Published: 2006-01-20 22:22:21 +0000 UTC; Views: 1436; Favourites: 18; Downloads: 59
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Here it is. This took waaaaay too long to finish. I thought it'd take a good week or so, but it ended up sitting around for a few months...anyway, this is probably the most detail I'm ever going to put in a picture (and it's not that much, compared to some). Enjoy.
Start-Finish: 3.5 months. Without hiatus time: 2 weeks
Mechanical pencil.
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Comments: 56
manje [2006-12-10 02:47:58 +0000 UTC]
wow..this is really really cool. i love the detail and the shading especially at the top. the teeth is superb great work!!
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BLOODSTORME [2006-11-22 05:27:37 +0000 UTC]
I came to say thank you for the favs and the watch, but I just couldn't help commenting on this piece of yours. I love the detail, I love the expression, and I love the subject. Dragons are my fav mythical creature, and yours rocks ...
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Alranth In reply to BLOODSTORME [2006-11-25 21:19:17 +0000 UTC]
Thank you!
I love your work, your blades are magnificent!
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BLOODSTORME In reply to Alranth [2006-11-27 02:03:41 +0000 UTC]
*LOL* ... it seems we have a mutual appreciation club ...
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KabochaKitsune [2006-07-17 21:10:02 +0000 UTC]
Excellent! The shading is astounding. And, it has that hasty-easy look, as though it took only a few minutes instead of a few weeks. Really wonderfully done.
Did you use different shading pencils, or just a #2?
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Alranth In reply to KabochaKitsune [2006-07-20 05:26:14 +0000 UTC]
Thank you!
Yup, condensed art. Like soup, but not quite as salty.
Just my mechanical pencil. I suppose I should use a 4B or something. I like those.
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Inuyashafreak337 [2006-07-07 20:05:50 +0000 UTC]
all I can say, woah
great detail, lighting, shading, just amazing!
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Alranth In reply to Inuyashafreak337 [2006-07-07 20:09:27 +0000 UTC]
Aww, thank you!
Thanks for the fav, too
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Tomoran [2006-07-07 00:12:49 +0000 UTC]
Beautiful dragon head. Wonderfully rendered with great detail. Well done.
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Mazeyelle [2006-07-05 08:02:56 +0000 UTC]
....OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! this is the BEST DRAGON I'VE EVER SEEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
...i'm jealous. i mean, Knaar here, the details, the pose, it's PERFECT!
i've been inspired.
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Alranth In reply to Mazeyelle [2006-07-05 16:08:01 +0000 UTC]
Aww...thank you!
Do you remember me? This is Ellen, I moved away from Bellevue before 8th grade ;_;
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Mazeyelle In reply to Alranth [2006-07-10 06:52:15 +0000 UTC]
Ellen, Ellen...i know that name from somewhere, but i can't place my finger on it... I'M SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO SORRY!!!!!!!!!!!! I AM BAD WITH NAMES!!!!!!!!!!!! but i'm sure that i know who you are... i just have to work it out in my teeny tiny brain. but i do really like your picture. and your welcome.
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Alranth In reply to Mazeyelle [2006-07-15 03:38:48 +0000 UTC]
It's alright, I'm terrible with names, too.
You can check the yearbook, if you have it My last name starts with an S
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Mazeyelle In reply to Alranth [2006-07-15 07:18:05 +0000 UTC]
Okey Dokey!*starts to pull out every single yearbook i have* that's alot of yearbooks...
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Alranth In reply to Mazeyelle [2006-07-16 00:56:36 +0000 UTC]
Try the 7th grade one I think it's the one with the collage cover
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Mazeyelle In reply to Alranth [2006-07-16 07:06:06 +0000 UTC]
okey dokey! *pulls out collage one* ah! there you are! ellen s. ...you're soo cute! i like your smile
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Alranth In reply to Mazeyelle [2006-07-16 17:48:13 +0000 UTC]
Hehe, thanks
I remember you played flute, right?
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Mazeyelle In reply to Alranth [2006-07-16 22:15:53 +0000 UTC]
oh, yeah, i do play flute! but now i've been veering towards bassoon... it's realy big. and heavy if you don't have a seat strap...
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Alranth In reply to Mazeyelle [2006-07-16 23:59:00 +0000 UTC]
YESSSSS! Fellow bassoonist! I miss mine, since I'm in LA. When did you switch?
