agnes-cecile β€” ghost in your mind

Published: 2012-09-28 12:54:43 +0000 UTC; Views: 139798; Favourites: 11601; Downloads: 2702
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keep coming back in your mind

watercolor and acrylic on watercolor paper (300g)
45 x 60cm
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Comments: 304

distourtion [2013-03-23 02:10:22 +0000 UTC]






I'll start this out by saying that I absolutely love this. I think that in comparison to some of your other work, it's definitely more mellow and might fade into the background, but I personally prefer it because of its simplicity.

I'm just going to say a few things because I feel like the other critiques have pretty much said most of what there is to day. The colors are perfect. The contrast between her skin & hair against her other features gives it a lot more power (I don't know if that's necessarily the right word but yeah, power.) I love her expression and the way you outlined her body using little drips of color. It's subtle but beautiful. I agree that the hair at the top seems a little out of place. It's blotchy while the rest of your lines are intricate and purposeful, and it takes away from the otherwise smooth, flowing aspect of the painting. Despite that, I really just think that as a whole, you've done it again, and created a beautiful work of art.

While I say that, although I and probably about everyone else on the site really admire your technique and style, I would love to see you branch out more and try different techniques. I sound kind of like a snooty professional art teacher when I say that and since I'm actually just and amateur 18 year old photographer I kind of feel weird about giving you that kind of advice. But, as just a viewer, I feel like my opinion is worth something. And I know we all have our own styles, and I would really encourage you to stick to yours because it is amazing and I've never seen anything like it my life, but again, when I look at your gallery I sometimes feel like I'm just viewing the same painting over and over again. And don't get me wrong, I would be fine with that because I think you are an amazing artist, but I just feel like you should push yourself out of your comfort zone and try new subjects and mediums. I'm sorry if you've heard this before and I'm just being redundant, but just in case, this is my opinion.

And that's all. I love this I really do. I think it stands out in your gallery. Absolutely beautiful and one of my favorites. I hope you appreciate this because I honestly don't really know how to write these, but I think it mostly just matters that I get my feelings about your work out regardless of my familiarity with the technical part of art.

Thanks for reading this! The end.

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haiderali [2012-09-29 15:19:03 +0000 UTC]






There is a certain quality to your work which has no doubt left its impact on me since I first caught sight of it. There is a neutrality juxtaposed with sheer aggression that you show through various means in your images be it physical exertion or aesthetics I find it always present and this image is no different.

You play with the image of intimacy I feel but in a rather sinister tone as the medium dictates itself in a certain manner but your approach leaves it hanging in limbo. I find the image of the feminine very clichΓ© it has been associated with beauty for centuries and often with innocence as the major factor playing but so has the image of a seductress, a vixen or scarlet and I long to see some unique images even if they do touch upon old topics. Still I believe you've found yourself a very comfortable niche which is good we all should have them but I also believe as an artist one should never restrict themselves to comfort, personally I find the height of a challenge to be more interesting be it through medium, topic, or just being different for a change.

On to the image, I feel the visual to say more than what you intended on saying, she is beautiful, her lips curled up anticipating an embrace maybe, but the lone visible eye is dark and deadly. A white rose though a symbol of peace still does harness the ability to prick your skin with its thorns. Perhaps the image says that, that this woman is more than what meets the eye. Even the use of the darker blue near her eye bringing focus to it is almost like a smudge, it calls for other explanations of the visual.

There can be various interpretations of this image but as an enthusiast myself I try to focus on more than just the title and what the artist wanted to say and rather what the image has said. The visual denies the image its purity through the technique which has become very violent, there is a sway in the air that is graceful to begin with but as you dig deeper into the expression it says more. Whenever we paint or draw there are elements that we unconsciously add to our images because art is pure and any attempt at 'creating' art through a systematic means leaves that purity violated by our mind because we add and subtract imagining the piece as it 'should' be. You've accomplished that here, I find her expression slightly different from your other pieces, inviting yet there is a price.

I'll have to say kudos on the technique which is absolutely delicious and the drippings add to the delight. There is an amount of amazing control here both in the selection and application of color and the movement on the surface. But the movement also says that perhaps you would like to go wild and are restricting yourself, I see that from the top of her head the hair has been forced into position. I believe you have held yourself back on this one, seeing from some of your previous work I appreciate this approach, subtlety calls for a heightened experience I believe because it has you asking more than perhaps what was intended. I also find that the restricted color palette allows for more interpretations of the work.

