Published: 2006-06-20 05:33:15 +0000 UTC; Views: 3034; Favourites: 39; Downloads: 118
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Coloured version of Athiel and mystery girl sketch. finally decided the colouring on the girl...however i think maybe Athiel is stealing the show~! hahahah, she's so colourful while everything else is softer in color. i didn't know what colour dress athiel should wear nor did i know the colour of her eyes so i improvised. Tomodachi means friend in japanese. the japanese writing says "Friends, Athiel is CUTE" Athiel is saying "Tee-hee" and the Girl is saying "kuusssuu" forms of laughing.original sketch: [link]
Athiel (c) joint-ownership &
Artwork done by & Mystery girl (c) to me,
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Comments: 53
PlastikFan4evR [2007-01-12 08:07:13 +0000 UTC]
Cute mystery Snake-chick and they say snakes are bad creatures....shame on them
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crimson-rose01 [2006-06-22 02:36:22 +0000 UTC]
Ah so pretty and cute! I love how delicate everything is And I think the colors for Mystery Girl are great too. Have you thought of any names for her yet?
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Corselia In reply to crimson-rose01 [2006-06-22 20:52:22 +0000 UTC]
XD THANKS! i was worried before that maybe athiel was drawing too much attention but i guess not. Noooo, not official name as of yet. i'm kinda doing a roleplay thing with Sabretooth-Fox and tempararily named her lilia but i don't like the name. i do have a few names in mind but not an official one yet. i kinda want it to be a unique name...
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crimson-rose01 In reply to Corselia [2006-06-22 21:32:21 +0000 UTC]
Oh I didnt know you roleplayed. Would you like to roleplay her with my naga when he's done. I just need to give him a name and finish drawing his right arm in the pic I've done of him
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Corselia In reply to crimson-rose01 [2006-06-22 22:37:45 +0000 UTC]
lol, actually i don't normally roleplay but she had asked me and i was like sure okay so i guess now i do? but now we're spamming her comments page on her picture...haha. i never roleplayed before that, tho. so i guess you just make things up as you go? but, yeah sure, join in.
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crimson-rose01 In reply to Corselia [2006-06-23 01:14:35 +0000 UTC]
Oh I've never actually roleplayed that way before. Usually if I roleplay one character with a lot of people I have one roleplay story with each of them. I'm not sure if that makes any sence
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Corselia In reply to crimson-rose01 [2006-06-23 01:26:29 +0000 UTC]
You mean you role play with many people but only in pairs...right? I guess i get what your sayin~? i've never roleplayed before sabretooth fox so lol, i don't know any better. but if you want me to role play with just you, thats fine too. but i'm thinking of doing a journal thingy to role play on or something cuz i'd hate to spam my entire page or comments... haha, not like its not getting any action at the moment but some people do get a lil annoied by that. so when you've finished your character, sure i'll rp you...(that sounds wrong but you know what i meant) XC just don't try to seduce my cute lil girl~!
she's either stuck on her Master or has an eye for a certain long-black haired rebel. XDXDXD
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crimson-rose01 In reply to Corselia [2006-06-23 01:35:39 +0000 UTC]
Yeah roleplaying in pairs cuts down on the confusion. Well we can roleplay by devinotes or by AIM if you have that. That would mean thered be no spamming Lol don't worry, my naga isn't very enthusiastic when it comes love. He has had a bad experience in the past shall we say
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Corselia In reply to crimson-rose01 [2006-06-23 01:50:51 +0000 UTC]
lol. I don't have AIM so i'll prolly note it. Actually i also like the journal idea, too. cuz i'll prolly get mixed up with all the notes i have, i never throw any of them away, see... lol, so i've got alot of note junk to get rid of. i don't mind other people reading or even commenting... i don't know... i'll have to see how much i can clear out my notes. BLAH...hahah. Ooooh, thats toooo bad! alot of my characters have "bad" experiences. infact alot of my stories behind them are very dramatic...gee...for me being such a happy person i make all my characters miserable...???? oh my.... hahaha, i guess its cuz out of my friends... I was the angry dramatic one, Meggsss was the comedy relief, mulitple jackies was the sadistice one, and the old maid was the motherly happy one. hahahah! oh well. me and my old friends are just plain wierd. i think the only happy character i have is...kiki the kitsune, Fresca the fairy and her husband Rudy...but their story has its ups and downs, also. hmmmmmmmmmmm. And i had to go and think up another character this moring based off Drakengard......and man, she's the most messed up character of all. i should make more happy characters.