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Mazeyelle In reply to Alranth [2006-07-17 08:22:36 +0000 UTC]
well, after marching nand season this year.. soo i've played for a year now. it was the first reed instrument... well, TECHNICALLY second reed instrument i've played. and it's soo cool! i didn't know if i should play bassoon or oboe, so Mr. E decided for me. and i'm glad he made me play bassoon! especially since our oboes are soo... well, squeaky. LONG LIVE THE DOUBLE REEDEDNESS!!!!!! yay!
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Alranth In reply to Mazeyelle [2006-07-17 15:16:48 +0000 UTC]
Whooooo, you had to march with a bassoon? That's crazy! We don't have a marching band here (we're lame like that). But when we do march, in May, the bassoons don't march. It sucks
I like oboes, though ;_; Oh well, bassoons rock. I like them betterrrrrr.
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Mazeyelle In reply to Alranth [2006-07-20 02:30:48 +0000 UTC]
well, i didn't march with the bassoon *thank the lords!!!!!* i used my flute for awhile there, then i went to colorguard. GUARD ROCKS!!!!!!!!!!! but BAND ROCKS TOOOOO!!!!!!!! but not when you have to carry lotsa instruments around...
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Alranth In reply to Mazeyelle [2006-07-20 05:17:38 +0000 UTC]
Ah, I see
I always did percussion, because I forgot how to play clarinet....
Oooh, very cool! I carried the banner this year. We're a lame band.
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Mazeyelle In reply to Alranth [2006-07-21 07:53:27 +0000 UTC]
Cool! it was really cool being in marching band this year, cause we played in the seahawk stadium at a half-time show and held the big banners at... well, i can't remember what it's called, i'm not a very big fan of football. but it was also at the seahawk stadium and i think it was like the beginning of... well, i got to be on tv. and that's cool. even if i look like an ant because they had to get the banners we held, but i was still on tv. i'm REALLLLLLY sorry if i sound like i'm bragging, i'm just excited...
but you can't be a LAME band! any band is cool! and plus, you carried a banner! awsome!!!!!!!!
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Alranth In reply to Mazeyelle [2006-07-22 00:06:17 +0000 UTC]
Oh MAN. I really wish I didn't move here. I don't like California nearly as much as Washington. Grr.
I wish I could have seen that! It sounds so fun!
No, it was LAMENESS. It was the LAMEST march ever. The banner was also the lamest banner ever.
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Mazeyelle In reply to Alranth [2006-07-24 08:52:08 +0000 UTC]
awwwwwwwwww..... that doesn't sound too fun.... *sniff* now i feel bad... well, to look on the brighter side of things, at least you HAVE a band. just think if you didn't. actually, don't think about that. that's sad.
i wish you didn't move too! maybe then you'd still... well... of COURSE you'd BE here. i'm an idiot. but then we could go and do lotsa things together and share artwork and have fun in the same band (that is if you'd still go to newport)! yay!
oh yeah, i just remembered something stupid. the bellevue school district's thinking of(well, is) changing Tyee's name to Newport Junior High!!!!! i swear, that's just realllllllly stupid of bellevue.
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Alranth In reply to Mazeyelle [2006-07-26 04:34:56 +0000 UTC]
Aww, don't feel bad! I'm in an extracurricular symphony, anyway.
My parents won't let me join band next year, because they think it's useless. I'm so mad about that. Oh well, I still have my youth symphony.
Yeah...I kinda wish I stayed.
I MEAN REALLy. That is a TERRIBLE idea. Whatever possesed them to think of THAT?
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Mazeyelle In reply to Alranth [2006-08-08 00:41:48 +0000 UTC]
yeah, Bellevue needs to think that one over. probably some other things too... like CHANGING THE DAIRY QUEEN ON NEWPORT HILLS TO A HERFY'S BURGERS!!!!!! huff huff... sorry, i'm still a little mad at Bellevue for that one. but they DO sell seafood there... oh well, you give and take a little.
but seriously, it seems like every Dairy Queen in Bellevue is being demolished for no good reason. i just saw another one today being demolished, along with the dance studio and store nearby... *sniff* and that's where i got all my dancing stuff! WAAAAAAAAHHHH! *sits in corner sucking thumb*
well at least you still have your youth symphony... hmmm, i think i heard that somewhere...oh well. but that's still sad! Band rocks! it's sad to hear it being demoted in such a sad way... ok! i'm being WAY too sad here! i gotta think of something happy here! hmmmm.... Oh, we- no, that's not too happy. well, at least we have the internet! it makes me happy!
as i say again, i'm sad you didn't stay though... but wait, where do you live again? maybe i'll meet up with you someday! yeah, i'll meet up with you when my mom gets her book out, and we get enough money to travel more... that'd be nice.
