Munklock [2014-10-31 04:18:44 +0000 UTC]
wow, is just the best draw of see in deviantart, awesome job man
👍: 0 ⏩: 0
DanSyron In reply to SpectrumGuardians [2014-10-22 22:16:24 +0000 UTC]
it was inspired by part of the concept from it, but no they have their differences
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lizzymae17 [2014-04-16 01:56:56 +0000 UTC]
Ohmygosh this looks so professionally done!! I can't wait to see this project go all the way! Keep this up, I'd totally get the game!
👍: 0 ⏩: 0
TheHailStormer [2014-02-03 04:58:32 +0000 UTC]
Wow. The creativity that went into this is astounding! I can't wait to see where you take such a brilliant idea!
👍: 0 ⏩: 0
ProphetStorm [2013-11-10 21:41:56 +0000 UTC]
Beautiful! I hope this project goes all the way.
👍: 0 ⏩: 0
RaV3G1rL17 [2013-11-02 01:15:08 +0000 UTC]
Now if you excuse me, I must pick up the pieces of my blown-up mind across the room....
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