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crimson-rose01 In reply to Corselia [2006-06-23 19:57:04 +0000 UTC]
Most of my main characters don't have happy histories (Basil probably being the most fucked up of the lot) but all my supporting characters are pretty happy and cheerful. But I think making 'sad' characters is realistic. Life isn't easy and you usually have to deal with a couple of hard blows along the way.
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Corselia In reply to crimson-rose01 [2006-06-24 00:44:32 +0000 UTC]
XD, yeah i totally agree~! life aint pretty, no matter how much you suger coat it. life is one big endless cycle of good and bad, left and right, positives and negatives...however you want to look at it. i think my most realistic sad character would be Angelo...both as a knight and a highschool student. besides, having a bad history leads to a great story in most cases.
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crimson-rose01 In reply to Corselia [2006-06-25 19:01:36 +0000 UTC]
Wait Angelo is a knight and highschool student
Oh and I finished the drawing of my new naga [link] Just have to color him.
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Corselia In reply to crimson-rose01 [2006-06-25 22:00:48 +0000 UTC]
I have two different stories containing the exact same characters. a Knights story and a Highschool story. Angelo is one of those characters thats in both but both stories are separate.
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crimson-rose01 In reply to Corselia [2006-06-25 22:39:03 +0000 UTC]
Oh cool Are the characters' relationships and personalities the same in both stories?
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Corselia In reply to crimson-rose01 [2006-06-25 23:19:04 +0000 UTC]
for the most part, yes. Angelo grew up in a RICH family however, the different between the knights version and the modern version is that his father in the knights version died in battle and in the modern version, had a improper relationship with a woman that wasn't his "Mother". Angelo is still a mean, grouchy, neglected, vindictive turd in both stories...only in the modern version i emphasized that more because he's a highschool senior and does 'naughty' things. verses his older persona who was more proper. all the characters have slight differences between both stories but the major details are still generally the same.
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crimson-rose01 In reply to Corselia [2006-06-25 23:29:45 +0000 UTC]
Lol Angelo sounds like a cool character I mean I probably wouldn't want to know him, but to read a story with him in it would probably be entertaining.
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Corselia In reply to crimson-rose01 [2006-06-25 23:55:38 +0000 UTC]
His best friend is the COMPLETE OPPOSITE of him. angelo is always angry and Phil is always Happy. best of friends AND worst of enemies. you hear alot about angelo and phil and think that Angelo, just because he's teh protaganist of the story, that he's the leader of the group...BUT HES NOT! he's merely a second in command...sorta... their friend Sylvina is the REAL boss of their group of friends. she's just playing incognito.
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crimson-rose01 In reply to Corselia [2006-06-25 23:58:57 +0000 UTC]
I think most girls are like Sylvina, holding the real power while the males are a bit oblivious to the fact
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Corselia In reply to crimson-rose01 [2006-06-26 00:10:08 +0000 UTC]
OH no, Angelo if WELL AWARE of Sylvina being the big boss. he avoids angering her at all costs. which is funny cuz its in his nature to piss off everyone he see's. Up until he meets Luvia, He was only nice to 2 women in his life... Sylvina, his childhood friend and Eileene, his older sister who he's in love with. thats another thing about Ang...he's sick and he knows it... but he can't help himself. Philippe, on the other hand... he's very intelligent but he's a waste of good talent...be never really puts that brain power to good use so often he's pretty dumb and pisses sylvina off alot getting him into lotsa trouble....which usually gets Angelo in trouble just because he was a innocent bystandard...hahahahahahah, poor angy!? so phil first gets beaten by sylvina then gets killed by Angelo fro dragging him into his punishment for no reason. hahahah. but yea, girls are the ones that hold the real power...we just blend into the background to make men feel like they have self worth...we're just that nice~ LOL hahahaha.
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crimson-rose01 In reply to Corselia [2006-06-26 02:04:48 +0000 UTC]
Wow that sounds like a soap opera! How do you remember all the little details.
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Corselia In reply to crimson-rose01 [2006-06-26 02:09:35 +0000 UTC]
meh, i don't know. i have like 20 something characters that are constantly changing with my whims. but, the knights version and mondern version are pretty much left as originally created. i just think up what kind of senarios they might experience and me and my friends talk it over and i just kinda remember. i never write anything down cuz i'll lose it anyway.
