Brashier — Vow

Published: 2007-01-19 01:31:00 +0000 UTC; Views: 1911; Favourites: 48; Downloads: 36
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Description Check out that pole. It was made from a dental tool.
I was going to paint the flame myself but I got lazy.
Time: Less than 3 hours

model original [link]
flame thingy (made from a glass ornament) [link]
pole that flame thingy sits on ( the dental tool!!! ) [link]
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Comments: 44

Averan [2008-02-06 02:59:49 +0000 UTC]

I just love this pic, everytime I view my favorites and I see this I am taken away.

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sammy1980 [2007-02-12 09:21:02 +0000 UTC]

very beautiful!! definitely a for me!!! simply gorgeous..... it!!!!

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Brashier In reply to sammy1980 [2007-02-12 19:15:58 +0000 UTC]

Thank you! I adore this pic.

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sammy1980 In reply to Brashier [2007-02-13 11:51:36 +0000 UTC]

So do i, its gorgeous.... really done an excellent job!!

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FantasyStock [2007-01-31 11:46:25 +0000 UTC]

WOW! Such beautiful lighting and mystique!! Very nicely done! I love how her eyes and lips look so shiny. And the whole mood is fantastic!

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Brashier In reply to FantasyStock [2007-02-06 21:03:21 +0000 UTC]

Thank you! I put a lot of time in this one and feel like it is one of my best technically. Not the most viewed or faved but I still think its the best.

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FantasyStock In reply to Brashier [2007-03-14 03:34:25 +0000 UTC]

You're welcome!

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Averan [2007-01-25 03:29:38 +0000 UTC]

That is beautiful. I love the lighting! What an atmosphere you have created.

- Averan

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Averan [2007-01-25 03:28:46 +0000 UTC]

That is beautiful. I love the lighting! What an atmosphere you have created.

- Averan

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Averan [2007-01-25 03:28:34 +0000 UTC]

That is beautiful. I love the lighting! What an atmosphere you have created.

- Averan

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Brashier In reply to Averan [2007-02-12 19:18:07 +0000 UTC]

Thank you!

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Divs-M [2007-01-23 11:41:37 +0000 UTC]

Dental tool! You are really out of control now !

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Brashier In reply to Divs-M [2007-01-23 20:45:50 +0000 UTC]

On yes, you don't know the half of it!!

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Divs-M In reply to Brashier [2007-01-24 12:21:43 +0000 UTC]

tell me....pls

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ashes48 [2007-01-21 10:08:14 +0000 UTC]

very nice
got me with the dark and vibrant colors used
just makes it all peek out from the dark.

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Brashier In reply to ashes48 [2007-01-24 11:58:08 +0000 UTC]

Thank you! I gotta start doing that more often. Sure knocks the time down when you don't have to fool with a background.

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ashes48 In reply to Brashier [2007-01-24 16:02:41 +0000 UTC]

i wouldnt say dont add backgrounds but vibrant colors in dark places looks nice
in this image it makes me think she could be in a dark library or even in some sort of dark secret place heh
i have a painting that im working on with some dark background and light, cant wait to get it finished but im abit slow at working on it.

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Brashier In reply to ashes48 [2007-01-28 19:23:48 +0000 UTC]

I want to see it when your done.

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retrocat [2007-01-21 06:40:06 +0000 UTC]

very great work

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Brashier In reply to retrocat [2007-01-24 11:55:48 +0000 UTC]

Thank you!!!!!

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dinajen [2007-01-19 17:28:22 +0000 UTC]

Wow....excellent job on the lighting. Beautiful!!

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Brashier In reply to dinajen [2007-01-19 20:46:37 +0000 UTC]

Thanks Dina! You may want to check it out again. I just increased the size so you could see it better.

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HeliusFlame [2007-01-19 16:16:35 +0000 UTC]


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Brashier In reply to HeliusFlame [2007-01-19 20:45:28 +0000 UTC]

Thank you!

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Rivendell-PhotoStock [2007-01-19 15:46:46 +0000 UTC]

Just gorgeous! can't wait to show this to the 'model' she will adore this. Please note me if you make a print available.


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Brashier In reply to Rivendell-PhotoStock [2007-01-19 19:41:39 +0000 UTC]

I'm so glad you like it! I hope she gets a big kick out of it. I most certainly will not you about the print. Thank you again.

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Luinloth [2007-01-19 12:24:44 +0000 UTC]

Very nice! I like especially the idea of making a flame thingy of a glass ornament
Her eyes are great... and this green light

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Brashier In reply to Luinloth [2007-01-19 19:33:36 +0000 UTC]

Thank you! I have to use what I can find.

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Luinloth In reply to Brashier [2007-01-19 23:10:46 +0000 UTC]

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Juniperia [2007-01-19 11:26:36 +0000 UTC]

green flame with red shaddows.. GORGIOUS!

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Brashier In reply to Juniperia [2007-01-19 11:39:30 +0000 UTC]

Thank you!

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axis85 [2007-01-19 05:50:29 +0000 UTC]

wow that is fantastic

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Brashier In reply to axis85 [2007-01-19 10:33:44 +0000 UTC]

Thank you!

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Cinnamoncandy [2007-01-19 05:28:56 +0000 UTC]

This fantastic. I love the glow on her face. Nice work.

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Brashier In reply to Cinnamoncandy [2007-01-19 10:33:16 +0000 UTC]

Thanks hon! I took a chance with that glow on the face. I had flattened the glow on the face before I ever started on the flame.

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Cinnamoncandy In reply to Brashier [2007-01-20 17:01:59 +0000 UTC]

Oh wow. You did take a chance. It turned out great, though.

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SkyesFantasy [2007-01-19 04:27:47 +0000 UTC]

Awesome work sweety...great work on the painting too!

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Brashier In reply to SkyesFantasy [2007-01-19 10:26:54 +0000 UTC]

Thank you! Lips are my new thing to work on. I did a lot of little extra painting on this one. It came together so quick. The background took all of 30 seconds.

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MoonMystress [2007-01-19 03:37:36 +0000 UTC]

wow Barbie I love this. I love how the light (the green) goes with the eyes. Beautiful piece as always!

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Brashier In reply to MoonMystress [2007-01-19 10:21:50 +0000 UTC]

Thank you!

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rdf [2007-01-19 02:22:27 +0000 UTC]

I really like the colors. Good job.

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Brashier In reply to rdf [2007-01-19 02:30:41 +0000 UTC]

Thank you so much. That means a lot to me. I know the green is bright but it is because its a magical light. You will notice there is no purple here.

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rdf In reply to Brashier [2007-01-20 00:32:50 +0000 UTC]

I absolutely think the colors are perfect.

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Brashier In reply to rdf [2007-01-20 07:39:08 +0000 UTC]

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