Published: 2007-11-04 21:28:18 +0000 UTC; Views: 18684; Favourites: 419; Downloads: 0
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All of my Bento luches to date! 1-20 bento collage!For more bentos please go here: [link]
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Comments: 55
Sorencys [2012-11-09 13:53:10 +0000 UTC]
They are all so beautiful made!!! Youre great at it
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IconicBritannia [2011-06-19 15:33:50 +0000 UTC]
i have never eaten a bento in my life.... BUT I REALLY WANT TO!!!! TT^TT
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Tenoko1 [2010-12-08 21:59:47 +0000 UTC]
.........Is that a... Meat. Bun????? Top row middle?!? Damn, you make a lot of awesome bentos. Totally jealous. I make them but they all come out looking pretty much the same because I'm limited on what I can use with them. Octo-dogs, bunny boiled eggs, sweet omlet, onigiri, apple bunnies, pan fried noodles, tuna sushi.
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Corselia In reply to Tenoko1 [2010-12-09 03:33:15 +0000 UTC]
lol lemme guess, it looks like a set of boobies, right? i get that alot. It is my mom's homemade meat buns. She made some and they were looking pretty big and white i decided it would be a brilliant idea to put a big red dot on the top. little did i know it would resemble bossoms. You should photograph and post your bento creations! I host a Bento group called and you can find lots of bento there!
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Tenoko1 In reply to Corselia [2010-12-09 16:44:48 +0000 UTC]
No, they didn't look like boobs to me because I knew what they were, I've just never seen anyone make them before for a bento. Do you use the barbeque pork recipe or something else? I'm not a fan of barbeque so I wonder if there's another way of doing it... I will definately post pictures next time!! I plan to do one as soon as I get paid and can buy groceries, lol!
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Corselia In reply to Tenoko1 [2010-12-09 19:19:27 +0000 UTC]
lol most people have thought they look like boobs. My mom is the one who made the meat bunns and she does them differently i think? I know the filling was chicken that was marinated and cooked in soy sauce and onion and a few other things. But you can put anything you want inside of them really. It isn't set in stone that it has to be bbq pork or whatever. personally i'm not a fan of bbq meat bunns, either. XD oh yes, please do post some next time! I'd definately like to see them!
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animeluver97 [2010-10-22 15:48:34 +0000 UTC]
wow these are all so amazing ! i was wondering. the third picture in the top row. the one with the big bread type things with a cherry or something in the middle.
yeah um... what is that bread thing ?
it looks super yummy
also what do you put in your sushi.
and three, what is that white stuff with the red swirls on it ?
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Corselia In reply to animeluver97 [2010-10-22 17:18:52 +0000 UTC]
its a homemade shoupow. basically a pork bun. If I make the sushi i usually make the roll type and put in tempura shrimp or chicken, cucumber maybe some crab and carrots. i don't make the real sushi ones... i buy those and stick them in the bento! lol. and that white stuff with red swirls is Yogurt! i decorated it with some food coloring using a tooth pick. If you search my bento gallery every bento in the collage is seen in there with full descriptions!
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animeluver97 In reply to Corselia [2010-10-22 18:24:02 +0000 UTC]
oh thats cool.
oh awesome. yeah i found that out like two seconds after i posted the comment -_- fail....
haha so cool !
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PhoenixFeatherz [2009-10-20 19:29:26 +0000 UTC]
Your bento's are sooo cute! And look absolutely delicious!
I wish i could have bentos , but im from Canada and we don't do that kind of stuff here o.O. By any chance, do you know where a bento container (
LIKE UR KAWAII NEKO ONE) would be availablee?
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GianineDrawsAnime In reply to PhoenixFeatherz [2010-05-30 01:33:03 +0000 UTC]
i know how you feel -_-"
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Corselia In reply to PhoenixFeatherz [2009-10-20 20:02:14 +0000 UTC]
There are a number of places i get my bentos from. Amazon.com is starting to pick up on Bentos and you can find a few of them by either typing 'bento' Or 'San-X Lunch'. Ebay also sells bento and you might even find a better deal on there. ShopKawaii.com is another good site that not only sells bentos but other cute items... this is the site i bought the pink Neko box from. J-list.com is another online store to purchase from and it also sells accessories as well. I have ordered all of my bento accessories from that site. Check out Etsy.com as well. There are some sellers on there who stock up on Bento boxes and accessories and like ebay you might find a good deal there. Hope that helps.