Final thought: She is human to touch and feel apt usage of the liquid has brought her into a tangible existence but the truth is covered in this velvet fog she is inhuman from the color of her skin to the color of her hair, from the sinister glare in her eye she wishes the world to burn yet her image calls for an embrace. Yes she is a ghost one that could easily send chills down your spine if she so pleased.

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

RebelAtoli In reply to haiderali [2013-02-01 14:56:13 +0000 UTC]

I love how 14 people marked this critique as 'Unfair' yet not one of them said a word as to why they believed it to be 'unfair'...

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MarianaErwin555 [2012-09-29 01:52:09 +0000 UTC]






Hello =agnes-cecile.

This is truly a work of a neutral color which is white. White represents neutrality and peace. The title is correct, it's a soul in heaven which is in her Creator's hands. Her eternal white hair and body always goes with the color white, as it is Heaven above Earth. Her beautiful lips and her beauty never cease in Heaven, as it is the eternal life. As many people say the true life is the afterlife, this is one example of a good work about a soul in Heaven. Everything is beautiful in this work.Keep up the good work, =agnes-cecile.

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agnes-cecile In reply to MarianaErwin555 [2012-09-29 07:35:13 +0000 UTC]

thanks for your words!
I'm happy that you can see all this in my image and that it works so well with your interpretation, but it's quite far from my original project. but ok, it is one more interpretation!

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MarianaErwin555 In reply to agnes-cecile [2012-09-29 07:58:37 +0000 UTC]

You are very welcome!

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spectrumofgrey [2012-09-28 17:44:36 +0000 UTC]






One aspect of your works has always captivated me, and that is the airiness or lightness with which you manage to capture your characters each in her/his "moment". The lightness in the context of color and weightlessness is beautifully portrayed here, very aparation-like. Yet the vividness of the occasional depth-colors brightens and brings the work into a surreal dimension. The facial expression is the manifestation of that "moment" mentioned above, which in real life would have happened over a second. The attention is drawn directly into your character's eyes, which is also the darkest point in the painting, as well as mysterious (due to partial concealment by hair). Watercolor is an amazing medium, your masterful and creative use of it is inspiring.

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Bigbearbri64 [2012-09-28 16:19:33 +0000 UTC]






I really like this one, the way you have her hair blowing in the wind is fantastic. Plus she looks like she's happy, a lot of your paintings have a sad or introspective feel about them, I get that she's happy and loves having the wind in her hair and is having a fun time. The delicate shoulder and collar bones are a very nice touch. I think if I had one criticism it would be the touch of blue by her eye, that makes me think she might be or have been crying. That kind of throws off the light and care free vibe I get from the painting. But then again I guess it adds a touch of mystery and makes me think more about about my first impression of the image.

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 0

richardtorres21 [2012-09-28 13:52:48 +0000 UTC]






hmm, usually i find your work to be beyond extraordinary but this one, it seems a bit off? like the shoulders and positioning of the head and neck dont seem to 'flow'. the eye detailing and the blue tear, splash effect is very very very good, it creates amazing emotion, but the faint bloodshot look in the eye is what makes this so strong in impact. however it seems that such an emotional peice is done with very very light scheme, i think that its a little confusing on what your true emotion in this truly is. the lip and teeth, OH MAH GOD! anatomaticly beyond perfect! jaw line is pretty good. and i am in absolute no position at all to be saying this but work on color choice, a little bit more clear display of emotion. absolutely marvelous work you are truly a master. also PLEASE put a little tutorial of your water color technique and facial anatomy technique up on DA or youtube. it would be outrageously helpfull. your lips and noses are always perfect.

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 0

George-Coombs [2012-09-28 13:06:17 +0000 UTC]






Every time I see Critique Wanted for one of your pieces, I strive to write one as quick as I can. The basic fact that every piece contains so much thought and emotion behind it, yet it looks so effortlessly painted. It frustrates me at times that you can be so fantastic at water colour, due to the fact I've yet to master it. The single brush strokes that work into her hair, and the fact it looks extremely life like create perceptions of perfection. I find the contrast between the faded shoulders and the powerful colour found on the persona's lips and facial area fascinating, but the use of cold colours to convey this depth really stands out against the slight hints of realistic/skin like texture. I could say this all day, but your work is fantastic and I hope to create pieces that are as good as you one day. Well done.

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DisturbingGreen [2016-01-05 23:07:42 +0000 UTC]

so fleeting, so pretty :,)

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uitayok [2015-07-23 23:09:48 +0000 UTC]

I would very much like to buy a large canvas of this.

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eldarjazz [2015-07-08 17:47:22 +0000 UTC]

Amazing high key work^^

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Literature-Goddess [2015-05-11 13:40:47 +0000 UTC]

It's beautiful, but wouldn't a bit of color be nice?