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crimson-rose01 In reply to Corselia [2006-06-26 02:14:13 +0000 UTC]
Have you ever thought of writing it down like in a story. Like my character Basil's back story for the roleplay I was doing with his boyfriend Wade (owned by ) was simple enough, but trying to explain it to everyone who would ask was to lengthy and confusing. So lengthy that it spanned some odd 12 chapters But my watchers loved it and now I'm writing the story of Basil and Wade mostly due to popular demand. But the nice thing of it is that I can just give people a link now instead of explaining it over and over again.
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Corselia In reply to crimson-rose01 [2006-06-26 02:20:07 +0000 UTC]
well, my characters aren't very that popular and i'm lazy or don't have time to write things down. i just draw what happens.... like romance scenes or fight scences. ofcourse i havne't drawn any of them yet. i just lazy i guess.
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crimson-rose01 In reply to Corselia [2006-06-26 02:23:33 +0000 UTC]
Well I only have maybe five watchers that actually comment/fave my stuff, so it isnt like Basil has that many fans on DA. About five of my real life friends like him so he only has a total of 10 fans
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Corselia In reply to crimson-rose01 [2006-06-27 02:20:26 +0000 UTC]
I don't count how many fans i have...so i've no idea who likes what.
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crimson-rose01 In reply to Corselia [2006-06-27 03:00:04 +0000 UTC]
well dont you notice who comments on what characters the most?
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Corselia In reply to crimson-rose01 [2006-06-27 03:17:54 +0000 UTC]
um...no not really. i recognize people i talk to alot but i don't really pay attention who comments the most on what. i don't even know what pic has the most comments because i tend to talk alot to people on the comments page so i've not clue which pic has the most 'original' comments.
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crimson-rose01 In reply to Corselia [2006-06-27 23:51:33 +0000 UTC]
Ah ok Yeah then it would be difficult to determine. I personally dont know which deviation I have with the most 'authentic' comments.
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Corselia In reply to crimson-rose01 [2006-06-28 00:10:13 +0000 UTC]
XD, lol, yeah. i really should use my notes more often... but i guess i'm lazy.
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crimson-rose01 In reply to Corselia [2006-06-28 02:50:43 +0000 UTC]
Lol its ok. Comments are easier to reply to
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Mask0fShadows [2006-06-21 20:17:16 +0000 UTC]
Very nice, this looks like such a heartwarming moment for them. Keep up the good work, I am still practicing and trying to improve. Still I need alot of work.
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Mask0fShadows In reply to Corselia [2006-06-24 18:31:15 +0000 UTC]
Your welcome, hopefully my moms scanner will do my next batch justice. It's an older scanner that takes up alot of space.
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Burning-Firefly [2006-06-21 07:41:52 +0000 UTC]
Oh yay the coloured version ^^.
They both look very cute and I love the colours you have used in this, well done X3
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Corselia In reply to Burning-Firefly [2006-06-21 12:58:59 +0000 UTC]
i think Atheil is stealing the show tho. she was originally much darker in the pic and i had to do something to make her not stand so much out. but i'm glad peoples like it
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Burning-Firefly In reply to Corselia [2006-06-21 13:04:12 +0000 UTC]
I think they both look awesome. I like the different colours of the characters, they make each other stand out. To be quite honest though, I much prefer you characters design, not meaning to step on anyones toes though .
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Corselia In reply to Burning-Firefly [2006-06-21 13:15:10 +0000 UTC]
really, the colors don't attact you to one general area? i was worried all eyes would go to atheil since she's the one with most colours and my character is very pale in comparison. i though putting more pink in there would help out to spread out the color. daaawwwww, thanks!
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Burning-Firefly In reply to Corselia [2006-06-21 15:02:18 +0000 UTC]
Nah I was more attracted to the detail and features more than anything, then the eyes target colour ^^
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demondragon11 [2006-06-20 06:15:41 +0000 UTC]
Yay, finally colored! She looks great though i wish I could see the front. The gray looks really good,
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Corselia In reply to demondragon11 [2006-06-20 14:39:50 +0000 UTC]
she kinda looks silvery now... XD
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demondragon11 In reply to Corselia [2006-06-20 14:42:38 +0000 UTC]
Sorry about that. I wrote that comment late at night, eyes weren't working. X)
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