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Alranth In reply to Mazeyelle [2006-08-09 02:55:27 +0000 UTC]
....EWW. I liked Dairy Queen! It has the word Dairy in it!
Wheee, internet!
Yeah, I want to go baaaaaack....
Don't worry, I'm going to be visiting Newport. I definately will. I think I saw you the last time I visited, in December.
But all of you guys are up there! I can't not go!
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Mazeyelle In reply to Alranth [2006-08-22 03:30:41 +0000 UTC]
i know! *sniff* DAIRY QUEEEEEEEEEEN!!!
you did!?!?!?! yaaaay! i MUST see you the next time you come! we could, like, do stuff! yay stuff!
inter-inter-net, net! inter-inter-net, net! *does the internet mambo*
can't not go? that's a double negative. and that means you can!
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Alranth In reply to wisluna [2006-04-12 04:39:23 +0000 UTC]
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fallingwater [2006-01-27 23:18:08 +0000 UTC]
very textured ^_^
I remember when we were trying to think up of ideas for this sketch!
Well, seems like it turned out pretty good ^_^ All it needs now is a background and maybe a stroy behind it..
(your dragon's jaw looks very stiff XD)
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Alranth In reply to fallingwater [2006-01-28 03:37:22 +0000 UTC]
Yah, it took me forever O_o;
Yeah....I'm too tired to think of one right now. How about this: His name is Knaar, and he wanders the earth eating things. Yumyum.
I suppose it does....I dunnoooooo.....can't thiiiiiiiiink....
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CanonRiddle [2006-01-24 05:16:05 +0000 UTC]
holy crap. That is twice as much good than when I saw it on paper! How'd you doo iiiitt!? Woooww. I goggle at it every time.
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Alranth In reply to CanonRiddle [2006-01-25 04:18:32 +0000 UTC]
I upped the brightness and the contrast a little bit so that it would stand out more. I also erased all that smudgy stuff
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SharpieMarkerMan08 [2006-01-21 05:46:51 +0000 UTC]
wow this is REALY good and it is very awsome nice work
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theblackdrac [2006-01-21 03:26:30 +0000 UTC]
WOW!!! So much detaaaail!!! I could jist reach out 'n touch it!
Love the bamboo-lookin' horns, an' the gnarled, root-like skin. The underbelly almost looks like weave. The facial structure rocks, I like the taunt skin round the mouth, the crooked, stick-out fangs, and the sweeping motion of the tongue. Tha' eye is blowin' me away, I dunno how you got it to look so... dimensional, but it jist totally rocks. How the horn curves around the brow is neat-o. ^_^ Lovely pic all round, mate!!
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Alranth In reply to theblackdrac [2006-01-21 06:17:47 +0000 UTC]
And get snapped at by his teeth?
The under-belly took me the shortest amount of time to do, while the top half of the neck took me SO long. Bleeeeeh.
I'm not sure what he eats with teeth like that O_o;; And it looks like the skin got stripped off the mouth
Yeah, the eye turned out a lot better than I thought it would. I think the highlight brings it out ^_^
It took me the longest time to figure out what to do for the horns. I couldn't think of anything at all for a few weeks
Thank you!
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StarrLion [2006-01-21 03:20:14 +0000 UTC]
I can see why!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The detail!!!!!!!!!! The DETAIL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Just awesome.
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Alranth In reply to StarrLion [2006-01-21 06:09:47 +0000 UTC]
Thank you! ^_^
The detail really did drain me on this one, I'm not used to drawing detail
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FlygonTamer [2006-01-21 02:02:55 +0000 UTC]
OH EM GEEEEE. o__o; I've always wanted to type that.
The texture it's like PERFECT! Your effort paid off!
Hmm, looks blood thirsty. He's not a relative of Life's, right?
because of the spawesome-ness.
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Alranth In reply to FlygonTamer [2006-01-21 02:41:19 +0000 UTC]
Why thank you
Not really...I drew that part in on the plane to Seattle. That took most of the 2 hour flight
Nope, no relation.
Aww, thank you
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