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joybelle [2015-05-11 13:04:06 +0000 UTC]

Hi Agnes,

I've been trying to contact you via various social media, but it doesn't seem to be working. I wanted to inquire about the cost for use of this image in digital media. Please see the note I've sent for more info. I'm desperate. This is perfect.

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Dogo-design [2015-01-23 14:04:56 +0000 UTC]

mi piace da morire, molto espressiva!

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Lumerika [2014-11-15 16:14:26 +0000 UTC]

This really catches the eye, amazing!

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SerafinAdele [2014-05-18 21:02:50 +0000 UTC]

Beautiful! Your pictures have an air of simplicity yet incredible complexity. Love it!

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Ciardubh [2014-05-05 19:24:16 +0000 UTC]

Incredibly good.

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Alicespirit [2014-02-07 05:57:23 +0000 UTC]

I love it, itΒ΄s really beautiful!!

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Emilimia [2014-01-24 19:22:51 +0000 UTC]

now THAT is amazing!

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AnaArtAM [2013-11-10 19:06:30 +0000 UTC]

great, I share it in my new pageΒ  www.facebook.com/ArteDesignBlo…

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BaneEden [2013-09-25 21:11:09 +0000 UTC]

This is beautiful

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MikotoP [2013-09-02 19:11:05 +0000 UTC]

Uwaa it looks amazing!

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Lithgrif [2013-07-22 02:40:45 +0000 UTC]


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otisali [2013-07-09 12:38:31 +0000 UTC]


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TherosRosarum [2013-06-11 16:11:26 +0000 UTC]

Truly awe-inspiring

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klacinda [2013-06-09 16:19:18 +0000 UTC]

really love the emotion captured

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Szuchie0G [2013-06-03 04:51:10 +0000 UTC]

so amazing..

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SilvaInk [2013-05-20 17:19:39 +0000 UTC]

Outstanding, stark and masterful. I think your control of the brush strokes and ability to capture the light is great! You haven't overdone the detail, really interesting composition.

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DollfieDream11 [2013-05-12 16:34:41 +0000 UTC]

I love this!! This is simply amazing my friend!

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jeffnohio [2013-05-06 13:45:12 +0000 UTC]

Epic art!

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SurrealCachinnation [2013-03-26 06:13:23 +0000 UTC]


I have written a poem inspired by this piece for a contest. I have included a thumb back to your work and a couple sentences about your art. If you would like to see it, you can find it here: [link]

Thank you for creating such beautiful and inspiring paintings!

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DarkxNight [2013-03-11 01:39:02 +0000 UTC]

Wonderfully frightening and intriguing!

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Artume24 [2013-02-27 21:55:47 +0000 UTC]

Awesome painting...

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Meancreature [2013-02-01 20:04:57 +0000 UTC]

[link] Love it.

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Ali-Nita [2013-01-25 01:10:44 +0000 UTC]

Where do you get your references from? Or do you just have an amazing imagination?

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productno49 [2013-01-05 17:56:44 +0000 UTC]

whoa lovely work!

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LadyNaturiaSunflower [2013-01-04 14:09:21 +0000 UTC]

Pues yo no te pongo parrafadas, sΓ³lo que me encanta.

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f1utterby3 [2013-01-02 22:47:09 +0000 UTC]

I love the use of such a pale palette in this piece. The wisps of hair, shoulders that fade into nothing and expression are quite haunting. I love it!

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chezpo [2012-12-26 17:08:51 +0000 UTC]

that smile <3

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theheek [2012-12-24 06:39:56 +0000 UTC]


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arecio [2012-12-22 12:34:22 +0000 UTC]

This is exquisite. She feels so natural, and so does the movement in the image. It feels like she has this power, this intent, this character expressed in just a painting. It's mysterious and charming. It's just...stunning. Wish I was more cohorent.

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Bukashendra [2012-12-17 21:15:13 +0000 UTC]

Nice and so airy...

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mascaradegesso [2012-12-14 02:57:13 +0000 UTC]


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Kaket [2012-12-12 00:50:50 +0000 UTC]

Gorgeous, arrogant, and wonderful all at once.

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JayNL09 [2012-12-07 15:32:54 +0000 UTC]

Bellissima! **

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2-Falling-Feathers [2012-12-06 02:18:35 +0000 UTC]

Beautiful. Simple color scheme and oh so elegant!

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UnicornSilhouette [2012-11-25 15:38:29 +0000 UTC]

you are amazing!!

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crizoe [2012-11-24 10:23:08 +0000 UTC]


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