Andibi — 46. The Fruit of His Success

#anthro #deer #tribal
Published: 2023-04-26 17:11:00 +0000 UTC; Views: 2667; Favourites: 60; Downloads: 8
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A Legend of the Before People, of Elahu, the Chosen of Atelani



Elahu’s quest for Okahani bark had been a quick and surprising success.  While the cloth-tree was ordinarily somewhat scarce, it was easy to find prime specimens in this underharvested part of the forest.  For a moment, Elahu imagined himself a specialty bark trader, carrying high-grade okahani to elite craftsmen in the southern villages.  It was something to consider once his antlers grew back. 

This load, however, would serve his own small village.  Draping the rolls of fresh bark across his shoulders, Elahu turned his footsteps toward camp.  His burden was relatively light, and he was in no particular hurry.  He would take his time and forage further as he made his way home. 

A gnarled old tree caught Elahu’s eye.  As he had suspected, it proved home to a large colony of bees.  Their honey would be most welcome, but Elahu did not have the tools to gather it without taking numerous stings.  He made a mental note to return once better equipped.

Continuing through an open glade, the buck scanned the bushy terrain for squashes and other foodstuffs that thrived in the bright light of Father Sun.  His efforts were rewarded when he encountered a rare patch of ananalila plants.  Their spiky leaves guarded juice-filled fruit that could be made into all kinds of tasty dishes.  “Oye, Ala will be happy to have some of these,” he breathed. 

Indeed, ananalila would be a treat for all of them.  Elahu regretted that he did not have more hands to carry it, but he could manage at least one of the large fruits.  And as with the honey, he could return later for more. 

Elahu suddenly smiled.  He may not have had extra hands, but he could carry at least some of that ananalila in his stomach.  Setting down the rolls of bark, Elahu unlimbered his sword, hacked a pineapple free, and made ready to enjoy the fruit of his success.

(Previous:  45: Unseemly   )

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3015 [2023-08-20 22:05:37 +0000 UTC]

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CptDaniel [2023-04-27 14:47:23 +0000 UTC]

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