Published: 2006-02-02 04:37:41 +0000 UTC; Views: 1476; Favourites: 19; Downloads: 108
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A fanart for Zammi-kins! a picture of Dora with her cute white puppy-dog whose trying to swat a butterfly. Dora and the puppy are done COMPLETELY by traditional media... i sketched it out then penned it. for colors i used Copic Ciao and NioPiko alcohol based markers...you'll be amazed how many colors i used... and believe it or not i used MAKE-UP!!!! yes, make-up! i didn't have any pastels or colorpencils or well basically anything other then my alcohol markers and my pencils and pens so in order to make the blush on her face i used pink eye shadow! gotta work with what i have, ya know? Everything Else was done on Photoshop 7.0. thought pink would make it look good. i know i colored dora a lil off cuz she's suppose to be all milky white colored... but i think i got most of it down correctly. hope you likes it Zambi!Dora belongs to zambi (dora's so pretty~!)
art done by Onna-giri
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Comments: 40
Mel-P [2007-07-06 00:21:06 +0000 UTC]
This is really pretty~ X3 I love the grass! and she looks awesome ^_^
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KazeKageSakura [2006-09-19 22:52:24 +0000 UTC]
Her name reminds me of Dora the Explorer, this little kids show if you haven't seen it. XD
It's prettyyyyyy! <3
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Corselia In reply to KazeKageSakura [2006-09-19 23:35:32 +0000 UTC]
haha, i've seen it. thank you!
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scuzme [2006-06-10 00:54:40 +0000 UTC]
pink is a beautiful colour! and is that a puppy >w< so adorable!
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Ceeli-chan [2006-03-05 16:14:26 +0000 UTC]
I really like this picture, especially the whole idea of a centaur-ish person.
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Corselia In reply to Ceeli-chan [2006-03-05 16:37:44 +0000 UTC]
the centaur-ish person belongs to Zambi~ i really like the idea, too. thanx for the comment!!!! XD
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Ceeli-chan In reply to Corselia [2006-03-05 16:50:12 +0000 UTC]
Yeah I read the description, et je voudrais ce chien, parce qu'il est tres mignone! ^_^
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Corselia In reply to Ceeli-chan [2006-03-05 17:08:09 +0000 UTC]
oh~ XD what does the rest say? is it french or erm... or am i totally off? Wakarimasen. Eigo to nihon ga hanashimasu.
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Ceeli-chan In reply to Corselia [2006-03-05 17:11:38 +0000 UTC]
It says, "I want that dog, it's cute!" ^_^
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Corselia In reply to Ceeli-chan [2006-03-05 18:23:18 +0000 UTC]
oh, the widdle pubby dawg~ yeah~ it's soooo cute~! i had one of those...then it got all big and fat and all he does is sleep all day. ; ___ ; my pubby dawg is lazy...
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zambicandy [2006-02-03 04:30:42 +0000 UTC]
Its sooooo prettty ; ___ ; and you did it with traditional stuff? thats so awesome! AND YOU INCLUDED THE PUPPY. YOU GET EXTRA ZAMMIE LOVE POINTS <33333 I love your use of photoshop brushes too :3 They look so lovely! _D_ I love all the pink! ahhh everything is so pretty ; ; Dora is so pretty ;D; *lovesonyou*
Thank you so much ;3;
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Corselia In reply to zambicandy [2006-02-03 05:04:36 +0000 UTC]
X3 i hoped you like it! i'm always admiring your work and i just adore dora! yep, dora is done with alcohol base markers and my eyeshadow! mostly pink eye shadow to give her blush and white to make her look more milky skinned. i had to study up a bit but i'm glad it came out all right and that you love it! i'm happies now~!!! eyahy!!! i get zammie love points!!! *wants to buy a cookie!**
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zambicandy In reply to Corselia [2006-02-03 05:07:18 +0000 UTC]
>:I you get cookies for FREE <3
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Corselia In reply to zambicandy [2006-02-03 05:16:03 +0000 UTC]
YIPPIES~~~!!!! >:3 YUMMY COOKIES FOR ME! ;__; and they are freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee~
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kirbydude747 [2006-02-02 17:41:32 +0000 UTC]
woah... i really like the color and the background! great pic
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coverkiller [2006-02-02 14:23:00 +0000 UTC]
hmmm? sounds like you had alot of fun the only thing that i would suggest is that you use a different color for the sky like mabe an orange to accent the pink on the ground and draw more attention to your characters as it is alittle hard for me to focus on one area but i love the textures you used O.O those are excellent :3
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Corselia In reply to coverkiller [2006-02-03 00:53:24 +0000 UTC]
oh, its not my character, its a fanart for Zambi. but i've been thinking i'd go more antro...haha, i wanna do a centaur and unicorn just like Zambi and Klar...but i don't wanna seem like i'm copying anyone.... i'm not sure i like this mixed media thing... it could be just me but i can tell the difference between the character and the background. maybe i should despeckle the darn thing in the filter stuff...? hmmmmmm. what i really want is to draw like toounit. but i can't do any sort of BG except the moon and sky thingy on photoshop. ...hahah, if you notice, most of the nice BG's i do is moon and sky with crappy grass! hahaha. i'm still learning. i managed the grass all on my own tho! i'm proud of that! but moon and sky i learned by C4mi's tutorial. i'm creative when it comes to characters however BG's i'm still a dunce.
