Corselia — Contest: ROLW Couple

Published: 2010-07-30 00:08:47 +0000 UTC; Views: 2198; Favourites: 36; Downloads: 0
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Description Contest entry and fanart of Slayn and Leilia from the anime/manga series Record of Lodoss War. This one is mroe likely from the Grey Witch series because i used referencing from that series. (Leilia's outfit) I choose to do this couple because I didn't want to do couples that most people perfer to see... Parn and Deed, Ashram and Pirotess, Spark and Neese, Shiris and Orsen....Those are all couples everyone else is more likely to draw or prefer. But what about Slayn and Leilia? They are a Lodoss cannon couple, too!

This couple is more on the pure love side. There was no previous relationship between the two other then that Ghim was looking for leilia... and Leilia was under control of the grey witch. So for the most part they were 'enemies' before they met. But once Leilia was free'd from the witche's evil control she was back to her lovely maideny self... and Slayn who had been seeking for his 'star' had found it with Leilia. Even though they fell in love with each other they pretty much didn't act upon it right away because they both felt it was more important to try to save lodoss before they could even think of acting on their love for each other. But throughout teh anime series you can see bits on pieces of their love peeking out and its such a sweet moment. No "what if he/she likes..." No Jealousy, No this or that... These two knew immediately that they loved each other and there were no real complications. So there it is, Slayn and Leilia, mother and father of Neese... it is suppose to be Slayn helping Leilia up the large step of mountain they were climbing. (course if you want to you can say they are dancing?)

NOTE: I the flowery boarder is not mine. it is a brush from "19th Century" download somewhere here on DA. unfortunately i'm not able to find it but if you do know please let me have the link so that i may credit it! The only thing i did was color in the flowers/leaves/branches.
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Comments: 19

gallymedes28 [2011-05-17 20:09:28 +0000 UTC]

so beautiful,is a nice job...

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Lynx-Pardina [2010-08-07 22:53:12 +0000 UTC]

I love this couple Slayn is a great character, i really like him

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Corselia In reply to Lynx-Pardina [2010-08-08 02:20:27 +0000 UTC]


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Ferenand [2010-08-03 22:31:15 +0000 UTC]


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Marius-Creb [2010-07-30 01:08:19 +0000 UTC]

So sweet. Slayn and Leylia are my favorite canon couple.

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hanatsukuri [2010-07-30 01:04:04 +0000 UTC]

Beautiful. How lovely!

Nice color palette!

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Demi-Plum [2010-07-30 00:34:24 +0000 UTC]

it sounds like a nice series, and I love how you did her. Very beautiful. Good luck in the contest!!!

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Corselia In reply to Demi-Plum [2010-07-30 02:04:01 +0000 UTC]


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zirathedarkelf [2010-07-30 00:21:33 +0000 UTC]

Nice! Some love for Slayn and Leylia! Though we didn't even get ANY Shiris and Orson either. :<

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Corselia In reply to zirathedarkelf [2010-07-30 00:24:57 +0000 UTC]

LOL I was going to do either Shiris/Orson or Slayn/Leylia. But out of the two i believe most people would pick Shiris/Orson so i choose the other. Besides, those two need some lime-light!? They need some love'n attention, too!!!

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zirathedarkelf In reply to Corselia [2010-07-30 02:36:22 +0000 UTC]

After all, they are the only couple whose marriage was actually reflected on screen. Etoh and Fianna and Shiris and Jester were never really addressed in the anime.

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Corselia In reply to zirathedarkelf [2010-07-30 02:59:15 +0000 UTC]

lol thats true isn't it??? and you never saw Etoh with Fianna NOR Shiris with Jester. I think you only see Jester like once?

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zirathedarkelf In reply to Corselia [2010-07-30 03:02:50 +0000 UTC]

Nah, not at all. Last time I watched Chronicles I tried to watch for him, but he wasn't even mentioned. There was a guy named Reddrick or something with Shiris, but I don't remember who exactly he was, either another Mossian noble or military man.

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Corselia In reply to zirathedarkelf [2010-07-31 06:51:03 +0000 UTC]

i don't remember a Reddrick. I'd watch Chronicles again but i have the VHS version and i no longer own a VHS player. ;A;

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zirathedarkelf In reply to Corselia [2010-07-31 16:01:11 +0000 UTC]

Here he is: [link]

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Corselia In reply to zirathedarkelf [2010-08-01 02:47:30 +0000 UTC]

Ah.... lol; but the anime doesn't really have him doing anything. He's probably like shiris' right hand man or something?

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zirathedarkelf In reply to Corselia [2010-08-01 03:14:07 +0000 UTC]

Yeah, it was kind of pointless to introduce him too, he maybe had like two lines.

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Corselia In reply to zirathedarkelf [2010-08-02 02:54:17 +0000 UTC]

LOL he did only have two lines!

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zirathedarkelf In reply to Corselia [2010-08-02 02:58:15 +0000 UTC]

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