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PhoenixFeatherz In reply to Corselia [2009-10-20 20:06:01 +0000 UTC]
Ohh! Thanks alot! I'll check it out
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rideaseeker629 [2009-04-15 11:27:54 +0000 UTC]
How does a bento box work? Are they like stacked then they have a lid?
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Corselia In reply to rideaseeker629 [2009-04-15 15:41:10 +0000 UTC]
that is one type. The one you are thinking of is a stacked version. it has a lid, a cover under that *sometimes its just the lid only* then the first and slightly larger tray and a slightly smaller tray under that. they are all stacked together and held with elastic if not its own plastic snaps. others versions do not stack. they simply have a divider and a lid; again either held by elastic or plastic snaps. Some are more unique and might have a shape to them with trays inside.
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rideaseeker629 In reply to Corselia [2009-04-16 00:39:55 +0000 UTC]
oooh ok. I get it now. Thanks!
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Dayami-chan [2009-01-14 19:10:18 +0000 UTC]
OMGOSH YUMMY!! 8D everything's so colourful and pretty *wants to buy a bento box* X3
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AlchemistAndrew1234 [2008-06-22 05:21:02 +0000 UTC]
woah did you make those? yumm *favorites!*
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moshimouse [2008-06-14 21:45:31 +0000 UTC]
OH MAN THIS LOOKS SO TASTY!!! i wish i knew how to cook like you!! it all looks so good and YUMMY!!
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hayleywarner [2008-04-10 22:55:08 +0000 UTC]
Those are amazing.
I really like the one with the ghost coming out of the fire, looks like something from ghost bashing arcade game I think its a sega or namco one I'm not sure that we have in MK.
I love the your use of colour to.
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blissfulthinking [2008-03-03 03:37:59 +0000 UTC]
They all look really tasty, but is that corn on rice in the top right corner?
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Corselia In reply to blissfulthinking [2008-03-03 10:21:08 +0000 UTC]
yes. i've seen it done before... T_T but because i did it, it tasted aweful.
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blissfulthinking In reply to Corselia [2008-03-03 16:19:27 +0000 UTC]
I'm sorry. I can't imagine corn on rice tasting really good anyway. But if you're going for that yellow on white color pallet, why not use saffron rice on top of white rice?
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Corselia In reply to blissfulthinking [2008-03-03 17:27:53 +0000 UTC]
i didn't have it at the time.
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Le-Sai [2008-01-30 22:51:04 +0000 UTC]
This is just awesome.
What a lovely new form of art....bento.
Now I want to make bento lunches....D:
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Corselia In reply to Le-Sai [2008-01-31 00:13:35 +0000 UTC]
thank you! XD yes make bento and send it to the ~Bento-Club
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Le-Sai In reply to Corselia [2008-01-31 00:46:44 +0000 UTC]
I just have to find a container that'd work for a bento box since I don't have one...
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Elistariel [2007-12-17 11:11:39 +0000 UTC]
Pooh (jk), now I want to make bento lunches. lol
Only thing is, I'm afraid I'd still be hungry.
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Chibzies [2007-11-20 12:59:32 +0000 UTC]
Wow! this is delicious! P: yum!
Cool! I wanna learn to make a japanese bento too (mmmn~ sushi!, yum~ onigiri! P: )
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Obscure-Dragon [2007-11-17 01:11:56 +0000 UTC]
Those are so cool, too bad they have to be eaten.
Wow, those cherries are really black in #13. XD
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KimmichiNakano [2007-11-12 23:58:20 +0000 UTC]
Seeing all of them makes me remember the bento lunch my friends sister always made us T.T
Looks yummy
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loveleepeeps [2007-11-09 23:26:41 +0000 UTC]
god that looks dilicius i love me some sushi
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Eranthe [2007-11-09 04:44:03 +0000 UTC]
I want to eat to all of them too!
I can make the sushi if u make me the bento!
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evikted [2007-11-08 17:10:51 +0000 UTC]
ahhhhhhhh the one with the nigiri makes me so hungryyyy
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Lina01 [2007-11-08 11:57:51 +0000 UTC]
*o* I want to eat them all XD! Each one is so original! How long does it takes you to make a bento lunch?
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Corselia In reply to Lina01 [2007-11-08 21:54:53 +0000 UTC]
Hrm, it depends. I don't make the sushi (atleast not yet. they are store bought) and its usually left over foods from restaraunts. but sometimes i make the food like the fried shrimp, lemon chicken, etc. really if the food is already cooked then it doesn't take time at all. i just have to think of how to do the layout of the food is all. probably 15-30mins at most. 1 hour is the longest i've taken because i cooked some of the food.
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