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coverkiller In reply to Corselia [2006-02-03 15:14:20 +0000 UTC]
^^ sorry what i ment was if you made the sky an accent color it would put more of the attention on the character. you put so many wonderful details in this peice but the tend to compete with each other so by making the sky an accent color it would draw your focus to the subjuct first and then let you discover the rest of the back ground.'^^ you did an ecelent job on details and i think you"d do great at anthro!! somthing i commpletely suck at X.x i'll be waiting to see your next deviation
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Corselia In reply to coverkiller [2006-02-03 17:21:16 +0000 UTC]
XD i did change the color on the pic but i didn't post it. its for zambi and she saw it last night and just LOVED it. hmm, actually i like both colors. either pink or orange is good. maybe i should just post the orange in scraps... well, i'm not really and anthro person. but recently i have started drawing something of the like. i can't seem to make them fat enough. fat is cute...so are fluff...but i'm not very good at that. i'll keep tryin tho. TANKS
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coverkiller In reply to Corselia [2006-02-03 19:24:17 +0000 UTC]
well if the recever loved it "success" i have the same problem with anthro
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coverkiller In reply to Corselia [2006-02-03 19:57:49 +0000 UTC]
i still wanted to see the other one i'm not familliar with that key emotion but if your cring because i said something stupid i'm sorry i'm sorry i'm sorry Owo
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Corselia In reply to coverkiller [2006-02-03 20:04:03 +0000 UTC]
...whuh? if you did somethin wrong i'd tell you straight out. so don't worry~ XD the key emotion is crying but its for "yeah...i totally get that, we're so cheesy with anthro"!! hahahah, it said allllllllll that~ i'm so weird.
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coverkiller In reply to Corselia [2006-02-03 20:19:14 +0000 UTC]
phew! i thought i did something really insensative :3
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Dutch-Mogul [2006-02-02 05:19:29 +0000 UTC]
Hm, that's actually a pretty incredible piece of work. Kind of a 'my little centaur' look, very girly, but good. That sure is alot of pink.
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Corselia In reply to Dutch-Mogul [2006-02-02 17:42:00 +0000 UTC]
weeehhhh...yeah, its lotsa pink. it does have that 'my little centaur' look, doesn't it? ahaha, didn't notice~! but i'm not sure i wanna do mixed media again...i don't know...it just doesn't fit to me.
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Dutch-Mogul In reply to Corselia [2006-02-02 19:18:35 +0000 UTC]
What medias did you mix? Digital and hand illustrated? Seems to have worked for you.
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Corselia In reply to Dutch-Mogul [2006-02-03 00:46:12 +0000 UTC]
pretty much. it say's on the description exactly what i used. i don't know... i can tell it's by hand. its easier, yes...but i'm not sure i liked the half-half look, ya know? but i couldn't leave just the picture without a background... coverkiller told me that there's so much pink and that i should tone the sky down to maybe and orangy color...what do you think? is it fine as is or do you think i need to slightly tone it orange? i didn't think anything was distracting away from the picture but then thats why i have other people to give me suggestions so that i see the WHOLE picture.
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Dutch-Mogul In reply to Corselia [2006-02-03 03:00:28 +0000 UTC]
Well, I guess it is a bit much, but that might be a good thing. I didn't find it distracting, maybe just a bit overwhelming.
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Corselia In reply to Dutch-Mogul [2006-02-03 03:30:53 +0000 UTC]
but overwhelming isn't good, either. maybe i should change the hue just a tad... i want it to be eye candy. haha, even tho pink isn't what most people like. but if it were just only the BG it's really really nice on its own~
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Dutch-Mogul In reply to Corselia [2006-02-03 04:53:09 +0000 UTC]
The character by itself is very good, imo
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Corselia In reply to Dutch-Mogul [2006-02-03 05:02:02 +0000 UTC]
Oh yes, the character is very pretty! i studied her to make sure i got everything right! hmmm, actually, i still don't think the huge needs to be changed so i'm going to keep it that way. besides, its for zammie and i put lotsa thought into it and pink is pretty. OKAY XD, looks like i've made my mind! actually the more i look at it i think it looks more like eye candy so i guess its perfect as is. weeeee~
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Corselia In reply to Corselia [2006-02-03 05:09:33 +0000 UTC]
*sigh*...haha, i guess the hardest critic i have is myself!
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